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What Is 1 2 Of 60

What Is 1 2 Of 60

1. a bottle contains 1 litter of syrup. A jug contains 15% more syrup. How many milliliters of syrup in the jug?2. I think that 30% of 60 is smaller than 60% of 30. Am I correct? Explain your answer. 3.The usual price of a laptop is $ 360. The price of the laptop is reduce by 10%. What is the discounted price of the laptop?

Daftar Isi

1. 1. a bottle contains 1 litter of syrup. A jug contains 15% more syrup. How many milliliters of syrup in the jug?2. I think that 30% of 60 is smaller than 60% of 30. Am I correct? Explain your answer. 3.The usual price of a laptop is $ 360. The price of the laptop is reduce by 10%. What is the discounted price of the laptop?


1. 1150 ml

2. no. both are equal. explanation see the steps number 2 bellow

3. $324

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1. 1 litter=1000ml

1000x 15/100 = 150 ml

a jug contain 1000ml + 150 ml = 1150ml

2. 30% of 60= 30/100 x 60 = 18

60% of 30= 60/100x 30 = 18

3. discount 10%x$360= $36

laptop price = 360-36= $324

2. QUIZ TIME!!1. What 70% Of 60a. 42b. 90c. 862. What Is 3122 : 5?a. 890.6b. 645.9c. 624.42 1-- - -- =3 2a. 1 -- 7b. 1 -- 6c. 1 -- 5GOODLUCK!​


1. a

2. c

3. b



[tex]1)70\% \: dari \: 60 = 7.0 \times 6.0 = 42.0(a)[/tex]

[tex]2)3122 \div 5 = 624.4(c)[/tex]

[tex]3)soalnya \: tidak \: jelas \: [/tex]



3. minta tolong ya qaqa, pliss ^_^1. The ratio of pears and green apples is 1 : 3. If there are 60 green apples, how many pears are there? 2. The ratio for 2 people is 12 eggs, 6 cups of flour, and 2 cups of sugar. What are the ingredients for 4 people ?



=> 1 : 3

= 20 : 60

= 20 pears


=> 2 = 12, 6, 2

= 4 = 24, 12, 4

= 24 eggs, 12 flour, and 4 cups of sugar


Translate dulu biar mudah ya:)

1. Rasio dari buar pir dan apel hijau adalah 1 : 3. jika ada

60 apel hijau, berapa banyak buah pir yang ada?

2.Rasio untuk 2 orang adalah 12 telur, 6 cangkir tepung, dan 2 gelas gula. berapa bahan untuk 4 orang?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1. penjelasan : pir : apel hijau = 1 : 3

maka, .... : 60 ( 1 : 3 )

60 ÷ 3 = 20

banyak buah pir adalah 20

2. rasio 2 orang = 12 telur, 6 cangkir tepung, dan 2 gelas gula( tapi masih kalah manis sama kamu;) )

maka, untuk 4 orang =

4 ÷ 2 = 2

semua dikali dua

telur : 12 × 2 = 24 telur

cangkir tepung : 6 × 2 = 12 cangkir tepung

gelas gula : 2 × 2 = 4 gelas gula

dijumlahkan semua

4 orang = 24 telur, 12 cangkir tepung, dan 4 gelas gula

semoga membantu

4. surname=Sardono,first name=Bambang,place of birth=Martapura,date of birth=Date=17 th,month=January,year=1997,natoinality=indonesia,address=12 jalan adi sucipto,Surakarta, hair=wavy,type=black,color=black,eye color=black,weight=60 kg,height=160 cm,school=smp 2 surakarta,year/class=one.soalnya.1)what is the complete name of the person? 2)what is he? 3)where does he live? 4)how tall is he?

