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How Many 1/2 Are In 7

How Many 1/2 Are In 7

There are two pillows in my bed. 1.How many wardrobes are there in your room ? (1) 2.How many pictures are there in the wall ? (3) 3.How many toys are there on the shelf ? (8) 4.How many blankets are there in the room ? (1) 5.How many pencils are there in your pencilcase ? (6)6.How many notebooks are there on the table ? (4) 7.How many lamps are there in this room ? (10) 8.How many rulers are there in your bag ? (1) 9.How many bottles are there in the refrigerator ? (20) 10.How many doormats are there in front of the door ? (1 )​

Daftar Isi

1. There are two pillows in my bed. 1.How many wardrobes are there in your room ? (1) 2.How many pictures are there in the wall ? (3) 3.How many toys are there on the shelf ? (8) 4.How many blankets are there in the room ? (1) 5.How many pencils are there in your pencilcase ? (6)6.How many notebooks are there on the table ? (4) 7.How many lamps are there in this room ? (10) 8.How many rulers are there in your bag ? (1) 9.How many bottles are there in the refrigerator ? (20) 10.How many doormats are there in front of the door ? (1 )​

1. There is one wardrobe in my room.
2. There are three pictures on the wall.
3. There are eight toys on the shelf.
4. There is one blanket in the room.
5. There are six pencils in my pencil case.
6. There are four notebooks on the table.
7. There are ten lamps in this room.
8. There is one ruler in my bag.
9. There are twenty bottles in the refrigerator.
10. There is one doormat in front of the door.

Semoga membantu :)

2. 1.how many boarders are there is the classroom?2. how many rulers are there on the table?3. how many globes are there on the table?4.how many chairs are there in the classroom?5. how many tables are there in the classroom?6.how many cupboards are there in the classroom7.how many maps are there in the classroom?8.how many pens are there on the table?9.how many erasers are there on the table?10. how many pictures are the wall?plis jawab 1 sampai 10 tak follow sama bintang 5​


1) gatau maaf

2) 1 ruler

3) 1 globe

4) 6 chairs

5) 6 tables

6) gatau maaf

7) 1 map

8) 3 pens

9) 2 eraser

10) gatau maaf


maaf yaa banyak gataunya

3. 1. how many boarders are there is the classroom?2. how many rulers are there on the table?3. how many globes are there on the table?4.how many chairs are there in the classroom?5. how many tables are there in the classroom?6.how many cupboards are there in the classroom7.how many maps are there in the classroom?8.how many pens are there on the table?9.how many erasers are there on the table?10. how many pictures are the wall?plis jawab 1 sampai 10 tak follow sama bintang 5​


2. 1 (one)

3. 1 (one)

4. 6/7

5. 6/7

6. 1 (one)

7. 1 (one)

8. 3 (three)

9. 2 (two)

10. 3 (three)

nomor 4 sama 5 itu antara 6 sama 7 kursi/meja (6 kursi/meja kalau tanpa kursi/meja guru, 7 kursi/meja kalau sama meja/kursi guru)

4. Ask and answer. 1) How many living rooms are there?There's.... 2)How many bedrooms are there?There are.... 3)How many toilets are there? 4)Where's Anna's mother?She's.... 5)Where's Anna's father?He's.... 6)Where's Anna's cat? 7)Who's in the blue bedroom?

1)ada berapa ruang tamu di sana? ada .... 2) ada berapa kamar tidur? ada .... 3) ada berapa toilet? 4) di mana ibu anna? dia .... 5) di mana ayah anna ? dia, s .... 6) dimana kucing anna?7) siapa yang ada di kamar tidur biru?

5. 1.how many boys are there?2.what are the boys doing?3.how many girls are there?4.what are the girls doing?5.are there any animals in the picture?6.what are they?7.how many of them are there?8.what are the animals doing9.are there any toys in the picture?10.what are they?​


1. 2 (two)

2. playing a balloon and sock

3. 2 (two)

4. ride the swing and playing a balloon

5. nine (9)


I'm sorry if I wrong

6. 1. how many boys are there?2. what are the boys doing?3. how many girls are there?4. what are the girls doing?5. are there any animals in the picture?6. what are they?7. how many of them are there?8. what are the animals doing?9. are there any toys in the picture?10. what are they?tolong di jawab di kumpul besok!!!! jawaban nya ada di gambar


1.there are one

2.playing soccer

3.there are five

4.some are playing jump rope, some are playing, some are running, some are playing with their dolls.

