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Round 128 To The Nearest Ten

Round 128 To The Nearest Ten

Round to the nearest ten 781

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1. Round to the nearest ten 781



because 781 is more nearer to 780 than 790

780 karena lita lihat angka satuannya jika angka tersebut 1-4 maka 780 jika 5-9 maka jwbnya 790

2. Round 4812 to the nearest ten.Round 4812 to the nearest hundred.Round 4812 to the nearest thousand.tolong di jawab karna ini harus di kumpulin besok klo ngk nanti aku di pukul atau di hukum ​


a. 4810

b. 4800

c. 5000

Semoga membantu, maaf kalau salah : )

3. round off 83 to nearest ten



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Rules when rounding any number to nearest tens .

First find out the place values of given digits

83 = 3 is in place of one's digit and 8 is in place of tens digit.

when the given number of one's place value is more than 5 , then add 1 .

when the given number of one's place value is less than 5 , then ignore it . ( mean write 0 instead of given number)

Here, one's place value is 3 which is less than 5 so , write 0 instead of 3 .

Hence :

83 is rounded to 80 .

Sorry If Im Wrong, Because im still learn too :)

4. 1. Round these numbers to the nearest 100


When rounding to the nearest hundred, look at the TENS DIGIT of the number. If that digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, you will round down to the previous hundred. If that digit is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, you will round up to the next hundred.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu dan maaf klo salah..

5. Round off each number to the nearest ten, Then estimate the value of: a) 53 + 79 ​


ini jawabannya :53+79=132

maaf ya soalnya gak ngerti bahasa inggris

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalau salah semoga membantu


53+79 = 132

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


6. Round to the nearest whole numbers. 8.18 x 1.911


15.63198 or 16

7. Round 17 600 to the nearest thousandRound 754 800 to the nearest thousand​


17 600 --> 18 000

754 800 --> 755 000

8. 2439 Round the number to the nearest hundred​



Maaf kalau salah



maaf jikalau salah

9. Round 867 369 to the nearest thousand


Bulatkan 867 369 ke ribuan terdekat

10. round in the decimal number 8.239 to the nearest tenth

rounding a number to the nearest tenth, we just focus on the first number after the decimals which is 8, if its higher than 4, then we can round it to 10, if the one we want to find is the nearest tenth, and the decimals would be ignored, so 8,239 = 10,000 or 10

11. 1. Round these numbers to the nearest 10 000. a. 45 678 b. 24 055 c. 50 5052. Round these numbers to the nearest 100 000. a. 147 950 b. 865 507 c. 157 8463. At a fundraising event, 5206 people dressed up as children's book characters to raise money for a children's hospital.a. Round 5206 to the nearest 1000. b. Round 5206 to the nearest 100.c. Round 5206 to the nearest 10. 4. A number rounded to the nearest 10 is 340. Find all the possible numbers it could be. 5. a. round 5495 to the nearest 10b. round 5495 to the nearest 100c. round 5495 to the nearest 1000d. round your answer to (a) to the nearest 100, then round that answer to the nearest 1000e. compare your answer to (c) and (d).​


14 cm 31cm a17 keliling nya berapa

12. circle the numbers that round to 250 when they are rounded to the nearest ten

300 or 260 may be understandI think 250
Sorry if wrong

13. The table shows the prices of three itemsRound these prices to the nearest ten dollarsRounded to thenearest ten dollarsPriceItem$$988Handphone$$1005Refrigerator$$3022Laptop​


handphone $1000

Refrigerator $1000

Laptop $3000


14. 235 890 round it to the nearest 10 000



15. 17 572 to the nearest ten is​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Round 572 to the nearest ten and hundred

We write the place chart for the given number

Hundred     tens    Ones  

  5                7            2            

To round the number to nearest tens, we look at the number in ones place. 2 is smaller than 5 so we keep the number as it is in tens place.

572 rounded to nearest tens is 570

To round the number to nearest hundred, we look at the number in tens place. 7 is greater than 5 so we add 1 with the number in hundreds place

Hence , 5 in hundreds place  becomes 6 and we put 0 in the remaining places.

572 rounded to nearest hundred is 600


16. 2439 Round the number to the nearest thousand​



two thousand

bacanya tu tausen

2000, karena nearest thousand / ribuan terdekat

kalau nearest hundred = ratusan terdekat

kalau nearest hundred jawabnya 2400


[tex]semoga \: membantu \: woi \\ jadikan \: jawaban \: terbaik \\ follow \: juga \: njer[/tex]

17. matematika b.inggris Round the number 37 to the nearest tenth. It is ... . Round the number 26.17 to the nearest tenth. It is Round the number 747 to nearest hundreds. Round the following number 9,318 to nearest thousands. . Round to the leading digit and estimate the sum of $ 13.16 + $ 7.72 = ... . Estimate the answer by rounding both addends to the nearest hundred 4,448 + 5,109


37= 40

26,17= 30

747= 700

9318= 9000

13+8= $21

4400+5100= 9500

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga bermanfaat

18. . a. Round the numbers to the nearest ten. 1. 954 2. 78 935 3. 31 645​


88618 281819118299

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

jadi x ×b sama denga 1827271893929

19. round off 78.543 ,11.223, 12.321 to the nearest thousand​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

bulatkan ke ribuan, semoga bermanfaat

20. Round 86 930 to the nearest hundred​


86 900

maaf kalau salah

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