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5 2 Skills Practice Medians And Altitudes Of Triangles

5 2 Skills Practice Medians And Altitudes Of Triangles

Painted on a wall are 4 red triangles, 2 blue triangles, 6 green triangles and 8 yellow triangles. What percentage of the triangles are blue or red?

Daftar Isi

1. Painted on a wall are 4 red triangles, 2 blue triangles, 6 green triangles and 8 yellow triangles. What percentage of the triangles are blue or red?


red : 20%

blue : 10%

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


red : 4/20=2/10=20%

blue : 2/20=1/10=10%

semoga membantu.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4 merah

2 biru

6 hijau

8 kuning

berjumlah = 20 segitiga

segitiga biru dan merah = 4+2 = 6

20 = 100%

1 = (100/20)%

1 = 5%

presentase segitiga biru dan merah :

= (5×6)%

= 30%


jangan lupa follow hehe

2. Characteristics of Triangles and Quadrilaterals is?​


triangle is a simple closed curve or polygon which is created by three line-segments. In Euclidean geometry, any three points, specifically non-collinear, form a unique triangle and separately, a unique plane (known as two-dimensional Euclidean space).

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

harus ada bintang 5

3. Medians BD and CE of triangle ABC are perpendicular, BD = 8, and CE = 12. The area of triangle ABC is.

The correct answer is 64

4. Triangle PQR and triangle DEF are similar. Which describes the relationship between the corresponding sides of the two triangles? * 2 points


PR/DE = 6/6

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Sisi PR dan DE memiliki panjang yang sama, yaitu 6 cm

5. 14. The range of plant life on a mountainside (a) is a (b) results of (c) differences in temperature and precipitation at (d) varying altitudes.

The range of plant life on a mountainside (a) is
a (b) results of (c) differences in temperature and
precipitation at (d) varying altitudes.

Answer : Kesalahan pada kata C. differences

Seharusnya adalah different.

6. Question 10 Unsaved Berikut karakteristik model suatu pembelajaran 1) Working autonomy 2) Practical relevance 3) Learning of soft skills 4) Cooperation of university and practice Model pembelajaran yang sesuai karakteristik di atas adalah...

Model pembelajaran yang sesuai karakteristik di atas adalah MAGANG ATAU KERJA PRAKTIK.


Magang atau kerja praktik adaslah sebuah metode pembelajaran dan bagian dari proses pendidikan yagn menempatkan peserta didik langsung di dunia kerja, namun sebelum selesai menuntaskan seluruh proses pendidikan. Setidaknya terdapat empat karakteristik pendidikan yang ingin dicapai dengan modul pembelajaran ini yaitu:

a. working autonomy atau kemampuan bagi peserta didik untuk memahami seluk beluk dunia kerja

b. practical relevance atau kemampuan bagi peserta didik untuk memahami relevansi atau hubungan dari pendidikan yang diterimanya di lembaga pendidikan dengan praktik langsung di dunia kerja

c. learning of soft skills yaitu kesempatan bagi peserta didik untuk memperoleh keampuan atau keahlian di luar keahlian yang diperoleh selama pendidikan untuk berkarir di dunia kerja

d. cooperation of university and practice yaitu ajang bagi lembaga pendidikan untuk bekerja sama dengan pelaku industri dalma menghasilkan tenaga kerja berkualitas

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pada materi ini, kamu dapat belajar tentangkerja praktik:


Detil jawaban

Kelas: SMP

mata pelajaran: TI

Bab: -

Kode kategori: -

Kata kunci: modul pembelajaran, magang, kerja praktik

7. Skills practiceA. Write the gender of each word given in bold1. My friend is sweet and loving.2. The doctor is busy with the patient3 We don't have tables and chain​


1. My friend is sweet and loving.

Gender: A Female, but it it can also be a male.

2. The doctor is busy with the patient

Gender: The doctor can be a male or a female. The patient can be a male or a female.

3 We don't have tables and chain​

Gender: The gender can be a male and female or male and male or female and female.


