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Cylinders And Cones Are Just Polyhedrons With Circular Bases

Cylinders And Cones Are Just Polyhedrons With Circular Bases

Three identical cones each have a radius of 50 and a height of 120. The cones are placed so that their circular bases are touching each other. A sphere is placed so that it rests in the space created by the three cones, as shown. If the top of the sphere is level with the tops of the cones, then the radius of the sphere is closest to…a. 38,9b. 38,5c. 38,7d. 38,3e. 38,1​

Daftar Isi

1. Three identical cones each have a radius of 50 and a height of 120. The cones are placed so that their circular bases are touching each other. A sphere is placed so that it rests in the space created by the three cones, as shown. If the top of the sphere is level with the tops of the cones, then the radius of the sphere is closest to…a. 38,9b. 38,5c. 38,7d. 38,3e. 38,1​



ga bisa basa engres

2. What are the differences between acids and bases?

Itu kak asam dan basa perbedaan diantara mereka

3. What are the bases of election in indonesia

General elections were held in Indonesia on 17 April 2019. For the first time in the country's history, the president, the vice president

4. Tolong bantu buat dialognya ( jgn terlalu pendek) You have just arrived at the office and are waiting for the elevator. Your boss arrives and waits with you

topik pembicaraannya apa? kalau cuman sekedar bertemu dan say hi aja ya sulit untuk dibikin panjang

5. dialog dengan tema "you have just a vacation, you are really satisfied with your vacation

A: "My my. I have a massive vacation"
B: "Really? where did you go?"
A: "I went to Bali. I saw Kuta beach Sanur beach and much more"
B: "That's awesome"
A: "I had taken so many photos. Especially at 'Tanah Lot'"
B: "You must be statisfied"
A: "I also saw Kecak dance and i have something to eat and the name is 'brem' "
B: " Wow, aaah my God. I wish i can go there"
A: "You bet"

6. What is the area of a parallelogram whose bases are 9 cm long, whose opposite sides are 4 cm long, and whose altitude is 3 cm?


Berapakah luas jajaran genjang yang panjang alasnya 9 cm, yang sisi-sisinya panjang 4 cm, dan yang ketinggiannya 3 cm?

7. SQUARES cones cubes​

Squares = Kotak

Cubes = Kubus

NB : Maaf Kalau Kurang Dan Salah

square = kotak
cone = kerucut
cube = kubus
oval = lonjong / bulat telur
circle = lingkaran
cylinder = tabung
triangle = segitiga
rectangle = persegi panjang

8. They never interact with other people, they are just live by......​


Family (Maybe)


Because They Don't Live With Other People, And There's No Way They Live Alone, So I Guess They Live With Family

9. If height of two cones are in the ratio 1:4 and radii of their bales are in ratio 4:1 ,then the ra tio of their volume is

volume of cone = ⅓ π r² t

volume of cone A = ⅓ π 4² 1
volume of cone A = 16/3 π

volume of cone B = ⅓ π 1² 4
volume of cone B = 4/3 π

so the ratio of cone A's volume to cone B's volume

[tex] \frac{ \frac{16}{3}\pi }{ \frac{4}{3} \pi} = \frac{16}{3} \times \frac{3}{4} = \frac{4}{1} [/tex]
4 : 1

10. look at the picture and complete the sentences with "can" or "can"t (cannot) bases on each picture​

4. Lisa can dance.

5. Monkey can't fly.

6. Hyena can't laugh.

7. Brandon is an American. He can't speaks korean.

8. Mr. Juan can't see anything because he is blind.

9. Bayu can ride in-line skate.


4. Lisa can dance.

5. Monkey can't fly.

6. Hyena can't laugh.

7. Brandon is an American. He can't speaks korean.

8. Mr. Juan can't see anything because he is blind.

9. Bayu can ride in-line skate.

11. why are some people just sticking with his friends, and they stay owy from those they don't know?​


because friends know us better than people we just know. Even though people who are new to us have contributed to us


karena teman lebih mengenal kita lebih dahulu dari orang yang baru kita kenal. Meskipun orang yang baru kenal kepada kita telah berjasa kepada kita


maybe because they already know each other so it's comfortable to stick together, its different when you with strangers..may be sometimes we are comfortable with them, but they are uncomfortable with us

