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What Is 3 4 Of 48

What Is 3 4 Of 48

1/3 of a number is 16. What is of this number? a. 8 b. 16c.244. 48tulis caranya dalam bahasa Inggris ya​

Daftar Isi

1. 1/3 of a number is 16. What is of this number? a. 8 b. 16c.244. 48tulis caranya dalam bahasa Inggris ya​


1/3 of a number is 16






The number is 48

semoga bermanfaat

2. 5. Garnbarkanlah canting yang merupakan alat produksi batik!TUGAS DARING BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS 7Write down on your note book!Page 48. Names of monthOn a piece of paperAnswer the questions below!1. What is the first month of the year?2. What is the last month of the year?3. What month is after july?4. What month is before april?5. What month we celebrate our independence?​


1. January

2. December

3. August

4. March

5. August


1. Ditanyakan bulan pertama dalam tahun

2. Ditanyakan bulan terakhir dalam tahun

3. Ditanyakan bulan setelah Juli

4. Ditanyakan bulan sebelum April

5. Ditanyakan bulan yang memperingati hari kemerdekaan(independence)

Urutan Bulan

1. January (Januari)

2. February (Februari)

3. March (Maret)

4. April (April)

5. May (Mei)

6. June (Juni)

7. July (July)

8. August (Agustus)

9. September (September)

10. October (Oktober)

11. November (November)

12. December (Desember)


1. What is the first month of the year?

The first month of the year is January.

2. What is the last month of the year?

The last month of the year is December.

3. What month is after july?

Month after July is August.

4. What month is before april?

Month before April is March.

5. What month we celebrate our independence?

We celebrate independence in August.

3. Express each of your answers as fractionsin their simplest form. What fraction ofa $1 is 20 cb 4 metres is 400 mmc 1 kg is 350 gd 2 litres is 400 mle 1 week is 48 hoursf 3 tonnes is 800 kg?​


1/5, 1/10, 7/20, 1/5, 2/7, 4/15

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1. $1 is 100 c, thus 20 c is 1/5.

2. 4 metres is 4000 mm, thus 400 mm is 1/10

3. 1 kg is 1000 g, thus 350 g is 7/20

4. 2 litres is 2000 ml, thus 400 ml is 1/5

5. 1 week is 7 × 24 hours, thus 48 hours is 2/7

6. 3 tonnes is 3000 kg, thus 800 kg is 4/15

4. 1. 3/5 of a number is 30 40% of number is2.in a class of 40 pupils30% failed in a testhow many pupils passed in the test?3. multiply 7/48 by 24/704. 7/9×24=21/2+⬜the ⬜ stands for5. divide 5/6 by 36. the product of 5/87. 206×15=206×10+⬜the⬜stands for8. susy has $145 each,how much will she be left with?9. there are 13 boys and 19 girls in each row.how many children are there in 64 such rows10. what must be subtracted from the product of 250 and 25 to get 6000?

1. 40
2. 35 people
4.2 the atands for 51. 3/5 x n = 30
N= 50
40/100 x 50=10

2. 70% succeed
70/100 x 40 =28 pupils

3. 7/48 x 24/70 = 2/10 = 1/5

4. 7/9 x 24 = 21/2 + n
7/3 x 8 = 21/2 + n
56/3 = 21/2 + n
112/6 - 63/6 = n
49/6 = n

5. 5/6 : 3 = 5/6 x 1/3 = 5/18

6. 5/8 = 0,625

5. DateChoose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, ord!The product of 7.873 x 100 = ...a. 78.73c. 7873b. 787.3d. 78 7302. David bought 5 pens. Each pen cost $0.60. How much did he spend altogether?a. $1c. $3b. $2d. $43. The correct answer of 272 + 200 is..a. 27.2b. 13.6c. 2.72d 1.364. The height of a block of flats with 10 levels is 48 m. The height of each level issame. What is the length of each level?a 4.8 me 0.084 mb. 0.48 md. 0.048 m​


1. The product of 7.873 x 100 = ...

B. (787.3)

2. David bought 5 pens. Each pen cost $0.60. How much did he spend altogether?

C. ($3)

3 The correct answer of 272 + 200 is..

(Tidak tahu Maaf !)

