Home » » Byzantine Influence Can Be Seen In Russian Literature Because

Byzantine Influence Can Be Seen In Russian Literature Because

Byzantine Influence Can Be Seen In Russian Literature Because

natural phenomenon in which a spectrum can be seen​

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1. natural phenomenon in which a spectrum can be seen​


A Rainbow


A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky.

Apologies if I made a mistake

2. explain the influence of the imperialism at seventeen century in literature both american and english​

By definition, imperialism is a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. As we know, a lot of colonialism happened in the past, and we can see how colonialism still impacts us ‘til this very day. Some countries still struggle, some thrives. During colonialism, everything that the colonists did, impacted the region. For example, even here in Indonesia, we still could see dutch styled buildings and their traditions here (eating chocolate sprinkles aka meses on top of bread is a dutch tradition) so, in conclusion, everything they did, impacted the region. At that time, England colonized the US and for that reason, they influenced americans, including their writings.

3. 3. The sign can be seen in A banks B schools Crestaurants




artinya mohon tunggu untuk di tempatkan (duduk)

Jawaban : C . Restaurant

Penjelasan : Karena

                     Please Wait to be Seated : Mohon Tunggu Untuk Duduk

Dan itu Sering digunakan Untuk ( Restaurants : Restoran )

Karena Jika Sudah Penuh Maka Pelayan Berbicara Mohon Tunggu Untuk Duduk

Semoga membantu

Kasih jawaban ini yg terbaik ya

4. passive voice: the star can be seen by us in the night. active voice:


passive voice: the star can be seen by us in the night. active voice:we can see the star in the night

jenis kalimat: modal auxiliary can

5. eme 23. Various kinds of fossils can be seen ina Hotelc. Restaurantb. Museumd. School​


Various kinds of fossils can be seen in b.Museum.

6. What can be seen once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years?​


letter m


once in Minute

twice in a MoMent

never in a thousand years




What can be seen once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years?​

i always troll my friends with this riddle XD

7. rainbows can be seen not just in rain but also fog and dew

Pelangi dapat dilihat bukan hanya dalam hujan tetapi juga kabut dan embun
pelangi dapat dilihat bukan hanya saat hujan tetapi juga saat kabut dan embun

8. What flaw can be seen from the conversation above?​


where is conversation? there is no picture-!

9. considering that literature could be perceived as both eloquent in communication yet still less eloquent to some people, explain why literature might not be seen as eloquent to certain individuals and express your opinion on whether or not mathematics is a more communicative aproach compared to literature and why.


mengingat bahwa sastra dapat dianggap sebagai keduanya fasih dalam komunikasi namun masih kurang fasih bagi beberapa orang, jelaskan mengapa sastra mungkin tidak dilihat sebagai fasih bagi individu tertentu dan kenapa


because Literature in the process of creation is a sublime individual work but then it emerges amid the tumult of people's lives. With meaning, individual work but social impact.

10. 6. Moral value is a thing that we can consider as a learning. Moral value in a Narrative text can be seen in ...​


D. Reorientation


Karena Reorientasi berisi kesimpulan dan pesan moral dari isi cerita narasi.

jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya^•^

11. One evidence that shows the influence of the Hyksos nation on the Egyptian culture can clearly be seen on... . (A) agriculture (B) weapons (C) transportation (D) praying place (E) communication


E. Communication


Why E ? Becaused One evidence that shows the influence of the Hyksos nation on the Egyptian culture can clearly. And then the answer is E. Communication


12. In social psychology, stereotype is a ____ that can be adopted. saw / seen?


13. All nine planets can be seen through a



All nine planets can be seen through


If I'm not mistaken the telescope


Kesembilan planet dapat dilihat melalui


Kalau tidak salah teleskop


semoga membantu ya ^_^


the order of the planets in the solar system, starting nearest the sun and working outward ia the following: Mercury,Venus,Eart,Mars, Jupiter, Saturnus, Uranus, Neptunus and then the possible Planet Nine. Id you insist on including Pluto, it would come after Neptune on the list

14. Predators try . . . when they hunt prey. * A. to not be seen B.to be not seen C.to be seen D.not to be seen





coba sambungan 1 per1

Predators try . to not be seen. when they hunt prey.

jadi itu jawaban nya

kalo salah salahin Mbah teranselet nya ya:v

15. Six planets can be seen just with the eye. Neptune, however, can only be seen with a telescope and so it was the last planet to be discovered. When?​


Urbain Le Verrier menemukan planet neptunus pada tgl 23 September 1846

16. what view can be seen from the apartment tower

building road traffic jam :v tree people sky sun moon star transportation mountain, sky, building

17. Refers to how things are arranged in an area and if there are repetitions that can be seen


Mengacu pada bagaimana hal-hal diatur dalam suatu area dan apakah ada pengulangan yang dapat dilihat


ini Maksudnya gmna?

18. where can people find the european influence in the maimun palace​


Crystal chandeliers that illuminate the throne as evidence of European cultural influence.

19. The reflection of the mountains can be seen in a lake when it is calm, but cannot be seen when the wind blows across it. Explain. ​


artinya pantulan gunung bisa dilihat di danau saat tenang, tapi tidak bisa dilihat saat angin bertiup melewatinya. menjelaskan.


maaf kalau salah

20. What can be seen once in a minute, twice a moment, and never in a thousand years


What can be seen once in a minute, twice a moment, and never in a thousand years


Apa yang bisa dilihat sekali dalam satu menit, dua kali, dan tidak pernah dalam seribu tahun


i think this can helps

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