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Calculate The Volume Of A 5 g Sample Of Pure Gold

Calculate The Volume Of A 5 g Sample Of Pure Gold

A bar of gold has a mass of 3,8 kg. If the density of gold is 19 g/cm3, what is the volume of the gold?

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1. A bar of gold has a mass of 3,8 kg. If the density of gold is 19 g/cm3, what is the volume of the gold?


so, the bar of gold has a mass : 3,8 kg ⇒ 3800 g

and the density of gold is : 19 g/cm³

this is the formula : Volume = mass / density

   V = 3800 g / 19 g/cm³

   V = 200 cm³

the answer is : V = 200 cm³

2. Today used to measure the weight of gemstones or the amount of gold per 24 parts of pure gold, ……… originally the weight of a seed of the carob tree.


I've been trying to get a chance you have any of them and then we are all I have been there before I get off the phone with my mom is going to be a good day at work and I don't want me too I u too baby girl and she said she was a good baby I you too girl and she said she was a good night baby girl I was just wondering if you want to be a good day at work and I don't want to be a great night at my house is a lot of fun to receive it in a few weeks back and get a ride to school tomorrow at

3. calculate the volume of the prism​


artinya; hitunglah volume prisma


rumus untuk mencari volume prisma adalah:

V=luas alas × tinggi.V=1/2×(panjang×lebar×tinggi)Baca juga: Cara Menghitung Luas Permukaan Prisma.V=s³V=panjang×lebar×tinggi.V=(1/2×5×sisi×apotema)×tinggi prisma.


Prism volume formula/rumus volume Prisma

Volume=Luas alas×tinggi

Large/luas=(2 x ((alas x tinggi) : 2)) + (keliling alas x tinggi prisma).

4. A 2.00-g sample of a large biomolecule was dissolved in 15.0 g carbon tetrachloride. The boiling point of this solution was determined to be 77.85 oC. Calculate the molar mass of the biomolecule. For carbon tetrachloride, the boiling-point constant is 5.03oC .kg/mol, and the boiling point of pure carbon tetrachloride is 76.50oC

we will use boiling point formula:

ΔT = i Kb m

when ΔT is the temperature change from the pure solvent's boiling point to the boiling point of the solution = 77.85 °C - 76.5 °C = 1.35

and Kb is the boiling point constant =5.03

and m = molality

i = vant's Hoff factor

so by substitution, we can get the molality:

1.35 = 1 * 5.03 * m

∴ m = 0.27

when molality = moles / mass Kg

0.27 = moles / 0.015Kg

∴ moles = 0.00405 moles

∴ The molar mass = mass / moles

= 2 g / 0.00405 moles

= 493.8 g /mol

5. A cylinder is of radius 10 cm and the heigth of cylinder is 21 cm calculate the volume of the cylinder ​


6594 cm^3

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

vol cylinder =



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


phi × r² × height

22/7 × 10 × 10 × 21

= 6600

semoga bermanfaat

6. Today used to measure the weight of gemstones or the amount of gold per 24 parts of pure gold, ……… originally the weight of a seed of the carob tree.(a)was a carat(b)a carat was(c)which was a carat(d)that a carat was


(a)was a carat

maap kalo salah

7. the volume of a cube is 343cm³.calculate the total surface area,in cm²,of the cube

[tex] \sqrt[3]{343} = 7[/tex]
[tex]6 \times {7}^{2} = [/tex]
[tex]294 \: cm^{2} [/tex]

8. The density of steel is 7850 kgm Calculate themass of a steel sphere of radius 0.15 m. (Firstcalculate the volume of the sphere using theformula V = $rt and then use the density equation.)​


[tex]V sphere = \frac{4}{3} \pi {r}^{3} \\ = \frac{4}{3} \times 3.14 \times {(0.15)}^{3} = 0.01413 \: {m}^{3} [/tex]

[tex]ρ = \frac{m}{V} \\ 7850= \frac{m}{0.01413} \\ m = 7850 \times 0.01413 \\ = 110.9205 \: kg[/tex]

9. calculate the perimeter of a semicircle of diameter 8cm​

Aku jawab pake bahasa Indonesia ya ^^
Jari jari = 8:2 = 4cm
Keliling lingkaran : 2xpi x r
—> 2 x 3,14 x 4cm

10. calculate the length of the simple pendulum having time period of 3 seconds (g=9.8)


[tex] \displaystyle (T)^2 = \left(2\pi \sqrt{\frac{l}{g}}\right)^2 \\ T^2 = 4\pi^2 \frac{l}{g} \\ l = \frac{T^2\cdot g}{4\pi^2}[/tex]

Tinggal masukkan angka-angkanya

[tex] \displaystyle l \approx \frac{(3)^2\cdot (9.8)}{4(3.14)^2} \\ l \approx 2.2364 \; m [/tex]


[tex] \displaystyle \boxed{\bold{l \approx 2.2364 \; m }}[/tex]

11. A cylinder has a height of 15cm and a volume of 500cm. Calculate the radius of the cylinder.



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


t = 15 cm

v = 500 cm


r= ?...


[tex] {r}^{2} = \frac{v}{\pi.t} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{500}{3.14 \times 15} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{500}{47.1} [/tex]

[tex] = 10.6[/tex]

sorry if this answer doesn't help

12. The density of carbon tethacholride is 1.59 g/ml. Calculate the volume of 26.4 grams of the liquid.tolong dijawab besok dikumpulkan

V= m/d
= 26,4/1,59
= 16,604 ml3 ( ml pangkat 3 )

13. Calculate the difference (selisih) between the volume of the following!

penyelesaian :

= p × l × t - p × l × t

= 3 × 3 × 6 - 2 × 3 × 2

= 54 - 12

= 42 cm³

Jawaban dan langkah langkah penyelesaian ada di dalam lampiran ya semoga membantu.

