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Rural Areas Are With Long Stretches Of Roads

Rural Areas Are With Long Stretches Of Roads

Before world war I, the majority of Americans in rural areas or in small.

Daftar Isi

1. Before world war I, the majority of Americans in rural areas or in small.


sebelum perang dunia 1, mayoritas orang Amerika berada di pedesaan atau di daerah kecil.


maaf kalo salah

2. what were clothes made from rural areas

what were clothes made from rural areas


At present, the CONCERN of the government is related to educating girls living in rural areas. sorry if wrong


Concern (n) = perhatian


At present, the Concern Of the goverment is related to educating girls living in rural areas


Saat ini, Kepedulian pemerintah terkait dengan pendidikan anak perempuan yang tinggal di pedesaan

4. The main crops of the people who are living in the areas with low water resources are polyculture crops. In this kind of condition, they have to use agricultural system that called


Tanaman utama masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah dengan sumber daya air yang rendah adalah tanaman polikultur. Dalam kondisi seperti ini, mereka harus menggunakan sistem pertanian yang disebut


Maaf kalau salah

5. Siska: roads and public areas should be free of trashes. Arina:.... (6). It will make the environment clean and healthy.​

Jawaban :

Siska    : roads and public areas should be free of trashes

Arina    : I agree with you. It will make the environment clean and healthy

Penjelasan :

Soal diatas termasuk soal expressing of agreement. Expressing of agreement adalah sebuah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberikan pernyataan persetujuaan atas pendapat orang lain.

Contoh :

I agreeI agree with youYou are right I couldn’t agree with you moreThat’s the point I will say that I feel the same way about

Sedangkan expressing of disagreement adalah sebuah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan ketidak setujuan terhadap pendapat orang lain.

contoh :

I don’t agreeI don’t agree with youI don’t think soThat’s not what I thinkI couldn’t agree with you lessI’m not sureProbably not

Pelajari lebih lanjut :

materi mention expressing of agreement and disagreement pada link






Jalan yang menghubungkan Jakarta dengan Jawa Barat rusak.


A.The road that link Jakarta with West Java are damaged.

=Jalan yang menghubungkan Jakarta dengan Jawa Barat rusak.

7. . With more and more people moving out of rural areas and into cities, _ farms in many parts of the world with a growing challenge * 10 points (A) it has left (B) has left (C) left C (D) that it has left


B. has left


sorry kalau salah, itu menurut pendapat saya

8. Pollution affects oxygen levels in the midnight zone and creates areas with no oxygen. What if there are animals in these areas?​


Animals will eventually die running out of oxygen.


Hewan pada akhirnya akan mati kehabisan oksigen.


Ditanyakan suatu penyebab dari peristiwa.


What if there's no tree in this planet?

There will be no oxygen, further there's no living creature on this planet


Apa yang akan terjadi jika tidak ada pohon di planet ini?

Tidak akan ada oksigen, lebih lanjut tidak ada makhluk hidup di planet ini

Semoga membantu :)

9. 1.water buffalo are found in the watter areas of Asia.​


"watter areas" apa itu?



10. Many roads and houses are covered by water of

Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris
Sub Bab: Translation

Many roads and houses are covered by water of ditch.

Banyak jalan dan rumah yang ditutupi oleh air parit.

~senMany roads and houses are covered by water of mud

11. Task 1Listen to the following questions and answer orally1.how do you think about our roads today?Answer : 2.how is the condition of the roads in big Cities?Answer :3.how is the condition of the roads in rural areas?Answer :4.what do you see on the roads?Answer :5.who needs road?Answer :help answer yes, please answer correctly !​


1. I think our roads are controlable and neat.

2. Big cities roads condition is congested.

3. Rural areas roads condition are quiet and neat.

4. On the roads I see many vehicles, such as car, motorcycle, bicycle, truck, etc.

5. People who using vehicle.

12. . With more and more people moving out of rural areas and into cities, _ farms in many parts of the world with a growing challenge * 10 points (A) it has left (B) has left (C) left C (D) that it has left


ya gak tau kok tanya saya

13. Conditions of village roads in all the three subdistrics are generally . . . .​



Kondisi jalan desa di semua kecamatan secara umum


Village road conditions In all kecamatan, in general, it is very wide and it is rare for cars / vehicles with large loads to pass



follow My Instagram : @JEFJ_JR

14. “Its tail is long with thick hair...” The antonym of long is


Antonym of Longis Short

"Its tail is long with thick hair short"


Antonyms of length are short

semoga membantu

15. How does population imbalance in Indonesia affect economic activity in both urban and rural areas?

ini bahasa inggris bukan ips

16. Manta rays are... a.The largest fish. b.fish with wings c.Fish with a long snout. d.The largest member of the ray family.

d.The Largest Member Of The Ray Family

Semoga Bermanfaat

17. What are the most areas of government ownership and control?

Daerah mana yang paling dikuasai dan dikontrol oleh pemerintah ? 

Answer : DKI Jakarta

18. . With more and more people moving out of rural areas and into cities, _ farms in many parts of the world with a growing challenge * 10 points (A) it has left (B) has left (C) left C (D) that it has left

d.that it has left(bahwa ia telah pergi)


Dengan semakin banyak orang pindah dari daerah pedesaan dan ke kota, _ pertanian di banyak bagian dunia dengan pertumbuhan


. With more and more people moving out of rural areas and into cities, _ farms in many parts of the world with a growing challenge *

10 points

(A) it has left

(B) has left

(C) left C

(D) that it has left



(D) that it has left


pembahasan :


With more and more people moving out of rural areas and into cities, that it has left farms in many parts of the world with a growing challenge

artinya :

Dengan semakin banyak orang pindah dari daerah pedesaan dan ke kota-kota, hal itu telah meninggalkan pertanian di banyak bagian dunia dengan tantangan yang semakin besar

semoga membantu <3

19. 4. What are the benefits of toll roads?


Toll Roads allow some users to travel faster

- Allow user to travel faster

20. Pollution affects oxygen levels in the midnight zone and creates areas with no oxygen. What if there are animals in these areas?


the animals will be dead


cuz there's no oxygen

The animals will die because there are no oxigen so they cant breathe

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