1. Bambang sardono 2. He has a wavy hair, black skin, black eye. His weight is 60 and his tall is 160. His study at SMP 2. He is a boy 3. he lives at Surakarta, Jl. Adi Sucipto number 12 3. 160

5. 1. Let's say X times Y is Z. If Z is 15 and Y is 5, what is X?A) 5B) 2C) 3D) 42. What is 5 1/2 divided by 6 1/4?A) 11/48B) 12/50C) 10/52D) 15/643. Irma has so many chocolate bars that she wants to give some of them to twenty friends of hers. If each of her friends gets 3 chocolate bars, what is the total amount of chocolate bars she gives to her twenty friends?A) 20B) 60C) 100D) 40SHOWING THE WORK IS PREFERABLE​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



z=15 , y=5



x=3 (C)


5 1/2 : 6 1/4

11/2 x 1/6 x 1/4

11/48 (A)



60 (B)

6. KRATON TEAFOR THE PERFECT CUP OF TEAUse 1 bag per cup.Pour fresh bubbling water over tea bagStep 3 for 5 minutes and remove tea bag.*FOR INFORMATIONCALL TOLL FREE1-777-546-3021Net weight 60 mlbest before. 1).what is the text about/what is the brand of the product?2).what is the named of the product?3).the purpose of the product is....4).how many tes bags tea bags we need to make 5 cups of kraton tea?.5).do we need sugar to make kraton tea? 6).how many ingredients to make a cup of kraton tea ?7).how much is the kraton tea? amount? 8).how is the direction to make a cup of kraton tea?.9).is there any ecpiration date on the text? 10).where do we contact to buy kraton tea?#​

Jawaban dari pertanyaan di atas terkait label produk yaitu:

The text above is about the product of tea named kraton tea.The brand of the product is kraton tea.The purpose of the product is to make perfect cup of tea.To make 5 cups of kraton tea we need 5 bags.We can add some sugar if we need, it is additional.To make a cup of kraton tea we just need one bag of tea and some water.The amount of kraton tea is 60 ml.Pour fresh bubbling water over tea bag. Step 3 for 5 minutes and remove tea bag.There's no expiration date on the text.We can contact 1-777-546-3021 for the information.


Iklan dapat kita artikan sebagai suatu pesan atau informasi yang disampaikan kepada masyarakat umum. Iklan memiliki berbagai rujuan, antara lain:

Mempengaruhi masyarakat umum serta mengajak masyarakat untuk membeli ataupun menggunakan produk baik barang dan jasa yang diiklankan.Memberikan informasi terkait barang dan jasa yang kita iklankan.Membuat masyarakat mengenal serta ingat akan barang atau jasa yang kita iklankan.Memberikan pengaruh kepada masyarakat.

Iklan secara umum harus memiliki unsur-unsur, seperti:

Memicu ketertarikanMenarik perhatianKeinginanNama dan visual produkKelebihan produkHarga produkKalimat dalam iklan

Berdasarkan tujuannya, iklan dapat dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitu:

Iklan komersial

Iklan komersial merupakan iklan di mana bertujuan untuk membujuk masyarakat agar mau membeli serta menggunakan barang dan jasa yang kita iklankan. Iklan komersial bertujuan untuk memperoleh keuntungan.

Iklan non komersial

Iklan non komersial bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi, sosialiasi, pengingat, maupun informasi kepada masyarakat. Iklan non komersial tidak bertujuan untuk memperoleh keuntungan.

Label dapat diartikan sebagai bagian dari produk yang berfungsi untuk memberikan keterangan dari produk yang dipasarkan. Dalam label produk biasanya terdapat keterangan mengenai komposisi produk, nama perusahaan, nama distributor, tanggal produksi dan tanggal kadaluarsa, cara penyimpanan produk, dan dosis yang diperbolehkan.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang example label product pada brainly.co.id/tugas/36976168Materi tentang label product pada brainly.co.id/tugas/2367989Materi tentang soal label product pada brainly.co.id/tugas/25105770

Detail jawaban

Kelas: SMP-9

Bab: Label Product

Kode: -

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

#AyoBelajar #SPJ5

7. 1.Lina has 12 dolls and 20 teddy bears. What is the ratio of the number of dolls to the number of teddy bears Ling has? Give your answer in the simplest form. The ratio of the number of dolls to the number of teddy bears Lina has is .... : ... 2.Mr Tan had 60 m of cloth. He used 24 m to make a few shirts. What is the ratio of the length of cloth he had left to the length of cloth he used? Give your answer in the simplest form. The ratio of the length of the cloth he had left to the length of the cloth he used is .... : ...


