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What Percentage Of 30 Is 9

What Percentage Of 30 Is 9

Pls bantu jawab 1.What percentage of the whole is shaded? * 2.What percentage of the whole is shaded?

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1. Pls bantu jawab 1.What percentage of the whole is shaded? * 2.What percentage of the whole is shaded?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

the total of square = 100

the total of shaded's square = 36

the percentage = total shaded/total all square x 100%

= 36 / 100 X 100%

= 36%

2. what is 54000 of 81600 in percentage?​


100/81600*54000= 66.1%

3. 5.what percentage of calcium is in the product​




cmiiw. maaf kalau salah.


1.one container

2.strawberry greek yogurt

3.0 g

4.vitamin a&d

5.35 %


jangan lupa jadiin jawaban terbaik

4. the percentage of each shaded square is?​


Yg diarsir ada 86 kotak yg tidak diarsir 14

Jadi 100 per 100 dikurang 14 per 100 sama dengan 86%

5. 1. What percentage of pupils like Matematika?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalau salah

6. 6. what is the percentage of the number of whole numbers, from 4 to 23, which are multiples of 5 ?

From 4 to 23 there are total 20 numbers. Then there are 4 numbers which are multiples of 5, there are 5, 10, 15 and 20. So the percentage should be 4/20*5/5 = 20/100 = 20%

7. what is the use of density in the calculation of percentage by mass​


%B = p 10 B / Mr


semoga bermanfaat

8. * If you have 6 pennies, 9 nickels and 12 dimes. What is the ratio (in simplest form) of the number of nickels to total number of coins? O 9:27 O 27:9 O 1:3 O 3:1 What percentage of the whole is not shaded? *​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Pennies = 6

Nickels = 9

Dimes = 12

Number of Nickels = 9

Number of the total coins = 6+9+12 = 27

—Find the simplest form of ratio between number of Nickels and number of the total coins.

= 9 : 27

= (9:9) : (27:9)

= 1 : 3 The answer is D

9. What is the use of density in the calculation of percentage by mass?​


Apa gunanya massa jenis dalam perhitungan persentase massa?


Density can also be used to determine the mass percent of an unknown concentration.


maaf kalau salah, semoga dapat terbantu

10. Please help me with this, what is the percentage decrease of these 2 questions :(

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

(a) 960 - 840 = 120

Percentage decrease = 120/960 x 100%

= 1/8 x 100%

= 12,5%

(b) 270 - 81 = 189

Percentage decrease = 81/270 x 100%

= 3/10 x 100%

= 30%

11. raju buys a dozen pens each for $0.5 and sells them all for $9. what is the percentage of profit or loss?​

Raju gets 50% of profit

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Given that
Raju purchased a dozen pens ($0.5/unit)
A dozen = 12 units
$0.5 × 12 units = $6
-> purchasing cost (pc) = $6
-> selling cost (sc) = $9

Raju gets profit, sc > pc
Find the percentage of profit (%)

% = 100(sc-pc)/pc
% = 100(9-6)/6
% = 100(3)/6
% = 300/6
% = 50 (%)

Raju gets 50% of profit

[[ KLF ]]



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Dozen = 12 pieces.

[tex]12 \times 0.5 \\ = \$ 6[/tex]

[tex] \$9 - \$6 \\ = \$3 \: \: \texttt{(profit)}[/tex]

[tex] \texttt{profit\%} = \frac{ \$3}{ \$6} \times 100\% \\ = \frac{1}{2} \times 100\% \\ = 50\%[/tex]

12. In a hypothetical population, 16% have sickle-cell anemia. The population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. ( sickle-cell anemia is recessive) a. What is the frequency of the allele for sickle-cell anemia? b. What is the frequency of the allele for normal hemoglobin? c. What percentage of the population produces only normal hemoglobin? d. What percentage of the population is heterozygous?


Dalam populasi hipotetis, 16% menderita anemia sel sabit. Populasi berada dalam ekuilibrium Hardy-Weinberg. (anemia sel sabit bersifat resesif) a. Berapa frekuensi alel untuk sel sabit an

13. The percentage of each shaded square is​





smoga mmbntu ya

14. 1.The percentage of Moana's studying time is ...2.The percentage of Moana's playing time is ....3.The percentage of Moana's sleeping time is ....​


affans aku ni Hilmi kelas sebelah

15. 1.What does the text tells us about? 2. What is the aim of writing the label? 3. What do the reader do after reading the label? 4. The product is useful for (whom).... 5. From the text we can conclude that the product is kind of.... 6. What is the most percentage of the ingredients of the product? 7. What is the least percentage of the ingredients of the product 8. What is the advantage of the product 9. Can everybody consume the product? 10. What is the prohibition of the product.​


advantage itu jawabannya

16. apa arti dari what is the percentage the active ingredient

What Is the Percentage The Active Ingredient
(berapa persen bahan aktifnya)

maaf kalo salah...What is the percentage the active ingredient= berapa persen bahan aktifnya

Semoga membantu

17. 1. What is the serving size? 2. What kind of the product is it? 3. What is the total fat contained?4. What are vitamins in the product? 5. What percentage of calcium is in the product? ​


1.Serving Size 1 Container


3.Total Fat 0g

4.Vitamin A 15%

Vitamin D 20%

5.Calcium 35%

18. 1.what is the percentage of the indonesian workers who have a university degree?2.which percentage is bigger,the workers with an SMA certificate or an SMK sertificate?3.what is the educational level of the majority of indonesian workers based on the graph?

1. 4 percent workers who have a university degree
2. SMA bigger than SMK (precentage workers)
3. SD level.

19. What is the percentage change in the price of each of the three goods?


Mana penjelasannya


Berapa persentase perubahan dalam harga masing-masing dari tiga barang

kalau buat pertanyaan tolong di perjelas yaaa

Semoga bermanfaat

20. The percentage form of 1/8 is



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] = \frac{1}{8} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{1 \times 12,5}{8 \times 12,5} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{12,5}{100} [/tex]

[tex] = 12,5\%[/tex]


semoga benar dan membantu

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