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A Taxi Service Charges A Flat Fee Of 1 25

A Taxi Service Charges A Flat Fee Of 1 25

1. The local service center advertises that it charges a flat fee of $50 plus $8 per mile to tow a vehicle. Write an equation that represents the total cost (C) of a service for m miles of towing. 2. A fitness club opens with 80 members. Each month the membership increases by 15 members. Which equation represents the relationship between the number of months the club has been opened, x, and the total fitness club membership, y?

Daftar Isi

1. 1. The local service center advertises that it charges a flat fee of $50 plus $8 per mile to tow a vehicle. Write an equation that represents the total cost (C) of a service for m miles of towing. 2. A fitness club opens with 80 members. Each month the membership increases by 15 members. Which equation represents the relationship between the number of months the club has been opened, x, and the total fitness club membership, y?


i dont kbow sorry u question so hard to me sorry

2. 1.make sentences using "little,much,a lot of,a fee"​


Fill the tank a little bit more.

The milk is too much!.

There is a lot of People

There is a fee for the parking


3. A printing company charges 45¢ for the printing of each card, on top of a fixed fee of $50. Jason printed m cards. Jason paid $230 for the cards. How many cards did he print?


one in it the firts steep 30¢ dloar

4. ##Quiz #93 ##• english version• big point• no spam• the answer should be in english==========A post office always charges a flat one-time fee for any order. One time, Micheal sent 35 letters and paid 26 dollars. The next time, he sent 18 letters and paid $14.10. How much does the post office charge to send one letter? What is the flat fee?​

2,2 Dollars

Penjelasan dengan Langkah-langkah:

Flat fee is fixed fees that must be paid by the client whose amount will always be the same and is not affected by the number of services. It's the opposite of the Variabel Fee whose amount increases if the number of services also increases.

a : Variabel fee

b :Flat fee

x : number of letters

F : Total Fee

F = ax + b

26 = 35a + b

14,10 = 18a + b

------------------------ -

11,90 = 17a

a = 0,7 dollars (Variabel Fee)

26 = 35a + b

26 = 35(0,7) + b

26 = 24,5 + b

b = 1,5 dollars (Flat Fee)

Total Fee, when number of letters (x) =1

F = ax + b

F = 0,7(1) + 1,5

F = 2,2 dollars

So, the amount that charged by the post office to send one letter is 2,2 Dollars.

5. Make short dialogue using expression of: a. Asking service b. Giving service


A.My friend aking service to my teacher

B.Dinta giving service in the church


A.teman ku menanyakan layanan kepada guruku

B.Dinta melayani di gereja

6. Make short dialogue using expression of: a. Asking service b. Giving service


membuat dialog shorot menggunakan ekspresi dari: layanan yang diminta b. memberi layanan


ini bahasa Indonesia nya

7. james: which one is better, traveling by taxi or a bus? alexa: of course by taxi, but traveling by bus… than a taxi.


is cheaper



James: which one is better, traveling by taxi or a bus?

Alexa: of course by taxi, but traveling by bus is cheaper than a taxi.

Bepergian menggunakan taxi tentu lebih baik daripada dengan bus, tapi naik bus lebih murah daripada taksi.

Ini adalah soal materi pembelajaran tentang comparative degree

Semoga bermanfaat.

8. give two example of the each expression below. 1. how to offer a helping/service. 2. how to accept an offer of helping/service. 3. how to refuce an offer of helping/service.​

1. How to offer a helping/service

(Bagaimana cara memberi sebuah bantuan/pelayanan)

="May I help you to pick up these?" (Bolehkah saya membantu anda mengangkat ini)

2. How to accept an offer of helping/service

(Bagaimana cara menerima bantuan/pelayanan)

="Yes, please. I need your help. Thank you so much" (Iya, tolong. Saya membutuhkan bantuan anda. Terimakasih banyak)

3. How to refuse an offer of helping/service

(Bagaimana cara menolak bantuan/pelayanan)

= Thank you so much. But it's not too hard so i can do it by my self" (Terimakasih banyak. Tapi ini tidak begitu sulit jadi aku bisa melakukannya sendiri)

9. James: Which one is better, traveling by a taxi or a bus? Alexa: Of course by taxi, but traveling by a bus… than a taxi. a. more expensive b. expensive c. cheaper d. cheap tolong jawab dong

jwabanx c.cheaper
smoga mmbntu......c. cheaper

karena cheaper artinya "lebih murah".
jadi jika menggunakan cheaper akan terdengar kira-kira begini : ... tapi bepergian dengan sebuah bis 'lebih murah' dari pada sebuah taxi.

10. write down three of sentences by using of (a little. a fee)​


A little:

-Theres a little sea shell over there

-Theres a little party in my friends house

-i have a little kitten in my backyard

-My brother have a few pencil

-I need a few paper.

- i want a few pen.


Semoga terbantu :)

like dan follow ya :)

11. Make short dialogue using expressien of : A. Asking service B. Giving service ​



A: Excuse me, could you help me with directions to the nearest bank?

B: Of course! The nearest bank is located two blocks down on the left side of the street.

A: Thank you so much!

B: No problem, happy to help!

