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A Painter Will Paint N Walls

A Painter Will Paint N Walls

A house painting company has 8 1/4 gallons of paint available to paint available to paint a house. the paint will be divided equally among 3 painters. how many gallons of paint will each painter receive?.....

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1. A house painting company has 8 1/4 gallons of paint available to paint available to paint a house. the paint will be divided equally among 3 painters. how many gallons of paint will each painter receive?.....

I think so..
8 1/4 : 3
= 33/4 :3
= 2.75 atau 2 3/4

so, Many gallons of paint will each painter receive is 2 3/4 ..

8 * 1/4 = 8/4 = 2 gallons There are 3 painters so each painter will get 1/3*2 gallons = 2/3 of a gallon per painter... So, 2/3 of gallon per painter... Thank you :D

2. 10. What is being advertised? A. Equipment to paint walls B. Equipment to remove dirt from walls C. A tin of paint to colour walls. D. A tool to scrub walls

a. equipment to paint walls (pd soal tertulis 'the paint glides', rol yg digunakan utk mengecat. jd jawabannya, peralatan utk mengecat dinding)

3. A group of people ...(paint) all the stadion walls all day long​


semoga membantu!! maaf klo salah..

4. A painter has to explore his ________ to paint a wonderful painting. a. imaginary b. imagination c. imagery d. imaginative


b. imagination


because a painter must be creative and imaginative to create a beautiful painting:)

5. A painter mixed red and blue paint in the ratio 4:9 to obtain purple paint. He used 12 litter of red paint. How much blue paint did he use?


blue paint = 9/4 x 12 = 27 litter

sorry if im wrong

6. bahada indonesianya Mr. adnan says,'please paint the walls or furnish the desks.but please don't spill the paint on the floor

Pak adnan berkata, 'tolong cat dinding atau lengkapi meja. Tapi tolong jangan tumpahkan cat di lantaiPak adnan berkata, 'tolong cat dinding atau lengkapi meja. Tapi tolong jangan tumpahkan cat di lantai

semoga membantu....!!!!

7. please paint the walls or furnish the desk.but please don't spill the paint on the floor

tolong lukis hiasan pada dinding atau bangku. tetapi tolong jgn tumpahkan cat (lukisan) pada lantai.tolong cat dindingnya atau selesaikan bangkunya. Tapi tolong, jangan menumpahkan cat nya ke lantai... Semoga membantu ^^

8. Berikut adalah ikon-ikon yang ada pada Paint, KECUALI . . .A.) Line, Curve, PolygonB.) Bold, Format Painter, Merge CellC.) Copy, Open, Exit​


B.)Bold,Format Painter,Merge Cell

9. He can paint the walls , because the weather is too wet artinya​


artinya ada pada gambar


semoga bermanfaat


dia tidak bisa mengecat tembok karena cuaca terlalu basah

semoga membantu

10. My mother doesn't paint the wallsconvert to passive voice​

Jawaban: Ibuku tidak mengecat dinding

dikonversi ke kalimat pasif

Penjelasan: maaf kalo salah

11. 3. (?) Is she going to paint the walls? (+) ……………………………………………. (-) …………………………………………….. tolong dong kak


She is going to paint the walls

She is not going to paint the walls

3. (?) Is she going to paint the walls?
(+) She is going to paint the walls.
(-) she is not going to paint the walls.

Sorry if it's wrong...

12. Painter is someone who ..... *5 poinCreates an artОООPaint somethingworks at libraryLeads a schoolO​


Paint something


bisa creates an art tapi klo itu biasanya lbh condong ke "Artist",Semoga bermanfaat dan maaf klo salah

13. A painter mixes green and white paint in the ratio 21 : 50Three litres of white are used.How much green paint is used?​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

proportion: 21 : 50

white ratio: 50

green ratio : 21

white paint used: 3 liters

green paint used: green ratio/white ratio x white paint used

= 21/50 x 3

= 1,26 litres

14. A: Why did you buy this paint?B: I my bed room tomorrow.a. will be paintingb. am going to paintC. will paintd. painte. have​



I will paint my room


saran : untuk lain kali beri titik titiknya biar mudah dipahami


15. 17. Read the following dialog. Santi : Please paint the walls, but please don't spill the paint on the floor. Kevin ОК. a. From the dialog, we know that ..... Santi told Kevin not to paint the walls b. Santi told Kevin not to spill the paint Santi told Kevin to paint the floors d. Santi told Kevin to spill the paint on the walls C.​


B santi told kevin not to spill the paint

maaf kalau salah ya kak semoga membantu

✨Hai ka saya bantu jawab ya ✨

baca dialog berikut. santi : tolong cat temboknya, tapi tolong jangan tumpahkan catnya ke lantai.kevin ok. A. dari dialog , kita tahu bahwa.....santi menyuruh kevin untuk tidak mengecat tembok b. santi menyuruh kevin untuk tidak menumpahkan cat santi menyuruh kevin untuk mengecat lantai d.santi menyuruh kevin untuk menumpahkan cat ke tembok C.

✨ Semoga bermanfaat ya ka ✨

✨ maaf ya ka kalo salah ✨

16. you should wash those walls before you paint them (aktif) passive nya yang bener yang mana A. those walls should be washed by you before they are painted B.those walls should be washed before you paint them PLIS JAWAB


A. those walls should be washed by you before they are painted


Karena jika diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia adalah sebagai berikut:

A. Dinding dinding itu harus Anda bersihkan sebelum dicat.


B. Dinding itu harus dicuci sebelum Anda mengecatnya.



koreksi jika salah, but jangan ngegas

17. A: Why did you buy this paint?B:1 my bed room tomorrow.a. will be paintingb. am going to paintC. will paintd. painte, have​


B. I am going to paint my bed room tomorrow


Semoga membantu ^^

18. A painter mixed red and blue paint in the ratio 4 : 9 to obtain purple paint. He used 12 ℓ of red paint. How much blue paint did he use plsssssssssss answer :(23 Litter24 Litter27 Litter26 Litter


the ratio = red : blue = 4 : 9

red = 12 l (4)

blue = ?

Blue = red/4 × 9

= 12/4 × 9

= 3 × 9

= 27

so, he used 27 litter of blue paint.


19. bahada indonesianya Mr. adnan says,'please paint the walls or furnish the desks.but please don't spill the paint on the floor

Pak adnan berkata " tolong cat dinding itu atau lengkapi dengan meja tulis, tapi tolong jangan tumpahkan cat itu ke lantaiPak Adnan berkata, 'Cat dinding atau lengkapi mejanya. Tapi, tolong jangan tumpahkan catnya ke lantai'

20. apa arti dari kalimat ini: please paint the walls or furnish the desks. but please don't spill the paint on the floor

silahkan cat
dinding atau melengkapi meja. tapi tolong jangan menumpahkan cat di lantaisilahkan cat dinding atau melengkapi meja. tapi tolong jangan menumpahkan cat di lantai

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