4. The height of a block of flats with 10 levels is 48 m. The height of each level is

same. What is the length of each level?

A. (4.8)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Semoga Benar!

6. 42. Mentions three things in the library!43. Complete the dialogue !A : (1) ... do you go to school?B: 1(2)... to school by busA What kind of (3)is it?B: It is (4)... transportation44. Indra : What is the shape of blackboard ?Andri : The blackboard is (1) Indra - How many the blackboard has side?Andri : The blackboard has (2)... Sides45. Arrange these letters about diseases! 1). H- H-E-O-A-0-T-T-C2). E-A-C-H-D-A-E-H46. Mention threes kind of water transportation !47. Complete the sentences !1). The shape of clock is2). The shape of egg is48. Translate theses sentences in Indonesia1) He is a librarian2) My father works in the office49. Arrange these words!1). works - library-in-he. the2). reading --a-like-book50. Draw the shape!1). Pentagon2). Cylinder​





dia adalah seorang penjaga perpustakaanayahku kerja di kantor

49. he works in the library

i like reading a book

7. Answer the questions based on the text.Text is for questions 1-4.Dearest: Miss TulusMy deepest condolence on your husband's passingI always pray for youMay God be with you foreverYour pupils of SMP 48 Jakarta1. What is Miss Tulus?2. Who is the senders of the card?3. What is the card sent for?4. Who died based on the text?Text is for questions 5 - 7.​


1. one of the teachers from SMP 48 Jakarta

2. The pupils of SMP 48 Jakarta

3. condolences for the death of Miss Tulus's husband

4. Miss Tulus's husband


itu jawabannya,maaf kalau salah

8. 10. What does the wordEnrichmentAnswer the questions based on the text.Text is for questions 1 - 4.Dearest: Miss TulusMy deepest condolence on your husband's passingI always pray for youMay God be with you foreverYour pupils of SMP 48 Jakarta1. What is Miss Tulus?2. Who is the senders of the card?3. What is the card sent for?4.Who died based on the text?​



2.Pupils of SMPN 48

3.to tell the sorrow feeling

4.miss tulus husband

9. UNIT 3DAILY ROUTINESActivity 1Read the following text and then answer the following questions!Calendar is a system of measuring time for the needs of civil life, by dividinedays, weeks, months, and years, Calendar division are based on the movements of the canthe regular appearances of the sun and the moon.the average time required for the rotation of the earth on its axis. Themeasurement of year is based on one revolution of the earth around the sun and is called aseasonal, tropical, and solar year contains 365 days, S hours, 48 minutes and 42,A month was originally calculated by ancient people as the time betweenhot days required for the moon to circle the earth (29.5 days). This measurements,called a synodic, or lunar month, resulted in a lunar year 354 days 1 4 dayyear. In modern calendars, however, the number of the days in a month isphases of the moon. The length of the month is approximately one-twenudays) and 15 usted to fit the months into solar vear The week was derived tomJudeo-Chistian tradition requiring rest from labor every seventh day. It is not based in a naturaphenomenon. The Romans named the days of the week in honor of the sun, moon and variouplanets1. How could the calendar be divided?2. What is the definition from day?!3. What is year measurement got?4. How was a month divided by ancieni people?3. How many days do a lunar have?6. What was the week derived from?7. How did the Roman name the days?8. How many days does a solar year have?Activity 2State weather true or false the following statements!1. Calendar is a system of measuring time for the needs of civil life.2. A solar year contains 354 days.3. A lunar year contains 365 days.4. The month was calculated by ancient people as the time of the full moon.5. The week was based on the natural phenomenon.6 Solar year is shorter than the lunar year.7. Solar year is based on one revolution of the earth around the sun8. The week was derived from the Judeo Christian tradition​

Calendar is a system of measuring time for the needs of civil life, by dividine  days, weeks, months, and years, Calendar division are based on the movements of the regular appearances of the sun and the moon.  The average time required for the rotation of the earth on its axis. The  measurement of year is based on one revolution of the earth around the sun and is called a  seasonal, tropical, and solar year contains 365 days, S hours, 48 minutes and 42.

