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As Good As Dead Pdf

As Good As Dead Pdf

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1. apa fungsi dari 'export directly as PDF'?

Export : Untuk mengekspor dokumen ke format lain.
Export as PDF : Untuk membuat file pdf.Export as PDF : Untuk membuat file pdf

2. Jelaskan fungsi dari save, save as dan export as (pdf,jpg,png,gif,tiff,dll) adalah?

kalo save itu kita menyimpan data/file secara langsung pekerjaan yg sedang dikerjakan..

sedangkan save as adalah menyimpan data/file baru dengan tidak mengubah data/file sebelumnya..

kalo export as itu biasanya mengubah format file dari bentuk satu ke bentuk lainnya tanpa menghilangkan data yang diubah, dengan kata lain membuat file baru dari file sebelumnya dan mengganti bentuk formatnya (convert)

contoh untuk export as itu sendiri seperti meng-convert file .pdf menjadi .txt yang artinya file akan berubah format dan aplikasi yg digunakan akan berbeda..

ini berlaku untuk save juga.. nisalnya kalo save dari ms.word akan berbentuk format .txt
kalo save dari Photoshop ato aplikasi edit file akan berformat .png
kalo save foto biasanya akan berbentuk .jpg atau .jpegSave = Menyimpan data/file secara langsung pekerjaan yg sedang kita kerjakan.
Save as = Menyimpan data/file baru dgn tidak mengubah data/file sebelumnya.
Export as = Mengubah format file dr bentuk satu ke bentuk lainnya (membuat file baru dr file sebelumnya)
PDF = Merepresentasikan dokumen dua dimensi yang melibatkan teks, huruf, citra dan grafik vektor 2 dimensi
JPG = Standar gambar di Internet
PNG = Menggantikan format penyimpanan citra GIF
GIF = Gambar di web dan sprite dalam program perangkat lunak
TIFF = Format gambar terbaik dengan pengertian bahwa semua data dan informasi (data RGB, data CMYK, dan lainnya) yang berkaitan dengan koreksi atau manipulasi terhadap gambar tersebut tidak hilang

3. 18. Untuk menyimpan tipe file PDF pada MS Word2016 diperlukan tool add in yaitu ....a. Word to Pdf converterb. Word ConverterAdd in save asd. Add in Microsoft save as pdfC.Word to pdf​


D. Add in Microsoft Save as PDF

4. The sentence She did not worry anymore because the giant was dead.' could possibly be restated as...​


............... ..........

5. Andi membuka sebuah file yang dibuatnya di microsoft word dan melakukan pengeditan.kemudian andi menyimpan file tersebut dalam format "pdf" mengunakan perintah...A.OpenB.SaveC.Save asD.Share​

D. Share


soalnya aku juga kalo mau ngumpulin tugas gitu tinggal pencet share terus pilih aja yang PDF:)

find add-ins for other file formats

7. translate are often told, "Colonialism is dead." Let us not be deceived or even soothedhat. I say to you, colonialism is not yet dead. How can we say it is dead, so longas vast areas of Asia and Africa are unfree.​



sering dikatakan, "Kolonialisme sudah mati." Jangan sampai kita tertipu atau bahkan ditenangkan

topi. Saya katakan kepada Anda, kolonialisme belum mati. Bagaimana kita bisa mengatakan itu sudah mati, begitu lama

karena wilayah yang luas di Asia dan Afrika tidak bebas.

8. As far as i know, natural gas is a fossil fuel formed...the anaerobic digestion of different kinds of dead matter found underneath the earth's surface...this gas is drilled from beneath the same way as petroleum...there are extraction methods using coal, known as 'coal gasification'..its high cost, this method is not used to a great extent a) therefore b) due to c) also d) because of


As far as I know, natural gas is a fossil fuel formed (d) because of the anaerobic digestion of different kinds of dead matter found underneath the earth's surface. (a) Therefore this gas is drilled from beneath the same way as petroleum (c) also there are extraction methods using coal, known as 'coal gasification'. (b) Due to its high cost, this method is not used to a great extent.


