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Identify The Structure Labeled 7

Identify The Structure Labeled 7

identify the structure of the letter​

Daftar Isi

1. identify the structure of the letter​


itu disuruh mengidentifikasi struktur sebuah surat

2. Identify the Parts / structure of the invitation​


Secara umum/dasar bagian teks sebuah undangan meliputi:

Receiver/To: nama orang yang dituju/yang diundang

Body of invitation/isi undangan: Isi undangan biasanya berupa hal hal berikut ini:

Subjek: Nama Acara

Day or Date: Hari dan tanggal

Time: Waktu yang ditetapkan

Place: Tempat dimana acara tersebut diadakan

     3. Sender/from: Orang yang mengirim undangan


3. Identify the structure of the tex above

tolong tulisnya bersama tex nya

kalau yang ditanyakan artinya

Identifikasi struktur teks di atas

4. task :Identify the text structure. Read the explanation about the text structure of procedure text below. Then, identify the structure of the previous text in sub E


Identifikasi struktur teks. Baca penjelasan tentang struktur teks teks prosedur di bawah ini. Kemudian, identifikasi struktur teks sebelumnya di sub E


maaf kalo salah

5. 5. identify the structure of the text above! ​


5. identify the structure of the text above!

(5. tentukan struktur teks di atas! kami)


Teksnya Mana?

6. 2.DetailsIdentify the structure of the letter above!StructureParagraphsIntroductionBodyConclusion​


i'm sorry but, where is the letters ??

if it so, okay i'm just gonna translate it into indonesian language


arti translate bindo :

detail :

identifikasi struktur dari surat tersebut !




tubuh/badan surat


7. identify the structure of the text above! no. 5 ​


5. Identification

1) The Gunung Leuser National Park is a place where you can see the critically endangered orangutans in the wild


2) Together with Bukit Barisan Selatan and Kerinci Seblat National Parks, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site (since 2004), a Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra

3) The park are reaches up to 3,404 m to the peak of Gunung Leuser which gave the area its name and protects a wide range of ecosystems. There are river systems, volcanoes, and lakes. This rainforest is biodiverse, hosting approximately 700 different species of animal

4) Bukit Lawang, the usual point of start of all our tours, is considered one of the best gateways unto experiencing the many marvels of the Gunung Leuser National Park. Although no longer a centre for active rehabilitation and release, the forest surrounding Bukit Lawang still offers a big opportunities to observe orangutans and variety of other habitats of the jungle

5) It is not guaranteed that any animal will be seen during the booked trek. If you are very lucky, but since there are very few still alive it is very improbable, you will encounter the sumatran tiger or the sumatran rhinoceros during a long expedition

8. identify the structure off the organisation the the letter​


mengidentifikasi stuktur Dari organisasi Surat itu


maaf kalo salah

9. Guess the answers of the following riddles! Then identify the structure!



1. Our age

2. It is a berry.

3. I am a map.

4. It is a clock.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Riddles (teka-teki permainan kata) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

1. Our age karena sesuatu yang terus naik dan tak pernah turun adalah usia kita semua

2. Berry karena dalam Bahasa Inggris, buah yang namanya terdengar seperti harusnya hidup di bawah tanah adalah "berry" terdengar seperti "burry (mengubur)"

3. Map karena sesuatu yang terdapat gedung, gunung, sungai tapi tidak ada ikannya adalah peta (map)

4. Clock karena memiliki dua tangan penunjuk dan menunjuk 2 kali ke angka dua belas adalah sebuah jam dinding

Semoga membantu ya.

10. identify the generic structure of the song lyric​


The Climb?

it's is Right?

11. identify the structure of the letter above!Jawab:​



1. Main ideas.

You can find a paragraph main ideas either at the beginning or at the end of the paragraph. But in some paragraphs, the main ideas are located both at the beginning and at the end of the paragraph. Let's take a look!

- Paragraph 1: The main idea of this paragraph is greeting. This paragraph is the very 1st paragraph of the letter so it's the opening of the letter itself.

- Paragraph 2: It's the first body of the letter. The main idea of paragraph 2 is to introduce the writer. There are name, age, job, and address. The objective of this paragraph is to give the receiver an idea of who's sending the letter.

- Paragraph 3: It's the second body of the letter. The main idea of this paragraph is to introduce family members who live with the writer.

- Paragraph 4: It's the third body of the letter. The main idea of paragraph 4 is to tell the receiver more about the writer's self and to remind the receiver where they've met before. The writer thinks that they have the same hobby because they met at a dance competition.