Untuk nomor satu kata My friend (temanku) bisa berarti seorang perempuan (female) ataupun laki laki (male) karena kemungkinan itu selalu ada.

Untuk nomor 2 Dokter bisa seorang pria ataupun seorang wanita karena termasuk profesi gender neutral (profesi yang bisa disandang oleh semua jenis kelamin apakah pria ataupun wanita), begitu pula halnya dengan seorang pasien, bisa jadi seorang pria ataupun seorang wanita.

Untuk nomor 3 kemungkinannya semakin banyak, bisa jadi seorang pria dan wanita atau pria dan pria atau wanita dan wanita.

Semoga membantu ya.

8. the perimeter of triangles is 53cm. if PQ = QR and QRis 5cm shorter than PR, then the length of PR is....

The lenght of PR is 21 cm

9. What kinds of language assessment instrument do we need to develop to assess receptive skills--listening and reading and productive skills--speaking and writing?


Jenis instrumen penilaian bahasa apa yang perlu kita kembangkan untuk menilai keterampilan reseptif - mendengarkan dan membaca dan keterampilan produktif - berbicara dan menulis?



Semoga membantu

10. A pattern has 12 blue triangles to every 16 yellow triangles. what is the ratio of yellow triangles to the blue triangles ?​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

12 di bagi 2 sama dengan 6

16 di bagi 2 sama dengan 8

jadi perbandingan nya adalah 6 banding 8

11. A pattern has 5 blue triangles to every 80 yellow triangles. What is the ratio of blue Inangles to all triangles?

All triangles = 5 + 80 = 85

The ratio of blue : all triangles
= 5 : 85

Divide each by 5
= 1 : 17

12. Practice 2 and Practice 3?​


Practice 2:

2) Ours

3) Theirs

4) Yours

5) Hers

6) Hers

Practice 3:

1) her

2) her

3) her

4) our

5) her

Semoga membantu. Maaf kalau salah.

13. A pattern has 12 blue triangles to every 16 yellow triangles. what is the ratio of yellow triangles to the blue triangles ?​

total = 16 + 12 = 28

blue triangles = 12/28

= 3/7

yellow triangles = 16/28

= 4/7

ratio yellow to the blue triangles = 3/7 : 4/7

= 3/7 × 7/4

= 3/4

dont forget to make the smartest answer oke.


14. 2 dians sedan mencati dan bermace.​




maaf apa maksud pertanyaannya

15. Practice 3Make five (5) sentences of order.1..2.34.5.practice 4make five 5 sentences of reques. jawab​


make five sentence of order

1. we used the computer in order to save time.

2. he ordered them to survey population growth

3. i have no choice but to follow those orders.

4. i worked hard in order to support my family.

5. i'm sure you'll find everything is in order.

make five sentence of request

1. could you give please?

2. do you think you could lend some money?

3. would you mind if i ask your help?

4. i request you to grant me leave.

5. how about giving your car please?



16. in each of the following figures, establish that a pair of triangles is similar, and hence find x.​


a.  x = 8 cm

b.  x = 15/4 cm

c.  x = 24/5 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

a.  3/4 = 6/x

x = 4(6)/3 = 24/3

x = 8 cm

b. 3/x = (3+1)/5

3/x = 4/5

x = 3(5)/4

x = 15/4 cm

c. 3/5 = x/(3+5)

3/5 = x/8

x = 3(8)/5

x = 24/5 cm

-  KLF  -


24/5 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


17. Give three examples of soft skillsGive three examples of hard skills​


1. Give three examples of soft skills

- Communication

- Teamwork

- Adaptability

2. Give three examples of hard skills

- Techinal Skills

- Computer Skills

- Analytical Skills


1. Here are 3 soft skills examples that are essential traits among employees:

1) Communication

Why you need it: Both written and verbal communication skills are of utmost importance in the workplace because they set the tone for how people perceive you. They also improve your chances of building relationships with co-workers. Communication skills boost your performance because they help you to extract clear expectations from your manager so that you can deliver excellent work.