A month was originally calculated by ancient people as the time between  hot days required for the moon to circle the earth (29.5 days). This measurements,  called a synodic, or lunar month, resulted in a lunar year 354 days 1 4 day  year. In modern calendars, however, the number of the days in a month is  phases of the moon. The length of the month is approximately one-twenty  days) and 15 used to fit the months into solar year The week was derived tom  Judeo-Chistian tradition requiring rest from labor every seventh day. It is not based in a natura l phenomenon. The Romans named the days of the week in honor of the sun, moon and variou s planets

1. How could the calendar be divided?   by the regular appearances of Sun and Moon

2. What is the definition from day?  The  measurement of year is based on one revolution of the earth around the sun and is called a  seasonal, tropical, and solar year contains 365 days, S hours, 48 minutes and 42.

3. What is year measurement got?  the measurement of day, week, month and year.

4. How was a month divided by ancient people?  the time between  hot days required for the moon to circle the earth (29.5 days)

5. How many days do a lunar have? 354 days

6. What was the week derived from?  It was derived from Judeo - Christian Tradition

7. How did the Roman name the days?  Roman named the days in honor of sun, moon and various planets.

8. How many days does a solar year have?  365 days

Activity 2

State weather true or false the following statements!

1. Calendar is a system of measuring time for the needs of civil life.  T

2. A solar year contains 354 days.  F

3. A lunar year contains 365 days.  F

4. The month was calculated by ancient people as the time of the full moon.  F

5. The week was based on the natural phenomenon. F

6 Solar year is shorter than the lunar year.  F

7. Solar year is based on one revolution of the earth around the sun. T

8. The week was derived from the Judeo Christian tradition​ T


Dalam menjawab soal Reading comprehension, anda harus dapat memahami soalnya dahulu. Apa yang ditanyakan baru anda cari dalam teks. Cara ini bisa membantu anda mempersingkat waktu pengerjaan. Kemudian jika yang ditanyakan adalah sebuah main idea, maka hanya baca kalimat pertama dan kedua dalam setiap paragrafnya.

Terimakasih. Semoga membantu :)

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

1. Contoh Bacaan dan Soal Reading Comprehension - https://brainly.co.id/tugas/12473427

Detil Jawaban

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: B Inggris

Kategori: Reading Comprehension

Kata kunci: Calendar

10. E. Bahasa Inggris Materi : Teks khusus dalam bentuk label terkait makanan , minuman , dan obat SPAGHEKITA The finest quality of pasta spaghetti with chicken sauce Nutrition tact Serving site per 105 gr Amount fer serving Energy 310 kal Protein 8 gr Fat 4 gr Carbohydrate 50 gr Dietary fiber 4 gr Vitamin A 70 % Vitamin B1 73 % a . Carbohydrate b . 100 gram C. Spaghrkita d . Zinc e Instan food Vitamin B12 32 % Vitamin C 48 % Folid Acid 50 % Ferro 7 % Calcium 9 % Zinch 6 % Choose the correct answer from the words above ? 1. According to the text above , which nutrition contains the highest weight ? 2. We can find that kind of text in a package of 3. How much is the carbohydrate in a product of 210 gram 4. Whitch nutrition has the least percentage ? 5. What is the title of the product .​


information on the nutritional value of spaghetti


yah sudah jelas itu membicarakan Nilai Gizi Dari Spaghekita

11. Read the text Above to answer question number 1-6 My mother friendMy mom friend name is Murti,she is born in Jakarta on march 1 1971,Murti is 48 years old, she's the one of my mom friend,Murti is older 1 years than my mom, and 38 year older than me,she is a teacher in my school,murti is like wear off shoulder dress if she go to mall,because murti says off shoulder is make him feel comfortable.In school,i call her Mrs.murti, but If in anywhere other than at school,i call her just by her name,Murti, because she told me to call her murti if not in school.1.What is Murti date of birth?2.why the writer call murti just by the name3.How Old is Murti?4.What is murti profession5.why murti like to wear off shoulder?6.How old is the writer if Murti is 38 year older than the writer​



1.= March 1,1971

2.=because murti told the writer to call her name

3.=48 years old

4.=A teacher

5.=because off shoulder make him feel comfortable

6.=the writer is 10 years old.


