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Arrange The Events In The Correct Chronological Order

Arrange The Events In The Correct Chronological Order

INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENTArrange the sentences in chronological order along the timeline! ​

1. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENTArrange the sentences in chronological order along the timeline! ​


Urutan kejadian yang tepat adalah 2-5-1-6-4-3-7

2. Dutch colonists bring the whole of Indonesia under one government as the Dutch East Indies.

5. 1928 - A youth conference pledges to work for "one nation, one language, one people" for Indonesia.

1. 1942 - Japan invades Dutch East Indies.

6. The Japanese help independence leader Soekarno return from internal exile and declare independence.

4. 1950s - Maluku (Moluccas) declares independence from Indonesia and fights an unsuccessful separatist war.

3. Western New Guinea, or West Papua, held by the Netherlands, is placed under UN administration and subsequently occupied by Indonesia forces. Opposition to Indonesian rule erupts.

7. 1949 - The Dutch recognize Indonesian independence after four years of Guerrilla warfare.


Menyusun kronologi di atas membutuhkan pengetahuan tentang sejarah Indonesia.

Untuk mengetahui tentang sejarah Indonesia bisa melihat pada:


2. arrange the dialogue below in correct order​


susunlah dialog di bawah ini dengan urutan yang benar

3. apa arti dari arrange the expressions in italics word into the correct order​


mengatur ekspresi dalam huruf miring ke dalam urutan yang benar


mengatur ekspresi dalam huruf miring ke dalam urutan yang benar




4. Arrange into the correct order ​

We would love to have you join us.

We will be hosting a small party dinner.

We invite you to come to the farewell party.

We are so much proud of you.

We look forward to seeing you.

Congratulations and Warm Wishes

You are invited to join the fun.

Please join us for a baby shower.

Good Luck!

5. arrange the word into the correct order one-mention-of-name-in-birds-indonesia


Mention one name of birds in Indonesia


Sebutkan salah satu nama burung yang ada di Indonesia

**✿❀ Semoga Membantu ❀✿**

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

6. arrange the following paragraphs in the correct order to form a sequential text

Batin Lagoi was a leader in his community. He was very rich, powerful, wise and smart. On the way to his home, he heard a baby crying. He was looking around and searching for the baby. He found a baby at the pandanus tree and brought the baby to home. He named the baby Putri Pandan Berduri because she was found in a thorny pandanus tree. (6)

Batin Lagoi raised Putri Pandan Berduri as his own child. He taught her about knowledge and wisdom. He also gave her the best things for her, such as beautiful clothes and expensive jewelry. Though her father always gave her anything she wanted, Putri Pandan Berduri did not grow as a spoiled girl. Instead, she became a wise and smart girl. She always wanted to something new. (4)

One day, Putri Pandan Berduri met an old woman who was carrying heavy firewood. She politely offered her help to carry the firewood. The old woman was so happy. (2)

When they arrived at the old woman's house, Putri Pandan Berduri asked her, "Why do you look for firewood by yourself? Where is your husband or children?"
The old woman looked sad. She said, "I live alone. My husband had died long time ago. Sadly, I don't have any children."
"Why don't you ask your neighbor to help you collect the firewood?" asked Putri Pandan Berduri.
The old woman smiled and said, "I don't want to bother people. If i'm still able to do it, I'll do it myself". (7)

Putri Pandan Berduri thought that the old woman was very wise. She wanted to learn from her. She asked her father's consent to stay at the old woman's house for several months. At first, he did not agree. Fortunately, she was able to convince him that she would be fine and come back home safely. (5)

Since then, Putri Pandan Berduri stayed at the old woman's house. She learned a lot, such as cooking, mopping and other household chores. The old woman also taught her the values of life. (1)

Although it was tiring, Putri Pandan Berduri was very happy. The old woman was willing to teach her anything. (3)

7. TASK 14 arrange the following sentences in the correct order to form a sequential dialog

Arranging the Following Sentences to the Correct Order to Form A Sequential DialogJawaban

Untuk menyusun kalimat menjadi sebuah dialog yang benar, maka kita harus mengetahui strukturnya terlebih dahulu, mana kalimat pembukanya. Lalu respon selanjutnya dapat mengikuti kalimat sebelumnya.


Yudi: Farah, I heard that your school would attend a national robotics competition in Yogyakarta. I that true?

Farah: Yes, it is. How did you know?

Yudi: I knew it from a local newspaper. Anyway, will you participate in the competition? As I know you are good at robotics.

Farah: No, I won’t. I failed in the selection test.

Yudi: Sorry to hear that. Personally, I think you are talented at robotics. Perhaps, you were just unlucky at that time. There will be many other opportunities. I believe you can improve your skills and create better robots.

