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The Bus Hasn t Arrived Yet

The Bus Hasn t Arrived Yet

short dialogue you offer a help someone becaus she/her hasn''t got a seat in the bus

Daftar Isi

1. short dialogue you offer a help someone becaus she/her hasn''t got a seat in the bus

A : excuse me ma'am
B : yes dear?
A : it looks like you haven't got a seat, you could sit on my place ma'am
B : why thank you
A : no problem :3

2. 10) who hasn t prepared for the test? bantu bantu help me​


6.edo tony and rika

7.they have math test today


9.because he haven't study


di like dung


Rika and Edo because Rika said she haven't studied last night and edo too

3. They … yet in Surabaya. (not, arrive) The right sentence is.... Pilih jawabanmu. 1 They haven’t arrived yet in Surabaya. 2 They arrive not yet in Surabaya. 3 They didn’t arrive yet in Surabaya. 4 They hasn’t arrived yet in Surabaya. 5 They not arrived yet in Surabaya.

1. they haven't arrived yet in Surabaya

Because they are more than 1 people, so we use haven't

I'm sorry if it's wrong, I hope it useful for you :)jawabnnya yang kesatu (They haven't arrive yet in Surabaya)

4. The president has ....... arrived in Paris and will meet the Ministry of Trade today. A. still B. yet C. already D. soon


jawabannya C. already


already biasanya dipakai didalam present perfect tense

semoga terbantuu

jika merasa puas bisa dijadikan jawaban tercerdas yaa terimakasiihh

the president has already arrive

5. my father is on the way. He .... home yet a. haven't arrived b. hasn't arrived c. didn't arrived d.arrived e. arrives

my father is on the way. He (has not arrived) home yet.

b. Hasn't arrived my father is on the way. He .... home yet
B. Hasn't Arrived

6. we need that document now. but tim hasn't arrived yet

kita butuh dokumen itu sekarang, tetapi tim belum datang

semoga membantu (y)kami butuh dokumen itu sekarang. tetapi tim belum datang

7. If the boys had …. the bus to school, they would have arrived on time


If the boys had (taken) the bus to school, they would have arrived on time


conditional sentence type 3 merupakan sebuah kalimat pengandaian ketika sebuah kondisi tidak mungkin terwujud sama sekali karena conditional nya wajib telah terpenuhi dimasa lampau.

dalam tipe kalimat pengandaian yang ketiga ini, bentuk kalimat menggunakan past perfect yang dilengkapi dengan modal auxiliary seperti would, could, dan should.

rumus yang digunakan adalah if + past perfect, would/should/could/might + have + past participle.

contoh kalimat: if you had remembered to invite me, i would have attended your party.

semoga membantu..

8. I,m aorry miss the bus got i arrived at school thirty minutes late


I'm sorry miss the bus got i arrived at school thirty minutes late


Maaf ketinggalan bus saya tiba di sekolah terlambat tiga puluh menit


O yakunitateba saiwaidesu (* ^ ▽ ^*)

9. cause and effect cause: he hasnt arrived yet,so effect: ????


he will be late or will be waiting (maybe)

10. when you arrived at the bus stand who.....there?


sesampai di stand bus siapa yg ada disana?


maaf ya kalo salah

11. andi wishes that the bus (be) ready to start when he arrived in the terminal

Andi hopes the bus (ready) starts operating when he arrives at the terminal

Andi berharap bus (sudah siap) mulai beroperasi ketika ia tiba di terminal

maaf kalo salah....

12. 6. My father is on the way. He ……………………………. Home yet. A. Haven’t arrived b. Hasn’t arrived c. Didn’t arrive d. Arrived e. Have arrived.

b. Hasn’t arrived

He,She,It = Has

13. She can play flut very well, ....? a. can't she? b. won't she? c. can"t she? d. won't she? Ahmad hasn' t............. to shool yet.a gob goesc wentd gonee going​


1.Shecan play flut very well,?

Artinya :Dia bisa bermain seruling dengan sangat baik,…?

Jawab :B.Won't she ?artinya :bukan?disambung:She can play flut very well,won't she ?Artinya :Dia bisa bermain seruling dengan sangat baik, bukan ?

2.Ahmad hasn't to shool yet.

Artinya:Ahmad belum… ke sekolah.

Jawab :A.GoingArtinya:Pergidisambung:Ahmad hasn't going to schoolyet.

Artinya :Ahmad belum pergi ke sekolah.

[tex]\purple{ \tt\: \pink{s} \blue{e} \green{m} \orange{o} \purple{g} \red{a} \: m \pink{e} \blue{m} \green{b} \orange{a} \purple{n} \red{t}u}[/tex]

[tex]\pink{ \boxed{{Answer \: by : {\pink{ \boxed{{\tt \colorbox {pink}{☾ \: Moon \: ☾}}}}}}}}[/tex]

14. Diana=.... Siena=it`s twenty pasti five Diana=oh my god, I`m so late to join the swimming practice Siene= it`s okay. The trainer hasn`t come yet he`s also late.


Diana : What time is it Siena?

15. Andi wished that the bus (be) ready to start when he arrived in the terminal

andi wished that the bus will be ready to start when he arrived in the terminal

16. My father is on the way. He___home yet a. Don't arrive b.doesn't arrive c.didn't arrive d.haven't arrived e.hadn't arrived

b.doesn't arrive home yete.hadn't arrived.smoga bermanfaat

17. 10. don't get down from the bus yet. it_still_(move).​

1.it was still moving

18. the bus arrived lately so I missed my class

  The Bus arrived late not LATELY . So, I missed my class
Semoga membantuThe bus arrived too late. So i missed my class

19. when you arrived at the bus stand who.....there?


sesampai di stand bus siapa yang ada disana?

when you arrived at the bus stand who was there ?




20. I travel by bus to school everyday. The plane arrived at six o’clock. Tenses Verb


I travel by bus to school everyday -> TENSESNYA SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE


ditandai dengan everyday: setiap hari

kata kerja bentuk pertama travel


The plane arrived at six o’clock.-> TENSESNYA PAST TENSE


ditandai dengan kata kerja bentuk kedua arrived

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