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Ready Classroom Mathematics Grade 8 Volume 1 Answer Key Pdf

Ready Classroom Mathematics Grade 8 Volume 1 Answer Key Pdf

Where is the teacher office?1.Answer:2.Where to the second grade classroom?Answer:3. Do we go straight to go to canteen?Answer:4.Do we turn left to go to restrooms?Answer:5. Where is the sixth grade classroom?Answer:plisss jawab senin dikumpulkan ​

Daftar Isi

1. Where is the teacher office?1.Answer:2.Where to the second grade classroom?Answer:3. Do we go straight to go to canteen?Answer:4.Do we turn left to go to restrooms?Answer:5. Where is the sixth grade classroom?Answer:plisss jawab senin dikumpulkan ​


yes good later is google

2. When does ready join a mathematics​


Artinya : kapan siap bergabung dengan matematika

3. they study mathematics in the classroom now(+)(-)(?)​


+ They study mathematics in the classroom now

- They don't study mathematics in the classroom now

? Do they study mathematics in the classroom now?

Simple Present


(+) They study in the classrom now

(-) They didn't study in the classrom now

(?) DO they study in classrom now


4. ATTITUDE is THE KEY, what the answer ?​


pernyataan evaluatif terhadap objek, orang atau peristiwa. ini yng bhs inggris (Evaluative statements on objects, people or events)


maaf jika salah

5. 1. Mathematics - is - My - lesson - favourite Answer:.my.....​


1) my favourite lesson is mathematics

2) the number before eight is seven

3) the number after fourteen is fifteen

4) six multiplied by six is thirty six

5) ten divided by two is five


1. My favourite lesson is mathematics

2. The number before eight is seven

3. The number after fourteen is fifteen

4. Six multiplied by six is thirty six

5. Ten divided by two is five

sorry kalau salah

6. 4.Beni: Is there the Grade 3 Classroom between the Grade 5 Classroom and cafetaria?Udin: No, there isn't The Grade 3 Classroom is between_______.Plis Bantu Jangan Ngasal Plissss​


grade 2 classroom and grade 4 classroom


the grade 3 classroom is between the grade 4 classroom and grade 2 classroom

7. How many are there chairs in my classroom?Answer:2. Where is my classroom?Answer:3. How many are there doors and windows?Answer:4. What is color of wall?Answer:5. How is the classroom?Answer:​


1. there are 30 seats

2. your class is near the office

3. There are 2 doors and 10 windows

4.the wall is green

5. the class is very clean and tidy


1.kursinya ada 30

2.kelasmu berada di dekat kantor

3.pintunya ada 2 dan jendelanya 10

4.dindingnya berwarna hijau

5.kelasnya sanga bersih dan rapi


semoga membantu

8. Daily Assessment 1 10th grade semester 2please help answer 1-5​


1. E. How did you first get the idea for the selfie stick?

2. A. What secret have you learned in marketing your product?

3. B. The inventor of PowerPoint

4. A. It has made him a tech seleb

5. E. To help transportation avoid traffic jam

9. on your answer sheet: 1. science and mathematics interest you? ​

1. science and mathematics interest you? (apakah sains dan matematika menarik minat anda?)

jawabannya tergantung apakah kamu minat sains dan matematika? jika iya maka jawaban yang tepat adalah yes, I'm interested in that dan jika kamu tidak tertarik/tidak menyukainya maka jawaban yang tepat adalah no, I'm not interested

Semoga Bermanfaat

10. 6. How many students are there in Fajar's class?Answer: ...7. Is his classroom dirty?Answer:..8. Is his classroom lovely?Answer:9. What things are there in front of Fajar's classroom?Answer: ....10. What things are there on Fajar's classroom wall?Answer:​


ada bacaannya engga? mana bacaannya?

11. mathematics please help me answer this question ​

c ccccccccccccccccccccccccc


C. 72


= S : R : Z = 5 : 8 : 3


S - Z ?

