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160 Miles Is How Many Hours

160 Miles Is How Many Hours

How many hours is the office of semanggi Plaza Mall opened?... hours

1. How many hours is the office of semanggi Plaza Mall opened?... hours

harus liat di text cerita nya! mana text cerita nya?baca teksnya dulu gan

2. How many hours ....she......?


How many hours did she spend


3. How many hours the birthday party is going to be held ?​


The birthday party is going to be held for 5 hours


semoga membantu. jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya


Berapa jam pesta ulang tahun akan menjadi setengah?


maaf kalau salah

4. ... is Bandung? It is about 6542 square miles. A. How wide B. How high C. How large D. How long​



maaf klo salah

5. PAS How many hours de 420 minutes make​


420 minutes makes 7 hours, because every hour is 60 minutes. So 420/60 is 7

6. How many hours of School ... you...each day?


8 hours


maaf kalau salah

7. How many hours does a day have​


24 hours


There are 24 hours in a day.

8. If Kit sleeps 147 hours per week, how many hours does she sleep per day



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


dalam satu minggu kita tidur 147 jam

danKita tidur dalam perhari 21

9. How many hours and minute from 07.30 to 14.20?


6 hours 50 minutes

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu,boleh bantu follow nya ga? ^_^

jawab ny pakai gambar aja ya, jadi selisih waktu nya adalah 8 jam 50 menit

10. how many hours are there in 2 647​

44 hours 7 minutes

sorry if its wrong

11. how many hours will the celebration last

ga ada teks.nya kok,,gimana jawabnya.?

12. arti dari how many hours did the writer sleep last night​


Berapa jam si penulis tidur tadi malam?


hour(s) adalah jam dalam hitungan waktu, bukan benda jam ya

the writer adalah penulis (biasanya menunjuk ke penulis cerita, atau paragaraf dalam sebuah soal yang mengandung teks/cerita)

last night secara harfiah artinya "malam terakhir" tapi arti umumnya adalah "tadi malam"

contoh lain:

last month (bulan lalu)

last week (minggu lalu/mingu kemarin)

last year (tahun lalu)

Semoga bermanfaat

13. A bird leaves its nest and travels 18 miles per hour downwind for x hours. On the return trip, the bird travels 3 miles per hour slower and has 5 miles left after x hours. a. What is the distance of the entire trip? ____miles b. How long does the entire trip take? ____ hours ____ minutes and ____ seconds


a. 30 miles

b. 1 hour 40 minutes

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

dari soal diatas, satu satunya yang sama afalh total jarak tempuhnya. dari kejadian awal

s = v x t

s = 18X

dari kejadian kedua

s = 15X + 5

substitusi nilai s

15X + 5 = 18X

3X = 5

X = 1 hour 40 minutes

s = 30 miles

14. 2.how many hours should teenagers sleep? 3.what is the effect of sleep devprivation to teenagers?


1. 8 hours per day

2. Sleep deprivation increases the likelihood teens will suffer myriad negative consequences, including an inability to concentrate, poor grades, drowsy-driving incidents, anxiety, depression, thoughts of suicide and even suicide attempts.

15. how many hours does he study on fridays​

how many hours does he study on fridays itu jika diartikan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia seperti berikut =

berapa jam dia belajar pada hari Jumat

16. 1.what is the purpose of the text2.how many hours does the restaurant open​


1. idk

2. 12 hours


sorry, I just answer the number 2.

Good luck :D

17. how many hours do the students have break time​

~Bahasa Inggris

Break time is an important part of the success of children's education in school. Adequate downtime will help them be more successful when they return to class.

However, many schools cut short breaks or do not provide quality breaks. Stanford University researchers warn that doing so can have unintended negative consequences.

"Break times are not usually considered part of the school climate, and are often shortened. But our research shows that rest periods can play an important role in a positive school climate in low-income primary schools," said study co-author and Stanford founding director John W. Gardner Center, Milbrey McLaughlin.






18. 10. How many minutes do two hours have?




semoga membantu^^

maaf kalau salah

19. Q.1 year how many days? 1 day how many hours? 2 years how many days?nt : awoqawoq sesekali b.inggris​


1. 365 day

2. 24 hours

3. 730 day



>> b. Inggris ☁️

pertanyaan ?

1 year how many days?

1 dan how many hours?

2 years how many days?

jawaban ?

-) 1 year 365.25 day

-) 1 day 24 hours

-) 730,5 day

#hope it helps ☁️

20. how many miles of telegraph signal range code!tolong di jawab ya

30 miles / 21 km

Hope you can helptranslate : berapa mil kode sinyal telegraf ?
jawaban : satu, yaitu kode morse

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