This exercise is focusing on the complex sentences by using connectors to form clause of reason and purpose, cause-and-effect, and addition. Three connectors in the option are connectors for such like 'due to', 'because of' and 'therefore'.

Here's the pattern:

S + V + O + complement , because of + noun.  (clause of reason)

Due to + noun, S + V + O + complement. (clause of reason)

S + V + O + complement, therefore + clause (clause of cause and effect)

S + V + O + complement, S + also + V + O + complement (clause of addition)

Here is the example:

The students were disappointed because of their bad result in the midtest.Due to his injury, Mo Salah had to miss out the semifinal match. Barcelona's key players are getting older, therefore, they need to revamp the squad next season. Luis Suarez isn't as fast as four years ago, he is also losing his instinct to score goals.

Based on the text above, it can be seen the correlation between the clause before and after the gap.

The first gap is using 'because of' as '...natural gas is a fossil fuel formed' is caused by 'the anaerobic digestion.....the earth surface'. The second phrase shows the reason and in the form of noun phrase. So the best answer is (d), by considering the position in the middle of the sentence as well.

The second gap is using 'therefore' since 'this gas is drilled from....as petroleum' shows the effect of the material found underneath the earth surface, which is stated in the previous sentence. So, the best answer is (a)

The third gap is using 'also' as the sentence after the gap merely states the additional way of gaining the mineral from beneath mentioned in the previous sentence. Thus, the best answer is (c).

The fourth gap is using 'due to' since after the gap there is '...its high cost' which shows the reason why this method is not used as mentioned afterwards. Thus, the best answer is (b).

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Clause of reason   brainly.co.id/tugas/14683360

The example of sentence with 'therefore' brainly.co.id/tugas/8048695

Detail Jawaban:

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: English

Kategori: complex sentences

Kode: 11.5.6

Kata kunci: therefore, due to, because of, also, clause of reason

9. generic structure 11 dead as mideast battered by hail snow rain

artinya : Struktur umum 11 mati sebagai timur laut yang digempur hujan es hujan salju

phenomenon in arab and middle east..
start from floody and snowfall.. 

Doomsday :vMIDDLE EAST – Abnormal storms which for four days have blasted the Middle East with rain, snow and hail have left at least 11 people dead and brought misery to Syrian refugees huddled in camps. Officials reported that two women were found dead in the West Bank on Wednesday after their car was swept away in floods, while a 30-year-old man froze to death in Taalabaya, in Lebanon’s Bekaa province, after he fell asleep drunk in his car. Snow carpeted Syria’s war-torn cities but sparked no let-up in the fighting, instead heaping fresh misery on a civilian population already enduring a chronic shortage of heating fuel and daily power cuts. In Jerusalem, schools closed at midday and driving wind, hail and rain battered the city as temperatures hovered just above freezing and the polar air mass moving down from Russia sent temperatures plummeting as far south as Cairo. Raging winds and flash floods caused widespread damage to infrastructure across the Palestinian territories. “The Palestinian infrastructure is deeply flawed and unable to handle weather like this,” said Ghassan Hamdan, head of medical relief in the northern city of Nablus. Torrential rain since Sunday in a region unaccustomed to such deluges has sparked widespread flooding that has also led to transport chaos and helicopter evacuations. Met offices warned that the below-normal temperatures threatened to turn accumulated water to black ice and in Jordan police warned against all but essential travel as traffic accidents multiplied. They said hazardous driving conditions had caused more than 700 traffic accidents in 48 hours. In northern Jordan, conditions for Syrian refugees in the Zaatari camp near the border were miserable as they battled a sea of mud and plummeting temperatures. “My tent has been destroyed. I tried to fix it but it did not work. We don’t know what to do,” said Mohammad Hamed, 30, who fled the conflict in Syria a month ago. “We need help. Urgent help. If this situation continues, our children will die.” Conditions were little better for Syrian refugees in neighboring Lebanon, where the UN refugee agency began moving those living under canvas. “With this very harsh weather, shelters have been threatened and now that snow is hitting the Bekaa people are really in need of assistance,” UNHCR external relations officer Cecile Fradot told AFP. “Today we are relocating families whose shelters have been flooded in the north,” she said. In Syria itself, state television broadcast regular live reports from the snow-covered streets of Damascus, while activists in the battleground city of Homs posted images of a mosque in a rebel-held neighborhood cloaked in white. There was no respite for civilians from the 21-month conflict, however. Four children from one family were among as many as 10 civilians killed in a pre-dawn air strike just outside Homs, a watchdog reported. The two women found dead near the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem — one from the ancient Samaritan community — had been posted as missing since Tuesday. A third passenger, believed to have been their taxi driver, was alive but reportedly in serious condition. The latest deaths, as well as that of the man who froze to death in Lebanon, raised the death toll to 11 reportedly linked to the weather since Sunday. An Israeli army spokeswoman said that on Tuesday, soldiers helped evacuate a bus carrying 30 Palestinian children, as well as an ambulance stuck in floodwaters in the Jenin area of the northern West Bank. –Space Daily

