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Teníamos Que Practicar Baloncesto Todos Los Días Correct Incorrect

Teníamos Que Practicar Baloncesto Todos Los Días Correct Incorrect

Medios a los que recurren las bellas artes y sentidos superiores que permiten que se disfrute

Daftar Isi

1. Medios a los que recurren las bellas artes y sentidos superiores que permiten que se disfrute


Las bellas artes incluyen el arte que se puede disfrutar con el sentido de la vista (ojos). Esta carta de arte se conoce como arte VISUAL.

2. 1.Are she a lawyer? (correct / incorrect)2.I am not a chef. (correct / incorrect)3.I are a smart student. (correct / incorrect)4.He are not Indonesian. (correct/ incorrect)5. You are not a singer. (correct / incorrect)​


1. incorrect

2. correct

3. incorrect

4. incorrect

5. correct

semoga membantu yaaaa

3. correct or incorrect???​


correct dong


4. the word "mash" similar with pound. (correct/incorrect)? ​


The word "mash" is similar with the word pound, so the answer is correct

Maaf jika ada yang salah

5. 1. Yesterday I go to Washington DC (Correct/Incorrect) 2. Everyday Mr. Johnson cleans his living room (Correct/Incorrect) 3. They usually take the bus to the office. (Correct/Incorrect) 4. Susan eats her breakfast. (Correct/Incorrect) 5. Melinda and Harry works in the bank. (Correct/Incorrect)


1. Kemarin saya pergi ke Washington DC (Benar / Salah)

2. Setiap hari Tuan Johnson membersihkan ruang tamunya (Benar / Salah)

3. Mereka biasanya naik bus ke kantor. (Benar / Salah)

4. Susan makan sarapannya. (Benar / Salah)

5. Melinda dan Harry bekerja di bank. (Benar / Salah

1. Incorrect (Salah)


Penulisan yang benar seharusnya "Yesterday I went to Washington DC" karena yesterday artinya kemarin sebagai kata keterangan waktu di masa lampau yang mana kalimatnya harus menggunakn past tense.

2. Correct (Benar)

3. Correct (Benar)

4. Correct (Benar)

5. Incorrect (Salah)

Karena verb (kata kerja) works ada tambahan 's' (work+s) yang seharusnya digunakan pada present tense untuk pronoun orang ketiga tunggal (she, he, it,).

6. Am I correct or incorrect? :(

9. A broken.
kalau breaking magnetnya masih dalam proses dipecahkan. kalau sudah pecah berarti broken.

yg lainnya sudah benar.

7. she can to see it correct or incorrect?




karena, modal "can" harus di ikuti oleh Vinfinitive (kata kerja dasar)

toseebukan kata kerja dasar karena di ikuti oleh kata to.

Contohkatakerjadasar (Vinfinitive):

see, talk, sleep, drink, help, etc

Jadi, koreksi dari kalimat shecantoseeadalah shecansee


8. 12. Los siguientes eventos que indican que una fuerza puede hacer que un objeto se mueva son ____ A. Los imanes atraen las uñas pequeñas. B. Realización de obras con plastilina C.La roca que se rompe con un martillo D. Coche abollado después de un accidente


C. La roca que se rompe con un martillo


semoga bermanfaat

9. tolong ka , ini cuma disuruh correct or incorrect

correct mah b aja

a. too > also
c. and > but
d. but > but also
e. also > and/as well as
f,g,j. or > nor
h. either > even if
i. (are/is) kebalik

10. The plane is arrives at 8 a.m.CORRECTINCORRECT​



The plane is arrives at 8 a.m.


Pesawat tiba pukul 8 pagi.


Karena pendaratan pesawat minimal 2 jam perjalanan

tiket pesawat itu ada jam 6 pagi ada jam 10 pagi ada jam 2 siang ada jam 5 sore

Ini incorrect ya, harusnya itu:

The plane arrives at 8 a.m.

