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Mark Of The Falling Star

Mark Of The Falling Star

Degrees of Comparison.• The Y Star ______ The X Star.• The X Star ______ The Y Star.• The Z Star ______ star of all.​

Daftar Isi

1. Degrees of Comparison.• The Y Star ______ The X Star.• The X Star ______ The Y Star.• The Z Star ______ star of all.​

- is bigger than

- is smaller than

- is the biggest

2. The soud of falling water made the writer


Sepertinya jawabannya B

Maaf kalo salah ya


26. A

27. A

28. C


Maaf kalau salah

3. what is the meaning of falling rock

falling rock = batu yang sedang jatuh
falling rock = reruntuhan batu

4. satelit of the earth ia themoonstarcometsky​



jadikan jawaban terbaik ya semoga membantu

Satelit of the earth is the?
Answer : Moon

5. 1.What is the purpose of the text? a.To explain the benefits of star fruit b.To describe the types of star fruit c.To tell the readers a bout the origins of star fruit d.To tell the reader a bout star fruit


mana teks nya?

6. The last star on the handle of titik titik polaris or the north star.


the little dipper is named

7. When theWhen there is a falling star, is the number of starconstellation decreasing?A. Yes, there isB. Yes there areC. No, there is notD. No, there are not​


A. Yes, there is.✌✌✌✌


soal;When the

When there is a falling star, is the number of star

constellation decreasing?

Arti;Ketika Ketika ada bintang jatuh, adalah jumlah bintang konstelasi berkurang?

Answer;A.Yes,there is

8. "I saw some leaves falling on the benches." The best replacement for singular form of the sentence is ... . * 2 poin A. I saw a leave falling on the benches. B. I saw a leaf falling on the bench. C. I saw a leaf falling on the benches. D. I saw a leave falling on the bench.


c. I saw a leaf falling on the benches

= aku melihat daun jatuh di kursi taman.


semoga membantu, maaf kalau mungkin salah :)

9. the color of star is​


So stars are black bodies that shine very brightly. The general colors of stars from low temperature to high temperature are red, orange, yellow, white, and blue. As far as the human eye could tell, there were no green stars. Stars emit a spectrum (rainbow) of colors, including green.


Jadi bintang adalah benda hitam yang bersinar dengan sangat cemerlang. Warna umum bintang dari suhu rendah ke suhu tinggi adalah merah, oranye, kuning, putih, dan biru. Sejauh mata manusia bisa membedakan, tidak ada bintang hijau. Bintang memancarkan spektrum (pelangi) warna, termasuk hijau.


Stars exist in a range of colors: red, orange, yellow, green, white and blue with red being the coolest and blue being the hottest. A star's color indicates it's temperature, composition and relative distance from earth.


Bintang ada dalam berbagai warna: merah, oranye, kuning, hijau, putih dan biru dengan merah yang paling dingin dan biru yang paling panas. Warna bintang menunjukkan suhu, komposisi, dan jarak relatifnya dari bumi.


I hope this helps :)

sorry if wrong :(

10. What is the author main point in paragraph 4?a. The star fruit.b. The star fruit's origin.c. The type of star fruit.d. The advantages of star fruit​


Apa poin utama penulis di paragraf 4?


a. Buah belimbing.

b. Asal buah belimbing.

c. Jenis buah belimbing.

d. Keunggulan buah belimbing


paragrafnya tudak ada?


artinya "Aku tahu kau makan kue coklat terakhir yang Mark katakan Mark menuduh Tom"


aku tahu kamu memakan kue coklat terakhir yang mark katakan, mark menuduh tom dari


aku udah ngeartiin nya bener

12. Whether the text of the fight from the story of the golden star fruit tree

Entah teks pertarungan dari kisah pohon buah belimbing emas

13. what is the meaning of falling in love​


the meaning is when u meet someone and u feel something different than usual, and over time u apear some love.

14. is falling in love the worst kind of mental illnes artinya?​

Apakah jatuh conta adalah sebuah penyakit mental terburuk?

15. the color of star is​


Star is yellow

Because we see the star is yellow


The general colors of stars from low temperature to high temperature are red, orange, yellow, white, and blue. As far as the human eye can tell.

16. What is the function of the Mark artinya​


Apa fungsi dari Mark?


Semoga bermanfaat dan Jadikan jawaban terbaik. Follow aku yaa. Thank You.

17. Whether the text of the fight from the story of the golden star fruit tree

apakah teks pertarungan berasal dari kisah pohon buah belimbing emas

maaf kalo salah:v

18. istilah hill of the star

Bukit bintang ( mungkin itu artinya) sorry kalau salah

19. 19. The meaning of “Star fruit” is​




star = bintang

fruit = buah

20. 4The falling of pollen to the pistil is called​



dalam bahasa Inggris Pollination


Semoga membantu (⌐■-■)



sorry if wrong :)

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