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Select The Appropriate Synthetic Sequence To Accomplish The Transformation Shown

Select The Appropriate Synthetic Sequence To Accomplish The Transformation Shown

the appropriate to complete the dialog​

Daftar Isi

1. the appropriate to complete the dialog​


jika diterjemahkan=

yang tepat untuk melengkapi dialog

Dialog merupakan media kiasan yang melibatkan tokoh-tokoh drama yang diharapkan dapat menggambarkan kehidupan dan watak manusia, problematika yang dihadapi, dan cara manusia dapat menyelesaikan persoalan hidupnya. Dalam dialog tersaji urutan peristiwa yang dimulai dengan orientasi, komplikasi, sampai dengan resolusi.

Bahasa Inggris=

forget about figurative media involving drama characters who are expected to describe human life and character, the problems they face, and how humans can solve life's problems.

In the dialogue, a sequence of events is presented, starting with orientation, complications, up to resolution


semoga membantu

2. The appropriate utterance to complete the dialog is


don't do angthing but your Exam so as not to be expelled by the teacher


artinya(jangan melakukan apapun selain ujianmu agar tidak dikeluarkan oleh guru

maaf jika salah

3. the appropriate response to complete the dialog is

maaf tapi kalau soal yang menggunakan dialog di foto aja biar kami tau jawabannya

4. The sum of the first four terms in a geometricsequence is 30 and the sum to infinity is 32. The firstthree terms of the sequence are ....​


Jumlah dari empat suku pertama dalam geometri

urutannya adalah 30 dan jumlah hingga tak terhingga adalah 32. Yang pertama

tiga suku urutan tersebut adalah ....

5. arrange the sentence to form a sequence dialog!

Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya!

Surya: What do you usually do every sunday afternoon?

Adi: I go to the park with my family

Surya: How do you go there?

Adi: We go there by bicycle. What about you, Surya?

Surya: I play football with my friends in the field near our school.

Adi: That's nice.

Surya : What do you usually do every Sunday afternoon?
Adi : I go to park with my family
Surya : How do you go there?
Adi : We go there by bicycle. How about you, Surya?
Surya : I play football with my friends in the field near our school.
Adi : That's nice.

semoga membantuu

6. the appropriate word to complete the dialog above is​



Maaf Jika Salah

7. Listen to your teacher reading the textbelow. Add the appropriate punctuationto the following text. Also use appropriatecapitalisation. apa artinya dalam bahasa indonesia​


Dengarkan guru Anda membaca teks

di bawah. Tambahkan tanda baca yang sesuai

ke teks berikut. Gunakan juga yang sesuai


8. The most appropriate phrase to complete the dialogue is ​


a. in my opinion


9. The student to fill in the blanks with appropriate expressions​


terjamahannya: Siswa mengisi bagian yang kosong dengan ekspresi yang sesuai

semoga membantu, bantu follow juga ya

10. What is the appropriate expression to complete the text


Apa ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks

11. What is the appropriate experession to compete the dialogue above


ekspresi apa yg tepat untuk melengkapi dialog diatas


maaf klo salah

12. the following are the appropriate advice to complate the dialogue​


1. B

2. A

3. B

maaf klo salah :)

13. Listen to the dialogs and identify the appropriate pictures

Tbh, i don't understand your question. So, i just translate it to Indonesian language.

14. The most appropriate sentence to complete the dialogue is


where the sentence? can't find it so can't answer it

15. The most appropriate expression to complete the following dialogue is...​


B. I hope you arrive home safely.


Saya harap anda tiba di rumah dengan selamat.

Tolong jadikan Brainliest answer / Jawaban terpintar ya.. hehe


I hope you arrive home safely


Semoga ini membantu

16. The correct expressions to introduceoneselfare shown by number​


yang mana kak

ini hanya soal

artinya "ungkapan yang benar untuk memperkenalkan diri ditunjukan oleh angka"

17. Listen to the dialogues and identify the appropriate pictures


dengarkan dialog dan identifikasi gambar yg sesuai


maaf klo salah

18. fill in the blanks with the appropriate formsof TO BE! ​


ini berurutan yaa...

maaf kalo salah



3.is,is,are,are,is,is,is,are,am,am not

19. The most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue is.....​


Please pay attention!


semoga benar ya

20. consider the sequence 3,6,9,12... A)find the general term of the sequence B)Find the 11th term of the sequence​



A) +3 / multiplication 3

B) 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,(33) / 3 × 11 = 33

jawabanny ad 2 ya, yg paling sesuai aj.

semoga membantu:)

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