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A Naval Engineer Uses The Function P

A Naval Engineer Uses The Function P

Every person uses greeting in daily life, what is the function of the greeting? ​

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1. Every person uses greeting in daily life, what is the function of the greeting? ​

Greeting is a word or movement to welcome someone. The function of greeting is to build and maintain a relationship to form a politeness.

arti :

Bersapa adalah kata yang diucapkan untuk menyapa seseorang. Fungsinya adalah untuk membangun dan menjaga hubungan baik agar tercipta sikap yang sopan.


greeting is the woord to start talking to another human being : hey want to hang out the word hey is greeting


im sorry if i wrong

2. Every person uses greeting in daily life, What is the function of the greeting?

the function of a greeting card is as a form of appreciation, appreciation from someone for others for their luck and success


greeting cards can also function as a form of personal support to other people who are experiencing disaster

thank u.. have a nice day!I hope this can help you:)

3. Change the following sentence into passive “naval architects design ships”a. Naval architects design shipb. Naval architects are designedc. Ship are designed by naval architectsd. Architects designed by naval​




4. the doctor uses a......to inject the patient


jadi,the doctor uses a syring to inject the patient

jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya..^_^

5. Tolong jawab ya 1 what is the function ofc a park 2 what is the function of a bank 3 what is the function of a library 4 what is the function of a restaurant 5 what is the function of a jail 6 what is the function of a hospital

1. A park is a place to play together with friends or family
2. The function of bank is to save our money
3. The library is full of books. The function of library is to read many book
4. The function of restaurant is to eat some food
5. The jail is a place for the prisoner
6. The hospital is a place of a patient

6. A:what is the engineer doing?b:the engineer....the radar.a.is testingb.are testingc.were testingd.was testing




7. jelaskan penggunaan deklarasi menggunakan uses,label,const,variabel,type,procedure,dan function

Deklarasi merupakan bagian dari stuktur kode yang ditempatkan tepat sebelum kode main program, khususnya dalam pemrograman Pascal yang di dalamnya termasuk perintah uses serta deklarasi berupa lebel, const, variable, type, procedure dan function. Untuk lebih jelasnya ke-7 elemen tersebut akan saya jelaskan dalam pembahasan di bawah ini.


Perintah Uses

Dalam pascal uses adalah sebuah perintah dimana kita bisa memasukan kode eksternal dari unit atau biasanya dikenal dengan library. Beberapa contohnya adalah math, crt dan sysutils.

Deklarasi Label

Label adalah sebuah deklarasi yang dibuat untuk memberikan sebuah tanda sebagai tolak ukur penyusunan langkah atau runutan agar proses kode dapat meloncat pada bagian tertentu dalam kondisi tertentu. Contohnya label 1, 2, 3, selesai;

Deklarasi Const

Const atau bisa disebut juga dengan nama konstanta adalah sebuah pemnampung atau variabel yang memiliki nilai tetap atau kita tetapkan, dimana nilai tersebut nantinya tidak bisa berubah. Contohnya const nama='Yudy'; kelas='7';

Deklarasi Variable

Variable memiliki fungsi yang hampir sama dengan konstanta, yang membuatnya berbeda adalah dalam hal nilai yang bisa berubah dalam setiap program yang akan kita buat. Biasanya variable ini akan diejawantahkan dalam bentuk input yang akan diisi oleh user.

Deklarasi Type

Type biasanya difungsikan untuk mendeklarasikan data yang akan kita buat/bentuk. Sebagai contoh sebut saja saya akan membuat sebuah data cuaca dengan pilihan nilai cerah, berawan dan hujan maka deklarasinya adalah cuaca=(cerah, berawan, hujan);

Deklarasi Procedure

Procedure adalah deklarasi atau serangkaian kode yang difungsikan untuk pemecah alur program. Pada prakteknya sebelum kita memanggil deklarasi procedure kita harus mendideklarasikannya terlebih dahulu.

Deklarasi Function

Function memiliki fungsi yang hampir sama dengan Procedure hanya saja deklarasi function bisa kita manfaatan untuk mengembalikan sebuah nilai terntentu.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

1. Membuat kode algoritma untuk menentukan bilangan prima menggunakan Pascal https://brainly.co.id/tugas/14657016

2. Cara copy program pascal ke dalam notepad https://brainly.co.id/tugas/18553061

3. Contoh perintah dalam pemrograman Pascal https://brainly.co.id/tugas/18577184

Detil jawaban:

Kelas: 7

Mapel: TIK

Bab: Bab 8 - Perangkat Lunak Komputer

Kode: 7.11.8

Kata kunci: pascal, function, procedure, type, variable, const, uses, label, bahasa pemrograman

8. What is the function of the sea eagle's forelimb? Sea eagle uses it to .... a. fly b. hold its prey C. search for its prey d. make a nest ​


a. fly


karena di paragraf ke 2, kalimat ke 2 dan ke 3 dijelaskan bahwa:

"Its forelimbs (or arms) serve as wings. This means that they are of little use for anything except flying. "

9. The demand and supply function of a good are given by P = -2Qd+50 P = -½Qs+25



10. Given the demand function P = −Q2d − 4Qd + 68 and the supply function P = Q2s − 2Qs + 12 Find (a) the consumer’s surplus (b) the producer’s surplus assuming pure competition.

