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A Nurse Is Preparing To Administer Po Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate

A Nurse Is Preparing To Administer Po Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate

Apa fungsi sodium alkylbenzene sulfonate ? ​

Daftar Isi

1. Apa fungsi sodium alkylbenzene sulfonate ? ​

- bahan active untuk sabun bubuk, sabun cair - handsoap - sabun cuci piring - otomotif cleaner.

- mempunyai daya bersih yang tinggi.

- menghasilkan busa banyak.

- mudah dibilas & kesat.

- merupakan bahan active sabun yang ramah lingkungan.

2. Lia is a nurse ,........... is a nurse​

Lia is a nurse, she is a nurse

Maaf kalo salah, kurang paham sama pertanyaan nya, lain kali dilengkapi lagi ya:)


Lia is a nurse , end novi is a nurse

Lia is a nurse , lia is a nurse

3. 13. Arrange the words !is - a - She - nurseA. She is nurseB. She nurse isC. She is a nurseD. She a is nurse​


c.she is a nurse

maaf kalo salah

semoga membantu

is - a - she - nurse

= D. she a is nurse

4. (+) she is a nurse (-) ...... (?) ......


(+) She is a nurse

(-) She is not a nurse

(?) Is she a nurse?

Semoga membantu

Maaf kalau salah

5. apa arti is a nurse​


Nurse itu perawat

Perawat adalah orang yang membantu dokter


adalah seorang perawat

6. they... the dinner right nowa. are preparingb. is preparingc. was preparingd. were preparing​


a. are preparing

karen right now berarti menggunakan imbuhan ing dan they jadi yang berarti jamak jadi menggunakan are

Gini doang gak bisa??!

7. A nurse was nearby. He called to her. A. He called to a nurse, whose was nearby B. He called to a nurse, who was nearby C. He called to a nurse, where was nearby D. He called to a nurse, which was nearby E. He called to who a nurse was nearby ini tentang adjactive clause.. Tlng di bantu ya;) terimakasih..

c.he called to a nurse , where was nearbymungkin yang C.
(maaf kalo salah)

8. ibu adalah seorang perawat +mom is a nurse-monther is not a nurse?is monther a nurse.......​


(+) My mom is not a nurse

(-) My mother is not a nurse

(?) Does my mother is a nurse?


Maaf klo salah

9. Soal No. 15C. Fill the blank to make a complete sentence.My mother and my sister dinner at themoment.Jawaban :A. is preparingB. are preparingC. was preparingD. were preparing​

*Jawaban:* c. Was preparing

*Penjelasan:* Sebab, penggunaan kata "was" digunakan untuk kegiatan yang sudah terjadi, dan tenses ini dinamakan *Simple Present Past*

10. Change the following sentences into passive. 1. Sally feeds the patients in the morning 2. A nurse catheterize the patient in bed 22 two hours ago. 3. The doctor is prescribing the medications to Mrs. A 4. While staff nurse Helen was inserting the nasogastric tube into the patient’s stomach, she panicked when she saw bubbles appearing in the tube. 5. The staff nurse is going to administer an injection of morphine.

Jawaban:the patients are fed by Sally in the morning The patient was catheterized by a nurse in bed two hours agoThe medications arebeing prescribed by the doctor to Mrs. Awhile the nasogastric was being inserted by staff nurse, she panicked when she saw bubbles appearing in the tubeAn injection of morphine is going to be administered by the staff


Change the following sentences into passive.

=> Ubahlah kalimat berikut menjadi kalimat Passive.

Berikut Berdasarkan Rumus:

A. Present Tense Active: S + V1 (-s/es) + OPassive: O + Be (is/am/are) + V3 + By S

1. Sally feeds the patients in the morning

=> the patients are fed by Sally in the morning

B. Past Tense Active: S + V1 (-s/es) + OPassive: O + Be (Was/were) + V3 + By S

2. A nurse catheterized the patient in bed 22 two hours ago.

=> The patient was catheterized by a nurse in bed two hours ago

C. Present Continuous Active: S + is/am/are + V-ing + OPassive: O + is/am/are + being + V3 + By S

3. The doctor is prescribing the medications to Mrs. A

=> The medications arebeing prescribed by the doctor to Mrs. A

D. Past Continuous Active: S + Was/were + V-ing + OPassive: O + Was/were + being + V3 + By S

4. While staff nurse Helen was inserting the nasogastric tube into the patient’s stomach, she panicked when she saw bubbles appearing in the tube.

=> while the nasogastric was being inserted by staff nurse, she panicked when she saw bubbles appearing in the tube

E. Future Be Going To Active: S + is/am/are + going to + V1 + OPassive: O + is/am/are + going to be + V3 + By S

5. The staff nurse is going to administer an injection of morphine.

=> An injection of morphine is going to be administered by the staff


Passive Voice:


DETAIL JAWABANMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: Passive VoiceLevel: SHSKode Soal: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 11.5

Kata Kunci: Active Voice, Passive Voice, Present Tense, Present Continuous, Future Tense, Past Tense

11. is Victoria a nurse ? ​


Yes, maybe


Where is the picture?




Semoga bermanfaat yaaa

follow yaa nanti bakalan di folback kok

12. What is Dillah doing? * a. She is preparing her meatball b. He is preparing his meatball c. She is preparing her favorite instant noodle d. He is preparing his favorite instant noodle ​




13. mis bella is a nurse. nurse means​


nurse artinya suster atau perawat

nurse means perawat (Ibahasa ndonesia)

semoga membantu, cik:)

14. my mother helps the doctor to treat patient.she is a nurse

ibuku membantu dokter untuk menyembuhkan pasien.dia adalah seorang perawatIbuku membantu dokter untuk mengobati pasien, dia adalah seoarang perawat/suster.. ^_^

15. What kind of occasion is Peter doing?a. Preparing fo National Exam. b. Preparing for a birthday. c. Preparing for the next semester.d. Preparing to have a vacation.​


C. preparing for the next semester


maaf kalo salah

16. (+) she is a nurse (-) ...... (?) .....


- : she isn't a nurse

? : is she a nurse


(+) she is a nurse

(-) she's not a nurse

(?) is she a nurse?

17. Change the following sentences into passive. 1. Sally feeds the patients in the morning 2. A nurse catheterize the patient in bed 22 two hours ago. 3. The doctor is prescribing the medications to Mrs. A 4. While staff nurse Helen was inserting the nasogastric tube into the patient’s stomach, she panicked when she saw bubbles appearing in the tube. 5. The staff nurse is going to administer an injection of morphine.


(1) Sally feeds the patients in the morning

Passive : The patients are fed by Sally in the morning

(2) A nurse catheterize the patient in bed 22 two hours ago.

Passive : The patient in bed was catherized by nurse 22 Hours ago

(3) The doctor is prescribing the medications to Mrs.A  

Passive : The medications is being prescribed by the doctor to Mrs.A

(4) While staff nurse Helen was inserting the nasogastric tube into the patient’s stomach, she panicked when she saw bubbles appearing in the tube.

Passive : While the nasogastric tube was inserted by staff nurse Helen into the patient's stomach, she panicked when she saw bubbles appearing in the tube

(5) The staff nurse is going to administer an injection of morphine.

Passive : An injection of morphine is going to administered by the staff nurse  

18. fatima is a nurse.....is very friendly​


she is very friendly

19. my - is – a nurse - aunt​


My aunt is a nurse.

Setiap menulis kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris jangan lupa tanda baca dan huruf kapital


my aunt is a nurse


artinya bibi saya adalah seorang perawat

20. my mother is a nurse. So.... always pays attention to our health​




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