Tidak usah pakai ‘is’ ya

11. pada no.8 jawaban nya correct atau incorrect? dan apa alasannya

incorrect, karena 'subsequently' adalah adverb yg harusnya diletakkan stlh objek 'them'

12. write c if correct write i for incorrect


kalo gak ada bacaan nya gak bisa kaa

13. Some of the sentences are incorrect. Find the errors and rewrite the correct sentence. 1. When the phone rang during Bill's dinner, he was answering the phone. (Correct / Incorrect) 2. All the students were listening to the professor's lecture very carefully. (Correct / Incorrect) 3. It rained when we left the apartment, so we took the umbrella. (Correct / Incorrect) 4. Kathy was injuring her knee when we played tennis on Saturday. (Correct / Incorrect) 5. What were you doing last night when I called you? (Correct / Incorrect) 6. We arrived at the concert late. People danced and the band played loudly. (Correct / Incorrect) 7. Did it rain when you were on vacation? (Correct / Incorrect) 8. What was the policeman doing when the accident was happening? (Correct / Incorrect) 9. While I watched television last night, someone called. (Correct / Incorrect) 10. Someone was stealing the valuable painting from the gallery last night. (Correct / Incorrect)

1. Correct
2. Incorrect
3. Correct
4. Correct
5. Correct
6. Incorrect
7. Incorrect
8. correct
9. correct
10. Correct


Here's the answer:

1. incorrect / wrong - it should be '.......bill's dinner, he then answered the phone.' because it should be about the response, not the actiivity in progress in the past (if using past continous) and it's illogical as you can't be answering the phone when the phone rang, unless it's explained that there are two phones.

2. correct / right - as it shows the activity in progress in the past, so it uses past continous.

3. wrong - it should be 'it was raining...' as it's the past event in progress.

4. wrong - it should be 'Kathy was injured when she was playing tennis....' because 'playing tennis' happens longer or first so, it should be in 'past continous', while 'injury' happens later or shorter, so it should be in past simple.

5. right - as it asks the past activity in progress

6. wrong - it should be '...People had been dancing and the band had been playing loudly. ' because 'we arrived late', which means the dancing and music had already been in progress in the past.

7. wrong - it should be 'was it raining...?'

8. wrong - it should be '....when the accident happened.' since 'the accident' happens shorter or later, so it should be in past simple.

9. wrong - it should be 'when I was watching TV...' as 'watching TV' takes longer or happens first than a call from someone, so it uses past continous.

10. wrong - it should be 'someone stole ....' as it simply tells a past event, not the one in progress.

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: English

Kategori: past tense

kata kunci: past simple, continuous.

14. tentukanlah kalimat yang correct dan incorrect!​












15. Ubahlah kalimat incorrect ini ke kalimat correct

1. Mary doesn't like playing games.
2. Why are you always late?
3. Do you like watching tv with your family?
4. Marina and my family live in a small town.
5. Are John and Robert from Australia?
6. The girl usually does her homework perfectly.
7. Sunrise and sunser are very nice to enjoy at the beach.

1. mary doesn't like playing games

2. why do you always come late?

3. do you like watching tv with your family?

4. marina and my family live in a small town

5. do john and robert come from australia?

6. the girls usually do their homework perfectly

7. sunrise and sunset are very nice to enjoy on the beach

16. En una explotación moderera los troncos se descargan horizontalmente a 15m/s por medio de un conducto engrasado que se encuentra 20m por encima de un estanque para contener madera, ¿que distancia recorren horizontalmente los troncos?

