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What Were The Main Internal Causes Of The Empire s Decline

What Were The Main Internal Causes Of The Empire s Decline

What were the main causes of American Civil War

1. What were the main causes of American Civil War


What were the main causes of American Civil Warartinya:Apa penyebab utama Perang Saudara Amerika :Ada banyak penyebab meletusnya perang sipil, meliputi perbedaan pandangan antara negara bagian di utara dan di selatan atas isu perbudakan, perdagangan, pajak, dan hak-hak tiap negara bagian


jadikan jawaban terbaik ya.

2. What are the four main causes of poor listening ??

1. Low concentration

2. Lack of prioritization

3. Poor judgement

4. Focusing on style rather than substance

3. what are the causes of tsunamis..?​


tsunamis caused by the earth quake in deep sea

4. what causes the problem​

apa yang menyebabkan masalah

faktor penyebab masalah sosial terjadi di masyarakat dapat dikategorikan sebagai berikut:

Faktor Ekonomi. Faktor ekonomi adalah faktor terbesar penyebab munculnya masalah sosial di masyarakat. ...

Faktor Budaya. ...

Faktor Biologis. ...

Faktor Psikologis.


what causes the problem?The answer

The causes of the problem are Economic Factors, Cultural Factors, Biological Factors and Psychological Factors.


Yang menyebabkan masalah adalah Faktor Ekonomi,Faktor Budaya,Faktor Biologis,dan Faktor Psikologis.

#Maaf Kalau Salah_^"#Sorry If Wrong_^"

5. What causes the floods​


what causes the floods?

apa penyebab banjir?


Cause of flooding

deforestationexcessive land usegreenhouse effectlitteringbuilding settlement along riverbank high rainfallspatial management systemsland unable to absorb waterbeing in lowlandstsunamisdams not functioning

Penyebab Banjir

Penebangan hutanpemanfaaatan lahan yang berlebihanefek rumah kacamembuang sampah sembaranganmembangun pemukiman bantaran kalicurah hujan tinggisistem kelola tata ruangtanah tidak mampu menyerap airberada pada dataran rendahtsunamibendugan tak berfungsi


Lack of trees, covering water infiltration with concrete / cement, high rainfall, overflowing river water. How to solve it = Creating a water catchment area, reforesting or replanting forests, Do not throw garbage in the river, Build a dam

I hope this help

6. The drastic decline of the beaver helps to illustrate what _____ to the ecosystems of the North American continent.



Penurunan (populasi) berang-berang dapat menjelaskan apa yang terjadi pada ekosistem di Amerika Utara.

7. attached text ↑QUESTIONS : 1. What is the report about?2. What are the natural causes of flood?3. What are the human causes of flood?4. What is periodic flood? 5. What is flash flood?​


Reading Comprehension:

1. What is the report about?

The report is about flood.

2. What are the natural causes of flood?

The most common natural cause is because of the over capacity of the body of water, e.g. river or lake. As a result some of the water flows outside of the body of water. A flood from sea may be caused by a heavy storm, a high tide, a tsunami, or a combination the three.

3. What are the human causes of flood?

A flood can also be caused by blocked sewage pipes and waterways, such as the Jakarta flood. The sewage pipes and waterways are blocked because people keep throwing rubbish into the river. That's a flood caused by humans.

4. What is periodic flood?

Periodic floods occur naturally on many rivers, forming an area known as the flood plain. These river floods usually result from heavy rain, sometimes combined with melting snow, which causes the rivers to overflow their banks.

5. What is flash flood?​

A flood that rises and falls rapidly with little or no advance warning is called a flash flood. This flood usually occurs because of heavy rain in a very long time period.


Jawaban juga termasuk penjelasan dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Reading Comprehension (pemahaman bacaan) tentang banjir dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Pemahaman bacaan:

1. Laporan tentang apa?

Laporannya tentang banjir.

2. Apa penyebab alami banjir?

Penyebab alami yang paling umum adalah karena kelebihan kapasitas badan air, misalnya sungai atau danau. Akibatnya sebagian air mengalir keluar dari badan air. Banjir dari laut dapat disebabkan oleh badai besar, air pasang, tsunami, atau kombinasi ketiganya.

