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It Is The Custom For Paper Mills Located

It Is The Custom For Paper Mills Located

where is the post office located?a. it is located between the city Park at the bank.b. it is located between the bank at the mosque.c. it is located between the mall at the bankd. it is located between the mall at the mosque​​

Daftar Isi

1. where is the post office located?a. it is located between the city Park at the bank.b. it is located between the bank at the mosque.c. it is located between the mall at the bankd. it is located between the mall at the mosque​​


c it is located between the mall at the bank

2. where is the post office located?a. it is located between the city Park at the bank.b. it is located between the bank at the mosque.c. it is located between the mall at the bankd. it is located between the mall at the mosque​


a. it is located between the city park at the bank


maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu

3. where is Bali located? it is in the...of Java

It is in the EAST of JavaIt is in the southern of Java

4. Arti dari "Eiffel tower is the most famous landmark in the world. It is located in paris, france. It is about 49 degress north and two degress east. It was designed by alexandre gustave eiffel for the world fair" ????

Menara eiffel adalah hal menonjol yang terkenal di dunia. itu terletak di paris, perancis. sekitar 49 degress utara dan timur dua degres, itu dirancang oleh alexandre gustave eiffle untuk keadilan dunia"Menara Eiffel adalah markah tanah paling terkenal di dunia. Berlokasi di Paris, Perancis. Terletak sekitar 49 derajat ke utara dan dua derajat ke timur. Dirancang oleh Alexandre Gustave Eiffel untuk keadilan dunia."

5. Where is it located?





I do not know !!

What's the place?


Follow me neeI'm ARMY

6. 3 .it is located at the edge of the river mahkam lanjutan yang tadi​


maaf maksudnya gimana ya?


maaf sebelumnya

7. tolong bantu jawab 1.where is the post office locateda.it is located between the city park and the bankb.it is located between the bank and the mosquec.it is located between the mall and the bank d.it is located between the mall and the mosque2.where is the city park Locateda.it is located next to the mall b.it is located next to the bank c.it is located next to the mosqued.it is located next to the post office​

1. C. It is located between the mall and the bank

2. C. It is located next to the mosque

1.where is the post office located?

(Dimana kah lokasinya kantor pos ?)

>>>>pertanyaan merujuk pada tempatnya.

Answer ( jawaban ):

c.it is located between the mall and the bank .( ini berada diantara mal dan bank )

Reason ( Alasan ):

in the first paragraph , " the post office in my city is located between the mall and the bank " ( Kantor pos di kota saya berada di antara mal dan bank )

2. where is the city park Located?

( dimana kah lokasinya taman kota ?)

Answer ( jawaban ) :

c.it is located next to the mosque.

( ini berada di dekatnya masjid )

Reason ( Alasan )

ini the first paragraf ( the last sentence ) , "There is also a little city park in the right side of the mosque"

( Ada juga taman kota kecil di sebelah kanannya masjid )

8. A :What is the shape of a paper?B: It is .......​

It is square


semoga bermanfaat


It is rectangular


Sorry if my answer is wrong.

9. The following statements about recycled paper are RUE, except that ….. .A. it comes from used paperB. it helps preserve forestsC. it has a smooth surfaceD. it is less whiteE. it is mostly used for packaging​

Jawaban:C.it has a smooth surface

Penjelasan:because recycled paper already less smooth than the new ones.

