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Solid Aluminum Hydroxide Reacts With A Solution Of Hydrobromic Acid

Solid Aluminum Hydroxide Reacts With A Solution Of Hydrobromic Acid

Which of the following chemicals is a nonelectrolyte?a. molten naphthalenab. sodium hydroxide solutionc. aqueous sulfuric acid solutiond. aqueous ethanoic acid solutione. aqueous potassium iodide solution

Daftar Isi

1. Which of the following chemicals is a nonelectrolyte?a. molten naphthalenab. sodium hydroxide solutionc. aqueous sulfuric acid solutiond. aqueous ethanoic acid solutione. aqueous potassium iodide solution

The First thing that you must knew about Electrolyte Solution, Have the Criteria:
- The Solution that Perfect Ionized 
- Strong Acid or alkali (have strong electrolyte) and weak Acid or alkali (have Weak Elektrolytes)
- Salt Solution (NaCl, KCl, and any others)

I thing Molten Napthalena Is the best Answer, Napthalena as an Organic coumpund has a Stabilized structur, so dificult to ionized.

I Hope that answer your question...

2. Color reaction of ascorbic acid with sodium hydroxide stability ?


Tanya ama gurunya saya bukan suhu



maaf yah..................

3. How many atoms of aluminum hydroxide may be formed from 65 grams of sodium hydroxide?


tidak tau tidak tau tidak tau

4. Lithium reacts with water to form lithium hydroxide. What mass of lithium is required to produce 12 g of lithium hydroxide? (A) 2.0 g (B) 3.5 g (C) 7.0 g (D) 12 g


b. 3,5 gram


dengan nilai koefisien reaksi kita tahu perbandingan mol reaktan dan produk

jawaban terlampir, semangat belajarnya

5. A student was given a sample of hydrochloric acid and asked to find its concentration in mol / dm. She titrated 25 cm' of the acid against a standard solution of sodium hydroxide of 0.1 mol dm. The average titre of sodium hydroxide was 30 cm. What is the concentration of the acid? A. 0.50 mol dm B. 0.12 mol dm C. 1.25 mol dm D. 1.0 mol dm​


c. 1.25 mol


semoga membantu

6. If sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide solution are mixed, what is the result? Write your answer in the form of word equation




7. 0.08 moles of sulfuric acid in 2 litres of solution has a Ph?​

n (moles) = M / V

M (concentracion) = n x V = 0,08 moles x 2 Litres = 0,16 M

Since H₂SO₄ is strong acid, we must use this formula:

[H⁺] = acid valence x Concentration

[H⁺] = 2 x 0,16 M

[H⁺]= 0,32 M = 32 x 10⁻² M

pH = - log [H⁺]

pH = - log (32 x 10⁻² M)

pH = 2 - log 32

~apply some logarithm properties~

pH = 2 - 5 log 2

pH = 0,5

That gives us pH of said acid is 2-5log2.

I hope this helps~

8. calculate the molality of 6.5 M aqueous solution of an acid , HA with a density of 0.888 g cm'3 .given the molar mass of acid is 98.0g/mol

Calculate the molality of 6.5 M aqueous solution of an acid , HA with a density of 0.888 g/cm³ .given the molar mass of acid is 98.0g/mol

Molaritas HA = 6,5 M
ρ = 0,888 g/cm³
Mr = 98 g/mol
1 cm³ = 1 mL

Ditanya: molalitas...?

Pada soal ini kita diminta untuk mengkonversi molaritas suatu larutan asam menjadi molalitasnya. Pada dasarnya Molarita dan molaritas menyatakan hal yang sama yaitu konsentrasi zat dan suatu larutan, namun perbedaannya yaitu molaritas dinyatakan per satuan volume pelarut sedangkan molalitas per satuan massa pelarut yang digunakan.

Adapun rumus molaritas dan molalitas adalah sebagai berikut:

            M = mol/Volume pelarut (L)

            m = mol/Massa pelarut (Kg)

untuk itu kita harus mengetahui massa pelarut yang digunakan terlebih dahulu.

Berdasarkan soal diketahui asam HA memiliki molaritas 6,5 M namun tidak disebutkan volume larutanya, sehingga untuk menyelesaikan soal ini maka kita misalkan saja bahwa larutan asam HA 6,5 M tersedia sebanyak 1 L.