3. Apa penyebab manusia dari banjir?

Banjir juga bisa disebabkan oleh tersumbatnya pipa saluran air limbah dan saluran air, seperti banjir Jakarta. Saluran air limbah dan saluran air tersumbat karena orang terus membuang sampah ke sungai. Itulah banjir yang disebabkan oleh manusia.

4. Apa itu banjir periodik?

Banjir periodik terjadi secara alami di banyak sungai, membentuk daerah yang dikenal sebagai dataran banjir. Banjir sungai ini biasanya diakibatkan oleh hujan lebat, kadang-kadang disertai dengan salju yang mencair, yang menyebabkan sungai meluap.

5. Apa itu banjir bandang (flash flood)?​

Banjir yang naik dan turun dengan cepat dengan sedikit atau tanpa peringatan dini disebut banjir bandang. Banjir ini biasanya terjadi karena hujan lebat dalam periode waktu yang sangat lama.

Semoga membantu ya.

8. What are the causes of covid 19​


Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause illnesses such as the common cold, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). In 2019, a new coronavirus was identified as the cause of a disease outbreak that originated in China.

The virus is now known as the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease it causes is called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic.

Public health groups, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and WHO, are monitoring the pandemic and posting updates on their websites. These groups have also issued recommendations for preventing and treating the illness.


Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 may appear two to 14 days after exposure and can include:



Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

Other symptoms can include:



Runny nose

Sore throat

Some people have experienced the loss of smell or taste.

The severity of COVID-19 symptoms can range from very mild to severe. Some people may have no symptoms at all. People who are older or who have existing chronic medical conditions, such as heart disease, lung disease or diabetes, or who have compromised immune systems may be at higher risk of serious illness. This is similar to what is seen with other respiratory illnesses, such as influenza.


tuh semoga membantu terimakasih

9. What causes global warming and the effect of global warming

1. Increased Greenhouse Gases:
2. Use of CFCs Not Controlled
3.Polusi gasoline-fueled vehicles
4, Methane Pollution by agriculture, horticulture, and Livestock
5. The destruction of forests:
6. Electrical Energy Pemboroson
7. Vehicle Population Rising:
8. Combustion Waste Overrated
Translate of indonesian
1. Meningkatnya Gas Rumah Kaca : 2. Penggunaan CFC yang Tidak Terkontrol  3.Polusi Kendaraan berbahan bakar bensin 4, Polusi Metana oleh Pertanian, Perkebunan, dan Peternakan5. Pengrusakan Hutan :6. Pemboroson Energi Listrik 7. Populasi Kendaraan yang Terus Meningkat : 8. Pembakaran Sampah Secara Berlebihan 

10. What causes the Earth' climate of change


apa yang menyebabkan iklim bumi berubah


mohon maaf bila salah

11. what happened when the queen decline

apa yang terjadi ketika ratu ....
apa yang terjadi ketika kemunduran ratu

12. nization energy of the elements of the group decrease from top to bottom. the main factor causing the decline is

Ionization energy of the elements of the group decrease from top to bottom. the main factor causing the decline is


Dalam satu golongan, dari atas ke bawah, energi ionisasi pertama cenderung semakin kecil, sebagaimana jarak dari inti ke elektron terluar bertambah sehingga tarikan elektron terluar oleh inti berkurang.


Energi Ionisasi

Energi ionisasi adalah energi yang dibutuhkan oleh sebuah atom atau ion dalam fase gas untuk melepaskan sebuah elektronnya. Dalam satu periode, dari kiri ke kanan, energi ionisasi pertama cenderung semakin besar, sebagaimana pertambahan muatan inti efektif sehingga tarikan oleh inti bertambah.

Afinitas Elektron

Berseberangan dengan energi ionisasi, afinitas elektron dapat dikatakan sebagai sejumlah energi yang dilepaskan suatu atom saat atom tersebut menambahkan suatu elektronnya menjadi suatu anionnya.

