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3 7 Practice Transformations Of Linear Functions

3 7 Practice Transformations Of Linear Functions

Mention 3 functions of smart phone!

1. Mention 3 functions of smart phone!


Playing games



2. mention 3 functions of the twig​

Jawaban: Twigs have certain functions, including the following:

- Place of attachment of leaf stalks, flowers or fruit.

- As a food and water trajectory.

- As a place for the growth of new shoots in plants.


Maaf Kalo Bener!

Semoga Harimu Suram

3. 3.what are the functions of forms?

used to keep medical information about a patient
semoga membantu3=to fill in our personal requirements and identity to contininue school. 4=name,school choice/from which school,prent's name, prent's work,dll. 5= 1 experience,2 graduated from the school, 3 items are in accordance with the school,4 meet the requirements of the school. i am sorry if wrong

4. jenis jenis transformations

maksudnya Transformation pada software Desain? seperti transformation pada corldraw?

yaitu : Position, Rotate, Size , Skew, dan Scale...

jadikan jawaban sebagai terbaik yajj...

5. Social functions of discriptive TextPractice G: head out text aoneis one more time theanswer the questions on page bractice 3QuestionTEXT2TEXT 3​


i dont get it


6. One of the functions of label is to ....​


where is the labelll?

7. Mention the functions of language


Language can help us communicate with other people easily.

Learning many languages will also give us an advantage when applying for a job.

Improves our memory


Semoga membantu

8. what are the functions of posters

tell people about informationFunction of poster is mediate to give some information for other people or public about something

9. What are the functions of the underluned words? What are the functions of the italicized words ?

Yang italic : bagaimana jika saya Bantu persiapanya

Fungsinya : to offer a help , untuk memberikan bantuan

Yang underlined : oh kau sangat baik, tapi saya akan mengerjakanya dengan saudara perempuan saya, terimakasih susah menawarkan

Fungsinya : to decline an offer / to show a denial , untuk menunjukan penolakan

Maaf klo salah

10. give the functions of comlimenting of expressions!​

Jawaban:-------------------------------------The compliment expressions are frequently used in communication. Delivering and responding compliment is one of media to build and create good relationship between and among people when communicating. It is also considered as a politeness strategy in order to make the communication run in harmony

11. mention the functions of posters?

1. to persuade the readers
2. to give informations about events or things1. as informatian and promotian media.
2. as interior decoration.
3. as propaganda media.

12. write the functions of​


where is the picture?


the question is Soo strange



The announcement text features are short, concise, clear, and easy to understand. While the purpose of the announcement text is to provide information to the general public or text that contains information about something

14. apa artinya sosial functions of proverbs​


sosial functions of proverbs dalam bahasa indonesia yaitu ;

fungsi sosial dari peribahasa


sosial functions of proverbs


fungsi sosial dari peribahasa



15. 1.Characteristics,functions,and the use of simple present tense ?2.Definitions of greetings and parting(leave takings) ?3.Making short talks at the office (format and informal greetings) ?4.Definitions,functions,and the we of adjective ?5.The charactetis tics,functions the grammar focus of desctiptive text ?6.Label of pronoum ?7.The definitions abd ured of camptimets ?

tak bisa jawab semua
1. simple present tense
digunakan menyatakan fakta, kejadian yg rutin dilakukan dan kejadian yang terjadi sampai hari kiamat...
menggunakan verb bentuk satu, verb untuk subject third single person positif ditambah s/es, sedangkan negatif dan introgatif tambah do/does tergantung subjectnya... cirinya ada kata always dll (lupa sisanya)
2. greeting: memberikan ungkapan sapaan ketika bertemu, leave taking: ungkapan ketika akan berpisah dengan orang

16. Functions of the cleaning robot​


Like many other cleaning robots, it uses a laser sensor to detect and avoid obstacles. In addition to cleaning the floors, it can also pick up and dispose of garbage. Its slender body allows it to clean even in tight spaces and small corridors.


Seperti banyak robot pembersih lainnya, robot ini menggunakan sensor laser untuk mendeteksi dan menghindari rintangan. Selain untuk membersihkan lantai, juga dapat memungut dan membuang sampah. Tubuhnya yang ramping memungkinkannya untuk membersihkan bahkan di ruang sempit dan koridor kecil.


17. Mention 2 functions of medicines​


To make someone feel better,by killing ,removing or redirect the pain/virus/bacterium attacking the patient

To Prevent anything unwanted,from the bacterium/virus/pain coming back,to making the patient's immune/antibody system better and upgraded


Untuk membuat seseorang merasa lebih baik,dengan membunuh,menghilangkan atau mengalihkan rasa sakit/virus/bakteri yang menyerang pasien

untuk mencegah hal yang tak diinginkan,dari mencegah bakteri/rasa sakit/virusnya datang kembali hingga memperbaik sistem imun dan antibodi pasien menjadi lebih bagus

maaf kalau salah sekian



1 healing

2 heal

Maaf kalo salah

18. 1. what are the functions of caution/warning 2. what are the functions of short notice 3. mention minimum 3 examples of caution/warning please help me

to inform people about something (important).
1. to avoid the unintentional accident
2. to order someone to do something
3. -warning, high voltage
    -caution, wet floor
    -warning, wild animals

semoga membantu
maaf kalo salah

19. write three functions of brochure​


1. To inform potential consumers related to the company or also the products or services that will be offered. 2. As an advertising tool or also a promotional tool, which can

20. examples of functions of future continuous tense​


Using the Future Continuous Tense

I will arrive at five o'clock.

At five o'clock, I will be meeting with the management about my raise.

Michael will be running a marathon this Saturday.

Eric will be competing against Michael in the race.

I will be watching Michael and Eric race.

I will be being stressed tomorrow during my science test.

jadikan jawaban yg tercerdas yaah :)

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