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Why Is Pain A More Urgent Issue To Address

Why Is Pain A More Urgent Issue To Address

What action is the Indonesian government taking to address the issue of global warming? Discuss.

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1. What action is the Indonesian government taking to address the issue of global warming? Discuss.

the action should be put in placed by the Indonesian government to address the issue is to provide information and to get along with it. people need to know the information about global warming clearly. the government should socialize among relevant institutions and regularly provide what people need to know the bad and good effects caused by it. . 

2. why is it said that corruption is a common issue


Because corruption is now scattered almost all over the world, from the start of the corruption that occurred in the upper class, middle class, even to the lower class though. And of course all the people already know it, it's just that there are still some unscrupulous law enforcement people who close their eyes with everything that happens.

(Karena korupsi saat ini sudah tersebar hampir di seluruh dunia,dari mulai koropsi yang terjadi di kelompok kelas atas,kelas menengah,bahkan sampai kelas bawah sekalipun. Dan tentunya semua orangpun sudah mengetahui hal itu,hanya saja masih ada beberapa oknum dari pihak penegak hukum yang tutup mata dengan semua yang terjadi.)


3. 1. Why is this issue important?​

where is your questionnnnnnn

4. what action is the indonesian government taking to address the issue of global warming ? bantu jawab ya.

reforestation (reboisasi)
1 Enhancing the role of forests in mitigating climate change
2 Enhancing the role of forests in climate change adaptation
3 Improving livelihoods through small-scale forestry and forestry-based communities
4 Managing the balance between conservation and development at landscape scale territory
5 Managing the impact of trade and investment on forests and forest communities
6 Managing tropical production forests sustainably

5. Read the following text to answer question no 1-5PAINPain is important because it tells us that we are injured or ill. However, we don’t all feel pain in the same way. Researchers are trying to learn more about this fact. Their experiments show that children are more sensitive to pain than adults, and that men can tolerate more pain than women. Pain is also difficult to measure and describe. This is a problem because it is an important symptom and medics (medical staff) need information from patients about it. It is therefore common practice to give patients lists of words and ask them to say which words best describe three things: the type of pain they are suffering, its intensity (how bad it is ) and its frequency (how often they feel it). With some patients, such as children, words don’t work very well to describe intensity, so medics use smiley faces or sometimes colors. For example, blues mean a mild pain and reds mean severe pain. Some medics prefer a range of numbers; 0 is no pain and 10 is unbearable pain. Pain does not always show where an injury is. Internal organs, for example, do not have many pain receiving nerve endings, so internal injuries often cause pain in a different part of the body. This is called ‘referred pain’. One example of referred pain is when someone suffering a heart attack feels pain in their left shoulder, arm or hand.(Adopted from: Grice, Tony. 2011. Nursing 1. New York: Oxford University Press)1.Researchers are trying to find out why _____________A. people experience pain differently.B. people feel pain.C. pain is important to people.D. People2.Experiments show that _____________A. pain is worse for men than women.B. men can take more pain than women.C. children feel less pain than adults.D. people feel pain.3.Nurses need to measure a patient’s pain because _____________A. pain is a problem.B. pain is a symptom.C. patients can’t describe it.D. People exprience pain differently.4.Medics ask patients for a number to describe _____________A. the kind of pain they have.B. how bad the pain is.C. how often they’re in pain.D. people feel pain.5.To describe pain, medics ask children to _____________A. point to a smiley face.B. think of some numbers.C. say how it feels.D. how often they’re in pain.​






6. do you think it is necessary to educate people on issue of bullying?why?give reasons to support your opinion

I think it is really important to educate people on bullying issue, because we need people to know how dangerous consequense of bullying that can make it's victim to be stressed or the worst is the victim of bullying will have a revenge and release his revenge to the younger boy

7. Do you think it is important to people on issue of bullying ? Why ? Give a reason to support your oppinio.

i think its important, because as a human we all have humanity. what will happen if the humanity of ours has been taken? some of the person who has been bullyed are having a depresion, and that's danger thing. bullying is a very annoying things, so as a human we should make friends with everyone, and always live in peace so there's no more bullying case.

8. Corruption is a major issue that adversely effect its economy. Why?


Corruption in India is a major issue affecting in economy adversely.

Corruption in India is a major issue that adversely affecting in economy.

