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Which Of The Following Is The Smallest Volume

Which Of The Following Is The Smallest Volume

Which one of the following is the smallest? 1/4 0.15 3/10 0.025

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1. Which one of the following is the smallest? 1/4 0.15 3/10 0.025





the small one is 1/4 i guees :v

2. which is the smallest country​


vatican in roma italy

maaf kalo salah


The Vatican is the smallest country in the world. It has an area of 0.44 square kilometers and is on the continent of Europe, precisely in the city of Rome, Italy.

3. which animal is the smallest?​


ant , lizard , rat ,


maaf kalo salah

4. 1) What is the capital of Chile? 2) What is the highest mountain in Britain? 3) What is the smallest country in the world? 4) Alberta is a province of which country? 5) How many countries still have the shilling as currency?


1. santiago

2. everset

3. singapura


5. four krnya uganda



1. santiago

2. scafell pike

3. vatican city

4. canada

5. Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Somalia and Somaliland.

5. Find the smallest value of such that the LCM of n and 54 is 108.​


54 = 2 × 3³

108 = 2² × 3³

LCM = 2² × 3³ = 108

6. what is the difference between the smallest factor and greatest factor of 108

greatest factor = 108
smallest factor = 1


maaf kalau salah

7. 15. The pear is ... than the apple.A smaller C. biggerB. shorterD. tinier16. The pineapple is... of all.A. the smallest C. smallB. the biggest D. big17. The pineapple is the ... of all.A. tallestC. shortestB. tiniest D. smallest18. The apple is the ... of all.A smallest C. largestB. biggestD. tallest​



16.B.the biggest



8. Arrange the following jumbles into the meaningful sentences! one-or-which-bigger-cow-buffalo-is? is-in-what-smallest-the-Indonesia-island? smartest-is-her-student-Romeo-the-in-class.


which one is bigger buffalo or cow?what is the smallest island in Indonesia?Romeo is the smartest student in her class


maaf kalau salah

tolong mark sebagai yg brainliest


Atur campur aduk berikut menjadi kalimat yang bermakna!

satu-atau-yang-sapi-kerbau-yang lebih besar?di-dalam-pulau-terkecil-apa-Indonesia?paling cerdas-adalah-murid-Romeo-di-itu-class

9. Tolong jawab kak 1.Which is the smallest planet of our solar system? 2.Which of the following planet have two natural satellites Phobos and Deimos? A. Neptune B. Uranus C. Pluto D. Mars 3.Which of the following is the third planet from the sun and only planet known to have an atmosphere containing free oxygen, oceans of water on its surface? 4.Which of the following planets in the Solar System takes the shortest revolution? A. Neptune B. Mars C. Mercury D. Venus 5.Which planet in the Solar System has the highest density? 6.Which is the farthest planet of the solar system? 7.Which is the largest planet in the solar system? 8. …………… is the hottest planet of our solar system. 9.Which of the following planet has the largest number of natural satellites? 10.The order of the planets from the one closest to the sun is …. 11. The planet which looks red is …. 12. The planets with no moons are …. 13. Titan is one of the moons of …. 14. Ganymede, the biggest moon in our solar system, belongs to which planet? 15. Which planet is called the evening/morning star? pls JANGAN diterjemahin makasi


1. Pluto

2. -



5. -

6. Pluto

8. Sun

9. -

10. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto

11. Mars

12. -

13. -

lanjutannya nggak tau


maaf kalo ada yang salah, tapi semoga membantu sedikit

10. 1. The numbers 756 and 480, written as the products of their prime factors, are 756=2^2x3^3x7and 480=2^5 x 3x5 . Find:(i) The smallest non zero whole number n for which 756n is a multiple of 480(ii) The smallest whole number m for which 756/m is a factor of 480


I don't understand the right answer to interacting with other people whose full name was Ratu Atut Chosiyah yesterday

11. arrange the following word into a good sentence. smallest-tartier-the-in-is-word-the-monkey

smallest - tarsier - the - in - is - world - the - monkey

Tarsier is the smallest monkey in the world.

(itu seharusnya tarsier bukan tartier. Dalam bahasa Indonesia kalimat tersebut artinya : Tarsier/Tarsius adalah monyet terkecil di dunia.)tratier is the smallest monkey in the world

12. If the size of the angles of triangle are 3x°,4x°,5x°.the smallest angle of the triangle is

Jawaban Master Teacher

12x = 180°

x = 15°

smallest angle

3x = 45°

13. the sum of 3 even number is 90 the sum of the biggest and the smallest number is​


jumlah dari 3 bilangan genap adalah 90 hasil penjumlahan dari bilangan terbesar dan terkecil

14. bahasa inggriswhat is the smallest species of sharks? ​




apa spesies hiu terkecil ?

15. What is the meaning of "The smallest sprout shows that there is really no death"?


it means that something never over because it will continue to be started by something small again (back to the beginning)

maaf kalau salah,semoga membantu

16. Which is the smallest bird in the world?​




hummingbird are small, 6,4 cm long, brightly colored birds that live mostly in north and south America. there are more than 300 sepecies of hummingbird living in the Amazon jungle Region of south America.

hope you can helpQuestion:

Which is the smallest bird in the world?


Bee Hummingbird is known as the smallest bird in the world


17. from the five big islands in indonesia, which island is the smallest one? and how about the population?​

the smallest is Java island and about population Java lot of much one of Indonesia Population


indonesia memiliki 5 pulau besar yang terdiri dari sumatera, jawa, kalimantan, sulawesi, dan papua


1. Kalimantan

This island, known as Borneo Island, has an area of ​​around 748,168 square kilometers, but for the territory of Indonesia itself, which is only about 539,460 square kilometers in Kalimantan. There are around 14 million inhabitants living in this island spread across 5 provinces.

2. Papua

The island which is located in the east of Indonesia has an area of ​​around 785,753 square kilometers. The total area of ​​Indonesia alone is only around 443,066 square kilometers because the rest is part of Papua New Guinea. At present Papua has 2 provinces with a population of around 3.5 million.

3. Sumatra

This island which has the name Andalas Island has a population of more than 50 million people spread across 10 provinces on this island. For the area of ​​Sumatra Island around 473,481 square kilometers with the highest peak is Kerinci which has an altitude of 3,805 meters above sea level.

4. Sulawesi

This province is usually called Celebes, with an area of ​​only about 174,600 square kilometers. The population is around 17.5 million people spread across 6 provinces in the island. The 6 provinces are North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, and also Gorontalo.

5. Java

Java Island is one of the five largest islands in Indonesia, but the order is the smallest. Nevertheless, Java Island has about more than 60% of Indonesia's population. The population is estimated at more than 141 million people who inhabit an area of ​​only about 128,297 square kilometers. At present, Java Island has 6 provinces spread from west to east, from Banten Province to East Java Province.



Dwarf lanternshark

Dwarf lanternshark (Etmopterus perryi).

19. What is the smallest species of squirrels called?


African pygmy squirrels


this is the big of African pygmy squirrels

6 – 7.5 cm

20. What is the smallest species of shark?


the tooth


because shark have tooth to eating.

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