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Why Did The Little Girl Paint Spots On The Staircase

Why Did The Little Girl Paint Spots On The Staircase

Why did the girl blame the boy.?

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1. Why did the girl blame the boy.?


Mengapa gadis itu menyalahkan anak laki -laki itu


2. What is the dialog abot? Based on the text above, why did the girl come to teh bank? In your opinion , why did the customer service need the girl mother's ID?


tolong sertakan teksnya


3. Why did the boy thank to the girl?​


The boy thank to the girl because she give her seat to him

4. 1.who was asleep 2 who began running up and down upon him 3.why was lion wakened and got angry 4.why did the little mouse cried 5.what did the little mouse promise 6.why did the lion lifted up his paw and let the mouse go 7. What did the little mouse hear sometime later 8.what happen to the lion 9.why was the lion despaired 10.what did the little mouse do to free the lion

1. the lion
2. the little mouse
5. the little mouse promise that he will help the lion when the lion in trouble

i remember the story but just a little. that all the answer i can give u from what i remember.... sorry if there mistakes :D
'n hope that will help u ^^

5. 1) why is the title out of the darkness 2) why did the girl need nearly a week to remember the tragedy? 3) what made the girl sure that the light near the shore? 4) why did the girl need to struggle up the cliffs? 5) in your opinion, who found her?


1)kenapa judulnya keluar dari kegelapan?

2)mengapa gadis itu membutuhkan waktu hampir seminggu untuk mengingat tragedi itu?

3)apa yang membuat gadis itu yakin bahwa ada cahaya didekat pantai?

4)mengapa gadis itu harus memanjat tebing?

5)menurutmu siapa yang menemukannya?


di artikan yakan

6. why did the woman name the girl thumbelina?? Tolong dijawab ya..!

Hmmm textnya mana? tapi seingetku jawabannya

Because thumbelina as small as thumb

7. The little girl is very happy. she screams ..... on receiving the doll.

ank kecil itu sangat senang dia berteriak.. saat mengambil boneka ituShe screams loudly on receiving the doll.

8. 1. what were the three things the boy did'nt like about the girl? 2. why was the boy annoyed with his sister? 3. what did he think the girl liked him? 4. what kind of the girl does he want? 5. why did he look at the girl in the first place?

1. What were the three things the boy didn't like about the girl?
The things he didn't like about the girls were she was a late person, she ordered the most expensive food on the menu, and she moved her hands a lot even when she wasn't talking.

2. Why was the boy annoyed with his sister?
Because his sister told the girl that he fancied her.

3. What did he think the girl liked him?

He thought the girl liked him from the way she was looking at him and she laughed at his jokes.

4. What kind of the girl does he want?

He wants a girl who is more beautiful and who order cheap food.

5. Why did he look at the girl in the first place?

Because she thought she looked interesting.

9. The little girl is hiddingabove the bushesbehind the busheson the busheswith the bushes​


With bushes


10. Why did the girl say that news ?


Mengapa gadis itu mengatakan berita itu?

Penjelasan: semoga membantu jadikan yang terbaik

11. The ball was being kicked by a little girla. A little girl kicks the ball.b. A little girl was kicking the ball.c. A little girl is kicking the ball.d. A little girl kicked the ball.​


The ball was being kicked by a little girl

a. A little girl kicks the ball.


c. A little girl is kicking the ball.

d. A little girl kicked the ball.




12. Tunjukkan jawaban dari soal ini Why did the little boy cry


"mengapa anak kecil itu menangis"



mengapa anak kecil itu menangis?


because, fighting over toy cars

gtw gambarnya kek gimana makannya aku jawabnya setau ku aja :v

13. 1.where id the story' happen?2.why did the writer come the park ?3.how does the writer choose to sit on the park?4.why did the writer choose to sit in the corner?5.who are the girl and the guys?​


1. At the Park

2. He/She came for taking a rest from her/his cycling

3. The writer choose to sit in the corner

4. So the writer can see the whole park

5. They are all the writer cousins



#Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya


14. Why did Hangga say that the girl was good?

Kenapa hangga mengatakan bahwa gadis itu baik

15. Why did the girl blame the boy artinya

Mengapa anak perempuan memukul anak laki-laki? kenapa perempuan itu menyalahkan laki-laki itu?

16. Why did the girl need to strunggle up the cliffs


Mengapa gadis itu harus memanjat tebing


jadikan jawaban yg terbaik ya

Why did the girl need to strynggle up the cliffs
Artinya :
Mengapa Gadis itu perlu memanjat tebing

17. Why did the writer paint her room pink


Because it's natural.Some of woman like pink and some are not.Or it is er destiny.

You din't give more details about the writer

18. 1. What did Anna's father do?2. Why did the king put Anna in a room full of 3. straw and a spinning wheel?3. Why did Anna cry?4. Who helped Anna?5. What was the king's reaction when he saw the gold?6. What did Anna give to the little man the second time?7. What did Anna agree to give to the little man the third time?8. What did the queen do to guess the little man's name?9. Where did the messenger find the name of the little name?10. Why was the little man very angry?​


1.Anna's Father told everyone his daughter can make straw to gold

2.So That Anna can make straw to gold

3.Because she cant make straw to gold

4.The Little Man

5.The Kings reaction is Surprised

6.She gave The Little Man her ring

7.Her First Bron Child

8.Sent the messenger to find her his name

9.Inside The Forest

10.Bacause she found his name

Maaf ya kalo salah

19. 1) why is the title out of the darkness 2) why did the girl need nearly a week to remember the tragedy? 3) what made the girl sure that the light near the shore? 4) why did the girl need to struggle up the cliffs? 5) in your opinion, who found her? Tolong dibantu


1. because "out of the darkness" told about how the girl passed & struggled up in the dark night, and finally in that morning, she could saw the light and reached the shore.

2. because she was in the hospital, she did a big struggle to safe her life from storm, and it needs more time to remember whole life in hospital.. (she is a patient)

3. because she has seen a light ahead, and a high enough to climb up the cliffs, she had known about it..

4. because the cliffs is too step to climb up, and she must struggle up to reached the light she had seen (arrive to the shore).

5. in my opinion, the team rescue or "SAR Team" with helicopter found her.. because, in my knowledge, when someone is in trouble or conjuncture they must reach the safe place, such as : this shore, and maybe "the girl" make/ carve a big sign (HELP/ SOS) on the sand with wood.. so the "SAR Team" could knew it and approached her, and took her to hospital.

sekian menurut aku, maaf jika kurang tepat, menurut ku sih dah tepat ya hehe

20. the girl.........umbrella is on the rain is my little sister

The Girl Has Umbrella Is On The Rain Is My Little Sister.
Terima Kasih.
Maaf, Kalau Salah.

the girl who umbrella is on the rain is my little sister

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