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What Unique Things Separate You From Others

What Unique Things Separate You From Others

what can you conclude from things experiment​

1. what can you conclude from things experiment​


Is very happy, because we gotta know about experiment


Maaf kalau salah TnT

2. 5. What are the common things you say when you are introducing yourself to others?​


Our name, nickname, where we live, hobbies, where we study/work,

3. 5. What are the common things you say when you are introducing yourself to others!​


Setelah makan malam, Anda akan pergi ke tempat tidur Anda. Apa yang akan kamu katakan kepada orang tuamu?

maaf kalo salah

4. 5. Have you ever declined offers from theothers ? if yes what the example is?​

Jawaban:What the Experts Say

When an employer extends a job offer to you, he has, in essence, “fallen in love with you,” says John Lees, the UK-based career strategist and author of The Success Code.

5. 3. What distinguishes Joko Widodo from otherspresidents?​

Actually all presidents is kind but in my opinion Joko Widodo is a try hard man  usually presidents is kids from minister or other important people but in Indonesia not like that an Joko Widodo is the man that of his citizens in public fasilities

Sorry if wrong

6. What are the special things from borobudur temple


maaf itu di artikan ?

ini artinya:apa keistimewaan candi borobudur



Apa saja keistimewaan candi borobudur?


Peninggalan Dinasti Syailendra abad ke-7 hingga ke-8. Tidak ada bukti pasti tahun pembangunan Candi Borobudur. ...

Tempat pemujaan Buddha. ...

Pernah ditinggalkan karena letusan Gunung Merapi. ...

Bangunan candi menggunakan 2 juta batu. ...

Bangunan candi menggunakan 2 juta batu. ...Relief candi. ...

Situs Warisan Budaya Dunia UNESCO.


• Relics of the 7th to 8th century Syailendra dynasty. There is no definite evidence of the year of construction of the Borobudur Temple. ...

•The place of worship of the Buddha. ...

•Once abandoned due to the eruption of Mount Merapi

•The temple building uses 2 million stones. ...

Temple reliefs. ...

•UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site.

#Semoga bermanfaat

#BTWJadikan jawaban tercerdas yah soalnya aku mau naikin ranking aku dan jangan lupa follow yah kak

7. Apa arti what? what do you mean ?What about the others?​


what = apa

what do u mean = apa maksudnya

what about the others = bagaimana dengan yg lain/ bagaimana dengan yg lainnya


what : apa

what do you mean : maksud kamu apa

what about the others : bagaimana dengan yang lain nya

8. 5. Have you ever declined offers from theothers ? if yes what the example is?​

Sorry! I can't take that

Give me like ok

9. 5. Have you ever declined offers from theothers ? if yes what the example is ?​


Translation : Apakah kamu pernah menolak tawaran dari orang lain? Jika iya, apa contohnya?

Ini kamu jawabnya sesuai diri kamu sendiri ya.

Pakai present perfect tense ya.

Kalo pernah, jawab ; "Yes, I have [bla bla bla]"

Kalo gak, jawab : "No, I haven't [bla bla bla]"

Terus kalo jawaban kamu iya, kasih penjelasannya. Contohnya apa aja yang pernah kamu tolak.

10. What?what do you mean? What about the others


apa? maksud kamu apa? bagaimana dengan yang lainnya

11. what things do you have?​


benda benda apa saja yang kamu miliki?

semoga membantu

12. What? What do you mean? What about the others?


Apa?Apa yang Kamu Pikirkan?Bagaimana Dengan Yang Lain?


What itu bukan "Apa" doang

Tapi Bisa Berbagai Arti

13. 9. From the following sentences which one shows appreciating others?What is the best for you?You look nice in the costume.Guess what!What a pity you are!​


You look nice in the costume

I hope that will help

You look nice in the costume.

14. things that stop you from working

Games, sports big match, film
naruto the movie,coc's war,
el clasico

15. if you want to tell others about yourself,what things that you have to let other people know?

about my hobbies and my personality

16. What do you know about unique plants

They have a unique shape, colour or function. <3kaktus 
maaf kalau salah 

17. what? what do you mean? what about the others?​


Apa? Apa maksud mu? Bagaimana dengan yang lain?


Itu translasinya

18. 1. have you ever seen your friend bully? 2. what Will you do if you get bullying from others?​


1. yes I've seen it a few times when I was in elementary school.

2. I will definitely report those naughty children to the teacher


1. yeah it is often and I am the victim

2. Maybe I'll just sit back and cry at night. I don't feel like sharing too much with others. It makes me sick to hear them respond

19. what are things that you scared of from the forest????buat 3/4 kalimat

1. I will scare because of the wild animals
2. I will scare because the forest is dark
3. I will scare because there is no people
4. I will scare because if we had in the forest we will not know how the way home. I think that's allQUESTIONS
Answer :
I'm scared of the wild animals in the forest, especially if they're dangerous for us. I also feel afraid of the darkness in the forest, because the sun light can't get in. And I'm afraid if it's already dark, it'll be hard to find a way out from the forest. And I'm afraid of the fog, because it brings darkness and cold weather.

20. what things do you like so much dan what things do you have artiny​


Benda Apakah Yang Sangat Kau Sukai Dan Apakah Benda Nya Kau Punya?


hal apa yang sangat kamu sukai dan hal apa yang kamu miliki

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