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Match These Prefixes Suffixes And Roots To Their Meanings

Match These Prefixes Suffixes And Roots To Their Meanings

match these words with their meanings​

1. match these words with their meanings​


1. put on - g. to wear

2. put out - b. to extinguish

3. turn off - a. to switch off

4. slice - i. to cut something into thin pieces

5. wrap - e. to cover with something

6. bend - f. to twist

7. seed - d. to remove the seeds from the fruit

8. trim - j. to cut something so it will be neater

9. blend - h. to mix

10. mach - c. to soften something using spoon or other tools

Semoga membantu.

2. match these adjectives with their meanings​


1. curly=keriting2. hijau=green3. tua=old4. berat=heavy5. sabar=patient6. gemuk=fat7. pandai=clever8. indah=beautiful

3. add prefixes or suffixes to the words "long" and "specific"

 awalan atau kata kata yang panjang dan spesifik

4. Tolong jawabannya!! Match the following words with their meanings.

artinya cocokan kata - kata berikut dengan maknanya

5. Kak kalau wordnya responsibilities prefixes dan suffixesnya apa ya?


tidak ada prefixes

suffixes = -ible, -ity , -es

6. Match the words with their correct meanings.Tolong di bantu kaka ^ ^​


1. h.

2. d.

3. f.

4. b.

5. g.

6. a.

7.  l.

8. k.

9. j.

10. c.

Jadikan jawaban ini sebagai yang terbaik bila dirasa bermanfaat dan membantu!^^

7. match the words of the phrases below with their meanings​



Semoga membantu :)

8. Match the words to their meanings​


1:b 2:e 3:a 4:d 5:c


Mohon maaf kalo salah

9. adjective and their meanings​

examples of adjectives are:

big, small, blue, old, rich and nice.

meanings of adjective give us more information.

they modify or describe features and qualities of people, animals and things.

10. Match the following adjectives with their meanings


ancient(kuno)=Dboring(membosankan)=Gbustling(ramai)=Fcharming(nyaman)=Lcontemporary(jaman sekarang)=icompact(padat)=Cexciting(mengasyikan)=Afascinating(menarik)=Bpicturesque(indah/lukisan)=efamous(terkenal)=Hspacious(luas)=J

11. Match these expressions with their responses

1. E

2. D

3. A

4. C

5. B


12. Match the collocations with their correct meanings.​


1. dari petang hingga fajar

2. pendeteksi kebohongan

3. langsung, segera

4. menutup kesepakatan

5. langsung ke intinya

6. menolak tawaran

7. mengambil kesimpulan

8. menarik perhatian anda

9. bangkrut, gulung tikar

10. menjadi mitra usaha

11. meluncurkan produk baru

12. memecat karyawan

13. datang pertama

14. angka penjualan

15. tepat waktu

cih, dasar alat

13. Tolong!!!! Match the following words with their meanings


In doing a vocabulary-based exercise, you need to be familiar with the words available, especially if they aren't in the sentences. You have to keep adding the number of vocabulary you know by any kind of sources, from the book, movies, songs or Youtube videos and games. 
Here's the answer:
a. Fill = to make full 
b. package = a wrapped container  (a container in which something is wrapped as it sounds confusing)
c. occasionally = now and then.
d. stick = attach together
e. tender = not tough / soft
f. immediately = instantly/ without delay
Kelas: SMP
Mapel: English
Kategori: vocabulary

14. match the words with their correct meanings.​


1 - f

2 - h

3 - e

4 - g

5 - a

6 - d

7 - b

8 - l

9 - j

10 - m


Bisa di google atau translate untuk belajar, belajar vocabulary dan artinya penting yaa...

15. match the words or the phrases below with their meanings, bantuin kak:)​


1. D

2. A

3. F

4. C

5. J

6. B

7. H

8. E

9. G

10. I


Semoga membantu

1-5= infinitive phrase

6= adjective phrase

7= noun phrase

8-10= infinitive phrase

16. match the word in column a with their meanings in column b ​


Berikut jawabannya k


17. 5 contoh suffixes dan prefixes. ...?

Suffix: -able (ex: portable), -cy (ex: privacy), -tion (ex: globalization), -ion (ex: celebration), -sion (ex: conclusion).
Prefixes: im- (ex: impolite), in- (ex: indirect), para- (ex: paranormal), un- (ex: unable), trans- (ex: transplant). 

18. Now, match the characteristics with their meanings

1. i
2. c
3. k
4. q
5. l
6. m
7. n
8. a
9. e
10. g
11. d
12. b
13. t
14. f
15. r
16. o
17. j
18. p
19. h
20. s1. i
2. c
3. k
4. q
5. l
6. m
7. n
8. a
9. e
10. g
11. d
12. b
13. t
14. f
15. r
16. o
17. j
18. p
19. h
20. s

19. Match the following. Word with their meanings





4. J






10. I

Maaf kalau salah

20. match the fllowing words with their suitable meanings​


1. e

2. a

3. h

4. g

5. f

6. b

7. d

8. c

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