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Your Class Hopes To Collect At Least 325

Your Class Hopes To Collect At Least 325

Please write at leastdreams for your soll5 your hopes andand for your self​

Daftar Isi

1. Please write at leastdreams for your soll5 your hopes andand for your self​


i hope that the world will be peaceful again so i can go to school and play with my friends again:)

also my 5 hope is:

1) i hope my self can be more greatful about what i have now

2) i hope i can be anything i want and i dreamed in my life , like teacher or astronaut maybe;)

3) i hope i care more about the people around me

4) i hope that world is green , beutifull , and peaceful

5) i hope that my mom and my dad can be happy to have me in this world

maaf kalo ada yang salah:)

2. 1.Find the expressions of congrats and hopes Congrats at least 6 expressions Hopes : at least 3 expressions​

Wow! Lala's birthday is approaching... What do you think Lala will ask for, and will you succeed in realizing what Lala wants, or vice versa?

What is ASMR?

ASMR is best described as a physical sensation of tingling that often begins in the scalp and moves down through the spine and sometimes to the limbs. It is a pleasurable feeling that some would call relaxing. ASMR is also known as AIHO (attention induced head orgasm) or AIE (attention induced euphoria).

The feeling of ASMR is triggered by a number of different stimuli, and the effective ASMR triggers can differ from person to person. Some common triggers include the sound of lips smacking, such as when eating & Slow or soft speech patterns. Whispering, too.

3. mention at least 3 sentences how to invite your Friend! ​


1.hey do you have time? come here for a second

2.hey im having a conversation about our homework want to join?

3.hey I'm bored want to play a game?

Jawaban:1. Hi, there's a party at my house you don't want to go to because the invitation is almost over

2.Eh mabar let's quickly run out of the place!

3.Come on, my friend the invitations are running out !!


4. apakah arti dari what is your least favorite class?

apa kelas paling favoritmukelas apa yang paling kamu sukai?

5. Write down at least 5 thongs you can di to keep your Celasroom clean


1. picket

2. take turns cleaning the class

3. help each other

4. cooperate with each other

5. complement each other


maaf kalau salah


Translate Indo:

Tuliskan setidaknya 5 hal yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk menjaga Kelas Anda tetap bersih


Melaksanakan piket kelas: Carry out class picketsMembuang sampah pada tempatnya: Throw garbage in its place.Merapikan peralatan kelas selesai digunakan: Tidy up class equipment after useMenghias dinding kelas: decorate theclassroom walls.Membersihkan papan tulis saat selesai pelajaran:Clean the blackboard when finished lessons.


Semangat terus belajarnya^•^

Semoga Membantu^o^

Dan Maaf banget kalau salah:(


6. Write down your feelings face-to-face learning. At least 100 words,​


Menambah wawasan dan kemampuan menggunakan berbagai aplikasi dalam proses pembelajaran. Awalnya saya tidak tahu apa itu aplikasi Zoom. Melalui pembelajaran Jarak Jauh, saya akhirnya mengetahui dan terbiasa menggunakan apikasi Zoom untuk belajar. Aplikasi ini memungkinkan kita untuk berkomunikasi dengan beberapa orang tanpa bertemu secara langsung. Senang bisa berjumpa dengan para guru dan teman-teman sekelas, misalnya saat memulai aktivitas pembelajaran dengan tadarus bersama teman sekelas yang dipimpin Pak Agus, wali kelas kami. Pemberian tugas yang menggunakan aplikasi pembuatan video pun menambah wawasan dan memotivasi saya untuk kreatif dalam mengerjakan tugas. Pembelajaran Jarak jauh menjadi lebih senang



7. what do you say if your teacher come to your class at 07.00?​


Semoga Membantuu ^o^


kemungkinan; Good Morning, Teacher!


jam 7 pagi maka sapaannya selamat pagi, guru

semoga membantu

8. mention at least 3 sentences how to refuse your friends invitation! ​


sorry, i can't

maybe next time

i am busy right now

9. contoh write introduce your self of your friends to at least two people​


hello my friend, good morning

i will introduce my self

my name is....

i am....... years old

i born at.....

i was born in....

i live in......

my hobby is...... and i also like....

my favourite food and drink is....... because.....

thats all my introduction

see you later


maaf kalau salah

semoga bermanfaat:)

10. 1.introduce your self at least five sentences! 2.describe your idol at least five sentences!