1. She is born on March 1, 1971.

2. Because Murti told the writer to call her Murti if not in school.

3. Murti is 48 years old.

4. Murti is a teacher.

5. Because Murti said off shoulder makes him/her feel comfortable.

6. The writer is 10 years old. Because Murti is 48 years old and Murti is 38 years older than the writer so, just subtract 48 by 38.

12. 1. In a basket, there are 56 balls. If 32 of them are red balls and the rest are blue balls. Find the ratio of blue balls to red balls. 2. A recipe calls for 3 cups of orange juice for every 4 cups of fruit punch. If a person makes a large batch of this recipe, how many cups of fruit punch will be needed if 12 cups of orange juice are used? 3. the ratio of number of boys to girls in a classroom is 6 to 5. If there are a total of 48 boys in the classroom, find the total students in all. 4. If 32 men can reap a field in 15 days, how many days can 20 men reap the same field? 5. In a student hostel with 32 students, a fixed quantity of food lasts for 45 days. If 6 more students join, then the food will last for how many days? 6. If 4 people can take 3 hours to dig a trench. How long does it takes 6 people working? 7. Kyla earns $594 when she works 22 hours. How much would she earn if she were to work 37 hours? 8. A restaurant sells pasta, pizzas and sandwiches. The ratio of plates of pasta sold to pizzas sold on Monday is 5 : 9, and the ratio of the number of pizzas sold to sandwiches sold is 3 : 2. A. What is the ratio of the number of plates of pasta to pizzas to sandwiches sold? B. If 120 sandwiches were sold, how many plates of pasta and

1) red=32



13. turtles since February 2003. I (46) ....themall in one tank in my room.The name of the male turtle is Donatelloand the female one is called Rafael. It isquite easy to keep (48).... they can survivewithout food for about two months.They need a comfortable place to live.They have to live with imported soil andplants, good water circulation and a piece ofdry trunk in the aquarium. Inadequateconditions can cause not only stress but alsoaffect their growth. The worst thing is theymay even end in (49).... death!The weapon of an adult turtle lies inits edge of the shell. He will use this weaponwhen he is disturbed while he is taking anap.This following text is for question number 501. Around 10 a.m, some family memberscame to visit, and later after lunch wevisited all our neighborhood friends.2. On the first day of eid ul fitr, my familywoke up early.3. We asked to be forgiven for anytransgression in the past year4. Then we eat special meal prepared bymom and our aunties5. First, we pray together in the masjid.50. What is the best arrangement ?A.2-5-4-1-3B. 2-5-1-3-4C. 5-2-1-4-3D. 1-5-2-3-446. A. leaveB. takeC. keepD. grow47. A. thereforeB. howeverC. soD. because48. A. theyB. theirC. themD. theirsArrange the sentences into the correct order !1. They will advise you on how to studyeffectively2. Please welcome them at the second hall3. The Department of Education staff willvisit our school at tentomorrow morning4. Thank you5. They will also observe the teaching andlearning processes in our school.6. Attention, please49. What is the best arrangement?A. 6-3-1-2-4-5B. 6-3-5-4-2-1C.6-3-2-1-5-4D. 6-3-4-5-2-1ودرا درا در​


jawaban c maaf kalau salah

14. 1. Let's say X times Y is Z. If Z is 15 and Y is 5, what is X?A) 5B) 2C) 3D) 42. What is 5 1/2 divided by 6 1/4?A) 11/48B) 12/50C) 10/52D) 15/643. Irma has so many chocolate bars that she wants to give some of them to twenty friends of hers. If each of her friends gets 3 chocolate bars, what is the total amount of chocolate bars she gives to her twenty friends?A) 20B) 60C) 100D) 40SHOWING THE WORK IS PREFERABLE​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



z=15 , y=5



x=3 (C)


