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How Much Is A Brown Horse

How Much Is A Brown Horse

A the horse is light female artiya B the horse is light brown C the horse is lives fteey in a forest D the horse has a scar on its from righat leg

Daftar Isi

1. A the horse is light female artiya B the horse is light brown C the horse is lives fteey in a forest D the horse has a scar on its from righat leg


A. Kuda itu betina muda

B. Kuda itu berwarna coklat muda

C. Kuda itu hidup dengan bebas di hutan

D. Kuda itu memiliki bekas luka di kaki bagian kanannya.

2. 1. A : .......................................................B : that is Rp 10,000.00A. how much is this cost?B. how much is it?C. how much this?D. how much it ?​

1. A : .......................................................

B : that is Rp 10,000.00

A. how much is this cost?

B. how much is it?

C. how much this?

D. how much it ?

Semoga membantu!!

3. Buyer : ....Seller : That's Rp. 50,000.00a. How much is this cost?b. How much this?C. How much is?d. How much is this?​


b.how much this


maaf klo salah


D. How much is this?

kalo yang A,B,C kalimatnya terdengar rancu.


4. 1. buyer: How much does it cost? Seller: .... A. That Rp7,800.00 B. That is cost Rp7.800.00 C.That costs Rp7.800.00 D. That Rp7.800.002. Buyer: .. Seller; That's Rp17,000.A. How much is this?B. How much is this cost?C. How much this?D. How much is?3. Buyer: .. Seller: It is Rp27,900.A. How much it?B. How much does it?C. How much do it?D. How much is it?Tolong jawab yang bener dan yang pertama kali jawab dan bener jawabannya bakal aku jadiin jawaban tercerdas.​


semoga membantu ya!^_^


1.b. that is cost Rp7.800,00

2.b. how much is this cost?

3.d.how much is it?


semoga membantu

5. How much is sixteen plus four?How much is thirty minus eleven?How much is seven times three?​

Sixteen plus four is twenty

Thirty minus eleven is nineteen

Seven times three is twenty-one

6. 13. Is it a horse 2. Bentuk affirmative dari kalimat tersebut adalaha. it isn't a horseb. a horse is it?c. it is a horsed. is it a horse​


C) It is a horse


It is a Horse = itu adalah Kuda

7. 2. How much is a kg of sugar?3. How much is a bottle of oil?​


2. Berapa kg gula?

3. Berapa botol minyak?


Ini diapakan ya?

Kalau diartikan yaitu :

2. Berapa kg gula?

3. Berapa botol minyak?


Semoga membantu:)

8. 1. much - is - of - kilo - a - how - strawberry - ? . 2. is - how - much - the scarf - ?. susun semua kalimatnya dengan benar! .

1. How much is a kilo of strawberry?
2. How much is the scarf?

maaf kalau ada salah semoga membantu:))

9. PJ...Buyer :Seller : That's Rp 10,00a. How much is this cob. How much is this?Buver​


B. How much is this? Maaf kalo salah


a. How much is this cost


Jawaban dari seller adalah harga dari barang yang dimaksud. Maka buyer sebelumnya bertanya tentang harga barang itu. Jawaban yang sesuai adalah a karena menanyakan harga

10. a. How much is this chocolate? ... is this (Rp 15,000)b. How much is this bread? ... it is (Rp 9.500)​


A. Berapa banyak coklat ini? … Apakah ini (Rp 15,000)

B. Berapa banyak roti ini? … (Rp 9.500)


maaf cuma bisa kasi dalam bahasa indonesia

11. Buyer:.... Seller: It is Rp 21.000a. How much it?b. How much is it?c. How much does it?d. How much do it?​

a.how much it?

atrtinya = berapa harganya itu?

12. How much is the pencil? 1.7507. How Much isHow Much is dichiaray ? 95.000How Muchis Socks? 8.000low much is Ball point? 3.500the doll ?20.000​


1) One thousand Seven hundred fifty

2) Ninety five thousand

3) Eight thousand

4) Three thousand five hundred

5) twenty thousand


Kalau salah ya gimana ya, soalnya juga ga jelas.. semoga membantu!

13. how much is a pencil ?it is... ​


it chost one thousand rupiahs


14. my cat is brown. i like ......... very much​


jawaban= my cat is brown. i like it very much

15. TI,7. Horse is running fast. How to spell the "Horse"​


etch ou ar es i

h o r s e



16. 1 A : ........................................................B : it ia Rp 12,000.00A. how much it ?B. how much is it ?C. how much does it ?D. how much do it ? ​


B. How Much Is It?

moga membantu yaa


b. how much is it?


karena disitu ada jawaban it is jadi sudah pasti pertanyaanya is it.Kok dibalik? karena ini pertanyaan jafi dibalik.

17. susunlah kalimat dengan tepat 1. much - is-of-kilo-a-how-strawberry 2. is - how - much - the scarf

1. How much is a kilo of strawberry?
2. How much is the scarf?1.How Much is a kilo of strawberry
2. How much is the scarf

18. tolong jawabkan .caranya tulis kembali 1 how much is kg of sugar ?(rp 12.000)2 how much is abot he ofoil?(rp26.000)3 how much is atooth paste? (rp9.000)4 how much is a kg ofabble ? (rp30.000)5 how much his aloaf of bread? (rp6.000)


berapa harga sekilo gula?
berapa harga sebotol minyak goreng?
berapa harga satu pasta gigi?
berapa harga sekilo apel?
berapa harga setangkup roti?

semoga membantu y.,

19. Citra: What is your uncle's horse like?Salsa It is a dark brown male horse. It is big and it looks strong.The underlined word has the similar meaning with​

Answer :

Which one is it? yang mana yang di underline?? apa bisa di foto?

Okay, I'll do what Ican,

male = pria

dark brown = coklat tua

Ingat, kalau mencantumkan soal yang baik dan jelas agar bisa cepat dijawab yaa

ㅡ Correct me if I'm wrong ㅡ

Jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik!!

Don't forget to make it the brainlist answer!!

20. 2. How much is a kg of sugar?3. How much is a bottle of oil?​


Saya terjemahkan dan beri jawaban


2. How much is a kg of sugar ? berapa kg gula

   3 kg sugar = 3 kg gula

3. How much is a bottle of oil ? berapa botol minyak

   5 bottle oil = 5 botol minyak

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