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Do You Have An Ownership Interest In The Petitioner s Organization

Do You Have An Ownership Interest In The Petitioner s Organization

do you think arjun have the same interest to do something for his country

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1. do you think arjun have the same interest to do something for his country

Menurut Anda apakah arjun memiliki minat yang sama untuk melakukan sesuatu untuk negaranya

2. Ubah ke kalimat aktifThe 2010 plan is intended to facilitate key employees in earning a greater degree of ownership interest in the company

the company intends the 2010 plan to facilitate key employees in earning a greater degree of ownership interest in the company

3. Hi Jane. Have you had an (interest) day?




interesting = adjectives (kata sifat), digunakan untuk menerangkan kata benda (day)


i have no interest !



4. what should we do in order for the company of our target job knows our interest in the position advertised?

we have to show them our abilities and make sure if we could be interesting them

5. do you think clara has the same interest to do something for her country​

ini diapain ya?

diartiin kah?


menurutmu apakah clara memiliki minat yang sama untuk melakukan sesuatu untuk negaranya

6. 4. Why do you think filling out a form is important when you want to join in an organization? Tolong jawabkan


because there must be a statement of participation from the members of the organization so someone is serious about not just trying it out and there is an agreement letter in the form so that it will never be left out of the organization that he has lived


karena harus adanya surat pernyataan partipasi dari anggota sehingga seseorang itu serius,dan tidak mencoba coba semenah menah dan tidak akan keluar dari organisasi yang dia jalani dengan adanya perjanjian dalam bentuk formulir tersebut.

7. Task of the Wright Brothers interview.1. Host:how do you get the inspiration?Wilbur Wright:......?2. Host:die you have any other interest that inspired you?Orvil Wright:......?pliss bantu cara jawabnya dan terjemahannya​


1. host: bagaimana anda mendapatkan inspirasi?

Wilbur wright: ayah kami memberi kami sebuah helikopter mainan yang terbang dengan bantuan karet gelang, kami sudah tertarik dengan ide itu sejak saat itu. ( our dad gave us a toy helicopter that flies with the help of rubber bands, we've been intrigued by the idea ever since)

8. tolong buatin paragraf tentang what are you going to do during holiday ?do you have any special interest

During the holidays I will go to bali. There I will go around bali and buy some souvenirs. I will also spend time to enjoy the beautiful beach of Bali

9. We have been ......... (interest) in the idea since then. gak ngerti kak!​


we have been interested in the idea since then

10. the correct expression to shows interest inthe information is ..A and you okay a s. Really?B what's upd. Thank you​


c. Really?


Benarkah? = Mengindikasikan bahwa seseorang tersebut ingin lebih tahu tentang kebenarannya.

11. 1.how did you get the inspiration? 2.did you have any other interest that inspired you?

1. bagaimana kamu mendapatkan inspirasi?
2. apakah kamu punya kegiatan lain yang menarik?

12. hi jane have you had an (interest) day

Artinya hay jane apakah kamu mempunyai hari hari yang menarik

13. You have walked a long way toward this goal but you have successfully achieved it.Best wishes for you on your graduation! An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. what is the text about


the text is about graduate/graduation/graduating! and hopes and wishes for their future

14. make an outline of the plan that you will do if you are selected as president or head of student's organization!

Good morning my beloved teacher and friends now I will start my speech about me if I'm going to be a head of this student organization. First of all i'm going to introduce my self. My name is (ur name) and if I was choosen to be the head of this student organization I promise I will do the best to make this organization move forward and I will make this organization well-known so if we have an event this can make us more easier and I promise I will make this organization better than before for our goods. Thankyou for some of you that already choose me I promise if I'll be this organization president I will make you guys proud because you guys already vote me. And for you guys that not choose me I will love and taking care of you guys and I will make you guys proud of me. Thankyou for all your attention and have a nice day !

15. 1.how did you get the inspiration? 2.did you have any other interest that inspired you?

1. When im in the calm places for ex. in the toilet :v
2. Yass, literally someone special can inspired me

16. Conflict within an organization is not always viewed as undesirable. in fact, various managers have widely divergent ideas on the value that conflict can have. according to the traditional view of conflict, conflict is harmful to an organization. managers with this traditional view of conflict see it as their role in an organization of any possible sources of conflict. the interactionist view of conflict, on the other hand, holds that conflict can serve an important function in an organization by reducing complacency among workers and causing positive changes to occur. managers who hold an interactionist view of conflict may actually take steps to stimulate conflict within the organization. question: what type of information is included in the third paragraph .....


a description of one of the opposing views of conflict


mulai "the interactinoist...... to occur"

menjelaskan 1 , dari 2 jenis konflik yang dibahas

17. explain what do you know about interest and ability and the difference​


Interestis something or someone you want to know about or learn.

While ability is possession of the means or skill to do something.

Hope this helps- And i'm sorry if anything wrong

18. If you have enough money in your account .... a. You can without your money from a cash dispenser. b. You have a special voucher. c. The bank sends you a monthly statement. d. You have paid special interest. e. The type of card is acceptable

C. The bank sends you a monthly statement.
Semoga membantu...

19. Did you have other interest that inspired you?

Interest anything positive thinking

20. why do most of the workers and staff like participating in organization ?


because it's worth it and make a lot of money

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