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How Long Is 1 4 Hours

How Long Is 1 4 Hours

how long is the duration of ECC course A. An hoursB. Two hours C. Three hours D. Four hours​

Daftar Isi

1. how long is the duration of ECC course A. An hoursB. Two hours C. Three hours D. Four hours​


Students have up to 10 weeks to complete each course and are allowed to complete each course earlier than the 10-week deadline. Most students complete the full basic ECE certificate program in about 9 months, and the post basic ITE and SNE certificate programs in about 6 months

Jawaban: A. an hours

2. How long did the event last? *A.three hoursB.five hoursC.seven hoursD.nine hours​


It lasted for 5 Hours


9am to 2pm = 5hours


B. Five hours


Dimulai pada jam 9 dan diakhiri jam 2

3. 4. How long should we bake all ingredients? It is ... a. Sixty seconds b. Sixty hoursc. Two hoursd. Sixty minutes​


antara C. Two Hours atau D. Sixty minutes

tergantung resep masakannya


Sixty Hours akan membuat makannanya terbakar

Sixty seconds makanannya masih mentah


Berapa lama kita harus memanggang semua bahan?

A. Enam puluh detik

B. enam puluh jam

C. Dua jam

D. enam puluh menit


kembali ke soal kmu tadi apa artinya itu

4. how many hours a day do long anto the internet? ​

At least 10 hours a day would be the minimum. The maximum is about 14 and on particularly busy days 16.


maaf kalau salah

5. How long does it take from seremban to singapore? A. Three hours B. Five hours C. Seven hours D. nine hours





Jawaban: a. three hours

Penjelasan: udah

6. How long does mrs.priscilia works a day ? * 5 poin a. 6 hours b. 7 hours c. 8 hours d. 9 hours


b. 7 hours

semoga membantu ^_^

maaf kalau salah..

7. How long should we bake all ingredients ? it is... a. Sixty seconds b. Sixty hours c. Two hours d. Sixty minutes​


d. sixty minutes (60 menit)

semoga membantu!

Jawaban: D. Sixty minutes

Penjelasan: Karna Di Bacaanya Disuru Masak 1 Hour/1 Jam.

1 Jam = 60 Menit/Sixty minutes

8. how long does mrs. priscilia's work a day? a) 6 hoursb) 7 hoursc) 8 hoursd) 9 hours​


d) 9 hours


maaf klo salah :)

9. 11. How long does the ice cream stall open everyday?a. 7 hours b. 8 hours c. 6 hours d. 5 hours ​


D. 5 Hours


Am Dlm bhs Inggris berarti Pagi,Sedangkan Pm Dlm bhs inggris berarti Malam

B. 8 hours

Maaf kalau salah ya

10. 6. How long will the graduation party be ?A. Two hoursB. Five hoursC. Four hoursD. Three hours​


D. Three Hours


D. Three hours?


i think its D. Three hours


it doesnt make sense if graduation party wil be take more than three hours

11. ANSWER??????? PLEASE18. How long Mrs. Sherina works day? A.6 hours B. 7 hours C. 8 hours D. 9 hours

The Answer :

She start working at 7 oc' a.m - 4 oc' p.m
So The Long is ◆> 16 - 7 = 9 Hours

The Answer is => B

#BsunshineAnswer is B seven hour

12. how long is each sesion.... a. from noon to evening. b. twice on thursday. c. two hours and half. d. three hours e. hours

c two hour and half.

13. how long the party will be held a.four hoursb.three hoursc.two hoursd.one hours​



Berapa lama pesta akan diadakan

a. empat jam

b. tiga jam

c. dua jam

d. satu jam


Sorry if wrong.

Because usually in questions like this, there are usually paragraphs to find answers.

