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Articles Of Confederation Political Cartoon

Articles Of Confederation Political Cartoon


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Political Rights of Citizens

Political Rights Citizens are part of the rights possessed by citizens where the principle of statehood adheres to the principle of democracy. The wider political rights are part of the right to participate in government. The right to participate in government can be said to be a very important part of democracy. This right can even be said to be the embodiment of democracy, so that if this right does not exist in a country, then it should not recognize itself as a democratic state. Countries that embrace democracy, generally accommodate the political rights of its citizens in a general election, whether it is direct or indirect.

2. 5. Reporters writes a lot of articles *A. A lo of articles was written by Reporters.B. A lot of articles are written by Reporters.OC. A lot of articles are being written by Reporters.OD. A lot of articles has been written by Reporters.​


B semoɡa bisa membantu yaa

3. what the use of articles?

Apa penggunaan artikel?apa arti penggunaan artikel?. maaf yabklo slh

4. what are the characteristics/key features of political news reports?

Political news reports also known as political journalism reports.

These types of journalism contains the writer or organization's opinions and thoughts about the government or a political power (such as well known politicians and political parties), or about recent political events such as elections, political scandals, etc.

These reports aim to bring politics and political sciences into the lives of those largely unfamiliar to politics.

5. what are the articles of faith?​


Faith in Allah is very closely related to the science of Islamic monotheism. Where this faith must be realized in rubuiyah, ukuiyah, and asma'wa in nature. Faith in God who has developed correctly in each of them will make it good for Allah SWT. always involve God.


maaf jika salah.

6. Mengapa vaccum of political party muncul di masa kemerdekaan?.


Karena pada saat memilih kepala negara dan mengatur negara sesuai dengan apa yang dikehendaki.Pada masaa kemerdekaan kebebasan dalam berpartai itu salah satu hal yg memengaruhi kenapa political party ini ada.

7. Vacuum of political party muncul di masa pasca kemerdekaan.


Mengapa istilah vacum of political party muncul di masa kemerdekaan karena pada kemerdekaan negara dapat memilih kepala negara dan mengatur negara sesuai dengan apa yang dikehendaki. Pada masa kemerdekaan kebebsan dalam berpatai ini juga salah satu hal yang mempengaruhi kenapa political party ini muncul. Kalau di negara kita bisa disebut dengan koalisi

8. define the concept of diplomatic history and political history indicate what condition a subject that falls with in the scope of examination of political history can be included in the examination area of diplomacy history


Diplomatic history deals with the history of international relations between states. Diplomatic history can be different from international relations in that the former can concern itself with the foreign policy of one state while the latter deals with relations between two or more states.


semoga membantu.

9. Mengapa istilah vacum of political party muncul di masa kemerdekaan.

Mengapa istilah vacum of political party muncul di masa kemerdekaan karena pada kemerdekaan negara dapat memilih kepala negara dan mengatur negara sesuai dengan apa yang dikehendaki. Pada masa kemerdekaan kebebsan dalam berpatai ini juga salah satu hal yang mempengaruhi kenapa political party ini muncul. Kalau di negara kita bisa disebut dengan koalisi.


Political party adalah sebuah partai politik adalah organisasi politik yang menjalani ideologi tertentu atau dibentuk dengan tujuan umum. Definisi lainnya adalah kelompok yang terorganisir yang anggota-anggotanya mempunyai orientasi, nilai-nilai, dan cita-cita yang sama. Bisa juga di definisikan, perkumpulan (segolongan orang-orang) yang seasas, sehaluan, setujuan di bidang politik. Baik yang berdasarkan partai kader atau struktur kepartaian yang dimonopoli oleh sekelompok anggota partai yang terkemuka. Atau bisa juga berdasarkan partai massa, yaitu partai politik yang mengutamakan kekuatan berdasarkan keunggulan jumlah anggotanya.

Tujuan kelompok ini ialah untuk memperoleh kekuasaan politik dan merebut kedudukan politik - (biasanya) dengan cara konstitusionil - untuk melaksanakan kebijakan-kebijakan mereka

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang Pengertian partai politik dan fungsi partai politik https://brainly.co.id/tugas/13155359


10. the passive setence of "andre watchs cartoon movie" is.... ​


cartoon movie is watched by andre


kalimat pasif "andre menonton film kartun" adalah.

11. Hubungan political theory, political filosopi, political though dan political ideologi


Teori politik, filsafat politik, pemikiran politik, dan ideologi politik adalah konsep yang berhubungan tetapi berbeda dalam studi politik.

Teori politik adalah penyelidikan sistematis dan abstrak tentang esensi sistem politik.

Filsafat politik adalah studi tentang nilai-nilai dan prinsip-prinsip dasar yang mendasari sistem politik.

Pemikiran politik adalah perkembangan dan evolusi pemikiran tentang politik sepanjang sejarah.

Ideologi politik adalah sistem nilai dan keyakinan yang mempengaruhi pandangan seseorang tentang politik.

12. 1.Find the title of articles using the word ''too''2.Find at least 2 articles3.Compare each articles based on the use of ''too''4.Write a resume based on the articles​


1.you can too

2.you are very helpful

13. There are two types of articles,whlch are


Ada dua jenis artikel, yaitu

14. Lorraine and Dolores were assigned to read the same number of newspaper 5 articles a week. This week, Dolores read - 12 of the newspaper articles while 1 Lorraine read of the newspaper articles. Lorraine read 5 more newspaper 2 articles than Dolores. How many newspaper articles were given to them each to read?​


you are the best ommagatt yes sir

15. ARTICLES ARE CONSIDERED SOLD YOU BREAK THEMwhich of the following sentences best explains the above sign?A. If you break any of the articles, you must pay for it.B. You don't have to buy articles that are broken.C. In this section, you will only find broken articles.D. The shop sells special broken articles.

jawabannya adalah A because this the answer very good

16. It contains a lot of things and personal articles................ (NHBGADA).​

itu berisi banyak hal dan artikel pribadi...(NHBGADA)

maaf kalo salah




gak tahu kk maaf

17. The local society cannot continue with the construction of the two school buildings because of the lack of funds and ___. (A) the local political condition is very un-stable (B) the locally unstable political condition (C) the political condition is locally unstable (D) the instability of the local political condition (E) the local instability of the political condition

Jawabannya A gan. Semoga membantu

18. Mengapa istilah vacuum of political party muncul di masa pasca kemerdekaan?.


Kala itu, Jepang menyerah usai kota Hiroshima dan Nagasaki dibom oleh tentara Amerika pada 6 dan 9 Agustus 1945. Jepang yang tengah menjajah Indonesia dibuat kalang kabut, sehingga memutuskan untuk melakukan gencatan senjata.

Mengutip IPS Terpadu SMP Kelas VIII karya Drs. Anwar Kurnia, Indonesia pun berada di bawah status vacuum of power. Jika diterjemahkan, vacuum of power artinya kekosongan kekuasaan. Pada masa ini, Indonesia sedang bebas dari kekuasaan Jepang.

Hal ini semakin memicu bangsa Indonesia untuk segera mendeklarasikan kemerdekaannya sendiri.


48. How has politics been related to educational institutions after independence?

A. Although they got political support but there was no interference of politics.

B. It is clear that they got almost no political support as well as political interference.

C. They got political support at the cost of political interference.

D. There was substantial interference without political support.




20. would you give one example of anecdote in political world

would you give one example of anecdote in politicial world ; akan Anda berikan salah satu contoh anekdot dalam dunia politik

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