5 1/2 : 6 1/4

11/2 x 1/6 x 1/4

11/48 (A)



60 (B)

15. SPAGHEKITA The Finest Quality of Pasta Spaghetti with Chicken Sauce Nutrition Fact Serving size per 105 gr. Amount per serving Energy 310 Kal Protein Fat Carbohydrate Dietary Fiber Vitamin A 70% Vitamin BI 73% Vitamin B12 32% Vitamin C 48% Folic Acid 50% Ferro 7% Calcium Zinc 6% 8 gr 4 gr 50 gr 4 g 9% 1. The purpose of the labels above is... 2. According to the text above, which nutrition contains the highest weight? 3. We can find that kind of text in package of... 4.What is the product use for? 5. Which nutrition has the least percentage? tolong bantu saya menjawab soal bahasa Inggris 1 sd 5


1. to inform the reader about spaghekita nutritional information

2. chicken sauce nutrition

3. description text

4. food

5 calcium zinc


sorry if not correct

16. Dearest: Miss TulusMy deepest condolence on your husband's passiI always pray for youMay God be with you foreverYour pupils of SMP 48 Jakarta1. What is Miss Tulus?2. Who is the senders of the card?3. What is the card sent for?4. Who died based on the text?གྲག། སོ།Text is for questions 5-7.Congratulation​


1) Miss Tulus is a teacher.

2) The senders of the card are the pupils of Miss Tulus/They are the students that Miss Tulus teach.

3) The card is sent to show sympathy for Miss Tulus' husband passing.

4) The person who died on the text is Miss Tulus' husband.


maaf kalau salah

17. Coba artikan dalam bahasa indonesia, 1.What is the social funcition/communicative purpase of ananalytical expasition text? 2.Mention and expasition the generic structure of an (page 48) 3.Mention langages of an analytican exposition text! 4.Write an exampel of analytical exposition text!


Lah mana saya tau


Ndak bisa bahasa enggres

18. Colosseum is the remains of the Flavian Amphitheatre. It is located in the center of Rome, Italy. The construction process began under the Flavian dynasty. It is the biggest amphitheatre in the world and it is considered to be the greatest work of the Roman architect. Nowadays it is the most visited tourism object in Rome. Colosseum was an elliptical construction of wall surrounding an elliptical arena where various of shows were held as an entertainment for the citizen of Rome. But now what we can see from the building is the remains of the ruin, most of the wall is no longer intact. The building is made of concrete and sand. The size of the building is 29.484 square meters and the size of the arena is 24.000 square meters. The outer wall’s height is 545 meters, and the height of the inner wall is 48 meters. There are 80 entrance that we can use to enter the building, 4 of this entrance, located on each axis of the ellipse shape of the building, was used for noble and elite only. The arena is in the center of the building and it is lower than the seat of the audience. The Colosseum could hold up to 50.000 spectators which will occupy a descending level style of seats. The first level of the seats, which is the closest one to the arena, is used by the Emperor and high rank official of Rome. The higher the seat gets the lower the level of the audience became. The arena’s floor that used to made of wood and covered by sand has broken, showing the underground structure consist of secret passage, rooms and animal’s cages where The Gladiator and the beast stayed before the competition. This underground structure is called hypogeum. 1. What is colosseum actually? 2. Who built the colosseum? 3. Why is it become tourist destination nowadays? 4. What was the function of colosseum at that time? 5. How are the materials and architecture of colosseum? 6. What was the 4 entrance used for? 7. Where were they ( the 4 entrance) located? 8. If you were commoner where would you get the seat? 9. What were the underground rooms for? 10. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the essay?


1)Colosseum is the remains of the Flavian

Amphitheatre. It is located in the center of

Rome, Italy.

