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What Was A Result Of The Kansas nebraska Act Weegy

What Was A Result Of The Kansas nebraska Act Weegy

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) .......... Came about as a result of the National Security Act of 1947. a. What b. It was c. Was what d. It was what

Daftar Isi

1. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) .......... Came about as a result of the National Security Act of 1947. a. What b. It was c. Was what d. It was what








it was

2. What was the most significant result of the Marshall Plan on Politics?​


It helped to restore the economy of western Europe. Why was the Marshall Plan beneficial to the United States as well as western Europe? European economic recovery meant that the sale of U.S. goods to European countries would increase.



Semoga bermanfaat ✌️

Bantu follow ya

3. 4. What does the word "registration" mean?a. The act of being present.b. The act of enrolling,c .The number of people that are present.d. The act of paying money.e. An act of requiting; returning in kind.​


B. the act of enrolling



B. the act of enrolling, sama sama bang

4. Jacquelyn thinks of a whole number. She work out one-quarter of the number. The result is 20. What was the number that Jacquelyn started with?​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]x \times \frac{1}{4} = 20 \\ x = 20 \div \frac{1}{4} \\ x = 20 \times \frac{4}{1} \\ x = 20 \times 4 \\ x = 80[/tex]

5. What is the result of the burning of the coal and oil?

well the result is simple , for the coal one it'll just yeah burned... you can cook anything with it , making a Barbecue . and for the oil? yeah oil have some of those chemical composition , it smells like a marker for whiteboard , if you burn it , it'll be very dangerous as hell it would be , your face can get burned , both things have different results...

hope im helping...

6. What goverment act of counter the spread of covid?​


Apa tindakan pemerintah untuk melawan penyebaran Covid?


maaf kalau salah

7. what is the result of the burning of the coal and oil​

Probably an explosion

8. 1. What is the text about? 2. What happened on 6th of August and 9th of August 194! 3. What was the background of the events? 4. What was the result of the events? 5. How significant is the date of 2nd of September 1945?


1.tentang apa teksnya? 2.apa yang terjadi pada 6 Agustus dan 9 Agustus 194! 3.apa latar belakang acara tersebut? 4.apa hasil dari acara? 5.seberapa pentingkah tanggal September 1945?

9. What is the text about ?what happened on 6th of augustan 9th of august 1945?what was the background of theevents? what was the result of the events? how significant is the date of 2nd of september 1945​


Tentang apa teks tersebut ? apa yang terjadi pada tanggal 6 agustus 9 agustus 1945? apa yang melatarbelakangi kejadian tersebut? apa hasil dari kejadian tersebut? Betapa pentingnya tanggal 2 september 1945


hari pahlawan, bener gak sih? mon maap kalo salah :'(

10. what is the result of ...?

= 2^(2^(2^1))
= 2^(2^2)
= 2^4
= 16

11. 1. What is the text about?What happened on 6 August and 9 August3. What was the background of the event4. What was the result of the events?5. How significant is the date of 2 September​

1. Tentang apakah naskah tersebut?

2. Apa yang terjadi pada 6 Agustus dan 9 Agustus

3. Apa latar belakang acara tersebut

4. Apa hasil dari acara tersebut?

5. Seberapa signifikan tanggal 2 September

12. what is the result of breathing?

the result of breathing are co2 or we called carbondioksida dan h20carbondioxide CO2 and H20

13. What goverment act of counter the spread of covid?​


Government Spokesperson for Handling COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto said efforts to overcome COVID-19 were carried out by breaking the chain of transmission, namely by finding infected people to be treated and isolated.



Juru Bicara Pemerintah untuk Penanganan COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto mengatakan upaya mengatasi COVID-19 dilakukan dengan memutus rantai penularan, yaitu dengan menemukan orang-orang yang terinfeksi untuk diobati dan diisolasi.

14. Jawaban dari pertanyaan.................of the play Mourning Becomes Electra introdces the cast of characters and hints et the plot.a. The act firstb. Act onec. Act firstd. First act

D.. First act ...  of....(so on

D. first act
itu yg betul InsyaAllah :)

15. Kuis +50 poin dari kexcvi [from Brainly Global] (1) What is the result of 9 times 8 (2) What is the result of 16 divided by 8 (3) What is the result of 5 times 6 (4) What is the result of 1 plus 1


1. 9 times 8 ( 9 x 8=72)

2. 16 divided by 8 ( 16 : 8=2)

3. 5 times 6 (5x6=30)

4. 1 plus 1 ( 1+1 =2)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


Times: dikali

Divided by: dibagi

Plus: ditambah


Semoga bermanfaat

[tex]\huge\pink{\mid{\fbox{\tt{MathNath}} \mid}}[/tex]


1. = 72

2. = 2

3. = 30

4. = 2

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
























Times=DikaliDivided=DibagiPlus=DitambahMin=Dikurang________________________Mapel : MatemathicsKelas : Elementary SchoolKategorial : -________________________#MathNath

16. What The result of 65x11=



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalau salah

17. 1. What is the text about? 2. What happened on 6th of August and 9th of August 194! 3. What was the background of the events? 4. What was the result of the events? 5. How significant is the date of 2nd of September 1945?


where the text?

how can i answer it without the text?



18. 21. What is the result of theactivity?​


what activity,dik?

diketik dulu yg lengkap ya

19. 1.what is the text about 2.what happened on th6 of agust and 9th august 1945 3.what was the background of the events 4.what was the result of the events 5.how significant is the date of 2nd september 1945 tolong kerjain y 100poin​


Reading Comprehension:

1.what is the text about?

The text is about the final year of World War II.

2.what happened on 6th of august and 9th august 1945?

On 6 August 1945, the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. On 9 August 1945, the U.S. dropped another atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki.

3.what was the background of the events?

The background of the events was the use of nuclear bombs in World War II.

4.what was the result of the events?

The result is the end of World War II.

5.how significant is the date of 2nd September 1945?

That date (September 2 1945) was very significant in the history of the world because it was the date when Japan signed the instrument of surrender, effectively ending World War II.


Jawaban dicetak tebal berdasarkan bacaan sekaligus penjelasan dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Reading Comprehension (pemahaman bacaan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Pemahaman bacaan:

1. teks tentang apa?

Teksnya tentang tahun terakhir Perang Dunia II.

2.apa yang terjadi pada tanggal 6 agustus dan 9 agustus 1945?

Pada tanggal 6 Agustus 1945, AS (Amerika Serikat / The United States) menjatuhkan bom atom di kota Hiroshima. Pada 9 Agustus 1945, AS menjatuhkan bom atom lagi di kota Nagasaki.

3.apa latar belakang kejadiannya?

Latar belakang peristiwa tersebut adalah penggunaan bom nuklir dalam Perang Dunia II.

4. apa akibat dari kejadian tersebut?

Hasilnya adalah berakhirnya Perang Dunia II.

5.seberapa penting tanggal 2 September 1945?

Tanggal itu (2 September 1945) sangat penting dalam sejarah dunia karena pada tanggal itulah Jepang menandatangani instrumen penyerahan diri, yang secara efektif mengakhiri Perang Dunia II.

Semoga membantu ya.

20. what is the result of 5+5


the result is 10

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

jarimu kan ada 5 dikiri dikanan ada 5 totalnya 10

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