- Paragraph 5: Paragraph 5 is the closing paragraph of this letter. The main idea of this paragraph is the writer's request of the receiver's reply about her self.

12. Read the following advertisement then identify the structure​.


Bacalah iklan berikut kemudian kenali strukturnya.


13. How do people get there?Identify the structure of the teStructureIdentification​


bagaimana Anda mendapatkan mereka? mengidentifikasi struktur identifikasi ide struktur

14. Read the following letter!then identify the structure!​


this is an application job letter

the structural letter is written below :

Date / tanggalreceiver / penerimaaddress / alamat penerimaSalutation / Salam pembukaopening / pembukaancontent / isiclosing / penutup signature / tanda tangan

semoga membantu ya.

15. read the following text and answer the questions: 1. Identify the text structure ! 2. Identify the tenses! 3. Identify the social function!​


1.Sebutkan struktur teks!

2.Tentukan tensesnya!

3.Sebutkan fungsi sosial!!


Maaf kalau salah

16. identify the general structure of the report text​


Generic Structure of Report Text :

General Classification: General statements that describe the subject of the report, description, and classification.

Description: tells what the phenomenon under discussion ; in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behaviors.

source : google

17. Bahasa inggris identify the structure of the text above

Identify the structure of the text above

Translate:Identifikasi / mengidentifikasi struktur teks diatas


18. identify the social function, text structure, and lexicogrammatical​



Answer :

The text above is one of personal letters, because it contains the personal information. It doesn’t tell about the business/professional matters but the relationship between the writer and the recipient.

1.) The social Function / Purpose of the letter is to give the information by exchanging personal information to the recipient

2.) Based on the letter given, the letter is sent through an email, Yahoo messenger.  Generic Structure of personal letter above  :

a.)  The heading. It’s clear enough, the date and the writer’s email address  are always attached to the beginning letter.

b.) Greeting. It contains regards to the recipient, such as Dear .........

c.) The introduction, It contains the greeting, the writer’s background of writing the letter.

d.) The body of letter/ content of the letter. It tells about the writer’s personal information.

e.) The closing/closure. It contains the farewell expression used to end the conversation through the letter include complimentary phrases, such as sincerely yours, best regard, with love and etc

f.) Signature, it contains the writer’s name and a the writer’s autograph.

3.) Language Features of the letter above :

a.) It uses the simple present tense  

Simple present tense is used to talk about the reality/daily activity/personality/quality.

Based on the text given : “ My mother runs the house........, My sister and I have  3 dogs, I spend most.............and etc.

b.) It uses the direct speech, the repetitive conversation from the first speaker.  

Based on the text given : “She told me you sent her an email.........”

c.) It uses the simple past tense, it tells about the past event/experience.

Based on the text given : “My father died few years ago...........”


19. read the following text and answer the questions: 1. Identify the text structure ! 2. Identify the tenses! 3. Identify the social function!​


1.  Text structure refers to how the information within a written text is organized. This strategy helps students understand that a text might present a main idea and details; a cause and then its effects; and/or different views of a topic. Teaching students to recognize common text structures can help students monitor their comprehension.

2.It's happening right now.

It's happening right now – and continuing.

It was happening in the past – and is still happening now.

It happened in the past.

It was happening – then it got interrupted!

It's going to happen in the future.

3.Social function: The purpose is to inform the information about an event  Structure: title and Content (what to be announced, include day and time)  Langu ange feature: simple present tense

maaf kalo salah semoga membantu

20. Identify the generic structure of the song lyric the climb​


The Climb"

Bv Miley Cyrus

OST. Hannah Montana: The Movie

I can almost see it

The struggles I'm facing

That dream I'm dreaming.

The chances I'm taking

But there's a voice inside my head saying, Sometimes might knock me down,

You'll never reach it."

But no, I'm not breaking

Every step I'm takin

I may not know it.

Every move I make feels lost with no

But these are the moments


That I'm gonna remember most, yeah

My faith is shakin'

Just gotta keep goin.

But I, I gotta keep tryin

And I, I gotta be strong

Gotta keep my head held high

Just keep pushing on,


Yeah, yeah, yeah

Keep on movin

Keep climbin

Keep the faith, baby

It's all about it's all about the climb

Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa,

whoa, oh.

Source: iຖາຍະກໍາເຕພາະ ແຕກຽ..ຣາຍ 3ຫມາກນອງງາກແຕງ 1ະໄທ.a


There's always gonna be another


I'm always gonna wanna make it move

Always gonna be an uphill battle

Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there

Ain't about what's waitin' on the other

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