Jangan lupa apabila membantu jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya terimakasih ^_^

14. calculate the volume of the space above Please answer!!!!!​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Volume bangun 1 : Kubus : S×S×S



=1.000 cm³

volume bangun 2 : Balok : p×l×t




V.gabungan = 1.000 + 2.400 =3.400 Cm³

15. 2. A sample of strontium exists as a mixture of four isotopes. Information about three of these isotopes is given in the table.(15 points) Mass number 86 87 88 Abundance 9.86% 7.00% 82.58% a. Calculate the abundance of the fourth isotope. abundance % b. The relative atomic mass of this sample of strontium is 87.71. Calculate the mass number of the fourth isotope.



16. Calculate the KE of the liquid flowing in a pipe 5 cm inner diameter at the rate of 500 kg/min. The density of the liquid is 1.15 g/cm³.​


The kinetic energy (KE) of the liquid flowing in the pipe can be calculated as follows:

First, we need to determine the velocity of the liquid. This can be calculated using the equation:

v = Q / A

where v is the velocity (m/s), Q is the flow rate (m^3/s) and A is the cross-sectional area of the pipe (m^2).

To convert the flow rate from kg/min to m^3/s, we need to multiply the flow rate by the conversion factor of 1/60. Then, we need to convert the density from g/cm³ to kg/m³:

Q = (500 kg/min) * (1/60 s/min) * (1000 g/kg) = 50/6 m^3/s

ρ = 1.15 g/cm³ * (1000 cm³/m³) = 1150 kg/m³

Now, we can find the cross-sectional area of the pipe:

A = (π/4) * d^2

d = 5 cm

A = (π/4) * (5 cm)^2 = 19.63 cm^2

A = (19.63 cm^2) * (0.01 m/cm^2) = 0.1963 m^2

Using the velocity and the cross-sectional area, we can now find the volume flow rate of the liquid:

v = Q / A = 50/6 m^3/s / 0.1963 m^2 = 156.41 m/s

Finally, we can find the kinetic energy of the liquid:

KE = 0.5 * ρ * v^2 * A

KE = 0.5 * (1150 kg/m³) * (156.41 m/s)^2 * (0.1963 m^2) = 174444.44 J/s = 174.44 kJ/s

17. A glass house is in the shape as shown in the figure . calculate total area of glass needed and calculate the volume of the glass house​


Total Luas seluruh bangunan = L prisma segitiga + L balok

                                                 = 248 m² + 292 m² = 540 m²

Total Volume seluruh bangunan = V prisma segitiga + V balok

                                                      = 60 m³ + 336 m³ = 396 m³

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Bangunan ini adalah gabungan dari prisma segitiga dan balok.

Diketahui :

Prisma segitiga : alas = 5 m

                         tinggi alas = 6 m

                         tinggi prisma = 11 m - 7 m = 4 m

Ditanya : L = ?

              V = ?

L = 2 X Luas alas + Keliling alas + tinggi

  = 2 X (1/2 X 5X6) + (5+5+6) x 4

  = 2 x (15 + 16 x 4)

  = 2 x 124 = 248 m²

Volume = Luas alas X tinggi

             = (1/2 X 5X6) X 4

             = 60 m³

Sekarang kita hitung balok.

Diketahui : p = 8 m

                  l = 6 m

                  t = 7 m

Ditanya : L = ?

              V = ?

L balok = 2 (pl + pt + lt)

             = 2 (8X6 + 8X7 + 6X7)

             = 2 (48+56+42)

             = 2 x 146 = 292 m²

Volume balok = pxlxt

                        = 8 X 6 X 7

                        = 336 m³

Total Luas seluruh bangunan = L prisma segitiga + L balok

                                                 = 248 m² + 292 m² = 540 m²

Total Volume seluruh bangunan = V prisma segitiga + V balok

                                                      = 60 m³ + 336 m³ = 396 m³

18. a 63.5 sample of an unindentified metal absorb 355 J of heat when it's temperature changed by 4.56°C. calculate the specific heat capacity of the metal​


maaf kalo salah......


19. calculate the volume of pyramid​


High = 6 cm

Side plinth = 5 cm


volume of pyramid...?


V = ⅓ × plinth area × high

V = ⅓ × (s × s) × high

V = ⅓ × (5 cm × 5 cm) × 6 cm

V = ⅓ × 25 cm × 6 cm

V = ⅓ × 150 cm³

V = 150 cm³/3

V = 50cm³

20. A cube with a volume of 27 cm³. Calculate the total surface area of the cube, in cm².​




To find the surface area of a cube, first find the side lengths

formula :

V = s³


[tex] \tt s = \sqrt[3]{V} [/tex]

[tex] \tt s = \sqrt[3]{27} [/tex]

[tex] \tt s = \sqrt[ \cancel3]{ {3}^{ \cancel3} } [/tex]

[tex] \tt s = 3cm[/tex]


Surface area :

[tex] \tt S = 6 \times {s}^{2} [/tex]

[tex] \tt S = 6 \times {3}^{2} [/tex]

[tex] \tt S = 6 \times 9[/tex]

[tex] \boxed{\tt \red{S =54 {cm}^{2}} }[/tex]

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