1. 12 : 20

diperkecil bagi 4

3 : 5

2. 60 : 24

diperkecil dibagi 12

5 : 2

8. bantu jwb❗1. The total capacity of 3 identical jerry cans is 8.4 gallons, what is the capacity of 1 jerry can in milliliters?2. the volume of 1 juice box of orange juice is 0.2 quarts. what is the volume of 13 juice boxes in liters?3. a fish tank has a capacity of 50 gallons if there's already 60 liters of water in it, how kany liters of water is needed to fill it up completely?4. How many milliliters of water do you need to fill up a 12 pint fish bowl?5. what can hold more water: 100 gallon bathtub or a 380,00p milliliters aquarium?makasi yg jwb in, klo bisa pakai cara kak, ❗​

1. kurang lebih 6.333

2. 2,6 L

3. 890 L

4. 12.000 ml

5. bathub

9. Answer the questions based on the text below.purgenicspurgenicsRESVERATROYMAX STRENGTH1200MGMAX STRENGTH60 vegetariaVEGETARIANCAPSULESAnti-Aging AntioxidantSupports Immune Systems• Helps Support Cardiovascular HealthOoooQuestions:1. What is being advertised?2. What is the writer's intention to write the text?3. What are the benefits of consuming the product4. How weight is the product?5. "Support immune system"The underlined word is similar in meaning to ...​


Jawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks di bawah ini.







60 vegetaria



Antioksidan Anti Penuaan

Mendukung Sistem Kekebalan Tubuh

• Membantu Mendukung Kesehatan Kardiovaskular



1. Apa yang diiklankan?

2. Apa maksud penulis menulis teks tersebut?

3. Apa keuntungan mengkonsumsi produk

4. Berapa berat produk?

5. "Mendukung sistem kekebalan"

Kata yang digarisbawahi memiliki arti yang sama dengan ...


maaf cuman bisa menerjemahkan saja

10. Remedial TestAnswer the following questions!1. Lionel Messi is football player. What is his ability?2. Although my grandfather is 60 years old, he is still ... driving a car well.What is the correct expression of capability to complete the sentence?3. You would like someone to take a photo of you in front of a famous monument.What is polite request for this situation?4. A: Will you do my homework?"B: "... You have to do it by yourselt."What is the appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?5. Arrange the sentences into a good dialogue!Interviewee . Yes, Ma'am. I can operate Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as well. Besides, I'm ableto take short hands.Interviewee 'm sorry, Ma'am i can't either speak Japanese or Chinese.Interviewer I wonder if you can operate Microsoft WindowsInterviewer Good. Can you speak Japanese or ChineseWhat is the correct order?​




1 his ability is playing football

11. Read the following text and answer questions 1 to 3.Paris is the capital of France and the country's largest city. It is situated in the river Seine, inNorthwest France, at the heart of the le-de France region. The city of Paris has an estimatedpopulation of 2.167.994. (Jan, 2006) but the metropolitan area has a population of nearly 12million, and it is one of the most populated metropolitan areas in EuropeToday it is one of the world's leading business and cultural centers, and it influences inpolitics, education, entertainment, media, fashion, science and arts make it one of the majorglobal cities. It is estimated, the Paris urban area is fifth in the world's list by GDPParis is of one of the most popular tourist destination in the world, with 45 million touristsevery year in the Paris region, 60% of whom are foreign visitors. There are a lot of iconic land-marks among its many attractions, along with world-famous institution and popular parks.1. What does the text tell you?Answer:2. What is the main idea of paragraph three?Answer: mohon bantuannya karena bantuannya sangat membantu. terimakasih ​


