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Reread Paragraph 10 Of The Duck And The Smartphone

Reread Paragraph 10 Of The Duck And The Smartphone

Main laReread the text in Activity 4.Write the main idea which matches the purpose of each paragraph.Part of the TextPurposeParagraph 1Opening statement to introduce the subjectParagraph 2Supporting paragraph that describes the subjectParagraph 3 Supporting paragraph that describes the subjectParagraph 4Paragraph 5Paragraph 6Table 4.1 The purpose and main idea of a paragraphBahasa!​

Daftar Isi

1. Main laReread the text in Activity 4.Write the main idea which matches the purpose of each paragraph.Part of the TextPurposeParagraph 1Opening statement to introduce the subjectParagraph 2Supporting paragraph that describes the subjectParagraph 3 Supporting paragraph that describes the subjectParagraph 4Paragraph 5Paragraph 6Table 4.1 The purpose and main idea of a paragraphBahasa!​


La utama

Baca ulang teks di Kegiatan 4.

Tulis ide utama yang sesuai dengan tujuan setiap paragraf.

Bagian dari Teks


Paragraf 1

Pernyataan pembuka untuk memperkenalkan subjek

Paragraf 2

Paragraf pendukung yang menjelaskan subjek

Paragraf 3 Paragraf pendukung yang menjelaskan subjek

Paragraf 4

Paragraf 5

Paragraf 6

Tabel 4.1 Tujuan dan gagasan utama sebuah paragraf



semoga bermanfaat

2. *degrees of comparison* girrafe gooseduckThe goose has ___________________ the duck The duck has ____________________ the goose The giraffe has ___________________ of all. ​


1. longgest neck with the duck

2. shortest neck with the goose

3. the longgest neck of all



3. narrative teks Story of The Duck and Turtle

Two ducks who lived in a big lake had a friend who was a turtle. One year there was a very little rain and the lake began to dry up. One of the ducks said to the other, “Soon, there’ll be no water in this lake. Let’s go and look for lake.”
  “Yes, answered the second duck, “But first let’s say good bye to our friend, the turtle.”When they told the turtle they were going to leave, he said, “I’ll die here without any water and without any friends. Take me with you.”
“The ducks answered, “We can’t. We are going to fly, and you have no wings.”“The turtle thought for a minute and then said, “please wait here.”
Then he went away and found a strong, straight stick. He brought it back to his friends, put the middle of it in his mouth and said, “Now if each of you takes me one end of the stick in his mouth, you can lift me up and carry me with you.”
“ That is dangerous,” said the ducks, “if you try to talk while we’re carrying you through the air, you won’t be able to hold the stick, so you’ll fall down along way and break your shell.”
“all right,” answered the turtle, “I promise not to talk while we’re in the air. So the ducks took the stick and flew away, with the turtle between them. All went well until they were flying over a town. Then some people saw them and shouted, “Look, those ducks are carrying a cat!”The turtle got very angry, “A cat? I’m not …” he said, but he did not get any further, because when he opened his mouth, the stick came out of his mouth and the poor turtle fell to the ground.

4. whether the usefulness of the webbed feet of a duck?

to ease the ducks walk on mud

just like any other animal ducks use his legs to run, and foraging, and when the duck foraging on land legs only used for walking, but when the duck foraging in water, then using his legs to swim, that's the reason why the duck leg webbed.


5. 1. Who gave the writer a smartphone? 3. 4. 2. Why did he give the writer a smartphone? What is the color of the smartphone? How wide is the smartphone screen? 5. How is the display of the smartphone? 6. How is the performance of the smartphone? 7. What kinds of social media that the writer use? 8. How does the smartphone help the writer? 9. Does the writer like the smartphone? 10. Why does the writer like the smartphone?​

The writer's uncle gave the smartphone.Because he had just returned from living in China and wanted to visit the writer's home.The color of the smartphone is black.The width is about 5 cm.It has a very good color display.The performance of the smartphone is great.The writer uses Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.The smartphone helps the writer to stay connected with the writer's friends and help do assignments that were given by the writer's teacher.Yes, the writer really likes the new smartphone.Because it is really helpful in lots of situations.

