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What Exponential Notation Do The Following Abbreviations Represent

What Exponential Notation Do The Following Abbreviations Represent

Task 1. Look at the following pictures and say what do they represent?​

Daftar Isi

1. Task 1. Look at the following pictures and say what do they represent?​


Graduation and congratulations for your succes

2. Express each of the following numbers in exponential notation with correct significant figures:(a) 704(b) 0.03344(c) 547.9(d) 22086(e) 1000.00(f) 0.0000000651(g) 0.00715​


Semoga dapat membantu ya

3. 1. what does the song tell us to do? 2. what kind of feeling Will the readers do after listening to the song? 3. what do the waves represent to?4. according to the singer, what do we need? 5. what is the singer's promise?​


1 rise up

2 rise up and be more motivated to continue in life no matter what obstacle the readers have to go

belum selesai

3 as high as a wave

4 to rise up

5 to take the world to its feet

4. 1. What is the title of the song? 2. What is the theme of the lyrics? 3. How many characters are represented in the lyrics? What words represent the characters? 4. What do "me", "she" and "you" in the lyrics refer to? 5. To whom are the lyrics addressed? 6. What do the lyrics tell us about? 7. What do you think the singer/writer wants to tell through the lyrics?

1. Apa judul lagu?

2. Apa tema liriknya?

3. Berapa banyak karakter yang diwakili dalam liriknya? Kata-kata apa yang mewakili karakter?

4. Apa yang "saya", "dia" dan "Anda" dalam liriknya? 5. Kepada siapa liriknya ditangani?

6. Apa liriknya memberitahu kami tentang?

7. Menurut Anda apa yang disukai penyanyi / penulis ingin diceritakan melalui liriknya? ini cuma artinya

5. What is the closest meaning of "represent" in "You and I will represent our school..."?




represent itu artinya "mewakili" sama juga dengan "deputize"

maaf kalau salah

6. look at the following picturethe suitble expreesion to represent the event abovetolong yang bisa bahasa inggris,bantu saya:))#tolongdongg​


Suitable expression jawabannya A (gratitude)


Gratitude = rasa syukur, bersyukur karena ulang tahun, bersyukur masih hidup umur panjang

7. What does v represent in the formula k. E. = 1/2 mv'`? What is the v

v = velocity / kecepatan

8. Complete the text with these abbreviations.​

1) km²

2) °C

3) kg

4) m

5) %

Km2 jarak luasnya

°c derajat panas

Kg bobot

M tinggi patung

%= populasi

9. how do you read this formula and what does it represent W = F × S​


How to read W = F × S (cara membaca W = F × S) :

Work equals force multiplied with distance (usaha sama dengan gaya dikalikan dengan jarak/skala)

> W represents work done, F represents force, and S represents distance (W mewakili gaya, F mewakili gaya, dan S mewakili jarak/skala)

Maaf jika ada yang salah

10. Questions: 1. Identify the statements that express cause-effect. 2. Why do you think they represent cause-effect? 3. What are they talking about? 4. In your opinion, what will they do after the conversation? 5. What can you conclude from the conversation? Please bantuin dong ​


1. The statement is : "I had to pick up my little brother. But the traffic jam was so awful that my car stopped for more than one hour"

2. Because that sentence represent why Fany could't come to last night birthday party

3. At first they talking about Helen's birthday party last night and after that, they started to discuss about a place for them to visit

4. They will be travelling to Raja Ampat

5. Fany couldn't come to Helen's birthday party because of the traffic jam, but she and Audrey now will be travelling to Raja Ampat

semoga membantu yaa. maaf alau ada yang salah..


11. Solve the exponential equation for ​


x= -4

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Itu 1 saat:


3x+12= 0

3x= -12

x= -4

[tex]( \frac{9}{8} ) {}^{3x + 12} = 1 \\ ( \frac{9}{8} ) {}^{3x + 12} = ( \frac{9}{8} ) {}^{0} \\ 3x + 12 = 0 \\ 3x = - 12 \\ x = \frac{ - 12}{3} \\ x = - 4[/tex]

[tex] \: [/tex]

»Detail Jawaban: Mapel: Matematika Kelas: X Materi: Eksponensial


12. Questions1. What is the title of the song?2. What is the theme of the lyrics?3. How many characters are represented in the lyrics? What words represent the characters?4. What do "me", "she" and "you" in thelyrics refer to?5. To whom are the lyrics addressed? 6. What do the lyrics tell us about?7. What do you think the singer/writer wants to tell through the lyrics?​