5.there is


7.there are six

8.play dumb

9.there is


7. 1. How old is the girl?2.How does the girl ask the boy'saddress?3. Where does the girl live4.How many people are there in the boy's family5. who are they?6. How many people in the girl'sfamily? 7.who are they?​


1. 14 Years Old

2. "Where do you live, Dion?"

3. Bougainvillea Street

4. 4 Peoples

5. It's the parents, the sister, and the


6. 2 Peoples

7. It's the parents

Thank You...

8. 1.what is the color of your house 2.is it big or small 3.how many bedrooms are there 4.how many bathrooms are there 5.how many dining rooms are there 6.how many kitchens are there 7.how many living rooms are there 8.is your garden big or small 9.what are there usually in a garden 10.how many members are there in your family tolong jawabkan sekarang yah kak soalnya mau dikumpul sekarang

rumah lu sendiri kaga tau, masa ya rumah gwini pertanyaan tentang rumah lo sendiri
yaaa mana gw tau....

tapi gw bisa artiin kalo lo mau

9. 1.How many birds are there? Answer: 2.How many boys are there? Answer: 3.How many girls are there? Answer: 4.Is there any flower? Answer: 5.How many flowers are there? Answer: 6.Are there any dogs? Answer: 7.Are there any chickens? Answer: 8.Where are the children? Answer: 9.Are they in a classroom? Answer: 10.Are they playing? Answer: Tolong dibantu ya ka


1. 4

2. 3

3. 2

4. Yes

5. 2

6. No

7. No

8. The childrens are around the bench.

9. Yes

10. No

1. Four birds
2. three boys
3. Two girls
4. Yes there are flowers
5. Six flowers
6. No dog
7. No chicken
8. Schoolyard
9. N0
10.they are sitting

10. Please make two short dialogues based on the words given! E.g. Ask how much/many coffee is/are there in the kitchen Agus : How much coffee is there in the kitchen? Bayu : There is a little coffee in the kitchen. 1. Ask how much/many tables is/are there in the classroom. 2. Ask how much/many books is/are there on the table. 3. Ask how much/many water is/are there in the toilet. 4. Ask how much/many rice is/are there in the canteen. 5. Ask how much/many pen is/are there in your friend’s pencil case. 6. Ask how much/many water is/are there in the glass. 7. Ask how much/many bed sheet is/are there in the cupboard. 8. Ask how much/many sandals is/are there under the table. 9. Ask how much/many flour is/are there in the jar. 10. Ask how much/many cement is/are there in the sacks.


1. Joe: How many tables are there in the classroom? (Ada berapa meja di kelas?)

Russ: There are 24 tables, if I'm not mistaken (Ada 24 meja di kelas, kalau tidak salah)

2. Hannah: Do you know how many books are there in the table? (Apakah kamu tau berapa buku yang ada di meja?)

Tyler: No, I don't remember (Tidak, aku tidak ingat)

3. Reiner: Have you checked the toilet? How much water is there? (Apakah kamu sudah memeriksa toilet? Seberapa banyak air yang ada?)

Henry: There's none. The faucet is broken (Tidak ada. Kerannya rusak)

4. Sasha: There you are! So how much rice is there in the canteen? (Itu dia kau! Jadi ada berapa banyak nasi di kantin?)

Garry: There's a lot! (Ada banyak!)

5. Benedict: How many pens are there in your pencil case? (Ada berapa pulpen di tempat pensilmu?)

Elijah: There's only one in my pencil case. But I have more in my locker (Hanya ada satu pulpen di tempat pensilku. Tapi aku punya lebih di lokerku)

6. Julien: How much water are there in the glass? (Ada berapa banyak air di gelas?)

Diana: There's little water in the glass. We should get some more (Hanya ada sedikit air di gelas. Kita harus mengambil lagi)

7. Kenny: Do you know many bedsheets are there in the cupboard? (Apalah kamu tau berapa seprai di lemari?)

Beth: Yes, I do. There's only 3 bedsheets in the cupboard (Ya, aku tau. Hanya ada 3 seprai di lemari)

8. Cecil: How many sandals are there under the table? (Ada berapa sendal dibawah meja?)

Leon: Only 1 sandal. I wonder where the other one is... (Hanya 1 sendal. Aku berpikir dimana satunya lagi...)