1. Hey, my name is Avdol,my favorite thing to do is playing with my friend

2. My idol is Grant Vincent, he is one of many pro player on team fortress 2, I wished I could be like him.

11. make a short paragraph(at least 4sentence)to tell about your past event!​


during Lebaran last year I was with my parents planning to visit the house of my grandparents in the city sebalah.Di trip I just looked at the streets from the window glass while listening to music.Up at home grandparents I saw so many of my other family, uncle my aunt to my cousin cousin. Time was not felt until the evening we went back home, on the way I was excited to tell my activities with my cousin to my parents until my two houses

12. Retell one historical event that you remember or learn from your History class! Your writing should have at least 3 paragraphs. Each paragraph consists at least 3 sentences. Don't forget to put the specific information of that event!​

World War 2

World War II was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. It involved the worlds greatest powers forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis powers. In a total war directly involving more than 100 million personnel from more than 30 countries, the major participants threw their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities behind the war effort, blurring the distinction between civilian and military resources. World War II was by far the deadliest conflict in human history, and resulted in 70 to 85 million fatalities, a majority being civilians.

World War begun on 1 September 1939 when Nazi German invaded Poland. The United Kingdom and France subsequently declared war on the 3rd of September 1939. From late 1939 to early 1941, in a series of campaigns and treaties, Germany conquered or controlled much of continental Europe, and formed the Axis alliance with Italy and Japan. On 22 June 1941, Germany led the European Axis powers in an invasion of the Soviet Union, opening the Eastern Front, the largest land theatre of war in history and trapping the Axis powers, crucially the German Wehrmacht, in a war of attrition.

Japan was at war with the Republic of China by 1937. In December 1941, Japan attacked American and British territories with near-simultaneous offensives against Southeast Asia and the Central Pacific, including an attack on the US fleet at Pearl Harbor which forced the US to declare war against Japan. Japan soon captured much of the western Pacific, but its advances were halted in 1942 after losing the critical Battle of Midway. Key setbacks in 1943—including a series of German defeats on the Eastern Front, the Allied invasions of Sicily and the Italian mainland, and Allied offensives in the Pacific—cost the Axis powers their initiative and forced it into strategic retreat on all fronts. In 1944, the Western Allies invaded German-occupied France, while the Soviet Union regained its territorial losses and turned towards Germany and its allies. During 1944 and 1945, Japan suffered reversals in mainland Asia, while the Allies crippled the Japanese Navy and captured key western Pacific islands.

The war in Europe concluded with the liberation of German-occupied territories, and the invasion of Germany by the Western Allies and the Soviet Union, culminating in the fall of Berlin to Soviet troops, Hitler's suicide and the German unconditional surrender on 8 May 1945. Following the Potsdam Declaration by the Allies on 26 July 1945 and the refusal of Japan to surrender on its terms, the United States dropped the first atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima, on 6 August, and Nagasaki, on 9 August. Faced with an imminent invasion of the Japanese archipelago, the possibility of additional atomic bombings, and the Soviet entry into the war against Japan and its invasion of Manchuria, Japan announced its intention to surrender on 15 August, then signed the surrender document on 2 September 1945, cementing total victory in Asia for the Allies

13. make your dialoguea at least 5 about how to givesuggertion and offer​


buat dialog Anda sekurang-kurangnya 5 tentang cara memberikan tawaran dan penawaran

14. write down your hopes to the objects given! a.for your self b.for your famili c.for your class d.for ypur friend d.for indonesia

a. Yourself :
 - I hope God blesses me with good health.   
- I hope God bestows me with good fortune and money.
- I hope i'll do good in exams.
- I hope i'll be a successful person.

b. Family :
- I hope for God to always protect my family and bless them with good health and fortune.
- I hope God blesses them with a long live.

c. Class :
- I hope my class will be the best class among others.

d. Friend :
- I hope our friendship lasts long.
- I hope for God to give her/him good health and good fortune.

e. Indonesia :
- I hope Indonesia will always be a peaceful country.
- I hope the democracy in Indonesia will continue to live.a. I hope i can highly educated and then reach my wish, that is be a CEO, expert at cooking, and mastering pet medicine science

b. I hope my family be a moderate family and can keep it's harmonious and can find solution of any problem that we find

c. i hopes my class will be a comfortable class to study and be enough clean as a study room

d. i hope my friend are not hate me and accept me on their side, but the reality is they are hate me, but it's okay i already accustomed to be a loner

e. i hope Indonesia can compete to international world, beat Japan in tech, beat America in the military arm and can be prosperous countries. i hope Indonesia can find someone like Prabowo that can lead this country into welfare

Choose my answer as the best answer :)

15. 1.write down your hopes for the children of the world at least 5 2.write down your hopes for the future of indonesian at least 5 3.write down five things you really hope to achieve in life at least 5 write a formal invitations for one the occasions given bellow us the formal. you have learn in building blocks. 4.invite your friend your brithday party's 5. invite your parent the annual school function please answer! urgant