6. Apa berbedaan makna dan arti dari kalimat berikut?? 1. Julia and I have used some of the smartphone brands = Present Perfect tense 2. Julia and I have been using some of the smartphone brands = Present Perfect Continous tense 3. Julia and I used some of the smartphone brands = Simple Past tense 4. Julia and I were using some of the smartphone brands = Past Continous tense 5. Julia and I had used some of the smartphone brands = Past Perfect tense 6. Julia and I had been using some of the smartphone brands = Past Perfect Continous tense


1. Julia and I have used some of the smartphone brands
- saya dan julia sudah pernah memakai beberapa brand smartphone ini
2.  Julia and I have been using some of the smartphone brands
-saya dan julia sudah memakai beberapa smartphone brands ini (dari lama smpai sekarang)
3. Julia and I used some of the smartphone brands
- saya dan julia memakai beberapa smartphone brands
4. Julia and I were using some of the smartphone brands
- saya dan julia dulu pernah memakai beberapa smartphone brands ini

5. Julia and I had used some of the smartphone brands
- saya dan julia telah menggunakan beberapa smartphone brands ini

6. Julia and I had been using some of the smartphone brands
- saya dan julia dulu telah menggunakan beberapa smartphone brands ini


semoga membantu, maaf kalo salah

7. What's the function of paragraph 1 and What is the communicative purpose of the text?


the function of paragraph 1 is tell where the place

8. yang dimaksud dengan Identify the topic and topic sentence of the following paragraph?​


yang dimaksud dengan mengidentifikasi topik dan kalimat topik dari paragraf berikut?


maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu

jangan lupa like, dan follow

jadikan jawaban terbaik/tercerdas

9. The practice of intensive and extensive agriculture is the main idea of paragraph..

Praktek pertanian intensif dan ekstensif adalah ide utama dari paragraf ..

10. Task 3Read the text again and analyze the purpose and main ideas of each paragraph.Parts of the textPurposeMain ideaParagraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Paragraph 5Paragraph 6​tolong bantu


nggak jelas


itu nggak jelas dek

11. the duck and the fox

maksudnya bebek dan rubahArtinya bebek dan rubah

12. write a paragraph about one of the opinions and the reason

menulis sebuah paragraf tentang salah satu pendapat dan alasannya

13. 26. What is the main idea of last paragraph? a. Mother duck tricked the fox to save her children. b. Mother duck ran away from the fox. c. The fox realized that he was being tricked by mother duck d. The fox was successful to take mother duck away. 27 Hou did​


tudy my mother and I go to the supermarket to buy daily needs

14. An egg seller ordered 600 duck eggs and chicken eggs altogether. The number of duck eggs was 2/5 of the total number of eggs. Some chicken eggs broke during delivery and the number of duck eggs became 8/15 of the total numbet of eggs. How many chicken eggs were broken?


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Total number of eggs= 600

Dug eggs=2/5x600

=240 eggs

Chicken eggs= 600-240=360

After delivery the number of duck eggs become 8/15 of total, so:

240= 8/15 total

Total= 240x15/8=450 eggs

Remaining chicken eggs=450-240=210 eggs

Broken chicken eggs= 360-210=150 eggs

15. reread the dialogs in activities 11 and 12 write the expressions of taking leave in the dialogs. say the expressions and responses a loud​


where's the dialogue in activities 11-12?

16. the web on the feet of the duck is an adpatation wich allow the duck to

swim and stay on the water

17. Give your opinion about the story of The duck and turtle.

poor turtle he used to be free before

18. What is the difference of smartphone and telephone?


Smartphone refers to phone that can perform tasks like running apps, daily reminders, browse the internet, and more. While telephone refers to a phone that can only perform calls.


Smartphone = iPhone, android

Telephone = Nokia 3310

19. a. answer some questions below! 1. what is the text about? 2. what is the first paragraph about? 3. what is a smartphone? 4. what is second paragraph about? 5. what are the functions of each part of a smartphone? 6. what is the third paragraph about? 7. what are the functions of each part of a smartphone? 8. what is the fourth paragraph about? 9. what is the interesting feature of a smartphone? 10. what functions can be performed by a smartphone but not a feature phone? b. read again the text and discuss the following topics below! 1. the purpose of the text. 2. the generic structure of the text. 3. the language features used.


Sebuah. jawab beberapa pertanyaan di bawah ini!

1. teks tentang apa?

2. paragraf pertama tentang apa?

3. apa itu smartphone?

4. tentang apa paragraf kedua?

5. apa saja fungsi dari masing-masing bagian dari smartphone?

6. paragraf ketiga tentang apa?

7. apa saja fungsi dari masing-masing bagian dari smartphone?

8. paragraf keempat tentang apa?

9. Apa saja fitur menarik dari smartphone?

10. Fungsi apa saja yang dapat dilakukan oleh smartphone tetapi bukan feature phone?

B. baca kembali teks tersebut dan diskusikan topik-topik berikut di bawah ini!

1. tujuan teks.

2. struktur umum teks.

3. fitur bahasa yang digunakan.

maaf aku cuma bisa mengartikan saja kaks

20. 10. "Their skin is gray and seems rough and -Durable" (PARAGRAPH 2) the similiar meaning of the underlined________ ​

kulit mereka bewarna abu abu dan tampak keras dan tahan lama

semoga membantu

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