Sehingga bisa kita peroleh informasi sebagai berikut:

M = mol / V   ==>  mol = M . V
                              mol = 6,5 M . 1 L = 6,5 mol

Jadi mol asam HA 6,5 M sebanyak 1 L adalah 6,5 mol

Selanjutnya untuk menghitung massa pelarut yang digunakan kita bisa mencari massa larutan berdasarkan nilai densitas yang diberikan, yaitu:

Massa Larutan = Volume larutan x ρ

Massa Larutan = 1 L x 1000 x 0,888 g/cm³  ==> 1 L = 1000 mL

Massa Larutan = 888 gram

Selanjutnya kita hitung massa zat terlarut nya yaitu menggunakan data molnya,

mol = massa/ Mr   ==>   Massa = mol x Mr

                                       Massa = 6,5 mol . 98 g/mol

                                       Massa = 637 gram

Selanjutnya dari hasil perhitungan di atas kita bisa mengetahui massa pelarut, yaitu:

Massa Larutan = Massa Zat Terlarut + Massa Pelarut

Massa Pelarut = Massa Larutan - Massa Zat Terlarut

Massa Pelarut = 888 gram - 637 gram

Massa Pelarut = 251 gram = 0,251 Kg

Sehingga molalitas asam HA bisa kita cari sebagai berikut:

Molalitas HA = mol / Massa Pelarut

Molalitas HA = 6,5 mol / 0,251 Kg

Molalitas HA = 25,89 molal

Jadi molalitas dari asam HA 6,5 M dengan densitas 0,888 gram/cm³ adalah sebesar 25,89 molal.

Pelajari soal-soal Stoikiometri lainnya melalui link-link berikut:


Selamat Belajar dan Tetap Semangat!!!
Kelas           : X
Mapel          : KIMIA
BAB             : Stoikiometri
Kata Kunci   : Molaritas, molalitas, densitas, massa, larutan
Kode            : 10.7.7.

9. find the volume of sodium hydroxide 0.1 M to neutralize 20 ml of sulfate acid 0.2M

Jawab :

Volume natrium hidroksida (NaOH) 0,1 M yang dibutuhkan untuk menetralkan 20 mL asam sulfat (H₂SO₄) 0,2 M adalah 40 mL.

Penyelesaian Soal :

Diketahui : [NaOH] = 0,1 M

                  [H₂SO₄] = 0,2 M

                  V H₂SO₄ = 20 mL

Ditanya : V NaOH ?

Jawab :

V₁ × M₁ = V₂ × M₂

20 mL × 0,2 M = V₂ × 0,1 M

V₂ = (20 mL × 0,2 M) / 0,1 M

V₂ =  4/ 0,1 mL

V₂ = 40 mL

∴ Kesimpulan banyaknya volume NaOH adalah 40 mL.

Pembahasan :

Pengertian Molaritas (M)

Konsentrasi merupakan jumlah zat terlarut yang ada terhadap jumlah pelarut tertentu atau terhadap jumlah larutan tertentu. (diasumsikan zat terlarut berwujud cair atau padat, sedangkan pelarutnya berwujud cair) Konsentrasi dapat diungkapkan dengan beragam cara, salah satunya yang paling sering dipakai, dan memang akan kita gunakan sekarang ini adalah Molaritas (M), atau konsentrasi molar. Molaritas adalah jumlah mol terlarut setiap liter larutan. Atau bias diungkapkan dengan rumus:

M = n/V

Keterangan : M = konsentrasi zat

                      n = mol zat terlarut

                      V = volume larutan (L)


Proses pengenceran adalah proses yang dilakukan dengan mencampurkan pelarut yang lebih ukurannya dari suatu zat yang dilarutkannya. engenceran pada prinsipnya hanya menambahkan pelarut saja, sehingga jumlah mol zat terlarut sebelum pengenceran sama dengan jumlah mol zat terlarut sesudah pengenceran. Dengan kata lain jumlah mmol zat terlarut sebelum pengenceran sama dengan jumlah mmol zat terlarut sesudah penegenceran atau jumlah massa zat terlarut sebelum pengenceran sama dengan jumlah massa zat terlarut sesudah pengenceran.

Rumus :  

V₁ × M₁ = V₂ × M₂

Keterangan :

M₁ = Molaritas larutan sebelum pelarutan/pengenceran

V₁ = Volume larutan sebelum pelarutan/pengenceran

M₂ = Molaritas larutan sesudah pelarutan/pengenceran

V₂ = Volume Molaritas larutan sesudah pelarutan/pengenceran

Pelajari lebih lanjut :  

materi tentang pH asam Basa https://brainly.co.id/tugas/21157455  

materi tentang pH asam Basa https://brainly.co.id/tugas/21176838  

materi tentang pH asam Basa https://brainly.co.id/tugas/21126249  


Detail jawaban :  

Kelas : 11  

Mapel : Kimia  

Bab : 5  

Kode : 11.7.5  

Kata Kunci : asam, basa, pH

10. 1. Calculate the pH and pOH of the solutions given below. (log5 =0.7, log8 = 0.9) a. A solution with a [H + ] of 1x10 -3 M. b. A solution with a [OH - ] of 1x10 -3 M. c. A solution with a [H + ] of 5x10 -7 M. d. A solution with a [OH - ] of 8x10 -11 M.

pH = -log [H⁺]
pOH = -log [OH⁻]
pH = 14-pOH

a) pH = 3-log 10 = 3
pOH = 14-3 = 11
b) pOH = 3-log 10 = 3
pH = 14-3 = 11
c) pH = 7-log 5 = 6,3
pOH = 14-6,3 = 7,7
d) pOH = 11-log 8 = 10,09
pH = 14-10,09 = 3,91