2)under the Flavian dynasty

3)because biggest

amphitheatre in the world and it is

considered to be the greatest work of the

Roman architect

4)as an entertainment

5)The building is made of concrete and sand

6)These 4 entrances, are located on each axis of the ellipse shape building, used for aristocrats and elites only.

7)is in the center of the building and lower than the building seats

8)occupy a descending path seat level style

9)as rooms and the animal enclosure where the Gladiator and the beast lived

maaf kalau salah

19. 30 POINTS1. Let's say X times Y is Z. If Z is 15 and Y is 5, what is X?A) 5B) 2C) 3D) 42. What is 5 1/2 divided by 6 1/4?A) 11/48B) 12/50C) 10/52D) 15/643. Irma has so many chocolate bars that she wants to give some of them to twenty friends of hers. If each of her friends gets 3 chocolate bars, what is the total amount of chocolate bars she gives to her twenty friends?A) 20B) 60C) 100D) 40SHOWING THE WORK IS PREFERABLE​​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1. C.

z = 15

y = 5

x = ?

X times Y is Z.

[tex]x \times y = z \\ x \times 5 = 15 \\ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: x = \frac{15}{5} \\ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: x = 3[/tex]


[tex]5 \frac{1}{2} \div 6 \frac{1}{4} \\ = \frac{11}{2} \div \frac{25}{4} \\ = \frac{11}{2} \times \frac{4}{25} \\ = \frac{22}{25} [/tex]

3. B

1 orang = 3 batang coklat

banyak batang coklat yang dibagi ke dua puluh temannya

= 3 batang coklat × 20 orang

= 60 batang coklat


20. 39 The library is a place forKO 3.840 "Mobil adalah transportasi darat"Translate into EnglishKD.3811. Answer those questions 1K0.3.541. What are they?AB10-Test42. Mentions three things in the library! KD.3.5KD.3.643. Complete the dialogue!A : (1) .... do you go to school?В I (2) to school by busA: What kind of (3)... is it?B : It is (4) . transportation.44. Indra : What is the shape of blackboard ?Andri The blackboard is (1)KD.3.6Indra : How many the blackboard has side ?Andri : The blackboard has (2)... Sides45. Arrange these letters about diseases ! KD.3.71). H- H-E-0-A-O-T-T.C2). E-A-C-H-D-A-E-H46. Mention threes kind of water transportation !KD.3.7KD.3.747. Complete the sentences !1). The shape of clock is2). The shape of egg is48. Translate theses sentences in Indonesia !1) He is a librarianKD.3.82) My father works in the officeKD 3.849. Arrange these words!1), works - library - in - he - the2) reading - 1 - a - like - bookKD.3.850. Draw the shape !1). Pentagon2). Cylinderbantu jawab kak plise ini aku pindai(:​

Jawaban :

39. The library is a place for Studying

40. Mobil adalah transportasi darat = A car is a land transportation vehicle

41. (Nggak jelas soalnya)

42. Mention three things in the library! Books, Bookshelves, Table, Chair

43. A. How do you go to school?

      B. I go to school by bus

      A. What kind of transportation is it?

      B. It is a land transportation

44. Indra : What is the shape of blackboard?

     Andri : The blackboard is a rectangle.

      Indra : How many the blackboard has sides?

     Andri : The blackboard has 4 sides

45. Arrange these letters about diseases!

     1. nggak tau

     2. Headache

46. Mention threes kind of water transportation! Boat, Ship, Kayak, Submarine

47. 1). The shape of clock is Circle

     2). The shape of egg is Oval

48. 1). He is a librarian = Dia adalah seorang pustakawan

     2). My father works in the office = Ayah saya bekerja di kantor

49. 1). He works in the library

     2). I like reading a book

50. Draw the shape!

Tolong di kasi 5 star kalau membantu yaa..... Jawabanya itu yang ditulis pakai huruf tebal. Yang untuk no 50 tolong di gambar foto yang saya taruk di sini yang pentagon itu yang ada 5 sisi kalau yang silinder itu yang seperti kaleng gambarnya. Semoga membantu ^



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