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What Fraction Has The Same Value As 44 4

What Fraction Has The Same Value As 44 4

what is 12 inches to 44 inches as a fraction?​

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1. what is 12 inches to 44 inches as a fraction?​


64ths 32nds 16ths 8ths 4ths half whole decimal


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1/64 0.0156

2/64 1/32 0.0313

3/64 0.0469

4/64 2/32 1/16 0.0625

5/64 0.0781

6/64 3/32 0.0938

7/64 0.1094

8/64 4/32 2/16 1/8 0.1250

9/64 0.1406

10/64 5/32 0.1563

11/64 0.1719

12/64 6/32 3/16 0.1875

13/64 0.2031

14/64 7/32 0.2188

15/64 0.2344

16/64 8/32 4/16 2/8 1/4 0.2500

17/64 0.2656

18/64 9/32 0.2813

19/64 0.2969

20/64 10/32 5/16 0.3125

21/64 0.3281

22/64 11/32 0.3438

23/64 0.3594

24/64 12/32 6/16 3/8 0.3750

25/64 0.3906

26/64 13/32 0.4063

27/64 0.4219

28/64 14/32 7/16 0.4375

29/64 0.4531

30/64 15/32 0.4688

31/64 0.4844

32/64 16/32 8/16 4/8 2/4 1/2 0.5000

33/64 0.5156

34/64 17/32 0.5313

35/64 0.5469

36/64 18/32 9/16 0.5625

37/64 0.5781

38/64 19/32 0.5938

39/64 0.6094

40/64 20/32 10/16 5/8 0.6250

41/64 0.6406

42/64 21/32 0.6563

43/64 0.6719

44/64 22/32 11/16 0.6875

45/64 0.7031

46/64 23/32 0.7188

47/64 0.7344

48/64 24/32 12/16 6/8 3/4 0.7500

49/64 0.7656

50/64 25/32 0.7813

51/64 0.7969

52/64 26/32 13/16 0.8125

53/64 0.8281

54/64 27/32 0.8438

55/64 0.8594

56/64 28/32 14/16 7/8 0.8750

57/64 0.8906

58/64 29/32 0.9063

59/64 0.9219

60/64 30/32 15/16 0.9375

61/64 0.9531

62/64 31/32 0.9688

63/64 0.9844

64/64 32/32 16/16 8/8 4/4 2/2 1/1 1.000

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

baca tuh

2. Adventure' has the same meaning as... *

Adventure has the same meaning as escapade.

3. The word favorite has the same meaning as

kata favorit memiliki arti yang sama

The word favorite has the same meaning as devotion, delight, fondness

4. the word proud has the same meaning as

in english :
proud = impressive

in indonesia :
bangga = mengesankanSynonym of proud 

1. pleased, glad, happy, delighted, joyful, overjoyed = bangga

2. arrogant, conceited, smug, complacent = sombong

5. "No pesservatives" the underlined word has the same meaning as​


Safe to eat

Terjemahannya tidak memakai pengawet

Semoga membantu ^^ Maaf klo salah


no anybody annoying


none pest


Maaf klo salah

6. 1. Find the value of:6/7 ÷ 4. Give your answer as a fraction in its simplest form. 2. Find the value of 5÷8/9. Give your answer as a mixed number in it's simplest form.3. Find the value of 5/8÷3/4. Give your answer as a fraction in it's simplest form.4. 3/7 of a number is 69. What is the number?5. Titus has a rectangular piece of fabric 3/4m long and 2/5m wide. He cuts it into 3 equal pieces. What is the area of each small piece of fabric? Express your answer as a fraction in it's simplest form.​


no 1. 1/4

no 2. 5 5/8

no 3. 5/6

no 4. gak tau

no 5. gak tau

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

no 1. 6/7 ÷ 4 =

6/7 ÷ 4/1 =

6/7 × 1/4 =

6/28 : 2 =

3/12 : 3 = 1/4

no 2. 5 ÷ 8/9 =

5/1 × 9/8 =

45/8 = 5 5/8

no 3. 5/8 ÷ 3/4 =

5/8 × 4/3 =

20/24 : 4 =


maaf klo salah

7. the word "knowledgeable" has the same meaning as....​



Afwan klo ada kesalahan, semoga terbantu

8. The word enrolment has the same meaning as

 the world enrolment has the same meaning as?registration
Answer =
registration, enlistment

9. the word "nice"in the text has ths same meaning as​


Good(?) or Great (?)



it may be enjoyable, pleasant, delightful, satisfying, entertaining, amusing, diverting, marvellous, amazing, good or great, depending on the situation

10. the operating principles of the telephone are __ they were in the nineteenth century the same as today today what the same the same today the same today as

The operating principles of the telephone are___the same as today____ they were in the nineteenth century.


Prinsip pengoperasian telepon sama seperti saat ini di abad kesembilan belas.

Penggunaan the same as, menggunakan pola berikut:

~ noun + verb + the same as + noun

Penggunaan menurut soal:

Telephone(+noun) are(+linking verb) the same as (+the same) today (+noun)

Contoh lain penggunaan the same asYour dress is the same as mineThe patterns are the same as my shirtYour luck is the same as their luckPresident's car is the same as your carYour bag is the same as my bag

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi tentang Penggunaan Kata the same https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3439768

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

11. The underlined word "spend" has the same meaning as​


Kata "menghabiskan" yang digarisbawahi memiliki arti yang sama dengan

12. This fraction has a denominator that is more thanthe sum of its numerator and denominator is awhat fraction is it?the fraction isbthis fraction has a numerator that is 3 less thanthe sum of its numerator and denominator is 13what fraction is it?​


1. fraction has a detominator that is more tahn sum of ITS numerator

13. She is late The word late has the same meaning as...


tertinggal = left behind


dia terlambat

kata "terlambat" memiliki arti yang sama seperti...

14. the word graduation has the same meaning as​


graduation = more responsibilities

the same meaning as finishing school
/finished school

for example: Andy graduated from high school and is about to go to collage.
terjemahan: Andi sudah lulus SMA dan akan mulai kuliah.

15. The word "Age" has the same meaning as?


old atau year


Day, epoch, era, period, time

16. some who has the same parents as yow is​


mana text / cerita si yow nya?

17. The word take a bath has the same meaning as​


take a shower


maaf klo slh,smg membantu


TAKE A SHOWERyaa kaka..

sorry kalo salah jwb nya ka ☺

18. "Stormed Into" has the same meaning as..

Stormed into has the same meaning as attacked."Stormed Into" has the same meaning as rush in, burst in, attack.

19. apa arti who has the same hobby as she does



         siapa  yang memiliki hobi yang sama seperti dia ?                                  

20. Mau i introduction myself? The underlined word has the same meaning as?


Aku gatau yg di kasih garis bawah yang mana tapi...


May i introduction myself? artinya Bisakah aku memperkenalkan diriku?

May: Bisakah

i: Aku

introduction: Memperkenalkan/Perkenalkan

myself: Diriku/diriku sendiri


:3.May I introducemyself?The underlinedword has the same meaning as aquaint deduce contest annoy dedicate


i hope this help

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