Farah: Thanks for your support. I must say that my school representatives are better than me. I once watched their performances at a provincial competition and they showed the best. I hope they win the competition in Yogyakarta.

Yudi: I hope so. I think the competition is good to improve students’ skills and knowledge at robotics. I wish there will be a robotics competition for senior high students too, so I can attend it. You know, I attend a robotics extracurricular club at my school, but I am still an amateur.

Farah: Really? We can study robotics together then I heard from my brother that his campus would hold an open robotics competition. We can enter the competition.

Yudi: It’s good news. Let’s prepare ourselves for the competition.

Farah: O.K. I think we should focus on robotics. When we have difficulties, we can ask my brother.

Yudi: You’re right.

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang arranging jumbled dialog:




_____________________________Detil JawabanKelas : SMAMapel : Bahasa InggrisKategori : ExpressionKata kunci : Opinion, thoughts, dialogKode: 10.5.2

8. 15 contoh arrange the words into the correct order!

1. i - some - have - money - buy - your - to - bycicle.
2. tonight - look - you - pretty
3. found - a phone - in front of - my - house - i.
4. you - me - could - help - please - ?.
5. andi - falling in love - were - mitha - and - at - sight - first.

maaf jika salah ato kurang. :)


1. i have some money to by your bycicle.
2. you look pretty tonight.
3. i found a phone in front of my house.
4. could you help me, please?
5. andi and mitha were falling in love at first sight.

9. arrange the following sentences in the correct order to form a sequiential dialogue.

Mengatur kalimat berikut dalam urutan yang benar untuk membentuk dialog berurutan bahasa indonesia nya

10. serves-in-the restaurant -My-mother-the waitress Arrange to the correct order!

the waitress-serves-my mother-in-the restaurant

#sorry kalau jawabannya salah
the waitress serves my mother in the restaurant. (pelayan (pr) melayani ibu sy di restoran)

11. arrange the dialog below into the correct order! ​


sandro : I heard you won singing contest at school

windi : that's right. I won the first place.

sandro : Congratulation! I know your voice is good

windi : thanks. I'll represent our school to the national singing contest.

sandro : really? when is it?

windi : it will be held three months later

sandro : i hope you will give your best performance in front of the judges

windi : i hope so. i have been practicing it

sandro : that's good. I hope you can win the contest

windi : thank you. wish me luck.

12. Arrange the setence below in the correct order to make a good telephone talk

Susunlah kalimat di bawah ini dengan benar agar membuat suasana komunikasi yang baik

13. Arrange the sentences into the correct order

Sorry ya kalo salah 

14. Contoh kalimat arrange the words into the correct order


Passing - Your - Congratulations - Exam - on
jwb= Congratulations on passing your exam

15. arrange into the correct order​


congratulation on your 15th birthday

how many friends do you miss

gatau aku bingung hehe

16. arrange the jumble instruction below into the correct order

where's the jumble instruction?Saya bukan sok tau yaa kkk..
tp kan ntu artinya kurang lebih "Susunlah kalimat acak di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yg benar"
jadi Jumble instructionnya mana kk?

17. arrange the words into the correct order

1. some old white modern Italian cara
2.a small heavy iron box
3.a nice young handsome gentleman
4.the modern leather red shoes
6.a funny educated drama Latin
7.the friendly middle aged principal
8.a golden big quiet expensive American watch
9. several cheap yellow Chinese shirts
10. a rich friendly generous Arabian King
maaf no. 5 gk bisa di jawab

18. arrange into the correct order​

1. Congratulations on your graduation

2. Come and share the joy

3. Congratulation on your baby born

4. soal nya aneh ;-;

5. I wish all the best pursuing your ambition

6. entah lah...

7. emmm-

8. May you have wonderful days

1. Congratulations on your graduation.

2. Come and share the joy.

3. Congratulation on your baby born.

4. I’d like to congratulate on your 15th birthday.

5. I wish you all the best in pursuing your ambitions.

6. From your friend who misses you so much.

7. —

8. May you have wonderful days.

19. Arrange the dialogue below into the correct order!​


Dion : Good evening, Roni.

Roni : Good evening, Dion

Dion : How is everything?

Roni : It's good. How have you been?

Dion : I've been so fine, thanks.

Roni : What makes you come to my house now?

Dion : I want to borrow your dictionary. May I?

Roni : Of course

Dion : Thank you

Roni : Not at all.

#Mnurut gua bgitu. Maap klo salah ye..

20. arrange the following paragraph in the correct order to form a sequentil stroy








Semoga benar dan bermanfaat

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