1.about paris

2.Paris is a tourist most popular destination

12. Fill the blanks with the following words. size big long thick weight height thickness high width wide 1. My dictionary is 1050 pages thick. 2. The………………………………….of the main street should be at least 12m 3. Wha is your shoe ....... ? 4. What is your………………………………….? It is 60 kg. 5. How……………………is your refrigenator? It’s just enough for a family of there. 6. My girl-friend is taller than I. Her………………………is 170 cm. 7. How………………………is the sky? Nobody knows. 8. Jl.Sudirman is not as……………………as Jl.Merdeka. 9. The………………………………….of that glass is 0,5 cm. 10. The street in front of my house is more than 12 m………………


1. My dictionary is 1050 pages thick.

2. The long of the main street should be at least 12 M.

3. What is your shoe size?

4. What is your weight? It is 60 KG.

5. How big is your refrigenator? It's just enough for a family of there.

6. My girlfriend is taller than me. Her height is 170 cm.

7. How high is the sky? Nobody knows.

8. Jl. Sudirman is not as wide as Jl. Merdeka.

9. The thickness of that glass is 0,5 cm.

10. The street in front of my house is more than 12 M width.

Semoga membantu!

13. Paris is the capital of france and the country's largest city. It is situated in the river seine, in northwest france, at the heart of the lle-de france region. The city of paris has an estomated population of 2. 167 .994 (jan, 2006) but the metropolitan area has a population of nearly 12 million, and it is one of the most populated metropolitan areas in Europe. Today it is one of the world's leading business and cultural centers, and it influences in politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion, science and arts make it one of the major global cities. It is estimated, the paris urban area is fifth in the world's list by GDP. paris is of one of the most popular tourist destination in the world, with 45 million tourists every year in the paris region, 60% of whom are foreign visitors. There are a lot of iconic landmarks among its many attractions, along with world-famous institution and papular parks. 1. What does the text yell you? 2. What is the main idea of paragraph three? TOLONG BANTU Y...PLISSSS

It tells us about paris' famous places, culture,and many things.Paris is one of the most popular tourist destination

14. 1. Two bodies of mass A and mass B areplaced at a distance of 2d. A gravitationalforce due to this position is 32 N. What isthe gravitational force between the twomasses if the distance is changed to d/2?2. What is the gravitational force betweenthe Sun and the Earth? (take, the mass ofthe Sun = 4 x 10^30 Kg; mass of the Earth= 8 x 10^24 Kg; G = 6 x 10^(-11)N-m^2/kg^2; and the orbital radiusbetween the Sun and the Earth=2 x 10^11m)3. The gravitational force between objects Pand Q is 60 newtons. If the mass of B werea quarter as large as it currently is whileA's mass remains the same, how large isthe gravitational force now?​

If the distance is changed to d/2, the gravitational force will be 512 N.The Sun and the Earth have the gravitational force as large as 4,8×10²² N between them.Due to the reduction of the mass of B, the gravitational force is 240 N.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Ingat rumus Hukum Gravitasi Newton:

F = G×m₁×m₂/r²


F: gaya gravitasi (N)

G: konstanta gravitasi = 6,673×10⁻¹¹ Nm²kg⁻²

m₁: massa benda pertama (kg)

m₂: massa benda kedua (kg)

r: jarak antara pusat kedua benda (m)

Untuk nomor 1:


Kondisi awal:

m₁ = A

m₂ = B

r = 2d

F = 32 N

Kondisi baru:

r = d/2

Ditanya: F pada kondisi baru


Pada kondisi awal:

[tex]32=G\times \frac{A\times B}{(2d)^2} \\32=G\times \frac{A\times B}{4d^2}\\d^2=G\times \frac{A\times B}{4\times 32}\\d^2=G\times \frac{A\times B}{128}...(1)[/tex]

Pada kondisi baru (substitusi d² di persamaan (1)):

[tex]F=G\times \frac{A\times B}{(\frac{d}{2} )^2} \\=G\times \frac{A\times B}{\frac{d^2}{4} }\\=4\times G\times \frac{A\times B}{G\times \frac{A\times B}{128}}\\=4\times 128=512 \text{ N}[/tex]

Jadi, ketika jaraknya diubah, gaya gravitasinya menjadi sebesar 512 N.