Mengingat fungsi permintaan P = −Q2d - 4Qd + 68 dan fungsi pasokan P = Q2s - 2Qs + 12


(A) surplus konsumen

(B) surplus produsen

dengan asumsi persaingan murni.Jawab:

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

11. jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini pakai bahasa inggris.complete the sentence1.a doctor uses stethoscope to2.the students use rubber to3.the farmer uses a hoe to 4.a secretary uses typewriter5.a carpenter uses hammer to

4.a secretary uses typewriter

12. A security engineer implements a secure wireless network. In doing so, the engineer decides to use EAP with Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (EAP-FAST). Which authentication approach does the engineer implement !


The engineer implement EAP with Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (EAP-FAST).

13. the meaning of"engineer"is.....​


teknisi mesin atau tukang memperbaiki mesin rusak atau ahli membuat mesin

14. Demand function: Q = 81 − 0.05 P Supply function: Q = −24 + 0.025 P (a)Calculate the equilibrium price and quantity, algebraically and graphically. (b)Graph the supply and demand function, showing the equilibrium.


sorry gua gk paham


saya tidak mengerti

15. the garden uses a.............................to plow the soil

the garden uses a gardener to plow the soil ....
===> kebun itu digunakan seorang petani untuk membajak tanah .
semoga membantusprinkler alat penyiram

16. Answer the questions correctly.seves for stores antenaWhat is the function of a park?A: What is the function of a restaurant?SylfabarasBayuA: What is the function of a jail?What is the function of a bank?What is the function of a library?A: What is the function of a hospi​


1.fungsi taman(garden function)

Parks can be a storage area for ground air, thus ensuring a supply of groundwater and preventing flooding. Parks can be used as a means of conserving the environment (ecosystem). ... As a function of ecological communication, parks can provide various benefits, namely: as a place for social communication.

2.fungsi restoran(restaurant function)

The restaurant serves as a sales service and service to customers of the type of product. Restaurants keep the smooth running of activities which are a turnover of investment costs. The main restaurant operation is to serve various types of food and the appearance of the atmosphere of the restaurant room.

3.fungsi penjara(prison function)

Forming Correctional Assistance to become fully human, aware of mistakes, improving themselves and not criminal acts so that they can be accepted back by the community, can actively play a role in development and can live naturally as good and responsible citizens ...

4.fungsi bank(bank functions)

It is clear that the main function of a commercial bank is to collect funds from the public. Efforts to carry out this function are carried out by issuing various financial products to store funds, ranging from savings, current accounts to time deposits.

5.fungsi perpustakaan(library functions)

library functions to provide a variety of information for the community. The function of education is that the library becomes a place and provides a means of learning both in formal and non-formal environments.

6.fungsi dari sebuah hospital(the function of a hospital)

Hospital is a health service institution that provides complete individual health services that provide inpatient, outpatient and emergency services. ... provide legal certainty to patients, communities, hospital human resources, and hospitals.

Sola itu dah ku terjemahkan.

moga bermanfaat.

17. What is the function of a park?A: What is the function of a restaurant?What is the function of a bank?A: What is the function of a jail?NADE MEDiWhat is the function of athe function of a brary?AWhat is the function or a no​

Function of:

Park: A park is an area of natural, semi-natural or planted space set aside for human enjoyment and recreation or for the protection of wildlife or natural habitats. Restaurant: a place where people pay to sit and eat meals that are cooked and served on the premises.Bank: bank is used to save money of some people. many people save money because in bank their money is save well stored.Jail: Jails are an indispensable part of our criminal justice system. They serve many different roles. As you know, jails hold inmates while they await charges, trial or sentencing.Library: to show and can read many books as you can as you want and as you strong.

18. the farmer uses a hoe to...

dig (menggali)

Semoga membantu
The Farmer uses a hoe to hoeding somethings

19. the doctor uses a stetoscope to??

artinya: dokter menggunakan stetoskop untuk??
kalo jawabanya: memeriksa pasien  (examine the patient)

maaf ya kalo salah

20. the engineer told me the story

klo transletnya insinyur mengatakan kepada saya cerita/sebuah cerita

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