12. 5. We know from the form that Ferdinand wantsto...A. be a taxi driverB. pay a taxi serviceC.buy a taxiD.reserve a taxiE. drive a taxi6. Which of the followings is not the informationabout Ferdinand needed in the form?A. Age.B. First name.C. Address.D. Phone number.E. Last name.​

5) a.beataxidriver

6) a.age

13. Dalam permainan bola voli, service merupakan sajian bola pertama untuk memulai permainan. Banyak sekali macam-macam service dalam permainan bola voli. Salah satu service bola voli dimana hasil bolanya melayang adalah ... . * A. floating service B. jump service C. overhead service D. flat service ​


A. Floating service

floating service adalah jenis servis dimana jalannya bola dari hasil pukulan servis itu tidak mengandung putaran. Hasil dari servis floating adalah bola berjalan mengapung dan mengambang. cara melakukannya adalah dengan berdiri di daerah servis menghadap ke lapangan. kaki kiri di depan dan kaki kanan di belakang.

[tex] \tt \red{semoga \: membantu}[/tex]

14. 11. Layanan komputasi awan yang menyediakan infrastruktur IT berupa CPU, RAM, storage, bandwidth, dan konfigurasi lain adalah .... a. infrastructure as a service b. visualization as a service c. software as a service d. platform as a service e. quality of a service​


a. infrastructure as a service


dilansir dari web binus => Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) merupakan layanan cloud computing yang menyediakan infrastruktur IT berupa CPU, RAM, storage, bandwith dan konfigurasi lain.

15. 8. An electrician charges an initial fee of $35 for attending a house call. a. If he charges $15 for every hour spend on the job, find the amount of money the house owner needs to pay if he spent. (i) 1 hours (ii) 2 hours (iii) 3 hours (iv) 4 hours on the job

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

(i) if 1 hours, house owner must pay $50

(ii) if 2 hours, house owner must pay $65

(iii) if 3 hours, house owner must pay $80

(iv) and if 4 hours, house owner must pay $95

16. Please make a dialogue of offers help /service



dr. Nahda: Hello…

Fafa: Hello, doctor.

dr. Nahda: You look terrible.What can I do for you?

Fafa: I can’t go to school today.

dr. Nahda: Oh, I am sorry to hear that.What’s the problem?

Fafa: My stomach hurts terribly. I think I have a fever as well.


dr. Nahda: Okay, let me check your stomach. (The doctor puts the stethoscope in Fafa’s belly and strikes it lightly). Does it hurt here?

Fafa: Not that one.

dr. Nahda: Here?

Fafa: Yes, that’s really terrible.

dr. Nahda: Alright then, I’ll give you a prescription. You have to take the pills three times a day, okay?

Fafa: Okay, doctor.

dr. Nahda: Good. Get well soon, Fafa. Bye.

Fafa: Thanks a lot. Bye, doctor.

dr. Nahda: Hello…

Fafa: Hello, doctor.

dr. Nahda: You look terrible.What can I do for you?

Fafa: I can’t go to school today.

dr. Nahda: Oh, I am sorry to hear that.What’s the problem?

Fafa: My stomach hurts terribly. I think I have a fever as well.

dr. Nahda: Okay, let me check your stomach. (The doctor puts the stethoscope in Fafa’s belly and strikes it lightly). Does it hurt here?

Fafa: Not that one.

dr. Nahda: Here?

Fafa: Yes, that’s really terrible.

dr. Nahda: Alright then, I’ll give you a prescription. You have to take the pills three times a day, okay?

Fafa: Okay, doctor.

dr. Nahda: Good. Get well soon, Fafa. Bye.

Fafa: Thanks a lot. Bye, doctor.

Arti Dialog 1

dr. Nahda: Halo …

Fafa: Halo, dokter.

dr. Nahda: Anda kelihatan tidak sehat. Apa yang bisa saya lakukan untuk Anda?

Fafa: Saya tidak bisa pergi ke sekolah hari ini.

dr. Nahda: Oh, saya prihatin mendengarnya. Apa masalahnya?

Fafa: Perut saya sakit sekali. Saya pikir saya juga kena demam.

dr. Nahda: Oke, biar saya periksa perut Anda. (Dokter meletakkan stetoskop di perut Fafa dan memukulnya dengan ringan). Apakah sakitnya disini?

Fafa: Bukan yang itu.

dr. Nahda: Disini?

Fafa: Ya, disitu sangat sakit.

dr. Nahda: Baiklah, saya akan memberi Anda resep. Anda harus minum pil ini tiga kali sehari, oke?

Fafa: Oke, dokter.

dr. Nahda: Baiklah. Cepat sembuh, Fafa. Selamat tinggal.

Fafa: Terima kasih banyak. Selamat tinggal, dokter.

17. miss anna.... to the airporta. takes a taxib. go by taxic. take a taxid. go on taxi​

c. take a taxi


maaf kalo salah

18. 1. Make two (2) sentences of how to offer a help / a service.​


1. Can I help you with that bag ?

2. May I help you carry that suitcase ?


1. i can clean up your house if you need

2. can i do something to you?

3. you can borrow money to me if you need more money

19. A travel agency is planning a holiday for agroup of people. The agency receives quotationsfrom two coach companies, Maya Express andGreat Holidays. Maya Express charges $15 for eachperson while Great Holidays charges $12 per personand a separate fee of $84. If the total amountcharged by each company is the same, find thenumber of people going on the holiday.​


hi my name is Azza I'm from Indonesia

20. A tariff is : O a. Outline of room types O b. A bill O c. A list of charges of the hotel d. Breakdown of sales figures

Jawab :



Sebuah tarif adalah:

O a. Garis besar tipe kamar

O b. Tagihan

O c. Daftar biaya hotel

d. Rincian angka penjualan

maaf kalau salah

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