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The Black Snake By Mary Oliver

The Black Snake By Mary Oliver

2. Mary helped the boy. The passive is…. a. The boy is helped by Mary b. The boy was helped by Mary c. The boy is being helped by Mary d. The boy helps by Mary e. The boy were helped by Mary

Daftar Isi

1. 2. Mary helped the boy. The passive is…. a. The boy is helped by Mary b. The boy was helped by Mary c. The boy is being helped by Mary d. The boy helps by Mary e. The boy were helped by Mary


b.the boy was helped by mary

tense: past tense

Jawaban: b. The boy was helped by mary

Penjelasan: maaf klo slh

2. 22. What did the snake look like?A BigC. longB. BlackD. big and black23. Who wanted to eat the mousedeer?A. The snakeC. the snake and the tigerB. The tigerD. the big black snake.24. Where was the tiger sleeping?A. In the middle of the forest.B. Next to the mousedeer's house.C near the black snake that sleeping under the treeD. far away from the place where the mousedeer fell​


22 c. long 23 a. the snake 24 a. in the middle of the forest

3. oliver tought the children adalah?

Oliver mengajari anak-anak

4. Snake is the ... Animal in the world


Ular adalah ... Hewan di dunia


ular adalah hewan...didunia


semoga membantu

5. does the snake walk?​


no, it doesn't. the snake slithers.

6. snake moves by .....................................


her stomach and crept

artinya :

perutnya dan merayap

--> snake moves by her stomach and crept

7. 14. There isn't a snake under the tableThe interrogative form of the sentence above isDoes the snake under the table?b. Is there a snake under the table?What is under the table?d. Are there a snake under the table?​


Is there a snake under the table?


14. There isn't a snake under the table

The interrogative form of the sentence above is .....

A. Does the snake under the table?

B. Is there a snake under the table?

C. What is under the table?

D. Are there a snake under the table?




karna is merupakan to be nya dan hanya ada satu ular , berarti itu adalah singular sentence .

semoga membantu✌

8. describe the animal snake

it's long
it's not have hand
it's wild
it's live in the jungleSnake is a wild animal
it has poison
It eats meat
It has long body
It lives in the forest

9. what is the main point of the story?A. How the old snake got cursed.B. How the snake befriended with the frogse: How the old snake fooled and ate the frogD. How the frogs king got rid of the snakebutuh jawaban malam ini!!!plisss​


how can i answer it when the question is't ther -_

10. 2. Why does the officer make the notice?A. To warn the visitor to observe tha posionous snake.B. To give a warning about the snake existance.C. To persuade the people to catch the snake.D. To notice the reader to observe the snake.​


A. To warn the visitor to observe tha posionus snake.

11. the snake make me feel.....

maaf klo salahJawaban : Scared

pertanyaan diatas jika diterjemahkan menjadi

Ular membuat saya...

jadi,jawaban yg benar adalah scared yg berarti takut

12. graphic dikens oliver twist retold by hilary burningham

2.was given money to buy food for the children but she kept most of it for herself
3.no,he doesn't

                             "Mohon maaf apabila jawaban salah"

13. Read the text and answer the questions 22 to 26.One day while a mousedeer was walking in the forest, he saw a big black snake sleeping under the tree. Whenhe saw the snake, the mousedeer was frightened. When he wanted to run away from the snake, he suddenly fellon top of a tiger which was sleeping not far from the snake. The tiger woke up and took hold of the mousedeer.He told the mousedeer that he was going to eat him for lunch. "Please don't eat me now,"said the mousedeer. "have something important to do.*"Look, "said the mousedeer. That is the king's bell. He asked me to stay here and watch it while he was away inthe forest." The tiger looked at he snake and said, "That is a beautiful belt. I need a belt like that. Can I wear it?he asked the mousedeer."Oh all night," said the mousedeer. So he picked up the snake and winded it around the tiger. Then the snakewoke up and saw the tiger. The snake twisted it self and tighter and tighter, until the tiger couldn't breathe. Thetiger asked the mousedeer to help him. But the mousedeer tumed and ran away into the forest22. What did the snake look like?A BigC. longB. BlackD. big and black23. Who wanted to eat the mousedeer?A. The snakeC. the snake and the tigerB. The tigerD the big black snake24. where was the tiger sleeping? A. in the middle of the forest. B. next to the mousedeer"s house. C. near the black snake thet sleeping under the tree. D. far away from place where the mousedeer fell. ​


