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One Half Of Negative Five Eighths

One Half Of Negative Five Eighths

What time is it? A.It's half past one B.It's half past two C.It's half past four D.It's half past five bantuin yang on,jangan ngasal.

Daftar Isi

1. What time is it? A.It's half past one B.It's half past two C.It's half past four D.It's half past five bantuin yang on,jangan ngasal.

What time is it?

A.It's half past one

B.It's half past two

C.It's half past four

D.It's half past five


Thank you

jadikan Jawaban terbaik

salam sehat dari saya

It's half past three (sekarang jam setengah tiga)

2. it's half to ten it's five past one. it's Ten to seven.​

saya terjemahkan ya

1. ini jam setengah sepuluh ( 10.30 )

2. ini jam lima lewat satu ( 05.01 / 17.01 )

3. ini jam sepuluh lewat tujuh ( 10.07 / 22.07 )

maaf kalau salah :)

3. My skin is one of the five?​


Skin type


Arti soalnya : Kulit saya adalah salah satu dari lima?

Jawabanya : Jenis kulit


My skin is one of the five?

arti dalam bahasaIndonesia:

Kulit saya adalah salah satu dari lima?


S e m o g a M em b a n t u

4. 12:55a. one past fiveb. five to onec. one to fived. five past five ​


b. fivetoone=12.55

semoga membantu


kalau gak salah A

maaf kalau salah

5. it's a quarter past five it's ten past seven. it'sfive to one. it's a quarter tetheree. it's half past seven. it's a quarter to five. it's half pas six. it's ten to seven. it's a quarter past tetheree. it's five past one​


sekarang jam lima lewat seperempat jam tujuh lewat sepuluh. itu lima banding satu. itu seperempat tetheree. sudah jam setengah tujuh. ini pukul lima kurang seperempat. ini jam setengah enam. itu sepuluh sampai tujuh. ini jam seperempat lewat. ini jam lima lewat satu


sekarang jam lima lewat seperempat jam tujuh lewat sepuluh. itu lima banding satu. itu seperempat tetheree. sudah jam setengah tujuh. ini pukul lima kurang seperempat. ini jam setengah enam. itu sepuluh sampai tujuh. ini jam seperempat lewat. ini jam lima lewat satu


semoga membantu maaf kalo salah

6. which one of five desigsn makes the best comparison?​


ini artinya

manakah dari lima desain yang membuat perbandingan terbaik?


maaf kalo salah jawabannya:)

7. Half of me is five and doble me is 20 what number am i​




setengah dari saya = 5, jika di × 2 = 20

8. Mau nanya dalam penyebutan 05:30 a half past five or five-thirty nah perbedaan a half past five or five-thirty Apa??


kalo setau aku

dalam penggunaan jam dalam Bing menggunakan kata a half untuk menyatakan 30 menit atau setengah jam


hatur nuwun, moga manfaat dan jan lupa lopehnya kakk

9. Makna ( bukan artinya ) dari "one's not half of two, two are halves of one" adalah

1 bukan separuh dari 2, 2 adalah separuh dari 1.....

10. time A half past nine five minutes past eleven A quarter to five twenty five minutes past threeA quarter past one twenty minutes to twelve ​


1. a half past nine = 9.30

2. five minutes past eleven = 11.05

3. a quarter to five = 04.45

4. twenty five minutes past three = 03.25

5. a quarter past one = 01.15

6. twenty minutes to twelve = 11.40

11. 1. it's a quarter to one =2. it's two twenty five =3. It's half past Ten =4. it's five to three =5. It's four Thirty five =jawab dengan angka:)​

Telling TimeIt's a quarter to one = > 12.45It's two twenty five = > 02.25It's half past Ten = > 10.30It's five to three = > 02.55It's four Thirty five => 04.35


Perhatikan cara membaca waktu (time) dalam Bahasa inggris berikut ini!

Kata “O’clock” => digunakan ketika jarum panjang menunjukkan angka 12 atau dalam Bahasa Indonesia kita mengenalnya dengan “tepat,” maka itu dibaca “o’clock.” Cara membacanya adalah angka jam diikuti dengan “o’clock.” Contoh: pukul 10:00 dibaca “ten o’clock.”  Kata “quarter past” => digunakan jika jarum panjang berada di angka 3, maka dibaca dengan “quarter past.” Cara membacanya adalah “quarter past” diikuti angka jam. Contoh: pukul 10:15 dibaca “quarter past ten.”  Kata “(a) quarter to” => digunakan jika jarum panjang berada di angka 9, maka dibaca dengan “quarter to.” Cara membacanya sama dengan cara membaca di angka 3. Contoh: pukul 10.45 dibaca “quarter to eleven” atau “a quarter to eleven,” yang artinya pukul 11 kurang 15 menit.  Kata "half past” => digunakan jika jarum panjang berada di angka 6, maka dibaca dengan “half past” dan tidak ada “half to.” Cara membacanya sama dengan 2 penjelasan di atas. Contoh: pukul 10.30 dibaca “half past ten.”  Kata “past” dan “to” berarti “lebih” dan “kurang.” Yang membedakan dari cara sebelumnya adalah, cara ini menambahkan kata “minutes” kecuali kata yang merupakan kelipatan angka 5.  


