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Which Of The Following Is An Incorrect Pairing

Which Of The Following Is An Incorrect Pairing

Which is the incorrect statement?​

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1. Which is the incorrect statement?​

halo mana pertanyaan nya?where is the questioquestions


2. which is incorrect about the advertisement above

Bahasa inggris ya gan

3. The following sentences are the negative form of simple present tense . Whice sentence is incorrect


What sentence? ngga ada kalimat tercantum.

lain kali kalo nulis pertanyaan, ditulis jelas ya. Biar kakak2 di sini bisa bantu selesaikan soal mu. thnks.

4. Which of these contractions is incorrect? *A. Aren’tB. Isn’tC. Didn’tD. Amn’t​


D. Amn't ( baru denger gw yg gituan )


nih gw kasi jelasnya kak

5. Which usage of a suggest as a verb that is incorrect? Tolong dibantu yaaa

Menurut gw sih jwbnny 5

6. Which statement below is incorrect according to the text


pernyataan mana di bawah ini yang tidak benar menurut teks


jika artikan ini artinya, jika soalnya dimana soalnya??

7. Which of the following word has INCORRECT spelling? * 4 points A. FLIGHT ATTENDANT B. TRAIN DRIVER C. D.CONDUCTOR




B. Train Driver

because it's actually called Machinist

8. which sentence is incorrect​


jawaban nya coret²



9. Each of the following sentenced contains words or groups of words that should be parallel. Write C if the sentences is correct or I if it is incorrect. If it is incorrect, underline the parts that should be parallel. Number 1 has been done as an example.1. (incorrect) The play was neither amusing nor was it interisting.

yg salah (incorrect) 5, 6, 8, dan 10

10. The following statements are incorrect, except ....

tidak ada soal? jhony jhony yes papa

11. The bacterium Yersinia pestis, which result in severalforms of plague, is believed to have been the cause.Which of the underlined words is grammaticallyincorrect and needs to be rewritten?​

result menjadi resulted

12. Which one is the incorrect form? A. Even though B. Despite C. In spite D. In spite of


a. even though


13. the following responsed that is incorrect is bahasa Indonesia​


the following responsed that is incorrect is (artinya adalah : jawaban berikut ini yang salah adalah)


the following responsed that is incorrect dalam bahasa indonesia (jawaban berikut ini tidak benar


setahu saya begitu jawabannya

maaf kalo saya salah

14. Kuis ⁽¹²⁷⁾ : Multiple choice Which of the following is the incorrect statement? (a.) The sum of two and three is five. (b.) The product of four and seven is twenty eight. (c.) The quotient of twenty six and two is thirteen. (d.) The cubic root of two thousand seven hundred and forty four is forteen. (e.) The square root of thirty six is seven.


Jawabannya E bang


a) Pernyataan a adalah benar karena sum (+) 2 + 3 = 5

b) Pernyataan b adalah benar karena product atau Times (x) 4 x 7 = 28

c) pernyataan C adalah benar karena quotient atau divided (:) 26 : 2 = 13

d) pernyataan d adalah benar karena akar 3 nya dari 2744 adalah 14

e) pernyataan e adalah salah karena akar dari 36 itu 6 Enam Bukan TujuH -_-

Maka dari itu Incorrect statement atau Pernyataan yang salah adalah E. The square root of thirty six is seven


Multiple Choice:

(e.) The square root of thirty six is seven.


Jawaban dicetak tebal pilihan (e.) The square root of thirty six is seven.

Satu-satunya jawaban yang tidak benar pada pilihan dalam soal adalah pilihan (e.) The square root of thirty six is seven.

Hal ini disebabkan karena akar pangkat dua dari 36 adalah 6 (enam), jadi bukan tujuh.

6 x 6 = 36, jadi [tex]\sqrt{36}[/tex] = 6

Pilihan lainnya benar secara hitungan matematika.

Semoga membantu ya.

15. 4. L "This are your favourite red velvet cake" From the sentence above, which part of the sentence is incorrect?​


"Are" is the incorrect sentence.

we need to use "is"


16. Which of the following sentence is incorrect?a. The Moon turns around the Earth. b. The Moon is hotter than the Earth in daytime.c. The Moon is bigger than the Earth. d. It takes one month for the Moon to go around the Earth.​

d. It takes one month for the Moon to go around the Earth


the moon takes 1 month to be able to circle the earth which is called the earth's rotation


bulan memerlukan waktu 1 bulan agar bisa mengeliling bumi itulah yang disebut dengan rotasi bumi

17. which of the following statement is incorrect...A. A cell is the basic unit of lifeB. All cells are made up of the same basic componentsC. All cells perform the same functionD. A unicellular perform organism is made upJawab yg bener pls

Terjemahan pertanyaan tsb yaitu :

pernyataan berikut mana yang salah ...
A. Sel adalah unit dasar kehidupan
B. Semua sel terdiri dari komponen dasar yang sama
C. Semua sel melakukan fungsi yang sama
D. Uniseluler melakukan organisme terbentuk

jawabanya adalah : C

Maaf klo salah, semoga membantu :)

18. Which of the following word has INCORRECT spelling? * 4 points A. UNDERWEAR B. TROSERS C. UNDERSHIRT D. GLOVES




karena yg bener adalah TROUSERS

19. The bacterium Yersinia pestis, which result in several forms of plague, is believed to have been the cause.Which of the underlined words is grammatically incorrect and needs to be rewritten?AbacteriumBbelievedCresultDwhich​


Which of the underlined words is grammatically incorrect and needs to be rewritten?

C. Result

The correct sentence is

The bacterium Yersinia pestis, which results in several forms of plague is believed to have been the cause.


The bacterium Yersinia pestis di sini merupakan bentuk tunggal, sehingga pada kalimat simple present tense, subject + verb with s/es.

Relative pronoun 'which di sini menghubungkan dua kalimat, yaitu

(1) The bacterium Yersinia pestis is believed to have been the cause.

(2) The bacterium Yersinia pesis results in several forms of pague.

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi relative pronoun dapat dilihat di https://brainly.co.id/tugas/5373094


20. 4. One of the energy transformations is shown incorrectly in the food web below. Which statement is incorrect on the food web? *


yang tikus si menurut gua

emang tikus makan rumput ya?

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