9. William: How much flour is there in the jar? (Ada berapa banyak tepung di toples?)

Petra: I think around 200 grams. I'm going to refill it (Aku rasa sekitar 200 gram. Aku akan mengisinya kembali)

10. Mary: Can you tell me how much cement is there in the sack? (Apakah kamu bisa memberitahu aku berapa banyak semen didalam kantong?)

Finn: Sure, there's 10 kg of cement in the sack (Tentu, ada 10 kg semen di kantong)


Bahasanya saya buat lebih fleskibel dan juga jawabannya. Seperti nomor 2 yang jawab tidak tahu jumlahnya. Dan menambahkan beberapa kalimat juga agar dialognya tidak terlihat kaku dan agar terasa natural

Maaf kalau ada yg salah, semoga membantu

11. 1. how many boys are there?2. what are the boys doing?3. how many girls are there?4. what are the girls doing?5. are there any animals in the picture?6. what are they?7. how many of them are there?8. what are the animals doing?9. are there any toys in the picture?10. what are they?tolong di jawab di kumpul besok!!!! jawaban nya ada di gambar.​


1. There are 2 boys.

2. One of the boys is playing soccer, and then the other boy is sliding down the slide.

3. There are 4 girls.

4. One of the girls is doing jump rope, playing slides, playing scooter, and one of the girls is playing doll.

5. Yes, there are animals in the picture.

6. They are butterfly, dog, and dragon fly.

7. There are 4 animals.

8. The butterfly and the dragon fly are flying around, then the dog is hugging the girl that is sliding.

9. Yes, there are toys in the picture.

10. The toy is the bunny.

Maaf kalau salah

Semoga bermanfaat dan membantu.

12. 1. 2/7 : 1/5=? 2. 2/7 : 5=? 3. 4/5 x 6/7=? 4. 5/7 x 14/25=? 5, (3/7+2/3) : 1/7=? 6. (3/5x1/9) 1 : 3 =? 7. (3/8 : 1/4) : (5/6 : 1/2)=? 8. (5/8 - 1/2) : (1/2 - 1/8)=? 9. how many 2/3 are there in 3 wholes? 10. how many 3/8 are there in 9 wholes? 11. calvin had 8 tins of cat food his cat eats 1/4 tin of cat food everyday. how many days will calvins cat to eat all 8 tins of food? 12. how many 1/6 are there in 1/3? 13. how many 1/10 are there in 3/5 ? 14. jenny needs 1/15 kg of flour to make a cake. how many cakes can she make with 4/5 kg of flour?

maaf cuma tau itu

no 1 jawaban: 1 ³/7

2 jawaban 2/7

3 jawaban 24/35

4 jawaban 2/5

5 jawaban 23/3 = 7 ⅔

13. Activity 1. How many computers are there in Beni's classroom? 2. How many LCD projectors are there in Beni's classroom? 3. How many blackboards are there in Beni's classroom? 4. How many boxes of chalk are there on teacher's table? 5. How many books are there on teacher's table? 6. How many flowers vases are there on teacher's table? 7. How many desks are there in Beni's classroom? 8. How many chairs are there in Beni's classroom? 9. How many pictures of national heroes are there on the wall? 10 How many maps are there on the wall?​


w.comaaaaaeeeeee rr reeeeeee eeeeeèrrr

14. jons gues. Answer the questions below based on the activity 4. Ask Ques Activity 5 1. How many computers are there in Beni's classroom? 2. How many LCD projectors are there in Beni's classroom? 3. How many blackboards are there in Beni's classroom? 4. How many boxes of chalk are there on teacher's table? 5. How many books are there on teacher's table? 6. How many flowers vases are there on teacher's table? 7. How many desks are there in Beni's classroom? 8. How many chairs are there in Beni's classroom? 9. How many pictures of national heroes are there on the wall? 10. How many maps are there on the wall?​


woi ini di suruh ngapain harus bagaimana jawab nya

15. Tolong jawabannya bukan artinya!! 1. How many boys are there? 2. What are the boys doing? 3. How many girls are there? 4. What are the girls doing? 5. Are there any animals in the picture? 6. What are they? 7. How many of them are there? 8. What are the animals doing? 9. Are there any toys in the picture? 10. What are they?