Untuk nomor 2:


m₁ = 4×10³⁰ kg

m₂ = 8×10²⁴ kg

G = 6×10⁻¹¹ Nm²kg⁻²

r = 2×10¹¹ m

Ditanya: F


[tex]F=6\times 10^{-11}\times \frac{4\times 10^{30}\times 8\times 10^{24}}{(2\times 10^{11})^2} \\=\frac{6\times 4\times 8}{4}\times \frac{10^{-11}\times 10^{30}\times 10^{24}}{10^{22}} \\=48\times 10^{21}\\=4,8\times 10^{22} \text{ N}[/tex]

Jadi, gaya gravitasi antara matahari dan bumi adalah 4,8×10²² N.

Untuk nomor 3:

Pada soal, kemungkinan ada kesalahan tulis. Anggap objek yang dimaksud adalah A dan B.


Kondisi awal:

F = 60 N

m₁ = A

m₂ = B/4

r = r

Kondisi baru:

m₁ = A

m₂ = B

r = r

Ditanya: F pada kondisi baru


Pada kondisi awal:

[tex]60=G\times \frac{A\times \frac{B}{4} }{r^2} \\r^2=G\times \frac{A\times B}{4\times 60}\\r^2=G\times \frac{A\times B}{240}...(1)[/tex]

Pada kondisi baru (substitusi r² di persamaan (1)):

[tex]F=G\times \frac{A\times B}{r^2} \\=G\times \frac{A\times B}{G\times \frac{A\times B}{240}}\\=240 \text{ N}[/tex]

Jadi, ketika jaraknya diubah, gaya gravitasinya menjadi sebesar 240 N.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:Materi tentang Menghitung Gaya Gravitasi antara Dua Planet https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22651092Materi tentang Menghitung Gaya Gravitasi antara Tiga Benda https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22634087Materi tentang Konsep Gaya Gravitasi antara Dua Benda https://brainly.co.id/tugas/858089


15. Paris is the capital of france and the country's largest city. It is situated in the river seine, in northwest france, at the heart of the lle-de france region. The city of paris has an estomated population of 2. 167 .994 (jan, 2006) but the metropolitan area has a population of nearly 12 million, and it is one of the most populated metropolitan areas in Europe. Today it is one of the world's leading business and cultural centers, and it influences in politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion, science and arts make it one of the major global cities. It is estimated, the paris urban area is fifth in the world's list by GDP. paris is of one of the most popular tourist destination in the world, with 45 million tourists every year in the paris region, 60% of whom are foreign visitors. There are a lot of iconic landmarks among its many attractions, along with world-famous institution and papular parks. 1. What does the text yell you? 2. What is the main idea of paragraph three? TOLONG BANTU Y...PLISSSS

1. The text is tell me about Paris

2. Paris is one of the most popular tourist destination in the world

16. DAHASA INGGRISQuestion number 1 until 3 are based on the following dialog:Hamada "My extended family is going to have a surprisebirthday party for my grandmother next week.Diana : "Wow! That sounds great. How old is she?"Hamada : "She'll be 75 on August 13th."Diana : "Realy? I didn't know that she was that old. I thoughtthat she was still around 60. She looks much younger."<qHamada : "Thanks."Diana : "What if I help you with the preparation?"Hamada : "Oh, it is very nice of you. But I'm going to do it with mysister. Thanks for the offer."Diana : "Okay, no problem."1.Who is offering a help based on dialog above? What doesshe say? Is the ofer accepted?​2. What is the function of the underlined words?3. What is the function of the italicized words?