1. a Mothers love

2. the love that a mother gives

3. me (the writter) she (mother) you (listeners)

4. me (the writter) she (mother) you (listeners)

5. To mothers and listeners, to tell us about how amazing our mothers is

7. The writer wants to tell us who great a mother is

13. how do you read this formula and what does it represent : e = mc^2​






millimeter squaredt

millimeter kuadrat

maaf klo salah

14. what is the information of 12-hour and 24-hour notation,time lines

12 hour time means that our time is measured and say with a.m and p.m. It is start  from 1 a.m - 12 a.m and 1 p.m till 12 p.m.
24 hour time means that our time is measured till the number 24.00/00.00

Semoga bermanfaat:)

15. how do you read this formula and what does it represent W = F × S​


How to read W = F × S (cara membaca W = F × S) :

Work equals force multiplied with distance (usaha sama dengan gaya dikalikan dengan jarak/skala)

> W represents work done, F represents force, and S represents distance (W mewakili gaya, F mewakili gaya, dan S mewakili jarak/skala)

Maaf jika ada yang salah

16. express the following numbers in scientific notation a.22,400 d.0,0000862 g.299,793

a. 22,400 = 2,24 x 10⁻⁴

b. 0,0000862 = 8,62 x 10⁻⁵

c. 299,793 = 2,99793 x 10²

17. What is the difference betwen 12 hour notation 24 hour notation??? JAWABNYA PAKE BAHASA INGGRIS YA​


The 12-hour clock runs from 1am to 12 noon and then from 1pm to 12 midnight. The 24-hour clock uses the numbers 00:00 to 23:59 (midnight is 00:00). At this point, they learn to tell the time to the hour and half hour.


Waktu 12 jam berjalan dari jam 1 pagi hingga 12 siang dan kemudian dari jam 1 siang hingga 12 tengah malam. Jam 24 jam menggunakan angka 00:00 hingga 23:59 (tengah malam 00:00). Pada titik ini, mereka belajar menentukan waktu menjadi satu setengah jam.



In 24-hour notation, 12.00pm equals 24.00 o'clock. Unlike the 12-hour notation, specifying a sign with 24-hour notation does not use the information morning, noon, or night,

18. Task 9 Answer the following questions based on the text above. 1. What does the text tell us about? 2. What do they usually wear? 3. Who is the Lion King? 4. What does Topeng Dadak Merak look like? 5. How does the dancer hold it? 6. Who do the hobby horse dancers represent? 7. What is unique about the Reog Ponorogo? "It can weigh up to 50 kg". What does the word 'it' refer to?​

Tugas 9 Jawablah pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan teks di atas. 1. Apa yang diceritakan teks tersebut kepada kita? 2. Apa yang biasanya mereka kenakan? 3. Siapakah Raja Singa itu? 4. Seperti apa bentuk Topeng Dadak Merak? 5. Bagaimana penari menahannya? 6. Siapa yang diwakili oleh penari kuda yang hobi? 7. Apa yang unik dari Reog Ponorogo? "Beratnya bisa sampai 50 kg". Apa yang dimaksud dengan kata 'itu'?

19. express the following numbers in scientific notation a.22,400 d.0,0000862 g.299,793

Notasi Ilmiah

Hi, Agussuryani76! Masih ingat apa itu definisi ilmiah?

Notasi ilmiah adalah cara penulisan bilangan yang memiliki nilai terlalu besar atau kecil agar mudah ditulis dalam notasi desimal standar. Bentuk umum penulisan bilangan dalam notasi ilmiah yaitu:

[tex]a \times 10^x[/tex]        

dengan x adalah bilangan bulat dan a adalah bilangan real yang lebih besar dari 0 dan lebih kecil dari 10

Pembahasan22,400 = 2,24 x 100,0000862 = 8,62 x 10⁻⁵299,793 = 2,99793 x 10²


Pelajari Lebih LanjutNotasi ilmiah Bilangan 0,000 000 022157 di https://brainly.co.id/tugas/982824Notasi ilmiah  bilangan 0,0000066715 di https://brainly.co.id/tugas/8519697
Detail JawabanKelas: VIIMata Pelajaran: MatematikaBab: 2 - BilanganKode: 07.02.02

Kata Kunci: Notasi Ilmiah, Bilangan Besar, Bilangan Kecil

20. the followings are abbreviations that are often found in application letters . match abbreviations with the correct Words​


1) - e)

2) - g)

3) - d)

4) - f)

5) - a)

6) - c)

7) - b)

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