Gerak lurus merupakan gerak suatu benda yang lurus, terdapat dua gerak benda yakni gerak lurus beraturan (GLB) dan Gerak lurus berubah beraturan (GLBB)  


Ciri – ciri :  

a.Lintasan lurus  

b.Kelajuan teratur ( konstan )  

c.Percepatan = 0  

d.Persamaan jarak S = v . t dimana S adalah jarak, v kecepatan dan t waktu


Ciri-ciri :  

a.Lintasan lurus  

b.Kelajuan berubah secara teratur ( perubahan konstan )  

c.Percepatan / perubahan kecepatan tiap detiknya konstan  

d.Persamaan yang berlaku :  

[tex]S=v_ot+\frac{1}{2}gt^2\\ v_t^2= v_o^2+2aS\\v_t=v_o+at[/tex]

S : jarak (m)

a : percepatan (m/s^2)

v : kecepatan (m/s)

t : waktu (s)

Gerakan GLB dan GLBB merupakan gerak dasar yang terjadi pada setiap gerakan. Dalam perkembangannya akan ada gerak vertikal keatas ataupun gerak jaruh bebas yang merupakan GLBB. Pada gerak vertikal ke atas, benda diperlambat sebesar percepatan gravitasi bumi, sementara pada gerak jatuh bebas, benda dipercepat dengan percepatan gravitasi bumi. Ada pula gabungan dari kedua gerakan yang disebut dengan gerak parabola, yakni GLB pada sumbu x dan GLBB pada sumbu y


Inti daari pertanyaan ini adalah, sebuah kayu dengan kecepatan horizontal 15 m/s diturunkan pada ketinggian 20 m, berapa jarak tempuh horizontalnya.

kita cari dahulu waktu jatuhnya

[tex]t=\sqrt{2H/g}\\ t=\sqrt{2*20/10}\\ t=2\: s[/tex]

maka jarak horizontalnya


x=15*2=30 m

Pelajari lebih lanjut  

1.Materi tentang Gerak lurus https://brainly.co.id/tugas/8441370

2.Materi tentang GLBB https://brainly.co.id/tugas/19939534

3.Materi tentang Gerak lurus https://brainly.co.id/tugas/18808684

Detil jawaban  

Kelas: 10

Mapel: Fisika

Bab: Bab 3 - Gerak Lurus

Kode: 10.6.3

Kata Kunci: GLB, GLBB, grafik v-t

17. Check your grammar: correct or incorrect. Are these sentences correct or incorrect? 1. There's difficult to say. (Correct/incorrect) 2. There's really raining hard now. (Correct/incorrect) 3. It's six o'clock and there's dark already. (Correct/incorrect) 4. Sophie saya it's time to go. (Correct/incorrect) 5. Don't look now, but it's a dragon behind you. (Correct/incorrect) 6. It's not all fun and games. (Correct/incorrect) 7. It's a good film on this evening. (Correct/incorrect) 8. They said there Will be snow later. (Correct/incorrect) 9. Sekar graduates this month. (Correct/incorrect) 10. Lion and Tiger are wild animal. (Correct/incorrect) Kaa tlongg yahh plisss bngett jwabinn soalnya bsok dkumpulll plisss bngett yahh kaaa jwabinn

1. Incorrect

Harusnya : it's difficult to say

2. Incorrect

It's really...

3. Incorrect

.. And it's dark..

4. Correct

5. Incorrect

.. There's a dragon..

6. Correct

7. Incorrect

There's a good film..

8. Correct

9. Correct

10. Correct

18. is the statement correct They have watched the movie 3 times.correctincorrect​



semoga membantu

19. does anybody understands ? (correct incorrect)​




20. Check your grammar: correct or incorrect. Are these sentences correct or incorrect? 1. There's difficult to say. (Correct/incorrect) 2. There's really raining hard now. (Correct/incorrect) 3. It's six o'clock and there's dark already. (Correct/incorrect) 4. Sophie saya it's time to go. (Correct/incorrect) 5. Don't look now, but it's a dragon behind you. (Correct/incorrect) 6. It's not all fun and games. (Correct/incorrect) 7. It's a good film on this evening. (Correct/incorrect) 8. They said there Will be snow later. (Correct/incorrect) 9. Sekar graduates this month. (Correct/incorrect) 10. Lion and Tiger are wild animal. (Correct/incorrect) Tlong jawab yah kak


1. correct

2. correct

3. incorrect

4. incorrect

5. correct

6. correct

7. correct

8. correct

9. correct

10. correct

maaf klo salah

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