= 5-3/5+8+3 x 576

= 2/16 x 576

= 1/8 x 576

= 72


Sry if wrong

12. (Sumber: TIMSS 1999 8th-Grade Mathematics Concepts and Items)2. Seorang pelari mampu menempuh jarak sejauh 3.000 meter dalamwaktu 8 menit. Berapakah rata-rata kecepatan pelari tersebut dalammeter per detik?a. 3,75b. 6,25c. 16d. 37,5(Sumber: TIMSS 1999 8th-Grade Mathematics Concepts and Items)MATEΜΑΤΙΚΑ​


b. 6,25



Jarak (s) = 3.000 meter

Waktu yang dibutuhkan (t) = 8 menit = 8 x 60 detik = 480 detik


Kecepatan (v) = . . . . meter/detik

Penyelesaian :

v = s/t = 3000 meter / 480 detik = 6,25 meter/detik

13. please answer lesson mathematics number 26 to 28


14. Mention 8 things in your classroom!Answer: .....​


blackboard / whiteboard, chair, table, window, door, calender, clock, Book

1. Whiteboard

2. Table

3. Chair

4. Windows

5. Fan

6. Posters

7. Clock

8. Marker

15. Please help me (pakai penjelasan ya my pwriend)Thankyou :)detail:Subject: MathematicsGrade:8Topic:Pytagoras Theorem​


ᴊᴀᴡᴀʙᴀɴ ᴅᴀɴ ᴘᴇɴʏᴇʟᴇꜱᴀɪᴀɴ

Mencari Panjang LN ☄


Panjang KL : 25 cmPanjang KN : 20 cm

Ditanya :

Panjang LN??

Panjang LN diketahui adalah sisi alas, maka memakai rumus phytagoras

LN² = KL² - KN²

LN² = 25² - 20²

LN² = 625 - 400

LN = √225 = 15cm


Mencari panjang MN


Panjang LN : 15 cmPanjang LM : 8 cm

Ditanya :

Panjang MN???

Panjang MN diketahui adalah hipotenusa (sisi miring) maka memakai rumus phytagoras

MN² = LN² + LM²

MN² = 15² + 8²

MN² = 225 + 64

MN = √289 = 17cm


Semoga membantu!

16. 6. Look at the map !Fifth grade classroomFourth grade classroomSixth grade classroomLibraryHeadmaster OfficeTeacher's officeNew Student : Can you show me where is the fifth grade classroom?Permataa. It is behind the the fourth grade.b. It is in front of the teacher's room.c. it is between the sixth grade classroom and the headmaster's officed. It is beside the library.ce of the picture is.........​


Lihat petanya!

Kelas lima

Kelas empat

Kelas enam


Kantor kepala sekolah

Kantor guru

Bisakah kau tunjukkan padaku dimana kelas lima?


A. Itu di belakang kelas empat.

B. Ada di depan ruang guru.

C. ini adalah antara kelas enam dan kantor kepala sekolah

D. Itu di samping perpustakaan.

Ce gambar ini

17. PR Activity 1 Answer the questions below on your own words. 1. Who is the tallest person in your classroom? Answer:.. 2. Who is the fattest person in your classroom? Answer: 3. Who is the smartest student in your classroom? Answer: 4 Who is the most beautiful girl in your classroom? Answer: ... 5. Who is the most handsome boy in your classroom? Answer:tolong dijawab ​


Maaf saya tidak bisa memberikan jawaban tapi saya bisa menterjemahkan

pertanyaan nomor 1

Siapa orang tertinggi di kelas mu?

nomor 2

Siapa orang ter gendut di kelas mu?

nomor 3

Siapa orang terpintar di kelas mu?

nomor 4

Siapa perempuan tercantik di kelas mu?

nomor 5

Siapa laki - laki terganteng di kelas mu?

18. Questions: 6. How many students are there in Fajar's class? Answer: 7. Is his classroom dirty? Answer: 8. Is his classroom lovely? Answer: 9. What things are there in front of Fajar's classroom? Answer: 10. What things are there on Fajar's classroom wall?​


Gak bisa dijawab.


Soalnya kurang lengkap. Gak ada cerita tentang Fajar.

19. Answer key of reading power by longman


kunci jawaban "kekuatan membaca" oleh logman


kunci jawaban kekuatan membaca oleh longmen


semoga membantu

20. Please answerScience grade 3Thanks ​


my answer: A ,

hope it helps ya

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