10. [Semangat Puasa Sebentar Lagi Lebaran] Latihan ulangan kenaikan kelas: Jika Anda menghendaki file yang Anda buat dengan OpenOffice.org menjadi file pdf, Anda dapat melakukannya menggunakan menu . . . . a. Open b. New c. Export as PDF d. Exit e. Close

C. Eksport as PDF
atau biasanya Eksport to PDF

Semoga membantu :)Jawaban = C.Export as PDF

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Bisa dilihat digambar ya...

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B. klik file > export as > png, jpg, pdf


Maaf ya.. kalau salah


b. klik file > export as > png, jpg, pdf

semoga membantu:)

13. a 5. Cara menyimpan poster pada Wird adalah .... a. klik File > Save To Sharepoint b. klik File > Send Using E-Mail c. klik File > Publish As Blog Post d. klik File > Save as Adobe PDF​

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Save as type (untuk microsoft word 2010 dan 2013)
yang berada tepat di bawah file name.

15. artikan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia , unfortunately, these advances have made Indonesia indigenous cultures dead, because as the progres, Indonesia is now starting to lead to a foreign lifestyletolong jawab ​



Sayangnya kemajuan tersebut telah membuat budaya asli Indonesia mati, karena seiring perkembangannya, Indonesia kini mulai mengarah pada gaya hidup asing


maaf kalo salah


Sayangnya kemajuan tersebut telah membuat budaya asli Indonesia mati, karena seiring perkembangannya, Indonesia kini mulai mengarah pada gaya hidup asing


emang hp mu ngga ada translete nya


Save as >. Pdf /. Xps

17. previous generations of my family now dead are collectively known as my?

Ancestors kalo gak salah

18. Buku Sekolah Elektronik BSE Soal Latihan Ujian Akhir Semester SMA/SMK 2016* Latihan ulangan kenaikan kelas: Jika Anda menghendaki file yang Anda buat dengan OpenOffice.org menjadi file pdf, Anda dapat melakukannya menggunakan menu . . . . a. Open b. New c. Export as PDF d. Exit e. Close

C. Export as PDF

Semoga Membantu!

19. Mr.Potter expected hos class to be as silent as the grave while he was talking. The simile as silent as the grave means... A. The class had to pretend that they were dead. B. The class had to visit a grave and be quiet. C. The class could not make a sound. D. The class looked like a grave.

Jawaban: C. The class could not make a sound.

Penjelasan:C.Kelas tidak bisa bersuara.

Semoga membantuu


D. The class looked like a grave.


20. translate.... We are often told, "Colonialism is dead." Let us not be deceived or even soothedy chat. I say to you, colonialism is not yet dead. How can we say it is dead, so longas vast areas of Asia and Africa are unfree.Anilirmonlarin the formation​


Kita sering diberi tahu, "Kolonialisme sudah mati." Jangan sampai kita tertipu atau bahkan ditenangkan

kamu mengobrol. Saya katakan kepada Anda, kolonialisme belum mati. Bagaimana kita bisa mengatakan itu sudah mati, begitu lama

karena wilayah yang luas di Asia dan Afrika tidak bebas.

Sebuah ilirmonlar dalam formasi

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