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The Expression Below Represents The Cost

The Expression Below Represents The Cost

make the senteces with the expression below​

1. make the senteces with the expression below​


A. John and Carl started a fight, the teacher yells.

B. Daniel offered the orchestra club 5 new talented members, we might have had enough.

C. had, would have been

D. hadn't, would have been


2. Below the expression of disagreement.............​


•No, I'm not so sure about that.

•That's not always true.

•I don't think so.

•I beg to differ.

•I'd say the exact opposite.

• I totally disagree.


dis·a·gree·ment(noun) : --> lack of consensus or approval.

Whenever there's disagreement, there's no consensus: consensus meanseveryone is on the same page.


i totally disagree
i dont think so
i dont agree with u
i say not yet
iam not with you
maybe, there is ways better

3. Choose the best expression for the picture below​


maaf kak tapi fotonya mana?

kalo gk ada foto gk bisa jawab

4. Complete the expression in each block by adding in the expression in the two blocks below.


Kotak atas sendiri : (15ab + 8bc)

kotak tengah : (8ab + 3bc) (7ab + 5bc)

kotak bawah sendiri : (4ab + bc) (4ab + 2bc) (5ab + bc) (2ab + 4bc)

5. the suitable expression to complete the dialogue below is..​


a. he will get well soon


maaf kalau salah

6. The expression for asking opinion below is ...


Ungkapan untuk meminta pendapat di bawah ini adalah ...

1.for in the morning

2.rocky is student

3.rani is child very smart

7. underlined the expression of compliment from the dialogue below!​


what a great motorcycle, great job

Jawaban: What a great motorcycles you have ( keren sekali sepeda motormu)

Great job ( keren hasil kerjanya)


8. complete the dialogue below with the opinion expression in the box!

dialog n the opini expressionnya mana?

9. apa arti dari the expression below are expression show disagreement,except​

Jawaban: ekspresi di bawah ini adalah ekspresi menunjukkan ketidaksepakatan, kecuali

10. The best expression to complete the dialogue below is…​


-wow you are so great

-you are so smart syifa

-You are very clever

itu bisa di pake semua nya tinggal pilih aja apa yang kamu mau

maaf kalo bener


↪I'm very happy for that, congrats you are great syifa.


Jadikan jawaban terbaik!!semangat belajar!!

11. The expression below is the expressions to invite someone

Jawaban:Making in vitiation

· Would you like to…?

· I would very happy if…?

· We would be delighted if you…?

· Would you care to..?

· We would be pleased if you could…?

· Would you care to…?

12. complete the dialogue below with the appropriate expression​

soalnya mana woy.

nanya tapi ga ada teksnya

13. complete the conversation below with the suitable expression!​

Rina: I'll an English exam to an English exam tommorow.

      : I'm so nervous.

Susan: Sure, No problem.


Tina: Look! Our class is dirty and messy.

         We must clean it before the teacher come to the classes!

Lina: Okay, Lets Clean it now.

Tina: Ok!

Semoga membantu.

14. complete the certain situations below with the expression of hopes.

1. e
2. j
3. b
4. f
5. g
6. a
7. i
8. c
9. h
10. d

semoga membantu :)

15. macth the picture with the expression provided below

pasangkan gambar dengan ekspresi yang sesuai

16. 1. The best expression to complete the dialogue below is . . . . *​


1. Ungkapan terbaik untuk melengkapi dialog di bawah ini adalah

17. Below are the expression of intention, except…​

Below are the expressions of intention,  except...

=> Would you like a glass of juice?


10. Di bawah ini adalah ungkapan niat, kecuali ...

Saya berencana untuk segera mendapatkan rumah baru.  => expressions of intention  

Saya ingin pergi berlibur.  => expressions of intention  

Apakah Anda ingin segelas jus?  => expressions of offer  

Saya akan merenovasi rumah.  => expressions of intention  

Saya akan mengikuti kursus. => expressions of intention

Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah Would you like a glass of juice? , karena  bukan  expressions of intention

Expressing intention is an expression that is used to state plans or something intended to do in the future.  (Expressing intention adalah ekspresi yang digunakan untuk menyatakan rencana atau sesuatu yang ingin dilakukan di masa depan)

18. below is not the expression of compliment ​


example of a compliment

1. Wow, you look amazing this night

2. You look so pretty

3. How cool you are

4. What a nice girl you are

5. Wow you look so amazing this evening


Expression of compliment adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menyebut ekspresi atau ungkapan memuji dalam Bahasa Inggris. Sesuai dengan namanya, expression of compliment berfungsi untuk menyampaikan pujian terhadap orang lain. Ada satu hal yang harus digarisbawahi bahwa memberikan pujian itu terkait dengan budaya.

19. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue below is … *


Dialog Apaan ?


Yang Jelas Dong Pertannyaanya

20. The suitable expression for the conversation below is ....​


ekspresi yg cocok untuk pecakapan di bawah ini adalah..........

mana percakapannya? kok gk di tulis?

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