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Choose The Sentence That Is Grammatically Correct

Choose The Sentence That Is Grammatically Correct

choose the sentence that is grammatically correct​

1. choose the sentence that is grammatically correct​


Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct.

1. She will, as soon as your back is turning, repeat it to all the others.

2. She will, as soon as your back is turning, repeat it to all others.

3. She will, as soon as your back is turned, repeat it to all the others.

4. She will, as quick as your back is away, repeat it to all the others.


2. the sentence that is grammatically corret is​


The sentence that is grammatically correct is the sentence in which it is formed in accordance with the grammar rules. That being said, when the subject is singular then the verb must also be singular, and vice versa.


Kalimat yang benar secara tata bahasa yakni yang dibentuk berkesesuaian dengan kaidah tata bahasa. Dengan kata lain, kalimat yang benar secara tata bahasa yakni apabila subjeknya singular maka kata kerjanya juga singular atau dalam bentuk tunggal. Begitu pula sebaliknya, apabila subjek pada kalimat tersebut majemuk maka kata kerjanya pun mengikuti menjadi majemuk. Contoh:

Tunggal = He is a student.Majemuk = They are students.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi singular and plural verbs pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/23987523


3. which of the following sentence is grammatically correct?

C. the earth is large in diameter than the moon
kaya nya

4. choose the correct sentence based on the table​


table nya manaaaaaaaa


What Table ???


You Should Check The Question First Before Asking.

5. Which sentence is grammatically correct? *​


In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the subject and verb must both be singular or plural. In other words, the subject and verb must agree with one another in their tense. If the subject is in plural form, the verb should also be in plur al form (and vice versa).

6. choose the letterof the underlin word that is not correct (di gambar)







Jangan ragu, saya menjawab dengan sebenar-benarnya

7. is -not-that-pienaaple-a The correct sentence is​


that is not a pineapple


semoga membantu, jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

maaf ku hapus . pilih aja atas dia benar sekali

8. Choose the sentence that isgrammatically correct! *O The little boy kicked hard.O She loves very much.O The girl carried to her village.O The dog ran away.​


The dog ran away


maaf kalau salah..

9. choose the correct sentence !​

11. c

12. C

13. C

semoga membantu !!

10. Choose the wrong sentence, and write down the correct sentence.

1. D talked.
alasan : keep/kept diikutin gerund jadi seharusnya TALKING

2. C calling
alasan : kata benda dari panggilan adalah CALL, bukan CALLING

3. C his
alasan : fungsi HIS disini sebagai object jadi yang benar HIM.

11. choose the correct sentence​


Pilih kalimat yang bener

12. Choose the wrong sentence and write down the correct sentence

2. Calling ---> Call
3. His ---> Him
4. Studies ---> Study
5. Friend's ---> Friend
6. Robbing ---> Robbed
7. Work ---> Works
8. Arrange ---> Arranged
9. Buying ---> Buy
10. Handle ---> Handling
Semoga membantu ^^

13. analyze these sentences which sentence is correct grammatically (tolong dong bantu)​


1. Correct

2. False (jika sudah menggunakan imbuhan -er, tidak boleh menambahkan kata more)

3. False (kata clever hanya memiliki 2 suku kata, sehingga seharusnya menggunakan imbuhan -er. Namun hal ini masih menjadi perdebatan dikalangan masyarakat, bahkan beberapa dari mereka menganggap bahwa baik menggunakan -er atau more adalah betul)

4. Correct

5. False (largest berarti yang paling besar, sedangkan pada kalimat tersebut diberikan pulau Jawa sebagai pembanding. Sehingga yang betul adalah 'larger than' yang berarti 'lebih besar dari', bukan 'largest than' yang berarti 'paling besar dari')

6. Correct.

14. Choose The Correct Sentence​


Pilih kalimat yang bener


15. is the sentences "There aren't any straw in the container" grammatically correct? Explain your answer and write the correct sentence for it​


incorrect. it should be "straws"


because straw is a countable noun and any is always paired with either a plural noun or an uncountable noun (any pasangannya plural/uncountable noun e.g. any straws, any milk)

16. which of the folowingsentences is grammatically correct ?​


which of the folowingsentences is grammatically correct ?


yang manakah dari kalimat kalimat di bawah ini yang benar tata bahasanya (gramatikal)?

17. Which of the following sentence is grammatically correct !

Jawaban:Click within the small circle to the left of your choice for each answer. A javascript box will appear to tell you that your choice is correct or incorrect. After clicking "OK" within the javascript alert, you may try another answer or proceed to the next question if your first choice was correct. The phrase "prescriptively correct" means that other possibilities might be acceptable in informal writing or speech, but the prescriptively correct option would be most recommended for formal, academic writing.


18. which of the following sentences is grammatically correct ????​

A. You have to been testedon your grammar

Maaf kalau slh

19. Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence


Pilih kata ganti yang benar untuk melengkapi kalimat


saya artiin ya kak

20. the correct sentence based on the picture is that the boy is...​

the boy is talking to his friend

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