10. it is a pen we............ on the paper with it​




11. 11. It is Bromo mountain. The weather is (a)... there. It is located in (b).... It is (c)...mountain.​



b.East java

c.An active volcanic

12. Old paper like newspaper and exercise paper is not always useless. it can be recycled. it means that paper can be (30) … into new paper as paper is not always made of wood; it can also be made of paper. waste paper is useful. yet, how is it done? first, waste paper is (31) … from everywhere. then, it is sorted into different groups. of course, some of the paper can not be recycled, so it is (32) … . the rest of paper which can be produced is taken to the mills. then, the paper is (33) … by using clean water. then, it is put in the paper making machine. 30. … a. used b. produced c. turned d. made e. exported 31. … a. used b. made c. distributed d. collected e. recycled 32. … a. deleted b. removed c. cleaned d. converted e. thrown 33. … a. cleaned b. used c. deleted d. removed e. taken

Old paper like newspaper and exercise paper is not always useless. it can be recycled. it means that paper can be turned into new paper as paper is not always made of wood; it can also be made of paper. waste paper is useful. yet, how is it done?

first, waste paper is collected from everywhere. then, it is sorted into different groups. of course, some of the paper can not be recycled, so it is removed the rest of paper which can be produced is taken to the mills. then, the paper is cleaned by using clean water. then, it is put in the paper making machine.

semoga membantu<3

13. it is located at the top as protection from rain and heat. it is​




udah emang itu jawaban nya


Semoga membantu

14. Berry : What is the stapler for?Jean : It ... together sheets of paper.A. fastenB.punchC. fastensD.punches​


C. Fastens


Semoga membantu


A. fasten


maaf klo salah

15. Terjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia1.it is for writing on the white board2they are for cutting things 3.it is for writing off letters on paper 4.it is for sharpening your pencil 5.it is keeping your stationaries in 6.it is to help your draw lines 7.it is for sweeping the flor 8.it is for sitting in 9.it is for wiping letters on whiteboard 10.it is your keeping your money in

1. itu untuk menulis di papan tulis2. mereka untuk memotong hal 3. itu untuk menulis surat di atas kertas4. itu untuk mengasah pensil Anda5. itu adalah menjaga alat-alat tulis di6. itu adalah untuk membantu garis panduan imbang7. itu untuk menyapu lantai8. itu untuk duduk di9. itu untuk menyeka huruf di papan tulis10. itu adalah Anda menyimpan uang Anda 

maaf kalau salah.......
1.Hal ini untuk menulis di papan papan putih mereka untuk memotong hal hal.

(Maaf kalau salah)

16. 39. Makassar - is - located - Where - ?A good arrangement for the words a bove isa. Located is Where Makasar?c. Where is Makasar located?b. Where is located Makasar?d. Makasar ​


c. where is makasar located


dimana makassar berada



17. Bromo Tengger SemeruNational Park is.... for its beauty, it is located in easr java​

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is a national park that is famous for its beauty, it is located in East Java

Sorry if wrong / Maaf kalau salah

18. 13. what is the meaning of T- Joction? it is..14. what is the meaning of crossroad? it is..15. where is monas located? it is located in..nanti ku foloww btw no 8- 15 tyy​


8. Next to

9. Parking

10. Between

11. across

12. next to

13. Pertigaan

14. Zebra cross atau tempat menyeberang

15. Jakarta


19. Where is seattle located? It is locatek in the state of


dimana lokasi seattle? itu locatek di negara bagian


Where is Seattle located?

It is located in the state of Washington.

Bila diartikan: Di manakah letak Seattle? Seattle terletak di negara bagian Washington


Seattle adalah salah satu kota besar di Amerika Serikat dan termasuk dalam negara bagian Washington.

Pada soal sudah terdapat petunjuk jawaban, yaitu the state of.

The state berarti negara bagian. Sehingga Seattle terletak di negara bagian washington, Amerika Serikat yang dalam bahasa Inggris adalah United State.

Pelajari lebih lanjut teks tentang Seattle pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3700620


20. 1. is-white-paper-the A. The is paper white B. The paper white is C. The paper is white 2.salma:is it number ninety tour? Nilam:...... A. Yes, i do B. Yes, I do not C. No, it is D. No,it is not 3. Teacher:.........? Student: I am fine, thank you


1.C the paper is white

2.D. no, it is not


1.C the paper is white

2.c no it is not


maaf kalau salah

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