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Rank Each Pendulum On The Basis Of Its Maximum Speed

Rank Each Pendulum On The Basis Of Its Maximum Speed

An object is thrown vertically up with a speed of 20 m / s. When the object reaches its maximum height is ... s

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1. An object is thrown vertically up with a speed of 20 m / s. When the object reaches its maximum height is ... s


t = Vo / g

t = 20 / 10

t = 2 second

2. Match each word on the left with its meaning on the right​


1. moisture (e) - kelembapan

2. soil (j) - tanah atau lapisan paling atas bumi

3. nutrient (a) - nutrisi untuk makhluk hidup

4. research (i) - riset atau penelitian

5. yields (b) - hasil atau keuntungan

6. mature (c) - matang

7. hail (g) - pelet es

8. frost (d) - embun beku

9. draught (f) - aliran gas

10. weeds (h) - tanaman liar atau gulma

Semoga bermanfaat terima kasih

3. 6. A car travels the first 19 km of its journey at an average speed of 57 km/h and the remaining 55 km at an average speed of 110 km/h. Find the average speed of the car for its entire journey.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:




4. 4. The frequency of the pendulum is 2,5 Hz. Please count: * * a. The period of pendulum b. The number vibrations of the pendulum for 1 minutekk bntu please​

Diketahui :
f = 2,5 Hz
Ditanyakan :
a. T ... ?
b. n ...?
Jawab :
a. Periode
T = 1/f
T = 1/2,5
T = 0,4 Hs
b. Banyak geataran
f = n/t
n = 2,5
n_1 menit = 2,5 x 60
n_1 menit = 150 getaran

5. Write the name of the quadrilateral on the first blank. Then match the quadrilateral with itsdescription, and write the letter of the description on the second blank. (Use each letter only once.)​


black an second only rapiditi on flock

6. The heat transfer which naturally occurs on two bodies depends on...AThe temperature of each bodyBThe state of each bodyCThe mass of each bodyDThe energy of each body​


B.Keadaan masing-masing tubuh

maaf klo salah

7. say the name of each thing and its function like the example!​

1. This is a plate. It is for eating
2. This is a broom. It is for cleaning
3. This is a bed. It is for sleeping
4. This is a chair. It is for sitting
5. This is a hat. It is for head protection
6. This is an eraser. It is for erasing things


1. This is a plate

It is to putting food

2. This is a broom

It is for sweeping the floor

3. This is a bed

It is for sleeping

4. This is a chair

It is for the seat

5. This is a hat

It is to protect the head from the heat

6. This is an eraser

It is to delete pictures, writings, or doodles



8. Sentence can be classified into its purpose, please explain! Please give one example of each kind of sentence based on its structure! ​


- I love my mom
- My new house is white


- Which one do you prefer, android or iphone?
- Whose car is this?


- Pass the gun
- Close the door  


Declarative, interrogative, and imperative sentences are the three primary forms of sentences used in technical writing. Each has its own word order and is utilized for a specific reason.

(ada kemungkinan jawaban ini dihapus, jadi jawablah sebelum di hapus)

9. The motorcycle moves on the straight road at a speed of 72km/h. In SI unit, the speed of the motorcycle is


72km = 72000 m

1 hr = 3600 s

72000m/3600s = 20m/s

10. A maglev train initially moves at speed of 54 km/hour. If the train accelerates at 5 m/s² the train reaches the maximum speed of 253 km/hour after it move for ... second.

vo = 54 km/jam
     = 54 000 m/ 3600s
     = 15 m/s
a = 5 m/s2
vt = 252 km/jam
    = 252 000 m/ 3600s
    = 70 m/s
t ?
vt = vo + ( a . t )
t = ( vt - vo ) / a
  = ( 70 - 15 ) / 5
  = 55 / 5
  = 11 second ( s )

I1 . ω1 = I2 . ω2
1200 . 0,8 = I2 . ω2
960 = m2 . r² . ω2
960 = 25 . (3/2)² . ω2
960 = 25 . 9/4 . ω2
ω2 = 960 . 4/225
ω2 = 256/15
ω2 = 17,1 rad/s

The speed of the carousel now is 17,1 rad/s

12. A ball of mass 0.5kg is thrown vertically upwards with a kinetic energy of 100J. Neglecting air resistance calculatea the initial speed of the ballb the potential energy of the ball at its highest pointc the maximum height to which the ball rises​



m = 0,5 kg

Ek = 100J


a the initial speed of the ball, Vo =?

b the potential energy of the ball at its

highest point, Ep max=?

c the maximum height to which

the ball rises, h max=?


a) Ek = ½.m.Vo²

100 = ½.(0.5).Vo²

100 = 0.25. Vo²

Vo² = 400

Vo = √400


b) Ep max = Ek max = 100J

c) Ep = m. g. h

100 = 0,5. (10). h

100 = 5 h

h = 100/5


13. The sum of two numbers x and y is 82. Find the maximum value of its p. Where p = xy

x + y = 82

nilai kali maksimal = 82/2 = 41

p = xy = (41×41) = 1681Bahasa Indonesia
untuk membuat hasil kali tertinggi
maka selisih x dan y harus sekecil mungkin
selisih terkecil = 0
berarti x = y
x + y = 82
x + x = 82
2x = 82
x = 82:2
   = 41
y = 41

P = xy
    = 41 x 41
    = 1681

Bahasa Inggris (In English)
we wanted to make the highest possible of the product
which means the difference of x and y must be as least as possible
smallest difference = 0
which means x = y
x + y = 82
x + x = 82
2x = 82
x = 82:2
   = 41
y = 41

P = xy
    = 41 x 41
    = 1681

14. Match each part of the school building to its description​


Sis, how does it fit in, how come there is no picture


\thank you for the point

15. the speed of light is ..... the speed sound​

the speed of light is faster than the speed of sound

16. Name the type of bridge based on its location!​


Name the type of bridge based on its location!

=> Sebutkan jenis jembatan berdasarkan tipe konstruksinya.





Jembatanadalah struktur yang dibuat untuk menyebrangi jurang atau rintangan, misal seperti sungai, rel kereta api, serta jalan raya.



All at once = At the same time

Friendship = Fellowship

    Efforts   = Struggle

    Dream   = Ambitions

Guidance  = Direction


all at one-all the sime time






semoga membantu:)

18. express each of the following as a fraction in its simplest form

[tex]\frac{3x}{4y-2z} - \frac{2x}{z-2y} + \frac{5}{3z-6y}[/tex]

---------samakan penyebut menjadi 3z - 6y

[tex] \frac{3x}{4y-2z} = \frac{ -\frac{9}{2}x}{3z-6y} [/tex]

[tex]\frac{2x}{z-2y} = \frac{6x}{3z-6y} [/tex]

--------- digabung lagi

[tex]\frac{ -\frac{9}{2}x}{3z-6y} - \frac{6x}{3z-6y} + \frac{5}{3z-6y} = \frac{\frac{10 -21x}{2} }{3z-6y} = \frac{10-21x}{6z-12y} [/tex]
Simplifying Algebra.

Look the answer on this picture!

19. When the ship undergoes speed trials, it.......its maximum speed. A. Is producing B. Producing C. Produced D. Produces E. Produce mohon Bantu kak sama cara pengerjaan nya

b) producing

maaf klo salah

20. find the value of each of the following. Express your answer in its simplest form ​


[tex]10 \div \frac{4}{5}[/tex]

[tex] \frac{10}{1} \div \frac{4}{5} = \frac{10}{1} \times \frac{5}{4} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{10 \times 5}{1 \times 4} = \frac{50}{4} = 12 \frac{2}{4} [/tex]

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