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Which Inequality Is True For X 20

Which Inequality Is True For X 20

Look at the list. Which is true for a human brain (B)? Which is true for a computer (C)? Some sentences are true for both.​

1. Look at the list. Which is true for a human brain (B)? Which is true for a computer (C)? Some sentences are true for both.​


1. B,C

2. B

3. B,C

4. C

5. B

6. B,C


1. Brain need nutrition and oxygen as energy, while computer need electricity as energy.

2. Brain work by the chemical reactions of neurotransmitter.

3. Both worked as storage.

4. Computer is easier to fix. You need a big surgery and great surgeon to fix your brain.

5. While the computer is man made product, brain and human itself still a huge secret that even our self doesn't understand.

6. Computer will shut down if there is no electricity, while your brain will shut down when you die.

2. Which fraction is true for 2/3 + 3/5


2/3 + 3/5 = 10/15 + 9/15 =19/15 = 1 4/15

maaf klo salah

3. which is the true sentence for the picture above?

The Chef is cooking his food into a delicious food. Maybe, i hope my answer can help you

4. apa itu which is not true

artinya bisa "itu tidak benar", bisa juga " yang tidak benar" tergantung kalimatnyamana yang tidak tepat.

semoga membantu:)

5. which of the following is true?​


Manakah dari berikut ini yang benar

6. For the absolute value of the inequality |x−2|<2, the interval value of x is


XE{0, 4}

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

x-2<2,x-2≤0-(x-2) <2,x-2<0






7. Which statement is true? *​


pernyataan mana yang benar?



Semoga membantu, Maaf kalau salah

8. Which statement is true about Elda.​

Which statement is true about Elda.

examples of correct questions

1. Mention Elda's hobbies

2. Describe Elda's character


Manakah pernyataan yang benar tentang Elda.

contoh soal yang benar

1. Sebutkan hobi Elda

2. Jelaskan karakter Elda


1. hobi elda adalah bermain bola

2.karakter yang dimiliki elda periang

1. Elda's hobby is playing soccer

2. Elda's cheerful character

9. which of the sentence is true? ( fishing is prohibited)

maaf ini mana kalimat yang lain yaa?? kok gak lengkap pertanyaannya.....


kalimat mana yang benar? (dilarang memancing)


itu artinya

10. Which statement is true


ga jelas...... mana pilihan nya

11. Which statement is true​


"Pernyataan mana yang benar"

Semoga membantu

12. Arti true love is love which only for two person and no place for the third person


Cinta yang murni adalah cinta yang hanya untuk untuk dua orang saja, tidak ada tempat untuk orang ketiga

13. which is true regarding air​


which is true regarding air?

Air is mixture of several gases like nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. As air is like gas it exerts pressure. The composition of air varies in the atmosphere



14. which statement is true​


Mana pernyataannya kak?

15. which is the true statement for the picture above?tlg bntu kak​


B. yang menjelaskan dia dulu pas kecil kurus dan skrg aku gendut

jadi kata "Was" itu adalah penjelas dan tidak muncul berulang-ulang

16. g. whichwhich statement is true ?​


pilihan statement nya mana yah?

17. which is true about text above

yang benar tentang teks di atas

18. which statement is true​


haaa pertanyaan nya apa

19. Which ONE is not True according


I'm sorry but there is no photo or text so I cannot answer

20. Jawaban which statement is true?


Arti : pernyataan mana yang benar?


kayaknya soal yang mau kamu tanyain kurang lengkap deh. jadi saya nggak tau mau jawab apa dan gimana:)

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