12. 6. Density is a derived quantity are those whose units are derived from bases quantity.... A. length and time B. mass and time C. mass and length D. temperature and timebantuuu yaa..nnti malam terakhir ngumpull ​


Density is a derived quantity are those whose units are derived from bases quantity C.massandlength.

13. The circular positions of the following figures are semicircles.for each of the following figures find its perimetere and area kerjain A,B,and C

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


keliling lingkaran =

[tex]2 \pi r[/tex]

[tex] = 2 \times \frac{22}{7} \times \frac{21}{2} \\ = 66[/tex]

kelililig total = 66 + 2×(36-21)

= 66 + 30 = 96cm

parimeter = 96 cm

luas = luas lingkaran + luas persegi

[tex] = \frac{22}{7} \times {21}^{2} + {(36 - 21)}^{2} \\ = 1386 + 225 \\ = 1611[/tex]

luas = 1611 cm^2

area = 1611 cm^2

a aja ya....

14. Susunlah are/circular/wheels/these

these are circular wheels

15.  It has three circular lamps with .................colours tolong artikan mau di kumpul sekarang​

ia memiliki tiga lampu bundar dengan ... warna


maaf kalo salah

16. just me and you against the world= and i'll spend my life to keep my words= to be with you is at all and me cause with you my life seem brither and this are all the thank's a wanna say=

Hanya aku dan kamu menghadapi dunia
Dan aku akan menyerahkan hidupku untuk menjaga kata-kataku
Untuk bersamamu adalah segalanya (and me?) karena bersamamu hidupku tampak lebih terang/cerah, dan ini adalah semua rasa terima kasih yang ingin aku katakan

17. Conifers such as cedars, firs, and pines they bear their seeds in cones.

Perbaikan dari kalimat di atas adalah:

Conifers such as cedars, firs, and pines are bear their seeds in cones.


Dalam Bahasa Inggris juga terdapat penulisan kata yang salah terutama dalam grammer. Untuk soal di atas, penulisan kata yang kurang tepat terdapat dalam kata they.

Conifers such as cedars, firs, and pines they bear their seeds in cones.

Hal tersebut karena conifers seperti cedars, firs, dan pines merupakan kata yang menunjukkan jamak atau jumlah lebih dari 1. Namun penggunaan yang tepat dalam kalimat adalah kata 'are' bukan they. Karena subject harus diikuti dengan to be.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang grammer pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3801795

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

18. tolong bantu aku please I widths at home with mom and dad, I just silahturrahmi with relatives and just having fun at home with relatives, while Eid I was bored tolong terjemahin ke bahasa indonesia

Saya berlebaran di rumah bersama ibu dan ayah, saya hanya bersilaturrahmi dengan kerabat dan bersenag senang dengan mereka. Selama Idul fitri saya merasa bosan.

Widths - menurutku yang dimaksud adalah Lebaran. Walaupun sebenarnya pertanyaannya sendiri salah. Karena dalam bahasa inggris, lebaran itu bukan widths. Gunakan kata Eid untuk lebaran sudah cukup.

19. past perfect and simple past ,lagu just the way you are

Past perfect :
I'd never ask you to change
if she'd let me

simple past :
I could kiss them all day
There's not a thing that I would change

maaf kalau ada yang salah

20. this fruit has much water.the color of the 'flesh' is red with thick,green skin.The shape is large and circular

correct me if i wrongjawaban nya Watermelon (semangka)

isi nya merah (flesh)
warnanya hijau tebal (skin)
Bentuknya besar dan bundar (shape)

ur welcome :)

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