10. 23 => dibaca twenty three minutes past ten.  10. 25 => dibaca twenty five past ten.  10.33 => dibaca twenty seven minutes to eleven.  10.35 => dibaca twenty five to eleven.  


Materi tentang waktu dalam bahasa inggris https://brainly.co.id/tugas/25202044  

Materi tentang waktu dalam bahasa inggris https://brainly.co.id/tugas/29200088  

Materi tentang waktu dalam bahasa inggris https://brainly.co.id/tugas/26883908  



Kelas : 7  

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris    

Bab : 3  

Kode: 7.5.3  


1. It's a quarter to one = 12.15

2. it's two twenty five =  02.25

3. It's half past Ten =  10.30

4. it's five to three =  02.55

5. It's four Thirty five = 04.35

PembahasanHOW DO WE READ ANALOGUE CLOCKS?The short hand tells us the hours.The long hands tells us the minutes.

In telling time you have to know the meaning of these :



PAST means past the hour

TO means after the hour

AM means before midday (12 : 00)

PM means after midday (12 : 00)

Examples :

01 : 00 = one o'clock

02 : 00 = two o'clock

02 : 30 = half past two / two thirty

06 : 30 = half past six / six thirty

03 : 15 = quarter pas three / three fifteen

03 : 45 = quarter to four / three fourty five

11 : 10 = ten past eleven / eleven ten

12 : 20 = twenty past twelve / ten twenty

07 : 58 = two to eight / seven fifty eight

08 : 27 = twenty seven past eight / eight twenty seven

Pelajari lebih lanjutTelling time dalam bahasa Inggris https://brainly.co.id/tugas/21981480Telling time https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3103815-----------------------------------------Detil jawaban

Kelas: SD

Mapel: Bahasa INggris

Bab: Telling Time

Kode: -


12. tiara has a dancing class at 13.35 she has a dancing class ata twelve o'clockb half past onec forty five past oned twenty five to two​


D. Twenty five to two

Maaf jika salah

13. 18. Father goes to office at....A. a half past oneB. five o'clockC. nine o'clockD. eleven past one​


father goes to office at c. nine o'clock

14. Makna dari ( bukan arti) "one's not half of two, two are halves of one" adalah

klo bukan arti saya jawab pake arti,
Kayaknya jawabannya itu


15. 06.35 It's six thirty five It's twenty five to seven It's thirty five past six 13.35 It's one thirty five It's twenty five to two It's thirty five past one 19.30 It's seven thirty It's half past seven It's half to eight 06.15 It's six fifteen It's quarter past six 14.00 It's two o'clock 20.05 It's eight five It's five past eight


1.It's thirty five past six

2.It's thirty five past one

3.It's half past seven

4.it's quarter past six

5.It's two o'clock

6.It's five past eight

Maaf kalau jawabanya gk nyambung dan semoga membantu

16. Mention one of the positive and Negative impacts of Corona ?​


+ : Teaches how important cleanliness is

- : Impeding some of the activity

17. . (16.30) it is . . . * 4 poin half past four half past five quarter to four quarter past five


Telling Time:

What time is it? (16.30)

It is half past four


Jawaban merupakan materi pembelajaran Telling Time (menyatakan waktu) dengan British Style dalam Bahasa Inggris.

AM = Ante Meridiem = before Noon = 12.00 (Midnight) - 11.59 AM

PM = Post Meridiem = after Noon = 12.00 (midday) - 11.59 PM

American dan British Style menggunakan sistem 12 jam yang dibedakan dengan a.m dan p.m seperti penjelasan di atas.

Pada soal dinyatakan pukul 16.30, itu artinya sama dengan:

It is half past four p.m.

or (atau)

It is half to five p.m.  

Jika jarum panjang persis di menit ke 30, maka boleh memilih untuk menggunakan "past" atau "to".

Semoga membantu ya.

18. which one of the five designs the best comparison?​


ini artinya

Manakah dari lima desain yang memiliki perbandingan terbaik?


maaf kalau ada salah^^

19. 25. I wake up at (05.30).O a half past sixO b. half past fiveOc. half to fiveO d half past three​


B. Half Past Five


30 menit melewati jam 5 sehingga past 5


b.half past five


a.half past six=06.30

c.half to five=04.30

d.half past three=03.30

maaf kalau salah

20. Kerjakan seperti contoh di The example: It's a half past eight. = 8.30 1. It's a quarter to one. = 2. It's two twenty five. = 3. It's half past ten 4. It's five to three. 5. It's four thirty five. IIIIIIII

1. It's a quarter to one. =  12.45

2. It's two twenty five. =  2.25

3. It's half past ten  = 10.30

4. It's five to three. = 2.55

5. It's four thirty five = 4.35

Semoga membantu, semangatt^^

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