22. D. big and black

23. B. the Tiger

24. C. near to the black snake that sleeping under the tree


22. D. Big and black

23. B. The tiger

24. D. Far away from place where the mousedeer fell

maaf kalo salah

14. 3. The Prince killed the snake. The snake had bitten the Princess.

the prince killed the snake which had bitten the princess

#smoga membantu

15. bentuk pasif voice dari oliver tough the children

the children tough by oliver

16. makna lagu The children of the sea by black sabbath​


menurut saya lagu Ini tentang tumbuh dewasa. Tentang anak-anak yang menjadi dewasa. Ini tentang akhir dari masa kecil.

Oh they say that it's over

And it just had to be

Oh they say that it's over

Poor lost children of the sea, yeah

LOOK OUT! The sky is falling down

LOOK OUT! The world is spinning round and round and round

LOOK OUT OUT Out out! The sun is going black, black.

LOOK OUT! It's never never never coming back

dan bagian Ini adalah tentang bagaimana orang mungkin berharap mereka bisa kembali ke masa lalu dan menjadi anak-anak lagi, tapi itu tidak akan pernah terjadi.

17. listen to the dialogue and complete it by filling in the blanks with the words or phrases you hear oliver alfie amy

Dengarkan dialog dan selesaikanlah dengan mengisi kekosongan dengan kata-kata atau frasa yang anda dengar oliver alfie amy

18. Aktif voice dari mary is promised a prize by the teacher?

Jawabannya adalah..

The teacher promises mary a prize. (Option 1)The teacher promises a prize to Mary. (Option 2)


Dalam mengubah kalimat pasif menjadi kalimat aktif, maka kita harus tahu terlebih dahulu tenses yamg digunakan oleh kalimat pasif itu sendiri. Setelah itu kita mencari siapa by (agent) nya. Karena ini akan berubah menjadi subject ketika di kalimat aktif.

Untuk soal di atas, tenses yang digunakan adalah simplepresentpassive. Kenapa? Karena setelah subject "Mary" menggunakan to be "is + V3". Dimana rumus yang digunakan yaitu :

Passive : S + To be (am/are/is) + V3 + by..

Marry is promised a prize by the teacher.

Dan untuk mengubah kalimat tersebut menjadi aktif, maka kita gunakan jenis tenses yang sama yaitu simple present. Dimana rumus aktif nya adalah :

Active:S+V1(s/es) +O

Subject yang akan kita gunakan adalah by (agent) dari kalimat pasif "The teacher". Verb (kata kerja nya) nya kita gunakan verb-1 + s "promised" berubah menjadi "promises"Object nya ada 2 pilihan. Pertama di ambil dari subject di kalimat pasif "Mary" ataupun langsung object dari kalimat pasif itu sendiri "A prize".

Karena object nya ada 2, maka ada 2 peruban kalimat aktif yaitu :

TheteacherpromisesMaryaprize. (Guru menjanjikan Mary sebuah hadiah) TheteacherpromisesaprizetoMary. (Guru menjanjikan sebuah hadiah kepada Mary)PelajariLebihDetail:













KataKunci:ActiveVoice, SimplePresent

19. 28. What can we learn from the story?A. We must always be kind to others.B. Revenge only causes more revenge.C. We should choose friend wisely.D. Kindness will be paid off by another kindness29. From the text we know that ...A. The eagle saved the man by attacking the snake.B. The snake broke the man's drinking horn.C. The snake wound the eagle with its body.D. The eagle managed to eat the snake.​


28. D.

29. A.


Semoga bermanfaat.

20. 6.What is the main point of the story?A. How the old snake got cursed.B. How the snake befriended with the frogs.C. How the old snake fooled and ate the frogs.D. How the frogs king got rid of the snake.​


soalnya apa


ksh soal nanti aku jawab

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