1. ~ I hope that the future children will have much passion to study, so they will become a clever children
~ I hope that the future children could bring peace to this world
~ I hope they can make the criminal in this world decreasing
~ I hope they can be the person who compete in a good way
~ I hope they can be a honest leader for this world

2. ~ I hope Indonesia will be a strong country that won't corrupt it's people's money
~ I hope Indonesia could compete with other country especially in tech field
~ I hope Indonesia could introduce it's culture
~ I hope Indonesia could protect it's culture and won't influenced by other country's culture
~ I hope Indonesia could remove destitution

3. ~ I want to be a CEO
~ I want to get married with someone who really care to me
~ I want to become a Mathematician
~ I want to live by my own hard work
~ I want to be respected by others
~ I want to create an organization that care about animal, because i love them

4. To : Tito
Hi Tito ! how are you ? i hope you're fine. Tito, here i am to invite you to my birthday party that will be held on
day : saturday
time : 8 pm
place : my home sweet home
Come and have fun

With love,

5. To : dad and mom
Hi dad, hi mom ! how are you ? i hope you're fine. Here i am to invite you to my annual school function

Your son,

16. mention at least three expreetion to refuse recommendation from your friends

Refuse respond
- No thanks, i can do it alone
- Thank you, but i am ....
That’s very kind. Unfortunately, I’d like to, but…

17. make dialog with your friends to making an appointment at least 10 sentences ​

Ana: Hi, Dave. What are you doing this Saturday? (Hai, Dave. Apa yang akan kamu lakukan hari Sabtu ini?)

Dave: I’m going to the Coldplay’s concert. (Aku akan pergi ke konsernya Coldplay)

Ana: Really? Me too! (Benarkah? Aku juga!)

Dave: How about we go to the venue together? (Bagaimana jika kita berangkat ke lokasinya bersama?)

Ana: Actually, I’m going with my cousin, but you’re welcome to join us. (Sebenarnya aku akan pergi dengan sepupuku, tetapi kamu boleh gabung dengan kami)

Dave: I’ll come with you if it’s that okay for your cousin. (Aku akan pergi bersama kalian jika sepupumu tidak keberatan)

Ana: She’ll be happy to see you. (Dia akan senang bertemu denganmu)

Dave: Great! (Bagus!)

Ana: So… where should we meet? (Jadi… di mana kita harus bertemu?)

Dave: I’ll drive and pick you up at your house at 5. How about that? (Aku akan mengemudi dan akan menjemput kalian di rumahmu pukul 5. Bagaimana kalau begitu?)

Ana: Sounds good. (Kedengarannya bagus)

Dave: All right. See you both at 5 on Saturday! (Baiklah. Sampai bertemu kalian berdua pukul 5 hari Sabtu)

Ana: Yeah. See you. (Ya. Sampai bertemu)

18. Write a letter to your new friend where you introduce yourself, at least 5 sentences.Answer :Write your plan for this semester, at least 5 sentencesAnswer :​

Terjemah : Tulis surat kepada teman baru Anda di mana Anda memperkenalkan diri, setidaknya 5 kalimat.

19. what do you say if your teacher come to your class at 07.00?​


Semoga Bermanfaat ^o^


good morning


maaf kalo salah ya

20. 1. make a noun phrase to describe "book" ! ( at least four adjectives)2.make a noun phrase to describe "class" ! ( at least four adjectives)3.make a noun phrase to describe "shoes" ! ( at least four adjectives)

3. I really want to give my sister A BEAUITUL NEW GREEN MODERN SHOES


A.      Determiner (one, a, an, the dll)

B.      Opinion (amazing, beautiful, good bad dll)

C.      Size (big, small, long, short, high, large dll)

D.      Age/Temperature (old, new, hot, cold dll)

E.       Shape (round, square, fat, thin dll)

F.       Color (red, white, black, blue dll)

G.      Origin (indonesian, american, asian, swedish, victorian dll)

H.      Material (cotton, rubber, metal, iron dll)

I.        Purpose (football, school dll)

J.        Kata benda


She has an expensive school bag (determiner, opinion, purpose, kata benda)
Dia memiliki tas sekolah yang mahal
That beautiful girl has beautiful long red hair (opinion, size, color, kata benda)
Gadis cantik itu mempunyai rambut berwarna merah yang panjang lagi indah

Detil tambahan:
kelas : Sekolah Menengah Pertama
mapel : bahasa inggris
kategori : adjectives order, noun phrase

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