1. How many boys are there? 2

2. What are the boys doing? playing ball and playing downfall

3. How many girls are there?4

4. What are the girls doing? playing dolls, rope, cycling and playing with dog

5. Are there any animals in the picture? yes they are

6. What are they? dog and butterflies

7. How many of them are there? one dog and six butterflies

8. What are the animals doing? the buterfly flying

9. Are there any toys in the picture? yes they are

10. What are they? bycicle, ball and rope

16. Answer the questions based on the picture above!1. How many boards are there in the classroom?Answer:2.How many rulers are there on the table?Answer:3.How many globes are there on the table?Answer:4. How many chairs are there in the classroom?Answer:5. How many tables are there in the classroom?Answer:How many cupboards are there in the classroom?Answer:7. How many maps are there in the classroom?Answer:​


kasih gambarnya Yaa!

g bisa dijawab itu klo tanpa ada gambarnya

17. 1.How many boys are there?2.What are the Boys doing?3.How many girls are there?4.What are the girls doing?5.Are there any animal in the picture?6.what are they?7.How many of them are there?8.What are the animal doing?9.Are there any toys in the picture10.What are they?please tolong di bantu jawab, soalnya besok harus dikumpulkan.​

1. Two/2
2. Playing
3. Four/4
4. Playing
5. Yes
6. A human and a animal
7. Six/6
8. Flying
9. Yes
10. A toy

Maaf jika salah
Semoga membantu




1. The following nutrition information is provided by the USDA for one serving (three cookies, 34g) of Oreo cookies. The number of calories in a cookie depends on the type of cookie you eat. Oreo cookies, for example, contain about 53 calories per cookie.

2. "Some small packages of chips, pretzels, cookies, crackers, etc., look like one serving but the label may say it has 2 to 3 servings per package. Many eat the whole thing assuming it is an individual serving package," Koltun explained.

3. Three

4. Three

5. 4 grams off sugar = 1 teaspoon

The AHA suggests an added-sugar limit of no more than 100 calories per day (about 6 teaspoons or 24 grams of sugar) for most women and no more than 150 calories per day (about 9 teaspoons or 36 grams of sugar) for most men.

6. So how much exactly is a gram of sugar? One teaspoon of granulated sugar equals 4 grams of sugar. To put it another way, 16 grams of sugar in a product is equal to about 4 teaspoons of granulated sugar.

19. 1. how many computers are there in Beni's classroom?2. how many LCD projectors are there in Beni's classroom?3. how many blackboard are there in Beni's classroom? 4. how many boxes of chalk are there on teacher's table?5. how many books are there on teacher's table?6. how many flowers vase are there on teacher's table?7. how many desks are there in teacher's table?8. how many chairs are there in teacher's table?9. how many pictures of national heroes are there on teacher's table?10. how many Maos are there on the wall​


1. There is no computer in Beni's classroom

2. There is no LCD projectors in the classroom

3. There is a blackboard in front of the class

4. There are two boxes of chalk

5. There are seven books on teacher's table

6. There is a flower vase on teacher's table

7. There are twenty desks

8. I don't know, it can't be able to read because you pic it uncompletely

9. There are four pictures of national heroes

10. There is a map on the wall


Next time, you should get a pic completely if you want a perfect answer

20. 1. how many boys are there?2. what are the boys doing?3. how many girls are there?4. what are the girls doing?5. are there any animals in the picture?6. what are they?7. how many of them are there?8. what are the animals doing?9. are there any toys in the picture?10. what are they?tolong di jawab di kumpul besok!!!! jawaban nya ada di gambar​


1. 3

2. One is playing with the balls and two more is playing with the swinging

3. 2

4. One girl is playing with the jump rope and two more is playing with the doll

5. Yes

6. idk

7. 5

8. idk

9. Yes

10. idk



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