Corruption that affecting in economy adversely is a major issue in India.


semoga bermanfaat dan jadikan jawaban terjerdas ya


because corruption results in slowing economic growth of a country, decreasing investment, increasing poverty, and increasing income inequality. Even corruption can also reduce the level of happiness of the people in a country.


maaf kalo salah

moga membantu

9. do you think it is necessary to educate people on issue of bullying? why? give reason to support your opinion

i think it is necesary because if you are a victim you would think so, but i have symphatized over bully's victim result for personalities change 

10. do you think is necessary to educate people on issue of bullying? why? give reasons to support your answer.

yes it is so necessary. too many violence commited by students create bad mood atmosphere of learning.i think it's really necessary to educate people in bullying issue, so that people know what consequence of bullying that can cause stress to the bullying victim

11. do you think it is necessary to educate people on issue of bullying?why ?give reasons to support your opinion

yes,i do because bullying is a bad attitude and people ought not do it, it can hurt people who get bulliedI think it is necessary to educate people on issue of bullyin,because many people got bullied by some people on their school,office,even on social media(cyber bully) and we have to educate people for not bully people.

12. do you think is necessary to educate people on issue of bullying? why? give reasons to support your answer.

yes, of course we need.. as we know that bullying is the "cancer" in people.. if we don't give educate to people about this, we worried that this "cancer" will spread more and make a freedom to everyone to do more bullying.. this is important, because, if bullying spread, there will be more victims of bullying
Yes it is completely necessary. As we know, bullying is very common these days, and the victim sometimes doesn't know how to react to the bully. Education on this issue will answer that problem.

13. do you think it is necessary to educate people on issue of bullying? why?

yes .. because people have to know and open their minds , how the effects and causes of bullying itself . because the bullying was not a trivial matter .

14. Do you think it is necessary to educate people on issue of bullying ? Why?

it's necessary because bullying could effect a lot of people. The bully and the bullied will have the personality transformation. the bully could become cruel and stingy and the bullied could become depressed and in some case suicidal.
Hope it helps!

Kalau Mau Arti
itu diperlukan karena intimidasi bisa mempengaruhi banyak orang . Pengganggu dan diintimidasi akan memiliki transformasi kepribadian . bully bisa menjadi kejam dan pelit dan diintimidasi bisa menjadi depresi dan dalam beberapa kasus bunuh diri . Semoga membantu !Well Yes!!,Why? Because the society needs to know about bullying,Bullying the others is not nice....especially bullying the grown ups.

15. Why does the writer issue the announcement? To inform


for inform so that we aren't mis taken

semoga membantu

16. What actions are you taking to address the issue of global warming?


we can do massive forest reforestation

Clean the ocean from garbage

filter the factory chimney

reduce the use of private transportation, and use public transportation

selective logging and planting trees


aksi aksi yang bisa di lakukan agar mengurangi pemanasan global

semoga membantu

17. Do you think it is necessary to educate people on issue of bullying? Why? Give reasons to support your opinion

yes we need. bullying is a crime in small scale. but if we continue ignoring this issue, our young generation will have to face this threat. not only giving a traumatic condition to the victim, its also lead the suspect to do more harm action in the future. we need to protect our younger generation from bullying. it have to stop. education to people, mostly for family is needed. because family is the main reason why kids have a bad behaviour or good behaviouryes, definetly. because people nowadays seems do not understand about what bullying is. it is very important to educate them so that they will not have miss perception and they can understand about bullying's impacts. it can hurt people physically or even in psychology aspect. so I thing it is necessary to educate people on issue of bullying.

18. do you think it is necessary to educate people on issue of bullying?why?give reassons to support your opinion

Of course it's necessary, we should teach peoples to not bullying others. Because bullying is a bad thing to do for every peoples such as kids, teenagers, or even adults. It always ended by making fun of someone from physical or feeling that can cause peoples not in mood, and feels hard to cooperate with some peoples. because of the bullying.
that's in my opinion.
It's surely necessary to educate people on bullying issue to make people know that bully is not good for school or other thing, because it can make others to be stressed and a lowering performance 

19. do you think it is necessary to educate people on issue of bullying? why? give reasons to support your opinion

yes, because if they got bully by the people surroundings, they could get depressed or worst, suicide. Words could hurt people too.

20. do you think is necessary to educate people on issue of bullying? why? give reasons to support your opinion.

yes i think it is really important to educate people on issue of bullying in order to raise people's attentions about an issue like bullying that can be a serious problem to the bullying victim because it can make the bullying victim to be depressed and influence their performance in the school

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