Why employers look for it: Workers are more productive when they know how to communicate with their peers. If you can clearly express the who, what, when, where, why, and how of a project, you’ll be a hot ticket.

How to gain it: One way to hone your communication and presentation skills is to join Toastmasters, a national organization that offers public speaking workshops.

2) Teamwork

Why you need it: A company’s success is rarely dependent on one person doing something all by him/herself. Success is the result of many people working toward a common goal. When employees can synthesize their varied talents, everyone wins. (Bonus: Having friends at work can also boost your job satisfaction, a Gallup poll found.)

Why employers look for it: Employers look to team players to help build a friendly office culture, which helps retain employees and, in turn attracts top talent. Furthermore, being able to collaborate well with your co-workers strengthens the quality of your work.

How to gain it: To generate goodwill, lend a hand when you see a co-worker in need. (“Hey, I know you have a ton on your plate. How can I help?”) Another way to build rapport is to cover for a colleague while she’s on vacation.

3) Adaptability

Why you need it: Soft skills help you manage reality. And the reality is, things don’t always go as planned. Successful leaders know how and when to be flexible, so instead of digging in your heels, you need to be able to pivot and find alternate solutions.

Why employers look for it: Change in the workplace is one of the only constants. Consequently, employers need workers who can adapt to industry shifts and keep the company current.

How to gain it: Push yourself to be an early adopter of change and someone who is able to meet new challenges. Inquire about training sessions and offer to teach your co-workers what you learn.

2. Here are 3 hard skills examples:

1) Technical Skills

Technical skills include specialized knowledge and expertise in fields such as IT, engineering, or science. Typical technical skills are abilities to use specialized software or equipment.

2) Computer Skills

Computer skills are your abilities to use software and hardware: from basic and general, to highly specialized.

On today’s job market, computer skills are a must in any industry. Be sure to include list them on your resume especially if you’re applying for office jobs and if the job ad requires specifics.

3) Analytical Skills

Analytical skills are the skills of gathering data, analyzing it, deciphering the meaning, and presenting it.

No matter what job you’re pursuing, if you’re able to show that you’re good with data analysis, the recruiter will score you some bonus points.

#SemangatBelajarWalaupunOnline ^-^

18. the number of triangles on the figure above is

where the picture coeq ? :vpertanyaan gk masuk akal

19. 10. Let A = {right-angled triangles). (a) Is each of the following triangles an element of A? Explain your answer. (i) triangle with sides 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm (ii) triangle with sides 2 cm, 2 cm and 3 cm (b) Can each of the following sets be the universal set for the set A? Explain your answer. (i) U = {all triangles} (ii) V = {all polygons}​



[tex] \xi = \{x \colon x \text{ is an integer and } -3 \le x \le 3 \} \\ [/tex]

[tex] A = \{x \colon 2x + 1 < 5 \} \\ [/tex]

[tex] B = \left \{ x \colon \frac{x}{3} \text{ is an integer} \right \} \\ [/tex]

(a) Express the set [tex] A [/tex] by listing its elements.

(b) Is [tex] -4 [/tex] an element of [tex] A [/tex]? Explainyour answer.

(c)Write down the common elements of [tex] A [/tex] and [tex] B [/tex].


For part (a), the set of [tex] A [/tex] can be written as

[tex] A = \{-5, -3, -1, 1, 3 \} [/tex]

For part (b), [tex] -4 [/tex] is not an element of a set of [tex] A [/tex] because [tex] A [/tex] is a set of odd numbers with [tex] x \in [-3, 1], x \in \mathbb{Z} [/tex].

For part (c), both sets can be written as

[tex] A = \{-5, -3, -1, 1, 3\} [/tex]

[tex] B = \{-1, 0, 1\} [/tex]

The branches of mathematics that he/she studied:

Set theory

20. PQR and STU are triangles. Find the value of <a+<b+<c+<d.​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

=2 - ( - 5 )

=2 + 5

= 7

semoga membantu

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