Pada orbital unsur yang mengalami pengecualian memiliki daya tarik tambahan terhadap elektronnya sehingga muatan efektif pada elektron yang masuk lebih kecil. Hal ini mengakibatkan untuk menambahkan satu elektron membutuhkan energi dari luar.

---------------------- #BelajarBersamaBrainly -----------------------------

Tetap semangat ya dalam belajar. Semoga jawaban ini bisa membantu. Untuk lebih memahami materi silahkan untuk mempelajari link dibawah ini :  

Sifat Periode 3 : https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4205473

13. 1. what are effects of economic recession?2. what are the effects of cellphone use while driving?3. what are the causes of obesity?4. what are the reason of voting?5. what are the reasons behind the use of uniform?​


1.we will be get the pooring

2.we will get the accident

3.too much eating without the enough exercise

4.to make a balance in choosing

5.to make the balance among the students or the worker

Maaf kalo salah

#make it easy

14. Have you....to the of the Empire building

Have you go to the of the Empire buildingHave you been to the empire bulding

15. What are the causes and consequences of reducing fat?


So many things can happen.


Fat is basically not good if it's too much (excessive) in our body. However, fat also functions, one of which makes us more energetic. Of course in the appropriate amount (not excessive).

The causes and effects of reducing fat.

In this case, I'm talking about liposuction, which is touted as a very fast removal of excess fat.

1. Skin will sag

2. Nerve damage can occur

3. Complications occur, and can cause death

Reduced-fat in the body can also cause:

1. It's easy to get cold

2. There is a risk of vitamin deficiency

3. Damage to the heart and blood vessels, etc.

Therefore, we should reduce fat within reasonable limits. Also, don't eat too many foods that contain fat because excess fat is also harmful to the body.

That's all from me, hope it helps. And please mark this answer as the Brainliest Answer!

16. what are the causes of traffic jam​


About half of all traffic slowdowns are caused by temporary traffic flow disruptions.


About half of all traffic slowdowns are caused by temporary traffic flow disruptions. These are the unwelcome surprises that take over part of the roadway, such as an accident blocking a lane, a construction zone causing a bottleneck, or inclement weather conditions that affect all drivers.

17. What are the most common causes of earthquakes?

Moving tectonics plate = lempeng tektonik yang bergerak

The tectonic plates are always slowly moving, but they get stuck at their edges due to friction. When the stress on the edge overcomes the friction, there is an earthquake that releases energy in waves that travel through the earth's crust and cause the shaking that we feel.


Earthquakes are usually caused when underground rock suddenly breaks and there is rapid motion along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that make the ground shake.

18. What causes global warming and the effect of global warming​

Question: What causes global warming and the effect of global warming​?

Pertanyaan: Apa yang menyebabkan pemanasan global dan efek dari pemanasan global?


The cause of global warming is due to human activity itself with the growth of the technological and industrial population and the increasing population population and this is what will cause global warming throughout the world. And  the effects of global warming are climate change, reducing agricultural output, influencing animals and plants and other threats.


Penyebab pemanasan global adalah dikarenakan oleh ulah manusia sendiri dengan pertumbuhan populasi teknologi dan industri serta penambahan populasi penduduk  yang semakin bertambah dan hal ini lah yang akan menyebabkan pemanasan global di seluruh dunia. Dan efek pemanasan global adalah adanya perubahan iklim, menurunkan hasil pertanian, berpengaruh terhadap hewan dan tumbuhan serta ancaman lainnya.

19. What causes the Earth's of climate to change?


The second cause of climate change comes from increased emissions caused by humans, for example in the burning of oil, coal, and gases that will produce nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide. It is also caused by deforestation or deforestation.

arti:Peningkatan Emisi Penyebab perubahan iklim yang kedua berasal dari peningkatan emisi yang diakibatkan oleh ulah manusia, misalnya saja pada Pembakaran minyak, batu bara, dan gas yang akan menghasilkan dinitrogen oksida dan karbon dioksida. Ha ini juga disebabkan oleh deforestasi atau penebangan hutan.

20. what are the human causes of floods​


they once throw trash not at the proper place


there are more but i think this will help

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