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Adding Engine Oil To Your Cmv Is Part Of

Adding Engine Oil To Your Cmv Is Part Of

part of your body to protect and decorate your head is​

Daftar Isi

1. part of your body to protect and decorate your head is​


aku kan manjadi ultramen




hair for protect your head from extrem temperature.

2. Here is Part of Your body on both side of your face

ini adalah bagian tubuhmu yang ada di dua sisi dari wajahmu/ bagian tubuh yang ada di dua sisi wajah/ PIPI ||||||||ARTI AND MAKSUD||||||||

3. you want to convey your message in what part of personal letter is it​

The body or main text is a part to convey the meaning in a personal letter

Dibaca materi dibuku biar paham oke

4. you want to convey your message in what part of personal letter is it​


in the middle


5. What part of your body allows you to chew​






chew artinya mengunyah,

dan kita mengunyah menggunakan gigi

bahasa inggris dari gigi adalah tooth

6. what is the influence of low world oil prize to indonesia

Apa pengaruh harga minyak dunia rendah untuk Indonesia

7. The cost of 100 ml of lavender oil is $21.50. what is the cost of 1 litre of lavender oil?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

100 ml = $21.50

1 litre = 1000 ml = 10 x 100 ml

1 litre = 10 x $21.50 = $210.50

8. in your opinion,what is the mosl interesting part of the story

we can learn something new

9. In most cases, a lawnmower engine bellows out white smoke ____ has spilled onto the engine. A. because oil B. because of oil C. although oil D. despite oil


A. because oil

maap klo salah

10. which part of the rabbit's body produces natural oil? it's

The part of the rabbit's body that produce it's own natural oil are the ears.

11. if as much as 50 ml of oil is added to 200 ml of gasoline, what is the oil content please with explanation hello banana ​


Yasa kakak maafin saya ya


maaaf hanya ambil poin

12. When you want to go by plane, you go to ...Muslims go to .... to pray.If you want to go by bus, you go to....He is your mother's husband. He is your ....He is your brother's son, he is yourYour mother and father are yourFingers is part of our ....We have .... hands.We jump with our ....The color of teeth is ....​

Halo coba kubantu ya

1. Airport = Bandara/bandar udara

2. Mosque = Masjid

3. Bus station = Terminal bus

4. Father/Dad = Ayah, suami dari Ibu

5. Nephew = Keponakan, anak laki-laki dari saudara laki-laki/saudara perempuan

6. Parents = Orangtua

7. Hands = Tangan

8. Two hands = Dua tangan

9. Foots = Kaki

10. White = Putih

13. Change sentence active to passive -Remove the undercover. - Open the oil drain valve cap -  install the engine oil drain hose -Change the oil filter using a filter wrench  -fill the new oil filter with engine oil. -Clean the filter housing base.  -Screw the filter in place -Dispose of waste oil -Check the oil level on the dipstick. -Install the undercover.

Kalimat imperative di dalam kalimat pasif

= Let Object Be Verb 3

Let the undercover be removed

Let the oil drain valve cap be opened

Let the engine oil drain hose be installed

Let the oil filter be changed ( by )using a filter wrench

Let the new oil filter be filled with engine oil.

Let the filter housing base be cleaned

Let the filter be screwed in place.

Let waste oil be disposed of

Let the oil level on the dipstick be checked.

Let the undercover be installed


14. what part of your vessel is ground(diretion that is behind you)?​


Bagian mana dari kapal Anda yang tanah (arah yang ada di belakang Anda)?

15. Today's economy is tough, but there are a lot of ways that you can cut back. Instead of paying big bucks to some fancy mechanic, you can save money by changing your own oil. Before you crawl under that car, you need to put on some clothes that you won't mind getting dirty. You will also need to wear goggles, gloves, and boots for your own safety. Once you are properly dressed, crawl under your car and remove the oil plug. Drain the oil into an oil pan. Wait a few minutes to make sure that the old oil has drained completely, and then replace the oil plug. Now locate your car's oil filter and use an oil filter wrench to remove it. Be careful: a small amount of the old oil may dump out of the filter. Replace your old filter with the new one and pour four or five fresh quarts of oil into your car's engine. Larger vehicles may require more oil so be sure to find out the correct amount of oil for your car before pouring. The last step is to clean up your mess. This includes properly disposing of your old oil. Most places that change oil will get rid of your old oil for free. While you are dropping off your old oil you can laugh in their faces about all of the money that you are saving. What kind of this paragraph ?




paragraf ini mendeskriptifkan cara2 untuk menghemat pengeluaran




Maaf kalo salah

16. what part of your body that you use to small?

Nose (smell)

jadikan jawaban terbaik yahh ^_^(Nail) kuki,(nostril)lubang hidung

17. Answere this question bellow!1. What is part of body do you use to eat?2. Your foot is using for?3. What is the fungtion of your eyes?4. What is the fungtion of your ear?5. Our hair is on our.....?..​


Mouthwalkto seeto hearhead

bagian tubuh yang di gunakan untuk makan adalah mulutkaki digunakan untuk berjalanmata di gunakan untuk melihat.telinga di gunakan untuk mendengarrambut ada di kepala kita


1. mouth


3.to see something, looking or watching

4.to hear some voice


18. 1.Economical-a diesel engine-than-is-a petrol engine-more. 2.internal combustion engine-similar-the diesel engine-a from of-is-to that used-in bus

1. A petrol engine is more economical than a diesel engine.

2. A form of internal combustion engine is similar to the diesel engine that used in bus.

Maaf kalau salah

19. is it true that the blood flowing out of the heart to every part of the body is rich in oxygen? Explain your answer. *


Yes, when we breath we bring oxygen in our body and after that, the oxygen will be carried to every part of the body using our blood, specifically the one flowing out of the heart.


Sel darah merah memiliki fungsi untuk mengangkut oksigen dan disebarkan keseluruh tubuh.

apa budaya (trend) yg kamu ikuti?
apa ideologi mu??? (prinsip mu)
apa budaya yg populer sekarang?

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