11. an example of a solution between a solid and water is


Contoh padatan : NaCl(s) ; NaOH(s) ; MgO ; Na₂CO₃ ; KCl ; CaCO₃

Contoh cairan : NH₃(l) , H₂SO₄(l) , HCl(l) , CH₃COOH(l) , HNO₃(l)




12. What is the pH of 2×10^-5 M sulphuric acid solution


pH = 4


Asam kuat

sulphuric acid solution = larutan asam sulfat

larutan asam sulfat = H₂SO₄

H₂SO₄ ---> 2H⁺ + SO₄²⁻

a = 2

[H⁺] = a Ma

[H⁺] = 2 x 2. 10⁻⁵

[H⁺] = 10⁻⁴ M

pH = - log [H⁺]

pH = - log 10⁻⁴

pH = 4

Pelajari lebih lanjut

pH asam kuat dan asam lemah https://brainly.co.id/tugas/732986, https://brainly.co.id/tugas/20903903, https://brainly.co.id/tugas/14852003, https://brainly.co.id/tugas/21082223, https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4965021# pH larutan asam kuat dan basa kuat https://brainly.co.id/tugas/5710167, https://brainly.co.id/tugas/2626244, https://brainly.co.id/tugas/15199850

13. An example of a solution between a solid and water is


Contoh larutan antara zat padat dan air adalah

Penjelasan:maaf jika salah

14. What volume of oxygen reacts with 50cm3 of nitrogen monoxide


A certain quantity I guess


15. A 20 ml solution of 0,0512 M oxalic acid was used to standardise an unknown solution of potassium permanganate. An average of 21,24 ml of permanganate was required. Calculate the concentration of the potassium permanganate solution


0.0964 M


H2C2O4 = KMnO4

V1 × N1 = V2 × N2

20 × 0.0512 × 2 = 21.24 × M × 1

[tex]M = \frac{20 × 0.0512 × 2 }{21.24} \\ M = 0.0964 [/tex]

16. in an experiment, 50cm3 of nitric acid solution is mixed with 50cm3 of potassium hydroxide solution in a plastic container. Both solution have the same concertration. when those solution are mixed, the temperature of the mixture increased by 6.0°C. How much heaat is released in the neutralisation reaction? (Spesific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J/g°C, density of water =1.0g/cm3) a. 63.0 J b. 30.0 J c. 25.2 J d. 18.9 J e. 12.6 J

kalau menurut aku jawabannya adalah 25,2 JHNO3 + KOH ---> KNO3 + H2O
dT = 6
mass = 50M mmol
Q = mcdT
Q = 50M.4,2.6
Q = 1260M

17. sodium reacts with water to produce alkaline solution .write the chemical equation ​

2Na + 2H2O -> 2NaOH + H2

if i'm not mistaken..

18. 400 cm of sodium hydroxide solution 0.5 mol dm 3 is used to neutralise 100 cm of hydrochloric acid solution as shown in the reaction below. NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) - NaCl(aq) + H2O(1) 4 What is the concentration of the hydrochloric acid solution? A 0.100 mol dm3 С 1.00 mol dm3 B 0.200 mol dm3 D 2.00 mol dm3


D. 2,00 mol/dm³


V NaOH = 400 cm³ = 0,4 dm³

M NaOH = 0,5 mol/dm³ or 0,5 M

V HCl = 100 cm³ = 0,1 dm³


NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)

Ask: concentration of HCl?


neutralise equation is:

Va x Ma x a = Vb x Mb x b

0,1 dm³ x Ma x 1 = 0,4 dm³ x 0,5 M x 1

0,1 dm³ x Ma = 0,2 mol

Ma = 0,2 mol / 0,1 dm³ = 2,00 M or 2,00 mol/dm³


cm³ = ml

dm³ = L

cmiiw ^^

19. 10 ml of acetic acid solution (Ka=10^-5) with pH = 5 is mixed with 90 ml of water. the pH of the solution now?

this is my answer. please correction again

20. 20.0 cm³ of hydrochloric acid is needed to neutralize completely 25.0 cm³ of 0.1 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide solution in the conical flask. Calculate the molarity of the hydrochloric acid.

The molarity of the hydrochloric acid is 0,125 M


In this case, you can use 2 ways to solve it: first, stoichiometrically, by first making a balanced reaction and then using moles to calculate molarity (mol/L); and second, which is simpler. Use the formula below:

Va × Ma × a = Vb × Mb × b

where Va is the volume of the acid, Ma is the molarity of the acid, and a is the valence of the acid; the same goes for bases.

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) each have one valence. So, the calculation:

Va × Ma × a = Vb × Mb × b

20.0 cm³ × Ma × 1 = 25.0 cm³ × 0,1 M

20 cm³ × Ma × 1 = 2,5 mmol

Ma = 0,125 M



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