14. 6. How long does Mery Riana study at school?A. 4 hoursC. 5 hoursB. 6 hoursD. 7 hourstolong ya soalnya lagi ujian​




Maap kalo salah yaa aaaaa

15. 3.how long does mery riana study at schoolA.4 hours B.5 hoursC.6 hoursD.7 hours​


D. 7 hours.



jawaban :

c. 6 hours


karena di situ tertulis riana berangkat sekolah pukul 7 dan pukul 1 siang waktunya bel pulang jadi riana belajar di sekolah selama 6 jam

16. How long does Fauzi at school?A 5 hoursB 6 hoursC 7 hoursD 8 hours​


Maaf ya, kalau ini harus diberi ceritanya juga agar saya dan teman teman dapat menjawab.

semoga saran saya membantu ya.


Follow akun Brainly Ku :)

17. 4. How long did it take to travel along Jambi-Kerinci route? a. Fifteen hours b. Fifty hours c. Fifty five hours d. Five hours e. Ten hours​

Berikut cerita lengkap dari pertanyaan yang ditanyakan:


A landslides hit a village in Kerinci Agency, paralyzing traffic between Jambi and Sungai Penuh, the regency’s capital. People travelling from Sungai Penuh to Jambi and vice versa have to take the Trans Sumatera highway by passing Solok in the neighboring province of West Sumatera, which costs them twice as much as the regular fare.

A staff of the local transportation office in Sungai Penuh said on Wednesday that the landslides was caused by incessant rain on Monday which caused dirt and rocks to cover and damage two sections of the road. Herman, a driver of a passenger bus playing the Jambi-Kerinci route, said that it took him 15 hours for trip, five hours longer than usual and passenger were charged Rp 125.000,- instead of the regular fare of Rp 50.000,-

The traffic between Jambi and Sungai Penuh was expected to return to normal on Thursday after the Kerinci administration deployed necessary equipment to repair the damaged road.

How long did it take to travel along Jambi-Kerinci route?

a. Fifteen hours

b. Fifty hours

c. Fifty five hours

d. Five hours

e. Ten hours

Jawabab: a. Fifteen hours

Dari cerita di atas pada kalimat ‘... it took him 15 hours for trip, five hours longer than usual...’ dapat disimpulkan karena terjadi longsor, perjalanan normalnya seharusnya memakan waktu 10 jam, namun karena terjadi gangguan longsor maka tertunda menjadi 15 jam (lima jam lebih lama). Jadi jawaban adalah 15 jam atau fifteen hour.


Teks diatas tergolong Descriptive Text yang menjelaskan tentang sebuah kejadian tanah longsor pada rute antara Jambi dan Kerinci yang menyebabkan terganggunya perjalanan bis yang lebih lama sehingga memaksa pemilik transportasi menaikkan harga tiket perjalanannya. Descriptive Text adalah sebuah teks yang menjelaskan tentang seseorang, sesuatu benda, suatu kejadian, suatu lokasi, dan sebagainya. Descriptive Text ditulis oleh penulis untuk memberi gambaran tentang sesuatu agar dapat dipahami dan dimengerti oleh pembaca.

Berikut ciri-ciri dari Descriptive Text:

Menggunakan Simple Present Tense.Banyak menggunakan kata sifat (adjective) dalam kalimatnya.Sering menggunakan relating verb (kata kerja penghubung) seperti: is/am/are, has/have dan lain-lain dalam teks.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Descriptive Text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22538690

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Descriptive Text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/28185537

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

18. 1 How long is Mrs. Devi's hair?​


1. Berapa panjang rambut Bu Devi?​



1.Berapa panjang rambut Bu Devi?

I hope this helps

( semoga membantu ya)


19. 8. How long the party will be held?a. Two hoursb. Three hoursc. Four Hoursd. Five Hours​

a, 2 hours maaf kalau salah

20. bahasa Indonesia :2.How long should we sleep for at night ?a. four hours. b. Five hours. c. Six hours .d. seven hours.

sampai kapan kita akan tidur malam ini
a.empat jam
b.lima jam
c.enam jam
d.tujuh jam

Berapa lama kita harus tidur pada malam hari?  a. empat jam b. lima jam c. enam jam d. tujuh jam

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