1. Diana based text what if I help you with the preparation ?

¤ IF THE OFER ACCEPTED she will say ok thanks for your offering, you are so kind

17. Read the folliwing textAnswer the questionSelectedFloor SampleSALE20-60% OFFFENCA Sebora Rwiw 14x03.03Thru June 19idcINTERNATIONAL DESIGN CENTER8330 8. Colorado Blvd. at County Line Road10-6 Daily, Closed Sunday 303-7211616HQuestions :1. What kind of text is it?Answer:...2. What is being advertised ?Answer:...3. How much is the discounted price ?Asnwer:..4. what is the name of the company mentioned in the text ?Asnwer :..........5. When is the sale closed ?Asnwer...​


1. Advertisement

2. floor/ FENCA Sebora R (?!)

3. 20-60% OFF


5. sunday 303-7211616H


maaf kalau salah, teks nya kurang jelas!

18. 1. Rifdah has LONG AND STRAINGHT HAIR. the underlined means... 2. Lina's rule is 30 cm. Ane's rule is 60 cm. Ani 's rule is 100cm .Ane's rule is.. 3. Science mark is 10 cm. Mathematics mark is 7 .sport markis 9 . English mark is 7. Mathematics mark is..... English mark. 4. Mr. Hasan is very ... he has three restaurants. 5. Jasmine: what is the shape of your ring ? Aurelia : ....

1. Rambut yg Panjang & Lurus
2. 60cm
3. same
4. Rich
5. cycle / circle

1)  Rambut yang panjang dan lurus
2)  60 cm
3)  Same
4)  Rich
5) The shape of my ring is circle

19. 30 POINTS1. Let's say X times Y is Z. If Z is 15 and Y is 5, what is X?A) 5B) 2C) 3D) 42. What is 5 1/2 divided by 6 1/4?A) 11/48B) 12/50C) 10/52D) 15/643. Irma has so many chocolate bars that she wants to give some of them to twenty friends of hers. If each of her friends gets 3 chocolate bars, what is the total amount of chocolate bars she gives to her twenty friends?A) 20B) 60C) 100D) 40SHOWING THE WORK IS PREFERABLE​​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1. C.

z = 15

y = 5

x = ?

X times Y is Z.

[tex]x \times y = z \\ x \times 5 = 15 \\ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: x = \frac{15}{5} \\ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: x = 3[/tex]


[tex]5 \frac{1}{2} \div 6 \frac{1}{4} \\ = \frac{11}{2} \div \frac{25}{4} \\ = \frac{11}{2} \times \frac{4}{25} \\ = \frac{22}{25} [/tex]

3. B

1 orang = 3 batang coklat

banyak batang coklat yang dibagi ke dua puluh temannya

= 3 batang coklat × 20 orang

= 60 batang coklat


20. Soni(60)Bella(59)TomSilva(40)Juny(35)Citra(30)(33)Ryan(10)Riris(7)Diana(5)Kia(3) kind of text is it?Answer:Mention the names of the grandparents!Answer:Who is Ms. Citra for Riris?Answer:What is the relationship between Ms. Juny and Diana?Answer:Mention 3 expressions of greeting!Answer:Mention 3 expressions of leave-taking!Answer:Mention 2 expressions of thanking and their responses!Answer:Mention 3 expressions of apologizing and their responses!Answer:Make a sentence with using:Possessive pronoun b. Object pronounAnswer:Make (min.) 5 sentence of introducing yourself!Answer:7.8.9.C.Reflexive pronouna.10.​




























Teks macam apa ini?


Sebutkan nama kakek neneknya!


Siapakah Nona Citra untuk Riris?


Apa hubungan Ibu Juny dan Diana?


sebutkan 3 ungkapan salam!


Sebutkan 3 ekspresi cuti!


Sebutkan 2 ungkapan terima kasih dan tanggapan mereka!


Sebutkan 3 ekspresi permintaan maaf dan tanggapan mereka!


Buat kalimat dengan menggunakan:

Kata ganti posesif b. Kata ganti objek


buatlah (min.) 5 kalimat memperkenalkan diri!






Kata ganti yang mencerminkan



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