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Is A Type Of Physical Weathering Apex

Is A Type Of Physical Weathering Apex

1. Mechanical weathering /physical weathering is the process of breaking rock and sediment into bigger pieces. Α.True B.False if the answer is false , please give the reason

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1. 1. Mechanical weathering /physical weathering is the process of breaking rock and sediment into bigger pieces. Α.True B.False if the answer is false , please give the reason


1. Mechanical weathering /physical weathering is the process of breaking rock and sediment into bigger pieces.




Jawabannya adalah salah karena proses pelapukan mekanis adalah proses memecah batuan besar menjadi batuan kecil, jadi bukan menjadi lebih besar (bigger). Proses ini biasanya terjadi di dekat permukaan planet. Suhu juga mempengaruhi tanah. Malam-malam yang sejuk dan hari-hari yang panas selalu menyebabkan hal-hal berkembang dan menyusut.

Semoga membantu ya.

2. 13. Over long periods of time, deposition may change the Earth’s surface by .... * a. forming new land features. b. breaking down large rocks into smaller ones. c. washing away beaches. d. moving topsoil. 14. Roots break apart a side walk is an example of .... * a. Theoretical weathering b. Physical weathering c. Chemical weathering d. Biological weathering Tolong dijawab ya


13.b(breaking down large rocks into smaller ones)

14.a(Theoretical weathering)


smoga mmbntu

maaf kalau slh

3. Grape is a type of .....​




Grape is a type of fruit.

Grape is a plant that grows climbing, which has a feature that its branches can produce dense fruit

4. 9. Interrogative sentence is ....a. a type of sentences which createsquestionsb. a type of sentences which createsstatementsc type of sentences which createsexplanationsd. a type of sentences which createscompliments​




Maaf kalau salah

5. is adolescence a period of physical growth only​


Adolescence is the time when humans are in their teens. In adolescence, humans cannot be called adults but cannot be called children. Adolescence is a period of human transition from children to adults.

In studying adolescent development,[1] adolescence can be defined biologically as a physical change characterized by the onset of puberty and the cessation of physical growth; cognitively, as a change in the ability to think abstractly or socially, as a period of preparation for becoming an adult.


maaf kalo salah

6. is adolescence a period of of physical growth only

Adalah remaja masa pertumbuhan fisik saja

7. what is the physical description of chimpanzee​


Is a primate animal.chimpanzees are omnivores. chimpanzees reproduce by means of vivipar (giving birth) Has fur as a body cover. Has a long tail. Has 2 legs and 2 hands. chimpanzees habitat is on land (there are many in the forest) Is a tree climbing animal.

8. The picture shows a type of energy. What type energy is it


solar energy


solar panels give a solar energy by way of changing the solar energy into electric energy

semoga membantu dn jdkn yg terbaik yaa mkshh


Solar energy (Matahari)

9. a type of clothing money is​


sejenis uang pakaian


maaf kalau salah: )

10. is adolescence a period of physical growth only? tolongg dong :(

no,it is not only physical growth and change, but also emotional, psychological, social, and mental change and growth.

11. What is the meaning of physical


What is the meaning of physical


Apa arti fisiknya


arti fisik menurut Kbbi adalah jasmani atau badan


physical meaning according to Kbbi is body or body

12. Humus of leaves is one of the..... weathering a.soil b.physichal c.chemical d.biological


A.soil yaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






13. Dinosaur is a type of lizards terjemahkan

dinosaurus adalah satu tipe dengan kadal

14. Declarative sentences is A. A type of senences which creates questions B. A type of sentences which creates statements C. A type of sentences which creates explanations D. A type of sentances which creates compliments

B. A type of sentence with creates statements

Semoga Membantu

15. is adolescence a period of physical growth only ​


Not. Adolescents also experience changes Emotionally, adolescents are more sensitive such as easily crying, anxious, frustrated, and laughing.

semoga membantu dan jgn lupa jd kan jwbn terbaik:v

We are not physically different, why is it said that we are different, because our bodies are different, there are the same, we will wait for our own death

If there is an error, please fix it again, thank you

16. What is physical factor of bat?

yg kaya radar itu namanya apa gw lupa

17. What is the physical appearance of hugo

pretty good physical

18. this is a classical type of dancing b - - - - -​

jawabannya..... ballet


This is a classical type of dancing BALLETS

19. Where is physical descriptions of kangaroo explained

Physical Features: The kangaroo has powerful hind legs and large feet, and a large muscular tail to keep it balanced while in motion. It is the only large animal to use hopping as its primary means of locomotion. A male kangaroo can leap to lengths of close to 30 feet and at a height of up to 10 feet.

20. Bir pletok is a type of....


Traditional drink from Jakarta


"a drink from betawi, which is definitely halal"

minuman dari betawi,yang pastina halal

"besides being halal, bir pletok is also healthy"

selain halal bir pletok juga menyehatkan

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